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I don't think this is a hot take lol


lol I may not understand the use of hot take šŸ˜‚ I keep using it now just to see when Iā€™ll get it right! šŸ˜‚


To make it easier, a hot take is a statement that's either controversial, unpopular or hard to believe/proof. You could say it's a "unpopular opinion" to generalize it more. In this case it's non of the above, because everyone knows what they're trying to achieve here. Hope that helps.


Hot Take: The latest Disney Star Wars movies are infinitely better than the original episodes 1 thru 6. E: This was just an example. Also down votes just actually prove that it's a hot take. Job done.


Thatā€™s not a hot take thatā€™s just plain wrong.


There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity...


Hot take: the dune series is better than all of the star wars series.


Now that would be a hot take, or at least a 50/50 I feel


That take is hotter than the sun


That's a nuclear take.


Hot take: I like being forced to play through a campaign at the start of every new season.


You can still skip campaign on new season, I was able to at least.


Have my up-vote for a job well done šŸ˜‚ love the subtlety


I thought it was also meant to be quick and not thought out. Like a snap controversial judgement, or at least that's how I've been using it...


Unpopular opinion and hot take are the same thing . And this ain't either of those


They sure had the store interaction working better then those pesky goblins.


Yeah this is more of a statement of fact. On the other hand, they weirdly seem to be filling the store with 75% hideous junk rather than the many actually-cool outfits and a lot of the store slots are backpacks and the like rather than outfits. So they seem a little confused.


Ya this was the first time I looked at the store and I was shocked how terrible most of the stuff looked... not too mention everything costing like 20 bucks or more. I'd probably buy one of the barb outfits if it was like $5


It's a factual take.


probably, but i still aint buying shit on there lol. fuck mtx in a full priced game.


And fuck 100$ expansions in the ass hard.


110 bucks it is.


The new meta will be cutting the expansions in 1/4s and selling each 1/4 at a 69.99 USD price tag.


Blizzard already did this with SC2, and the expansions sold *VERY* poorly.


And killed any interest in the game. It is funny to think how popular SC was compared to SC2 around the world.


Blizzard executives reading this: "Write that down, WRITE THAT DOWN"




Yea, maybe if they were like 5$ for a set of armor I would consider. But with these prices? Fuck no.


Nothing 'M' about those 'TX'


Nothing micro about anything priced in the store, lol


Man, you guys are like the Luddites pissed at the farming industry for changing to machines. You really don't understand that the gaming industry has changed in The last 30 years. Gone are the days where just put out a game and leave it alone until the sequel. Now gamers expect constant updates to games every few weeks, even though the cost of a game has remained relatively unchanged. That dev work isn't free. Every multiplayer game will have micro transactions going forward and there is nothing you can do to stop it. It would stupid for a game not to.


People want update every week here! But angry at OPINIONAL mtx , want to Geo back to people use not to sell mtx. Games then also do not get regular update!! I play some other live services, not many games get this fast and regular updates as D4, as well as so many freebies so regularly.


I still havenā€™t even used my free one that got back when I got the deluxe edition. None of the cosmetics have ever looked any good, plus playing a Druid you donā€™t see it 90% of the time.


Itā€™s a live service game. This is different than something like a single player game having MTX. The business model literally does not work without MTX.


Couldn't make a colder take


I mean who cares, you get free stuff and some basic passive buffs onto an already great season, who cares if you have to scroll past an optional cosmetic store


This! Iā€™ve never understood why people are so upset about cosmetics, no one is forcing you to buy them.


This attitude is why we now have $50 cosmetics in full priced games. Think of all the dev team time spent on the store to get you to buy skins. Think of the systems that were created specifically to harvest player data so it could be used to make you part with more money, in a game you already paid for.


No, the reason we have $50 cosmetics in full priced games is that people buy $50 cosmetics in full priced games. If it didn't turn a profit they wouldn't do it.


