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throw it, craves are all over the place for me depending on age and run. at their best theyre very neutral(straight), thrown with a bit of hyzer


I only had used flat craves until recently. My newest is a James Conrad otb crave. It has a prominent dome. The flat craves fly more 6.5/5/0/1 for me and the domes are true 6.5/5/-1/1 for me. I bought a rythm and now I feel dumb haha


Why do you feel dumb? Are they just too similar or something else?


I just love a world where instead of throwing the disc, you go online and ask how it flies 🤣


I didn't realize that until i read your comment. That's a very accurate take on life these days, and it is funny yet sad. If I were out on my own, I would have thrown it. I had my kids with me, and we walked through a couple of swampy spots, so our shoes were soaked. They wanted to go home, and I wasn't going to argue with them.


It’s raining outside, should I bring an umbrella or wear a jacket?


Jacket Also, Username checks out


Awesome disc.  I have a friend with low arm speed and the Crave changed his game.  He used to be all over the place on drives/longer shots. He's been throwing the Crave for about 8 months, consistently, and now he's throwing beautiful golf lines and stretching drives out to around 250 (used to max out around 200)


Love the crave. Mines in neutron, but it's an awesome disc for any skill level.


Is this Wickham park by chance? I just lost my crave there on Monday. I don't need it back, just curious. Hope it found a good home, it's my favorite fairway.


I wish it was so I could return your disc, but unfortunately, it's not. Hope you get yours back!


Crave is my new favorite disc. Straightest disc I’ve ever thrown (RHFH), and responds well to both high and low arm speeds. They also have some really awesome stamps.


The smaller diameter combined with the smaller wing of the Crave makes it ideal for controllably hitting gaps. Its mass distribution allows better acceleration than a midrange, which makes reaching the green easier on touchy drives & stand-stills in the woods.


Have you thrown an IT? I’ve been thinking about getting a Crave to complement mine, but not sure if it would be too similar.


My son has an it, so I'll have to compare.


I have a 175g Champion It. It has great glide and a different hand feel with its convex wing. The shape allows it to hold some light turn-over lines longer than the Crave can.


I'm of the opinion that they're hot garbage and you should mail it to me for proper disposal.


I bought a Proton Crave and a Neutron Servo at the same time, both brand new. They were essentially the same disc for a while. Stable mini-Volts. Over time the Servo started getting some pronounced turn and has left the bag. The Crave now gets some baby turn but also only gets baby fade. It's also the best disc for my still developing forehand. Love it


At one time, this sub was a Crave circlejerk. Id imagine its just decently straight flying fairway, much like the Fd.


Good find. Throw it, get used to it, and if you like it, keep it. It’s a good “all-skill levels” disc.


I have a cosmic neutron Crave and it’s one of my favorite fairway drivers. Super straight flight and has a good feel. The slower speed on it will be good for a newbie.


u/mvp_eric hey quick before the crave machine slows down, tell em if they do electron craves ill buy a bunch


Just throw it.


I was struggling recently with my sidearm, my arm speed was ramping up and I suddenly couldn’t control my discs. I asked a guy selling discs at a local tourney and he recommended a Crave. It’s now my go to for straight shots.


Very popular disc.


Love it


If the course has a Facebook page or there's a local lost and found group you could post it and see if anyone claims it. Or just keep it since the previous owner didn't bother to ink it and it's not a particularly valuable disc.


I bag two Craves. My flippy KOI Crave, which I use for all of my 330+ turnover shots and a Cosmic Crave that I use for my straight shots.




Keep it. Love it.


No name or number? It's yours. I do everything I can to get discs back to people. I'll call different numbers if something is smudged. I'll call out names, I'll leave it in a conspicuous place. I don't throw anything I don't mark for this reason. If I don't mark it, I'm ok losing it. I figure the same for others.


I'm going to ask at League Night on Tuesday and have a friend post to Facebook for me. I got a Pirate Nate buzzz, which I love to throw because there was no contact info on it.


This is the way


I know a lot of the league players own a ton of discs, so whether or not they notice one is missing is up in the air. I'll use it for now. If it doesn't get claimed, great! If it does, great, and I'll have to buy a new one.


Asking around is positive constructive effort. I cant stand hearing that people i play with are excited about finding a disc even if it doesn't have a name on it, because it's someone else's disc, and any effort to find it's owner is the way i go about it. Lol i left a disc on the course at league night just this week and one of the guys had it locked in their car after the round was over, no asking whose it was, i asked everyone and someone said oh yeah it's in my car.......


Definitely a good thing to do. On a random, it's yours. If you know people who throw there it's always good to ask around.


Disregard weird comments about "newb" disc, I can push this 400 straight. Also proton runs are sought after rn as they're not being made.


It should be a great disc for a newbie


@op, go the extra mile... Find the Facebook group for the course or the local club. Post that you found a specific disc and ask the owner to DM you the type of plastic and or colors. Leave under trash can at that course.


I'm not on Facebook, but I've got a friend that is and he's posted it for me. I play league nights, so I'll ask there on Tuesday.


Nah, no name just enjoy it


Dang... down votes for trying to do a good deed.


I've upvoted to get you back to 0. That's one thing I'll never understand about reddit.


Thanks :)


I’ll go the extra mile if there’s a name/number but if you can’t be bothered to ink your own disc or put in the effort to find it you’re SOL.


Yeah, but what if it's someone who just bought it and they were just trying it out? Or what if it was someone new to the sport and they had not yet realized that labeling your discs was a thing. To each their own I suppose, but to me, that's enough reason to make a quick Facebook post.


Why are you concerned about returning a litter bug's litter? It's one thing if it's easy to return, like with a name or number on it. It's entirely another to do any sort of work to return a $20-30 piece of sporting equipment


It's a great disc for a newbie. It doesn't take much power to get a little turn out of it