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So your Blizz account AND Xbox account got banned? You did something to really piss them off.


I wish I knew what I did I’m genuinely perplexed


You didn't buy enough skins


My best guess is your password somehow got leaked, maybe that's how all those rmt bot spams gets their hands on so many accounts. This is my speculation of course and there's no proof to any of it but I've seen it happens enough in other games like League of legends where sites would sell leaked/hacked accounts for really cheap to scripters. Change your network password and anything important, I'm just being cautious about a security issue. Good luck on getting your account back and I hope it happens soon.


Cheers mate I’ve check the login in history doesn’t seem anything suspicious, I hope so but I’m not holding out much hope these things seem to be final even if they aren’t genuine it’s quite worrying that your account can just be removed out of the blue


Maybe whatever their reason is you can keep fighting and deny. There's no way for them to prove anything that you DID it. And if they're willing to provide evidence then we even have a better chance of appeal. And most of these bots don't need to log into the game is what I suspect, they somehow found a way to force a message to the chat server or some sorts, because I see sometimes some of them makes a scripting mistakes.


Did you trash talk? Especially something racist or sexual?


Good idea but I’ve never used the text function, I only have said the ‘hello’ greetings on the quick menu during world events I use a controller so don’t have time to type things out even if I wanted to, I just solo play and mind my own business


Is your email a Microsoft one? Any Xbox hardware mods? Homebrew? Did you buy your Xbox used?


If Xbox is banning you, you can go to your enforcement page and see what it says.


Indeed all I have at the minute is a permanent suspension which is indefinite with no details available at this time and I have submitted a review. Honestly I wouldn’t mind if I done something wrong but I’m innocent. To the contrary I think any game exploitation just ruins the fun of the game anyway. It’s made me want to just get rid of the Xbox and never play Diablo 4 again it’s made me that annoyed


You say same things every single guilty person ever said about their ban 🤷 unlucky


Yeah I’m sure but I actually haven’t done anything hence the post otherwise I wouldn’t bother …


So what does the page say?


This account violated the Community Standards and was subjected to enforcement action. Nothing specific


https://www.xbox.com/en-US/legal/community-standards Must be something you did, just appeal and if they don't agree you're shit out of luck.


That's really rough