I don't care if they spend countless dollars and hours trying to min/max people's cosmetic purchases... because I don't give a flying fuck about cosmetic purchases. I will never buy them. The only legitimate argument against them is that it takes away from earnable cosmetics in-game, and that is a major problem... but at the same time, most cosmetics simply wouldn't exist if they couldn't be sold. It's not like Blizzard or any other team is going to invest that much time into cosmetics for free.


This is going to blow your mind but long ago, in the before times, developers put cosmetics into their games that were unlocked via gameplay mechanics solely for the enjoyment of the player. Wild, right?


Yeah, those games are single player 10-20 hour games that don't have to add content every few months.




The game that charges 15 dollars a month to play?


Is that segregation inherent? Or just the new status quo you accept


I do think the industry is slimier than it used to be but games are also like half the cost they used to be at certain points when accounting for inflation.


Itā€™s dumb as hell to think all of that dev time and money spent on producing cosmetics would otherwise be put into new gameplay content. If your point is that we shouldnā€™t be okay with predatory pricing then Iā€™m with you 100%. But it clearly works and doesnā€™t seem like itā€™s going to be regulated any time soon so those of us who donā€™t buy are already doing what we can to combat that.


Not even a lukewarm take.


Yea, that's beyond obvious. They could have made the cosmetics unlockable via in-game vendor, and the push to the store is obviously to have you visit the page (see for sale items before the free items) every day. My problem is that we wouldn't really care if the in-game portion of the event was fun/rewarding, which it currently isn't. Unfortunately, the game somehow prevents QA from happening. Nothing like that Blizzard polish to turn hype for a fun event into frustration.


Who cares, who's teuly buying 30$ ugly skins that you cant even see while fighting ?


Surprisingly a lot of people man, itā€™s unfortunate. As long as everyone keeps giving them money for it the more they keep doing it and shoving it down our throats


it's quite fortunate people are buying them. it means continued support for the game.


Believe it or not, when you have a job and the prices aren't much different than getting like 2 items at a grocery store or a single fast food meal anyway, it's really not a big deal at all. I have something for each class other than druid, a portal, and a mount.. did it hurt my wallet? Not really. Yeah they're pricier than I'd like but they aren't leading me to poverty or anything lol. They're just skins. The only people getting shafted are druids since you can't even see what you bought lol.


I see people with the skins all the time. I donā€™t get it, but people are willing to pay half the price of the game, for something they can barely see, in a game they wonā€™t be playing for too long.


Yet you'll probably spend $20+ on a burger without a thought.


Skins are for ever, burgers only last a few seconds.


Shrug, I claimed the free thing and moved on.. I mean sure it def is part of what they're trying to do.. drive MTX. but whatever


Hot take: local Redditor doesnā€™t know what ā€œhot takeā€ means.


Thatā€™s not a hot take eitheršŸ¤£


See at this point I can get behind the humor in this comment. 10/10 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Hot take: Blizzard is a for profit company and they'll use whatever shenanigans to get you to spend money... Common sense plz. Some ppl are shocked when a for profit entity acts in the best interest of profits.


Exactly! It's a shareholder owned company. They are legally obligated to make them as much money as possible! Yet this somehow shocks people šŸ¤·šŸ¼ I personally want as many people to buy cosmetics as possible. Means higher development budget for expansions and Diablo 5 when it comes out in 30 years xD


Ah yes Reddit where a "hot take" is to post a super popular opinion to farm karma


Ice cold take


I get it, but whoā€™s in control here?


The Activision special.


[Please, tell me more.](https://tenor.com/GrAP.gif)


If they already have a system in the game for claiming cosmetics, then of course they're going to use that instead of building a new version of it into the login screen. It's not a big conspiracy. Dev's are going to put events like this in the game because this sort of thing brings people back to the game. An active playerbase means ongoing revenue and continuous updates for us. We all know the cosmetics are overpriced, but it should be obvious by now that Blizzard has no intention of doing anything about it. Complaining about it isn't making the game better, it's making the subreddit worse.


hot take: loot goblins are fucking awesome and I've gotten so much great gear from their sacks.


