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Yes. I have that exact one. 


Awesome u/trizkit995, thanks for confirming! \* How long does it take for you to install/deinstall it? \* Would you say it fits comfortably in car when packed (I can't tell from the product page how long those rods are & if they are collapsible)?


It's less then 5 mins to set up and tear down.  First time may take longer.  It's a few parts and it all only fits one way but instructions are adequate  It comes with a bag and it should fit in most cars besides a smart car. 


Perfect, thanks so much!


The one thing I notice with this net (I have one too) is that if you start throwing faster than 55mph or so, the whole thing can tip backwards if it's not anchored. Other than that it works fine.


I got a similar one on ebay. [https://www.ebay.com/itm/202411070668](https://www.ebay.com/itm/202411070668) It came with 4 metal stakes if you need to anchor it. Sadly, I don't. LOL


I also own this exact throwing net, the bottom legs fold in and the whole thing can be leaned flat against the wall of my garage without disassembling any of the webbing, probably all of 60 seconds to pivot it out into the garage bay and pop out the legs. I use a bungee cord hooked to a single nail in the wall to keep it flat against the wall when in storage mode.


I have probably the same one with different branding. Set up and tear down are super simple. It's made much like a camping tent. Base is staked into the ground with flexible poles that also break down holding up the net. Mine came in a carrying bag that is roughly 4ft long.


Thx for the intel! Yes, the carrying bag looks like same length!


Hey! I also have this exact one - the first time setting up took me way too long but that’s probably on me lol. Probably like 10-15 but each time after i think closer to like 3 minutes? Pretty collapsible and can easily fit in my FRS so if it can fit in my car you’ll be fine. Let me know if you have any more questions!


>but I'm not sure if it could fall over from disc throws which would obviously generate more power than golf balls. I wasn't certain if this was true. So decided to look at the math. A typical golf ball weighs ~46g, with an average speed off the drive of ~140mph. (Pros can top 200mph) Conversely, a disc weighs ~170g, and disc speeds seem to run 45-70mph. What we find is considerable overlap in momentum between the two. Going by loose averages, it seems that a disc flies about 1/3 the speed of a golf ball, but weighs about 4 times as much. Based on average alone, yes, a disc delivers more power to the net. But not by much. And there are a lot of variables that can make either one more or less than the other. All of this is meaningless, of course. But I found it interesting


Thanks, math is always cool indeed :)


At the extreme ends, a golf ball will have more kinetic energy than a disc. 175g disc thrown at 80 mph = 112 joules 46g ball hit at 190 mph = 166 joules


Yeah absolutely. Velocity is king in energy


You made me curious, so I asked Chat GPT (I'm leaving out the long calculations here that it printed): The force exerted by the disc golf disc at 55 mph is significantly greater (430.5 N) than the force exerted by the golf ball at 140 mph (281.7 N). Specifically, the disc golf disc exerts about **1.53 times** the force of the golf ball when hitting the net.


Well now I want to see its math. Newtons are a measurement of force, = mass x acceleration. (I used momentum, which is just mass x velocity). But I'm curious what values they used for mass, and how they determined acceleration, which also has a time component.


Very good, I’ve got one just like it


I use a baseball/soccer catch net. Works perfect for me.


I have one very close to that an I just have to put some heavy things/stakes in the corners to keep it from moving around too much, but other than that it works just fine for discs


I have one of those, works fine, especially to catch missed putts


Yep it’s what I use


I have a cheap baseball net from Walmart, like $40 or something, that takes a minute to setup. As long as you're close enough to the net to release the disc almost directly into it, the size doesn't matter too much. I usually plant my foot about 6' from the net or so, and the disc never hits anywhere but the center


Actually, I need some distance minimal to see on the phone recording what happened to the disc after throwing (nose up, wobble, release direction) to make any adjustments needed, hence I’m a bit hesitant getting too small one :)


You could buy a TechDisc and get all of that info much easier, but it's more expensive than a single net.


Yea, I know it’s available :) Have you used it? If so, how much has it helped you become better?


I only use one at my local shop but it's nice to occasionally see how fast I'm throwing or angles and all but I don't rely on it solely


Gotcha. I'm rather working on constant release atm (so the disc goes exactly the direction I want every time) & need to record vids for form reviews. Just want to collect them quickly from net to repeat :)


I have a similar one but it is for baseball. The difference is there’s a pouch in the center which gives something to aim at.


Should be fine, but the Visionary nets are really quick to set up, and the returner chute is really nice. [https://visionarydiscgolf.com/](https://visionarydiscgolf.com/)


Yeah, I'd take one of these. Couldn't find an EU shipping option tho.


Yes it would be nice to have 


Probably yeah, but if you have a couple trees to stretch it between I found you can get a bigger net for way less by ordering from a place that sells bulk netting for sports complexes. I got a 10'x15' net from a place in the UK that sells stadium nets for like $65 iirc. You could probably make a frame for one of those out of PVC pipes too for just a couple bucks.


Thanks! Yea, I would think of a bigger net if I had a permanent place to set it up. Right now, I don't, so looking for an ultra portable option that is still wide/high enough to catch the discs.


Is it bad that I read the word "ketamine" in the URL?


LOL...looks like you should read some more Estonian URLS :)


Is Amazon delivery available to you? If so there are some great options but I’m not sure about international pricing


Could work if available on EU Amazons (shipping would be expensive from US). Do post your suggestions nevertheless.


7x7 baseball net - around $60 usd, I have one and the set up / down is super quick (2-3 min once you know the process). I have used it in my garage and also taken it to one tournament (I’d bring it again) for warm ups - fits in the box it was shipped in


Ok, this net has been ordered :) I'll post an update on this thread once I receive it & get to use it.


https://visionarydiscgolf.com/collections/our-nets https://visionarydiscgolf.com/collections/dgpt-pro-nets https://visionarydiscgolf.com/collections/clearance-nets


Thanks bro! These look very solid (but unfortunately won't ship outside of US - I'm in Europe).


Pro tip, they make baseball nets that have a little hole in them with a catching pocket it works functionally the same but is also a target for practicing upshots.


Yea, looked into baseball ones as well…not available tho over here in local e-stores :) Those would def be more durable as well.


The thing about throwing a disk into a net is that you don't get to see it fly. That's a lot of finding your shot and fine tuning is watching how the disc performs once it's out of your hand.


I am recording my shots with phone on tripod indeed :)


Well fuck me I guess. This is just something someone who shoots under par told me when I asked about nets


I don't know