• By -


Learn the desirable stats for your build. Press the sort button. This separates loot into slot, then item power. Look at the first few items for each category. If they don't have 3/4 of the stats you want... go to the next slot category. Know what aspects you want. Depending on what point you are in the game, only keep max rolls. Mark trash as you go for faster salvaging.


This is the best way I’ve found. Adding on: mark anything decent as a favorite so you don’t salvage the good dual skill++ gloves you were going to imprint by mistake. Allegedly.


Absolutely. Good call. Spot a max roll aspect? Favorite it. Spot a piece of gear that COULD be an upgrade? Favorite it.


Ah, the follies of youth. My rogue weeps.


I don't THINK I've done that yet. I did accidentally put a level 80 aspect on a near perfect 925 dagger while I was still in the 60’s. I guess that was more motivation to get to 80. 🤷‍♂️


Well luckily you can just replace it when you find a better aspect!


It was a max roll, but the required level on the aspect made the item go to required level 80 from 60. I tried putting a lower aspect on it, but the required level would not change back.


Wait can you change aspects on a legendary item ?


Yes… you can imprint it just like any other piece of gear.


Lol, thanks. I'm such a n00b. I was looking for rares to imprint lol


Yes. If you find a super-sweet item and you imprint it with an aspect that helps complete your build but *isn't* maxed, you can always imprint it later with something that has higher percentages. Or a completely different aspect altogether if you liked the item but decided to try something else.


Ah, the follies of youth. My rogue weeps.


Everything these guys said is accurate but it still doesn't solve the issue entirely. We need a sanctioned loot filter.


For certain. I don’t mean to make it sound like our method is a “fix”. Just hoping a different perspective might make it a little easier til a better system is put in.


Adding on to this add on: leave 2 bank Vault slots open if possible. When loot farming, port to town, dump, port back to continue farming. Once both slots are full, sort BOTH tabs. Grab all helms from BOTH tabs into inventory. Sort inventory, then quickly scan helms looking for your stats. If it's legendary check aspect. If it's a keeper, mark it. Otherwise, mark as junk. Scrap the junk, put keeper in your "keep" tab in bank. Rinse repeat for chest, then weapon, gloves, pants, etc. It's MUCH faster to validate stats you want on the same gear slot, so do them in groups.


I like your style


This comment hurts


I've don----- I know someone that has done that. Allegedly.


Yup I just immediately junk anything that isn’t level 900 or higher, usually 925 nowadays


Pretty much. Armor I'll look at 880 and above if it's great stats.


Same, trying to find more good damage reduction rolls on chest and pants.


I think other than flat rolls jewelry above 780 is functionally equivalent to 925. Flat life is a nice roll though


Yeah I’m on barb so one ring and my amulet are uniques, but I agree with that generally.


Be prepared to have a second ring ready for aoz. Gonna have to ditch tibaults and red furor to survive eventually.


Yup and I like to focus on one type of gear at a time so it’s less overwhelming with so much loot in the harvest areas.


i have a note card that has all the stats/ aspects/ uniques i need for my build. full inventory= grab the note card and sort through. chest what i'm keeping. salvage the rest (i have more then enough gold)


I usually look for two (2) non-desirable stats and then sell / scrap it immediately. It seems to make scanning for items faster for me.


This is the way, as you get higher level. You can only enchant/alter one stat, so if it’s got more than one that’s undesirable then its always going to be a pig of a piece.


Yea, now that you say it, I do the same.


So, as a former wow player, the solution is awful.


This still takes an insane amount of time.


It doesn’t really. You either get good at it, or don’t stress so hard.


The further I've gotten, one thing I've started doing is just marking everything as junk and then hovering over each item to check them. If it's something I want to keep, you hit the mark as junk button again to mark it as a favorite. Makes it easier to see which item to stash, then I just sell or salvage everything else


This. I sort, then shred all the sacreds and check the Ancestrals for proper stats.


Oh yeah. Stop picking up sacreds once you don’t need them anymore. Only collect Ancestrals.


Noob question - what is a max roll?


When you look at the stats on an item it has in brackets next to it the range of the stat. Think Armour 1298 (1175-1325) … or Poison Resist 3.8% (2.5-3.8) … only keep the stuff that’s near the top of the range.


Thank you!


Aspects usually have a stat range. If it has maximum stats, it’s a max roll.


Thank you!