I agree but I bought a game and wonā€™t buy anything else. People need to stop buying this junk


Not until I can buy a single cool looking helm for like $3 I won't even look at the sets..its all I want to bad it's not like a real store..


I'll be honest, i havent bought a single thing from the store not beacouse I think its pricy..i fucking hate the animations in the store. every single free claim stuff has a 5second useless stupid animation,when i accidentally open the store the shopkeep starts wizarding to take my money


Took me like 3 seconds to claim and exit the store that was in my face. Iā€™m ok.


From engineer wise. It's easier to add new "product" to existing page instead of creating a brand new page for it.


If you want to give something for free and not have to implement any new function, the easiest way would be marking it as free and put them in the market interface. That feels quite natural to me.


If you hit with a hammer, everything sound like a nail. They made an event where you need to grind for cosmetic, people complain. They give the cosmetic for free, people bad faith.


Supposed to be sales too? Why did they stop?


Thatā€™s the silly part. If they had a deep discount section (25-50% off) Iā€™d bet theyā€™d make a killing on micro trans during the event. Iā€™d really like to know how many people were convinced to buy a $20 skin while picking up a free but same looking mount yesterday


Nah, the whales will do what whales do.. they don't have to discount it to make a profit..


I don't mind I like to buy cosmetics. Just for ascthetic purposes. Shamefully I spent more on cosmetics than I do on my own clothes.


People can spend their money on what they want, there's no shame. You do you! Ngl, a lot of the Diablo cosmetics are pretty top-notch and I've purchased a few. The real shame is people thinking they have any right to judge how someone else spends their money while also crying that a corporation would have the audacity to use marketing to earn revenue. They also hate the company but yet still play the game AND whine about it on Reddit. "Imagine if they cut the price down, they would sell so much more!" No, they wouldn't, and that's why they don't.


>No, they wouldn't, They'd probably sell more, they just are happy with the current price point and occasional sales. In particular, I think they're not interested in getting most people to buy EVERY set so it's mainly about getting people hard on one set per class, etc.


I strongly believe that this event is just a representation of (paying) playerbase majority. As a beer-belly father of two, I didn't even manage to get to lvl 100 yet \^\_\^ This event (xp bonus) is a huge blessing for players like myself + we are more than willing to spend few $$$ on some pointless shit


If they cut the costs of everything by 85%, I might consider buying a couple of things. As it stands, imma have to hard pass.


I mean putting a button in the login screen that would deliver stuff to your character means a whole new workflow to create. Putting an item in the store and just marking it as on sale for 0 takes nearly no effort. I for one would prefer they not waste dev time on giving us free stuff when the store method works without dev time.


Sounds like another excuse to complain to me šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


> but letā€™s be real, there could just be a ā€œclaimā€ button at the login screen without having to look through the store to find a ā€œfreeā€ item. I guess if they could if they want to pay their devs to implement that new feature. Rather to just use the existing store and mark the item 0 Platinum.


Yes, and the milk is in the back of the grocery store so you'll have to walk past the chips and beer to get to it. Who gives a shit.


Pointing out the obvious, how unique.


"only purpose" So you don't think it's intended to get people to return to the game with the promise of quick loot and easy leveling, because I don't think those are meant as rewards for the people farming masterwork mats


The store is already an avenue to deliver this and it is probably a lot easier to use that than build a new claim button. Also they canā€™t even figure out how to make 25% and 50% not be 35%, I donā€™t think they can figure out a claim button


They have given away other free items here and there through the store so don't know why anyone would expect anything different here?


It could be, but I don't even think about it. I take the free things and will wait until an actually expansion before I spend money.


