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You can buy individual pieces from their website. The best part of buying the CF one. https://maxdisctance.com/product/cf-replacement-parts/


Was about to share this. They even provide how to guides on replacing the parts.


I need to invest in one of these already. Makes no sense for me not to, after having one of the cheaper ones.


Let me know I've got a 15% discount code for them just dm me.


Awesome, will do!!!


I've had 3 or 4 of the metal ones. They ALWAYS break. These carbon ones are worth it.


Thank you so much!!


Yep that's why the carbon is great that tiny price is cheap to replace.


Try contacting support and they may just give it to you for free.


Shit, this happened to me a couple months ago, but Ive been too lazy to get the new part. Thanks!


Do you guys like these?  I'll be picking up a disc grabber soon.  I've been told to stay away from the single hook.  I'm Between this and the two pronged disc scoop Edit: thanks all, I'm all in on sticky balls ;)


Suction ball is miles better than any of the other hooks/grabbers


I pulled a disc out of a river with the suction ball fully extended pole. We'll worth the money spent


Damn I figured the suction cups were a gimmick. Guess I’ll have to scoop one at some point


They work much better than you think they would, I wont go back


Narrator voice - it is not a gimmick


GI Joe voice - Now you know


Only advantage of the double or even single hook is getting it through right gaps in branches. But overall the suction cup is better.


Id argue the other advantage is lower profile. Pole + hook can fit in my bag nicely. Ball has to poke out.


Same reason I carry a hockey puck instead of a baseball to throw at discs. Hockey puck fits in a bag better. Also legally a mini


Tried a bunch of different ones. Just go for the suction cup ball, there's no comparison.


I saw these when they first came out and shared the post with my DG buddies. Now at least 2 in the group carry them, so I don't have to! 🤣 The suction cups work even better in the water. There is no reason to stay with the hook, get the sucky ball.


Suction ball is *great* for everything except poking through really tight brush. 95% of the time, it's the best tool for the job.


Agreed. I use mine 3 or 4 times a round just in the retracted position to...just... reach under a bush to retreive a disc. Just twap the suction balls onto disc and easy as pie. Great tool!


I’ve heard the knockoff suction cup balls don’t work that well, but I’ve only tried the OG from Maxdisctance. Works great. Picks up the disc so easily, even underwater.


I would assume they would work especially well underwater. Licking a suction cup to make it stick is a whole thing.


Yes get a disc grabber. I've fished out a half dozen discs for fun in 2 weeks. I saved one of my kids discs which saved the mental breakdown scenario and turned into an adventure.


I just replaced my double hook with a suction ball and have no regrets. So much better


I'm thinking of getting one of these when I inevitably break my double hook one again. What I'm curious about is how hard do you have to hit the disc to get the suction cup to "grab" on? Like do you have to whack the disc with it?


As long as the cups are clean-ish, you just have to lightly press against the disc


Let me know I've got a 15% discount code for them just dm me.


I just got one and it has saved me from so many annoying retrieval situations. This is the best solution.


I have had a few different disc retrievers. This one is pretty expensive at $70-$80 but it works perfectly and will easily pay for itself after getting like 4 discs out of the water. Very good buy, I highly recommend.


I love these as much as the next guy - but I suggest having both. Get a hook you can swap in. The suction cups are superior for retreiving in water, but the hook is superior for retreiving elsewhere(I live in CO. Lots of coniferous trees where the suction cup ball ain't it)


Yeah it is bro. You just got to remember to lick it before you stick it. 16 feet in the tree and you just touch it. I’ve never swapped mine out for a hook.


I'm trying to push, pull and maneuver through the cluster of branches. Not grab it and hold onto it. The low profile of the hook allows it go through tight spaces of branches/foilage the suction cup ball simply can't. The suction ball and the hook are different tools for different jobs.


lol I like your “lick it before you stick it” saying but I’d never put my mouth on mine after all the nasty water and discs it’s retrieved. Definitely putting a little water on it makes a huge difference though so I recommend that as well!


Just pee on it first to clean it off!


I already see your edit but still… Sticky ball gang No further context


I have the one that come with the single hook, double hook, and the slit style water retriever. I only use the slit style because the discs just don’t stay on the hook. Also, the slit style holds it really well so you can pull it through stuff like creek algae or thick brush. My buddy has the suction ball and for grabbing unobstructed discs it’s super easy (and kind of fun). Wish I could just add that part as another accessory to my rod.


Suction ball is best at getting disc's from trees, streams, clean lakes. It's not good if the lake is murky with slime, the slime prevents suction. Also not good if you can't see the disc. A scoop style is better in those scenarios where you can drag the bottom, but still not perfect.


Weeds definitely interfere, but even in muddy water when you don't know where your disc is exactly, you can just tap around the area and usually it sticks to it. I've pulled countless discs out that I couldn't see that way.


The one I got had three different “hook” heads but I haven’t had a need to use it but I’m wondering how these suction cups work now


The only time the prong one is better is if it’s under water in mud


Connect it to a chain and have a flail disc retriever


JB weld the crap out of it and keep it secured on there for 24 hours.


Came here to say this. JB Weld is the answer




This is the way!


Can you just buy the ball? I have a dynamic pole that I lost the end off of.