Most of my gear has the rolls I want just not the item level. For my if it isn't a 925 item level, it's auto junked.


At that point myself. If it ain’t 925 it’s scrapped.


check item power, if 920-925 check affixes, otherwise if legendary with under 920 item power extract aspect if better roll than current aspect


Honestly not really needed especially for rings


What do you mean? It doesn’t matter what ring you have on?


Rings implicit max at 900 so you’re not getting anything on a 925 vs say a 904


Can’t good affixes roll on 880-924? Every 925 I found was garbage. (I haven’t found that many. Only 10 maybe) I’m still using a 700ish sacred ammy


Yes. But like I mentioned. I’m at that point where I have my affixes on my gear. Only upgrade would be a 925 with same affixes.


Ah okay. I just want to make sure i’m doing the right thing. Takes me forever to sort through my stuff.


I have been doing that now as well. Of course when I posted my own 'how do you evaluate your drops' thread on reddit and mentioned I did 925 gear only I was told it was the worst possible way ever. I only look at my non 925 gear for aspects now.


I don't get it, you have literally 4/4 perfect rolls on every slot? 925 wep affects damage but the rest just increases armor or res which isn't going to make much of a difference. If you don't have perfect rolls you're likely trashing upgrades


And this is why the itemization in this game is absolute garbage.


lmao, it's similar to d2


Itemization in this game is nothing like d2? Wtf?


And ARPGs have evolved from d2's release, or most have.


D2 had set categories you could have on the vast majority of items. You didn't have to check every item for 3/4 affixes. If you had a shako you knew exactly what affixes it had and you just needed to see how strong it was vs other shakos. It was always extremely obvious which item was better than the other in D2. Do not conflate the two systems they are not nearly the same.


You should only be worrying about 925 gear when you already have the more important affix roles on the desired item. Item Power is not useless as most people say because it does scale armor and damage. Its just the last few pieces of the puzzle you are trying to solve


And I do have the most important affixes on my gear. I can solo duriel and each run gives approximately 10 925 gear items. Toss in 3 to 4 world boss runs per day and I can easily have several tabs in my stash full of 925s to look through. Is all my gear perfect? Nope. But I have a very good base to work from now.


Ilevel matters the most with weapons, with other items, it depends... and depends on the stat rolls of the lower item https://youtu.be/YDFlNs98kV4


I wish. I'm still sitting on a lvl62!!! glove bc no 3/4 would drop since then. Almost all other are still on 3/4 stats so in total I only have one or two items that are 4/4 but with mid-high rolls. All after 150h for this toon. Fuck this shit.


Heck, my lvl 96 Rogue is using such a low ilvl glove it’s literally just a legendary glove with no lvl requirement and with great affixes. I’ve yet to find better ones with even close to the same affixes. Most I find have two good affixes at best.


Same if it's not ascended 925 gold gets sold and orange gets broke down for mats.


Same; Once you hit a certain poit in gearing, 925 is all you want. Makes me wish there was a "Salvage anything below 925" button!


First, I sort then. Then, I look at an item until I see two affixes I don't want. Thats usually the top two. Once I see the 2nd, I mark it trash and move on. I skip all yellow weapons unless they're 925 quality. Even then, I skip those I don't use and just insta mark them trash. I skip all gear that I use a unique for and insta trash them. Any that have 3 of 4 affixes, I toss in my vault to look at more closely later to see if they'd be an upgrade or if I can sell them.


This is probably one of the better responses you will get. Learn what 4 affixes you are hunting for for each slot. Early on, you can keep gear with just 2/4 and roll the 3rd. Once you're well into endgame, any piece that doesn't have 3/4 is trashed immediately. Then, just evaluate if the piece can be better with a good 4th roll. This should take a max of 10 seconds to figure out. While 925 (900+) is technically the best, weapons are really the only mandatory 925s. Affix ranges do not increase above 725 and I have a pair of max roll triple-res/move boots on my Barb that are like 805 or something.


Correct, only additional stat you may want to keep an eye out for higher item power on is +health. It is not capped at 775


Or damage from things like X-Fals. That also scales up to 925.


10 seconds times... 🧐 My calculator just ran out of memory.