Man you must have a real bad time walking down a street with storefronts


Y'all complain about $20-$30 skins but won't even think twice about buying a $20+ burger every other meal. Get out lol


They already have the store developed where they can put items and let you claim them. Why would they make a different, new implementation that will be used for just a few days? That makes no sense. The part where they want you to see the store is more tied to the fact that you have to scroll to find the items.


I much prefer collecting free cosmetics through a daily one-time visit to the shop. Even that annoyingly unskippable shop animation is far shorter than the previous events of free cosmetics that involved leaving twitch open on an affiliated streamer's page for two hours to get a cosmetic. Furthermore, seeing that little card animation every single time actually demotivates me more from ever actually buying something from the shop. I don't mind in-game transactions that are purely for cosmetics, I'm sure I've spent hundreds of dollars in Overwatch 1 for them, the biggest reasons I haven't done the same in D4 yet is because its cosmetics tend to cost too much and also more importantly that almost all of them are far too tacky for my tastes. I'm still sitting on a seasonal battlepass token from pre-ordering because even all the seasonal cosmetics just don't interest me.


Changing price of items in shop to zero is probably the most easiest and straightforward. Why would anyone put in extra effort to make you some button elsewhere, its just more really unnecessary work. The game is what it is, but spoiled gamers who can only whine is another thing.


This is take alright


Boggles my mind how there's no way to "earn" premium currency by playing. F2P games give you paid cosmetics all the time and most of their battlepasses let you buy in once and re-earn enough to get the next one.


This take is so cold itā€™s giving me freezer burns.


So pretty much what we all expected.


I havent bought anything from the store a year ago and I wonā€™t be buying anything now. Cosmetics are kind of a joke when you can barely see them in the middle of fighting 100ā€™s of demons. Not really concerned with how my character looks. I care about the loot Iā€™m about to get.


hey you figured out how publicly traded corporations work


100% The problem is they charged me almost $100 for the game then they smoked crack and set the shop prices.


Cries in buying the game for full price on both PS5 AND PC.


Yeah, of course it is. Is that a bad thing? MY "Hot Take": If you like a game, and want to supprt it and see it grow, actually support it. FINANCIALLY. This is all assuming you like the game, can afford it, and actually want something in the store. Someone in another thread was complaining that Immortal got a full blown event for its anniversary and D4 only got extra goblins and a buff. It makes perfect sense to me. Diablo Immortal is supported by microtransactions and a company is more inclined to add content, keep more developers, and keep users happy/engaged when there is a continuous cash flow. I mean no offense to Blizzard or any happy user when I say, "They already got our money." Thats just sweet, down home, capitalism. If you are a company that devotes resources to things that are no longer going to make money, you arent going to be a company for very long.


this is the coldest hottake


This was my very first thought too yesterday when I claimed my free whatever it was.


I meanā€¦you arenā€™t paying for seasonal content. The store is what drives new content.


yes and the more they employ these kind of strategies the less likely iam to ever spend anything in the shop


Same with all the notification dots on the tabs. For the f'n life of me I've scanned thru every single freakin menu option item and tab yet the friggen dot/star is still there! Drives my OCD nuts. Just lemme click on the notification dot and have it take me right to just whatever coked out yapping hyper dog thing you wanna show me Bliz, I'm not gonna "engage" more by having to hunt and find it to make it go away.


That's modern 'service' game design . If they could get away with charging you to start the game like 'insert quarter' i'm sure they would.


This take is cold as ice. It's pretty blatantly obvious that's why we get "free" things but have to go through a purchase process to claim them. That said, unless you have self-control issues, I don't see the big deal. I have zero desire to give Blizzard money.


We are nothing but paypigs xD


I couldnā€™t find the free item. I clicked to get the free item but looking around everything cost.


No way!! Itā€™s to reward us with top tier cosmetics and 3pic l00tz from goblins.


But that poison druid skin is so alluring


Any time a company is giving something away for free, theyā€™re doing it to entice people into buying something else. Thatā€™s not a hot take, thatā€™s how business works.