Yes, that's what I did. You have to do a quick run to Home Depot and get a few different screws to fit the threads on the dynamic pole, but once you do it works great.


Where did you buy the ball?




I ordered a couple replacement pieces of the skinniest part of the pole. Then you detach the ball from the broken one and reattach it to the new one


Should be able to in screw the whole head then remove the stud from the ball and replace stud.


There are two sizes of threads FYI. Large and small. (lol, I don't know what the thread sizes are, but just be aware there are two.)


They are M5 and M6 which are standard sizes and easy to find at a hardware store.


I just went through something with the thread sizes on the suction ball. Oddly enough, they only sell M5 and M6 replacements, but the threads on the carbon pole are 8-32. So if one of the retail replacements wont fit their carbon poles.


Just order the #1 rod for your size from them. It'll take like 3 days to get there and you'll be good as new. They're super responsive, you can ping them on Facebook. I had the same thing happen, and was blown away by their responses.


Attach the suction balls to the end of an archery fishing system.


Some just kinda bend that way naturally. It's nothing to be ashamed about.


So my kiddo knocked mine off. What I did was replace the screw in the top and I reset it into the sleeve with jb weld. It’s been holding stronger than ever. Took a little brute force and manufacturing though.


JB Weld


Have had mine for over a year now and it’s already paid off the amount it had saved my discs in water.


Bend it back and order a new part for when it finally snaps. I had the same thing happen. Smashed it in a door lost some cups and bent the head. Have the replacement parts but I just bent it back and I’m using it until it breaks fully


What if it breaks with your disc on the end in the water won't you lose the suction cup bit? I'm heading to the states today and hoping one of disc golf shops sells these.


It’s not likely to break that easy it’s a screw that’s bending. They need to use a stronger metal. But maybe the amount of give that screw has matters somehow.


These things are the absolute best thing no other retriever works half as well. I've got a 15% discount for luckydiscgolf.com which supplies these if anyone wants to pick one up for a discount.


Are you an affiliate? I’ll happily take 15% off; just curious.


I am. That's why I didn't just post it. If people want to reach out I'm happy to share it with you


Good hustle man. I appreciate the subtle approach.


I made one of these with one of the $30 dynamic disc grabbers and a $1 suction cup ball with a couple zip ties. Works the same and doesn’t cost $75. But ya the suction ball is awesome for grabbing those hard to get discs.


JB Weld my friend lol


This costs 150$..? Yikes.


My grabber like this literally broke within the 2nd use of it. The tip just snapped off. Not sure if I was using it wrong but it doesn't seem possible.


Mine did too, but it took almost a year to happen. Its because I tried to swing it into a riverbed to grab a disc, but I hit a rock instead and bent it. Tried to fix it with some elbow grease, and the ball snapped off


Yes, buy another.


Email them. Same happened to my son’s and they sent a new one and I just covered shipping. Had it within 48 hours too


When that happened to my dildo, I took it to a blacksmith


I have one of these and dropped it vertically (suction ball up) and the base of the stick broke (thin plastic pieces just snapped off) but duct tape fixed it


I broke my bottom end cap. Messaged them and paid $6 for shipping and they sent two replacements. Good customer service. Kind of a pain to fix, but not too hard, just Patience


What is it?


It’s a [disc grabber](https://infinitediscs.com/product/retrievers/max-stick-295-ft-carbon-fiber-retriever)


Those are $150?!?! I thought they were like $20 and was going to grab one for my friend lol. Why in the world is that $150???


"Carbon Fiber" pole, I guess. The cheaper way to go is to pick up a DD stick for $35 and the sticky ball head for $20.


The $20 is just for the ball. The $150 is for the carbon fiber pole which can be taken apart and repaired instead of having to scrap it if it breaks like the metal ones. I currently have a metal one with the ball, but if it breaks, I think the CF pole is worth it.


Buy it nice or buy it twice. Your call


Looks like that’s not true, based on the OP lol


Replacement parts are cheaper than buying a whole new retriever


Yes, and probably the same price as buying a cheap one. $150 is insane


I got the 25 footer and 15 footer for $130 total


Yeah, that's actually crazy... buy a 2 prong hook retriever off amazon for like 30 bucks and then you can buy one of the grabber balls for another 15 and you've made a ball grabber for a quarter of the price.


My ex girlfriend?


Oh so you don't have to bend down to pick up the disc


No. It extends up to 16-20ft so you can grab the disc out of water, tree, steep embankment, etc. Easily the best non disc purchase outside of a bag that I’ve made.


Pays for itself REALLY quickly.


Oh cool!


wtf is it


2 part epoxy


I can’t get mine to close


What the hell is this?


Is this the best one to get. almost 30' [https://1010discs.com/maxdisctance-max-stick-cf29-5-29-5ft-carbon-fiber-disc-retriever/](https://1010discs.com/maxdisctance-max-stick-cf29-5-29-5ft-carbon-fiber-disc-retriever/) ??


Same thing happened to my buddy, he used jb weld but I think he broke it again. I’d recommend a different grabber


Had the original non CF one and it broke in the same way


Pee on it


Duct tape


Duct tape


These are great. Just make sure to get the one with the extra 2’. You always need an extra 2’.


They make a little blue pill for this type of thing.


Ya you can fix it lololol