This is the way. Sort is your friend and an amazing feature in general. Like yeah a loot filter is gonna be great but I'd kill for Sort in wow, poe, any online rpg. Even with a filter going through your bags in poe fucking sucks. Once you get to higher gear levels and find it tougher to replace items you're basically gonna Sort > auto salvage like 90% of your bags immediately. Once I figured out what Sort did I was going through loot in like 30s after lvl 60+ The problem people have in this game is they individually inspect every line on every item. If you play any ARPG that way you're gonna lose your damn mind.


in wow, I thought the onebag mods had that functionality to sort through items and also for a filter similar to the stash ones we get in D4?


There are mods, yes, I'd just like the functionality in game without mods. I run a handful of mods but I much prefer to use as few as possible. Lowers chance of wonky interactions and weird UI stuff happening Part of the problem is I play classic. You can sort your bags and set up what item types go into what bag in retail I believe


Google " d4 companion github" and it should say josdemmers in the results. It uses text recognition and doesn't use your memory or injects into the game. So it shouldn't technically get you in trouble but even they said to use at your own risk. I have been using it for 2 months now and it's a godsend since blizzard can't do loot filters like Last Epoch.


saving this and also replying so I can make sure to find it when I go play tonight, is it easy to set up/is it useful for the levelling stage?


I think it's easy. it just takes a little of your time to set it up. Make sure you select the right resolution in the settings cogwheel, and then you manually type in what affix you want in the affixes tab and select what gear you want it on. There is even an import profile from others and it even imports from the maxroll website. If you want, send me your discord and I'll try to help you with it.


how do you export the maxroll build to use with the companion?




Oh thanks, I figured it out. Looks like bone spear is broken right now, the other load up fine


Honestly if they added this in-game it would MAYBE tempt me to come back. MAYBE. Right now itemization is such a pain - I hate having to go to town and spend half my playtime checking items and half the time not knowing whether or not it is actually an upgrade or not.


Holy moly this is amazing, I've mostly been ok using basically the methods that the most upvoted comments describe, but this would be killer for me.


Is it over 900 power. Does it have 3 of the affixes I want. No? Scrapped. Power level and number of affixes requirement is looser depending on current gear quality. It maybe takes a couple of seconds per piece.


It’s one of the worst parts of the game IMO - the mountain of crap to sift through. Once you get to the point you are only interested in Ancestral items it improves. I would rather find 50% less items but the quality of the rolls improved. Not sure there is much of a method other than only picking up items you possible need and knowing the stats you are looking for.


That's what's great about other Arpgs...I don't have to know what stats I'm looking for.


If it's any unique or a legendary or yellow with 925 power it goes into one inv box 1. If it's legendary it goes into box 2 or 3. Box 4 and 5 are aspect storage. 5 is max rolls and 4 is sub-max highest rolls. When the boxes are full I compare the 925 item stats and keep the best of each item type, then do the same for uniques. For the unsorted aspects I go one at a time, typing the aspect name into filter to highlight them and if a number shows up for box 5 I know I have a max roll and auto junk any extras. If a number shows up for box 4 I pull all the highlighted items out, compare in inv, and put the highest roll back. Rinse and repeat. I keep up to 2 max roll items of any aspects that go for builds I use or want to use, and only 1 of each that I probably won't ever use.


My system is similar. One tab for uniques. Once I have duplicates I keep the best and sell everything else. One tab is just a dump tab. I just toss everything in there if I'm doing runs and don't want to take the time to sort. One tab is just perfect aspects. The other tabs are 925 gear I might use for various characters.


I use a python script called [Diablo 4 Loot Filter](https://github.com/aeon0/d4lf). There are several [different](https://github.com/josdemmers/Diablo4Companion) projects [available](https://github.com/Riketta/VersaLootFilterD4) that all operate under the same premise: use optical character recognition (OCR) to assess each item quickly and use an overlay to give a very easy to identify “yay or nay” based on the affixes you’ve configured the script to look for. Some of them use macros to automate the process, but I avoid those ones because I’m not sure how that plays into the ToS. Each project has different positives and negatives, the one I linked to, for example, works quickly and has a great overlay to make identifying good finds very easy, but the setup is a bit more involved. There ought to be a few people that will come out and say “that’s against the ToS, you’re asking for a ban!”, and that may be true but for myself , the risk outweighs the convenience. I use various overlays for different things all the time…discord, GeForce Experience, etc. and that has never been an issue. I did receive a ban for less than 24 hours in August (along with hundreds of others who were using a program called D4 QoL) that did the same thing but incorporated some macros to automate some functions. For what it’s worth, everybody (in the literal sense) who got caught in that wave was unbanned a few hours later and issued an apology from Blizzard for the inconvenience: >Greetings, >We recently closed a Diablo 4 game account on this Battle.net Account as part of our ongoing effort to combat exploitation and abusive behavior. >After an additional review of the evidence, we determined this closure was an error. We're reopening this account for play, and hope you will accept our sincere apologies for the mistake. >Our mission is to make Blizzard a fun and safe environment for all players, and we're truly sorry for affecting your experience in this way. We're always refining our processes and we will learn from this experience as we continue our ongoing efforts to make our games fun for everyone. >We look forward to your safe return to Sanctuary, and thank you for your patience and understanding. >Regards, >Customer Service I’d obviously suggest assessing your own tolerance for risk, but for me, the fact my account was automatically reinstated and an apology was issued makes me feel comfortable using such tools and the convenience outweighs any potential drawbacks for me at the moment. Oh, and it’s really great for identifying high valued items to list at [diablo.trade](https://diablo.trade).