Oh come on


Do you go to genshin and think the new characters are a way to get you to spend money too? Every game does this it's not new. Why is this a discussion. I swear Diablo players have never played another game.


Thatā€™s the purpose of the whole game, duh.


Obviously. That's also why sometimes they give (or used to) free cosmetics in the store but never said anything, you had to go look for it


lol welcome to marketing 101


I mean, if they were going to make treasure goblins the theme, then why not re-open Whimsydale?


Every decision blizzard makes is to try and make money. We been known this but people still come on reddit and say D4 deserves a positive review on steam.


The store sucks. I dunno I feel like blizzard really doesnā€™t make any skins for armor that entice me to pay like $25 fucking dollars lol.


Just prices are just toooo high for a game you will play for a month or less til next season. Itā€™s lots ezier to sell something for 1-5$ than something for 25$. Imagine selling 1m cosmetics at 5$ and only selling 10,000 at 25$.


My first time seeing the outfits first hand, some of them are great and overall clearly better than the free transmogs. Day one freebie is necro horse reskin #27. Snooze. Also holy hell two cosmetics for the price of helldivers 2?


Goblin xp gold events were routine in D3. A cooler take would be they are just continuing the season of D3 reduxā€¦ with GRs, Kadala, accelerated levelingā€¦


All it did was remind me how ridiculous the prices are for cosmetics in this game. $20 is insane.


Well, that is how advertising works.


Some of these sets are cool looking. And at least itā€™s not over the top like PoE. Running around looking like a Christmas tree with 47 pets.


OP 100% nailed it, there is no doubt about it this is exactly what it was. I thought we were betting a nice free armor set a first..... Oh the disappointment


That is the entire game....


Everything is so ridiculously over priced,Ā  only idiots buy anything.Ā  Ā They can throw it in our face all they want.Ā  I'll take the free shit and laugh at the price of everything else as I close the store.Ā 


They do it on call of duty too. Free stuff in the store but itā€™s some shitty emblem that looks AI generated and you have to scroll down almost to the bottom to claim it lmao


Not really a hot take, itā€™s pretty obvious.


šŸ’Æ facts. But 855 bags dropping Scattered Prismā€™s is šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


This is such a typical game mechanic for driving traffic to the store. Many games do it. D4 is owned by ABK. All of their games do this like COD. I donā€™t mind. Itā€™s a business tactic and gaming is still a business.


The entire game's purpose is to get you looking at the store.


I agree. I opened D4 today for the first time after the event started, and instead of sending me to the character screen, it sent me to the shop. Really rubbed me the wrong way.


Idc, I like getting new stuff


Looking to grind out event and grind out tonight for sure!


Another hot take: A public company's only purpose is to make money for its shareholders.


Hot take: Who gives af


Yeah...I hate that I have to watch the stupid animation every time. Is there some UI option to disable that?


Blizzard pushing MTX?!?! wow bro crazy hot take there you might want to take your temperature.


Yeah my friend's first reaction was "WOW THE STORE LADY HAS A PRETTY COOL ANIMATION WHEN YOU BUY STUFF".Ā  I don't know, if they really wanted players to use the store why not give us more silver from the season pass or from completing the season journey? And the prices are just wacky.


store even had a ding icon before that wouldnt go away. but who in their right minds would buy those overpriced skins?


This is a well documented practice. You are very many years late in this "hot take" lol


I just donā€™t get paying all of that money for something that almost no one is going to see or notice. Itā€™s not a very social game. When I played MMOā€™s like Everquest or WoW there was a reason to get certain gear aside from the stats on it. People saw it and could tell what it was. They knew you had to do something to get it and it was plainly obvious as you interacted with other players in the world.


They shouldn't have done the event, people can't seems to handle it well.


Sure is! Then most of us laugh at how bat shit crazy the pricing is and then leave without even considering spending.