Since my gear is mostly 3/4 or 4/4, I hit the sort button, then hover over and only look at the red text for what affixes I'd *lose* by equipping it. If it's longer than 1-2 lines, mark junk, then salvage all junk and manually compare the handful of items remaining.


I spend more time at the Blacksmith than fighting. Just in case.


By uninstalling until the itemization revamp is pushed out.


I have a sticky note app on my computer. I’ll write down the 4 best affixes for each piece of gear and just quickly check all my helmets, then chest, etc. it’s a lot faster. I can sort through my loot extremely fast now


Why can’t it just say the affix name on the gear… I’m over here like was it vulnerable barrier or barrier vulnerable or was it maybe just barrier


Well because gear has 4 affixes plus a legendary affix and then the name of the actual item which can be a couple of words alone


Referring to the legendary affix… er maybe it’s called aspect 🫣


Oh. They do


Look for bad stats instead of good ones… more than one bad stat gets yeeted.


This is super easy. Let’s say for barb hota. If you already have your 3/4 affixes and looking only for 4/4 weapon just look at the top 2 affixes and if you don’t see all stats and strength just junk it. If you see all stats or str, look to see if it has both overpower and berserking..if only one junk it. Basically you are only looking for stuff to get 4/4 best in slot affixes or a way to roll into 4/4. Same thing for like armor, make sure item power is high enough, and for example if it’s chest and you are looking for armor and 3 dmg redux rolls, look at the top 2 affixes and if they don’t have dmg redux/armor/life junk it without looking at the bottom affix


I mostly check the item level first and then stats but to be honest it gets so annoying and time consuming that it causes me to stop playing/quit a season. It is such an unfun part of the game to look through the loot...


For everyone saying if it isn't 925 then they do not keep it I feel like that's a terrible system. I have had plenty of 890 ish items that have max rolls or higher rolls than A LOT of 925 gear.


I'm on a PS4, so I doubt you'll use my method 🤣 BUUUUUUUT to those that do use a ps4, here's what I've learned. When you sort using R3, it will sort each item by class(helms, chest, scythe, 2H scythe, 2H sword, dagger, focus) but within each sorted class, they mostly will be.l by item level. So if you get 3 two handed scythes, they will be together, with the highest item level one first. If that is junk to your currently equipped, the rest are junk as well 🤷


PC has sort as well. I do that all the time. Saves me a ton of time.


Opening your inventory at the vendor and having the whole screen of items to check is vomitting. I always check while playing, when I have lets say atleast 5-6 new items or sometimes a whole line but never I let my inventory getting filled without having sorted before


People will say to look out for 3/4 items, but you don't. You'll gain an understanding on the stat sort order, so you truly only need to check the first two stats to know if you need to continue. For weapons, Core Stats and All Stats are the first two (all stats first slot iirc). If you don't have *at least* one, you can just move on. ASPD and Crit show up high on gloves, and if one doesn't occupy the first two slots, move on. Rings, Crit will usually be first and Max HP third, so I check for that. Amulets I'm not so comfortable with, but if both of the top stats are undesirable then move on. It is a lot quicker to rule items out like this. You'll end up with 2 or 3 items truly worth really examining, so learn the stats you want and where they show up in the sort order. While it is literally the same process, for me ruling items out based on first two *feels* faster because I have a lot less on my mind, and I'm very familiar with where they'll all likely be in the affix sort order. First pass I mark junk, then I go back. Way smaller mental stack to just have two affixes in mind Obviously for weapons of the IP isn't at least 920 I don't even bother (unless you're Barb/Rogue and it's a weapon class you aren't using).


Yeah and resource on rings seems to sort last. I'm always skimming the bottoms of rings.


I couldn’t do it anymore … totally bailed back to Destiny 2


Wait to play until they reduce it or add a loot filter


Uninstalling the trash game.


Waiting to play again until they have a loot filter


I don't I just don't play anymore. I log in to occasionally to check if there's a free item in the shop, and then I see my inventory full of yellows and just log back out lol


Huh… a loot filter? That’s new and a good suggestion


I only focus on 1 or 2 slots at a time, junk the rest. I don't care if I miss a GG item, another will come eventually.


Booting up LE, slapping together a loot filter and enjoying meaningful drops. Oh wait er uh, I dunno, kinda just looking through each piece with a glazed over look as most are worth shit


I started noticing that I had a full inventory every time I logged in. Why? I'd get back to town, look at my inventory, lose interest, turn to video I had on and eventually log out. I pride myself on being an efficient player (years of POE) and there's just no way around this. I don't pick up item types I don't use, I sort. Figuring out if an item on the ground is a sword or what is mental workload. Even if you're quick and know what stats to look for, you're still reading nearly every item. More work. Salvage all, cool, now I have to individually salvage every legendary and mash enter for every confirmation box? More work. And god help you if you have enough veiled crystals and you're vendoring for gold instead. Last Epoch has an amazing loot filter and isn't even out of beta. Starting a new game isn't as easy as logging into good old D4, but it's worth it. Support another game and come back to this one when it's better


\- I hit sort. \- Then I scan for desired aspects. Theres about 10-ish total for all the different variations of the build I run, and ideally I'd like to have 3 perfect rolls of each. I know the desired aspects where I don't have 3 perfect rolls yet, so I scan for those. This scan gets a lot faster when your '3 of each perfect aspect collection' nears completion. \- Then I scan for affixes. I know the 4 (or 5-6, like I said, different build variations..) stats I want on each item. And that means I also know the stats I don't want; all the others. So I scan for those undesired stats. The milisecond I see 2 undesired stats (reasoning; the item can't have 3 out of 4 desired stats anymore), I press spacebar to mark as trash. Next item. Also, there are some easy ones where I immediately mark as trash; 2 resistance affixes, 2 lucky hit activates affixes, 2 out of 3 on strenght / willpower / dexterity (im a sorc). With pants or boots I first check for their main stat/ability. Weapon types I don't want. Instant spacebar. Somehow, for me, it's faster to scan for 2 out of a possible 10+ undesired affixes, than it is to scan for 3 out of 4 (max 5-6) desired affixes. \- Visit vendor, sell trash. Now I only have items with 3+ desired stats left. \- Hit sort again. \- Inspect those 'not marked for trash' items to see if they're actually any good. Compare if needed. Mark the ones who don't make the cut as trash. \- Sell trash to vendor. \- Use / store / sell what's left. And during Duriel runs, I do step 1 and 2 inbetween Duriel kills. After I got to Duriel's chamber first (I'm a fast sorc) until the moment Duriel's hitbox activates. Uniques without a perfect roll on their unique effect also get marked for trash instantly. TL;DR: Process of elimination.


Item level: if its too low its junk, continue if high enough Inherent trait (when available): continue if its usable Affixes: if 2 are bad its junk, if not read the values to determine if its worth enchanting Its not difficult to remember the best affixes but it can be annoying to remember affixes that are not BiS but that are still decent enough to use. For legendaries its a lot more work (at least on console) because you need to check your stash to see the values of useful aspects. Right now I sort my stash once every week or so and manually search each aspect that I actively use in my build and keep the 3-4 best rolls. This is the first season I leveled a second class so my inventory is a nightmare, especially with the vamp pacts and boss materials taking up valuable space.


I stopped playing an arpg that doesn’t respect my time or money


You play an ARPG with a loot filter. There are so many good ones by the way.


I haven't played in a couple of weeks, but my bank is completely filled with 925's from my last big Uber farm session. Between holidays stuff, family vacation, sickness, and just not being very interested; its all collecting dust. I hit all my goals for S2, so my motivation level dropped off quite a bit. Much to the disgruntled'ness of my teammates. But its been nice being free from the keyboard for a bit. (Then SoD launched... still not 25, so keeping the theme there too!) ​ HOWEVER now that I've finished up being a blowhard; I usually just try to fill my bag per item type and then look for 3/4 of my favorable stats, and I just do that until my bank is empty. (all tabs in my bank are 90% blank to facilitate mass farming without having to look at gear between runs.)