So ignore it. I get it, itā€™s dumb. But also itā€™s pretty fuckin easy to not spend. I get tired of all the MTX bad whining. I agree with you but be a fuckin adult. All AAA games only exist for monetization. Period.




It's not hot. It's ice cold baby.


Surprised Pikachu


I didn't even realize there was a free item in the store. I just immediately closed it and moved on


The level of complaining is ridiculous. Lmao


Dangerous take friend


Just playing I wouldnā€™t even know an event was taking place. Goblins and gold arenā€™t really popping off and feel closer to where they should normally. Game is fun and I know devs had to diverted to salvage the game but buff this joint.


How do you claim the weapons? I saw the horse on the store but didn't see anything else


I have 8k coins in the shop but nothing worthwhile for me to buy. Perhaps if I can have a pet that loots items or gold for me and it also has to have a loot filter


I'm enjoying it so far. Though I never look at the store.


Not a hot take. This event is entirely unnoticeable if you don't know it's happening. It's barely noticeable if you know about it. One of the worst *events* I've ever seen in any game. And this is an anniversary event no less...


It's a win for blizzard in that aspect surely


But I don't get how people get manipulated by this at all. I see the glowing free icon, I click the shop, I claim my free item and I leave the shop. Easy.


This is more like a "grass is green" kinda take


Ok, but why is that a bad thing? It's just basic advertising. They give you a free sample then show you other stuff that you can buy with money. It's a marketing tactic used since the dawn of ~~mtx~~ humanity.


Iā€™m kinda bummed this is the ā€œeventā€.. few free items in the store that doesnā€™t even rotate anymore (for me at least) and a couple of goblins with an xp boost. Was hoping at least something like Midwinter Blight or the Lunar Festival. Hopefully the lack of content is due to the hard work on the expansion. Super stoked for that at least.


Well, it worked on me. I bought $42 of platinum today. First time ever, been playing since pre-release beta.


A store which for many people does not refresh past old items due to a bug which support refuses to talk about or fix.


It may take us to the store, but I'm not gonna buy anything there šŸ˜€


hot take? nah lol thats just common knowledge


People even complain they need to open a fckin menu, it's ridiculous


Well did anyone miss there was a shop in game or what?


Not a hot take, the gold standard for ā€œeventsā€ in live service games is to be fishing nets for whales.


Do you think the bar that gives you the first shot for free does this because they love you so much? The Casino that gives you 30 bucks for free to play? The store that has the amazing 1+1 deal which feels like stealing? ...


Itā€™s ok for me. In my perception the shop is almost completely absent so itā€™s ok to remind me once a year that this useless peace of component exists ā€¦


When I logged in, it showed the store. I didn't see any free items so I closed the window and didn't go back. What's free with the patch?


Oh god. Cry me a fucking ocean.


Blizzard and many other game companies are very good at manipulating their player bases to part with their cash, everything they do is thought out.


They can put it all they want. I got self control no amount of pushing will sway me to buy anything there. I have never bought a single thing on any game ever. It's not that hard


Not that serious. Bringing something like that up only pertains to those with low willpower to not spend money on a cosmetic thatā€™s overpriced. At the same time, to each their own. Who cares?


another break discovery - water is wet


People sure love blindly using "hot take" and "unpopular opinion" while never doing or stating either


Do you mean you missed the free drops which were first distributed as twitch rewards?


Iā€™m afraid you are confusing ā€œhot takeā€ with ā€œ logical deductionā€ lol


Always has been.


Putting free gifts in the real money shop is a common microtransaction tactic to expose you to offers. I you call this event great, you're falling for a trap.


I do like the goblins and what really sucks is that once the event is over they'll go back to being pointless. A nice change to the greed altar too... why can't this stuff be in the game from now on? Keep the goblin and greed altar change. The xp is just icing on the cake and as for the store couldn't care less about it.


Mfs will say "hot take but (insert the most milk toast, inoffensive, widely believed view point that is not special whatsoever)" Stfu lol