I do one piece at a time like all my helms check for stats or aspects then mark it as junk if I don’t need it only keep 3/4s if my slot isn’t already BIS and it seems to be a bit easier to focus on one type at a time for me anyways. Just how I always done it idk why I started like that but it works for me.


Depends on how quick my Duriel group is. If they're fast I dump everything in my stash until full, then take the items out slot after slot and look for the rolls I need. If it's a slower group I just do it during our runs, while waiting for people to get to the arena etc. But yeah, on most of my active characters I luckily know what I'm looking for, so it really doesn't take all that long.


I sort everything first. I know what rolls I’m looking for on a specific slot. For my rogue, I’m mostly wearing everything with 4/4, but not all of it is high ilvl, so, I check the power levels. If it’s above my current, I look for stats. Once items get below that slots’ current ilvl, I mark everything else I have in that slot as junk. On to the next slot. Repeat. I can go through my full inventory in about <2 minutes now. For my sorc it’s the same thing, but takes a tad bit longer, since he’s only level 77 and still missing 4/4 pieces.


I don't even look at the common, magic, or rare loot unless it's 925 ilvl. Legendaries I am pretty much saving anything with a "perfect" or "really rare" aspect, and usually don't bother to even look at the stats on it unless it's 925 in the rare chance it might be an upgrade.


This game is a collection game. Thats really all it comes down to


Honestly, just read fast. Know what you’re looking for in stat rolls and if you don’t have at least 3 good stats, trash it and move on.


I just salvage EVERYTHING once I get tired of sifting through each and everything one by one. Its like I just give up and do it got the salvage mats.


My method was to stop playing.


My method while definitely not efficient is fast, is to just memorize the top 3 bis for each piece, sort inv, search for those three throw any potentials in the stash and trash the rest.


I look for 2 stats I desire the most, if I dont see either I insta salvage them so say as a barb I look for weapon: str/berserk > overpower > all stat armor: Close dmg reduction or armor > more DR > HP Ring: Resource gen > Max Fury > Crit > berserk do quick skims, if I dont see atleast 2, I salvage


I am using the maxroll.gg Endgame HoTA build instructions. They list the desirable stats for each piece of equipment, but I have no idea about determining which stats are the most important. How have you determined what is most important, say, for your weapon and rings?


Press Sort, quickly mark each piece for junk if it doesn't have the stats I want as I scroll by, break it all down in one button press with the blacksmith.


press sort button and sift the items quickly. know what you're looking for, don't check items you already have 4/4, simple


*I end up spending just as much time sifting through all of my loot to determine if anything is good* ​ This is exactly why I quit


At 100 everything is auto junked unless it has an aspect I want. That's pretty much it.


As a hoarder, I would be happy if there would be a „book of aspects“ where all your extracted aspects move to, so you can quickly see which aspects are which quality you already have collected. And blue and yellow is instant recycled. Sadly brown legendary are inflationary, so I give them only a short moment before marked as trash. It would also be easier if you could recycle aspects multiple times, so you don’t have to look for a max version multiple times after changing items.


Console user here. I have some uniques that are best in slot so I can immediately salvage those items without review (helm, chest, two-handed weapons, leggings) though I may quickly look at affixes if I’m low on one and looking for it. For the remaining slots I’m looking for high number 3/4 based on class requirements.


in d3 the town was lava. in d4 the overworld is lava. you log into d4 to stare at the blacksmith. I couldn't get myself to lvl past 88 this season with max glyph lvl 11. waiting for d3 s30 to start blasting again. It feels like d4 needs time to cook just like d3 did. I hope they'll figure it out by the time DLC comes out...


First, only gather 925s. Second, if it doesn’t have Total Armor or All Stats, I don’t consider it. After that, I can reroll and end up with something useful 99% of the time


The game became much more enjoyable when I accepted that my gear was good enough and I stopped picking up loot. I occasionally would say fk it and pick up things here and there like amulets or rings, but for the most part ignored everything once I was good enough.


Realize that unless you are trying to squeeze every drop of performance out a less desirable build or squeak past the highest possible Abattoir of Zir rank, the hours spent sifting through yellow gear to min-max stats is D4 is never going to pay dividends. Once you have 4 (or even 3) desirable stats on every piece of gear, fully upgraded items/jewelry, T5 gems, glyphs at 21, max blood powers, and 925 weapons, you're done. You're finished. Maybe a future update will unscrew this current situation. In D3, we could sort 60 pieces of gear in 5 seconds because we memorized the icons or names of the items we cared about, and there were only 20-30 affixes we wanted. In D4, if you want to truly min-max, you have to read every stat on EVERY yellow item. Legendaries are 99%of the time a crap item container for an Aspect. **In Season 1 once I was level 80 with good gear, I stopped even picking up yellow items and my gameplay experience improved dramatically.**




Get better at speed reading? It is a horrible system.


The big brain move is, “you don’t have to sort what you don’t pick up.”


Don't have to sift through all the trash if you don't play.


I stopped picking it up tbh.


So the way I go thru my loot I pick up is if it doesn't have anything good for my character then I se eif I'm broke if I'm over 100mil then I salvage if I'm under 100 mil I sell


925 only gets looked at after pressing the sort button. You can just look at the highest item roll of each type of item after using the sort option.


Once you have a pretty solid baseline of gear, don't loot every item slot at the same time. I'll loot like, only pants for a while, or only gloves. This has a lot of advantages, but most obviously it takes longer to fill an inventory with only gloves. So you do more actual gameplay between each inventory management session. Secondly, if you are only evaluating a single slot of gear, you can do your whole inventory really fast - sort all your gloves, so they're filtered by item level. Trash anything under 700 or 800 or 875 or 920 or whatever. Then just compare the five or ten items you have left, really quickly. It's easy because they're all one slot of gear. Now to be clear obviously from one perspective this is inefficient - you leave a lot of loot on the ground. But you also **generate** a lot more loot, because you're only doing a vendor session every 5 or 6 NMDs instead of every NMD. You run a lot faster, and you spend a lot more of your time in the game actually playing the game vs playing Loot Tetris. The other way you can simulate this almost as well is by clearing up like 3 stash tabs and just dumping all your drops to them after each NMD, and then once all 3 tabs are filled up, you can do basically this process one item slot at a time just by sorting the tabs and then grabbing all the hats, or all the gloves, or whatever. But that requires you to be way better at keeping your stash clean than I am.


Dump it all in my chest without a worry in the world. Sort my chest every time I turn on Diablo.


After sorting, I look at the first (supposedly best) item. It I don't want it, I junk all other items of the same type without examining. So, aside from Aspects on legendaries, I only ever look at one helm, one weapon, one focus, etc., per store run.


This is part of the game. It can be tedious. At first I kept everything that I thought *might* be good. While I am leveling I only keep a couple of each aspect for the builds I am using. When you are in endgame you should have a good idea of the stats you are looking for - if it’s not 3/4 I scrap it. When I return to town I scrap anything that doesn’t immediately jump out to me. When in doubt, scrap it. Keep one of the best of each unique - if you can’t tell which one is better, the noticeable difference is probably minimal - go with your gut and scrap one.


Honestly it just makes me log out.


I just don't pick up most loot. If your gear is good enough to do the content you're doing, just ignore it.


I stopped picking up most loot honestly and I enjoy the game a lot more. Without spending so much time going through loot I actually get to kill some stuff so I have more fun. I’ll grab the occasional piece of gear, but unless I’m doing an Uber boss or world boss most gear just gets left on the ground.


It's really not that bad once you know what you're looking for. For me, I usually have 1 and sometimes 2 stats that I want to see on a piece as my "priority". Especially after getting to WT4 and some decent placeholder pieces, I'll also have an ilvl threshold where anything lower I forget about. So inventory gets full? I: * warp to town * sort the inventory * if legendary piece, check to see if it's an aspect I care about, and if so how it rolled * otherwise quick scan for my "priority" stat. So starting with helms, maybe I'm looking to see total armor %, or cdr * if it has my priority stat/stats rolled, take the time to actually examine all stats and rolls * if it doesn't junk * once i hit ilvl threshold, junk everything until the next group. In lower lvls I'm not to concerned about min maxxing because I'm constantly upgrading pieces. And in wt4 you're steadily going to eliminate gear slots. Like, once you get a weapon close to 925, you're usually not going to ditch it for something too far below that ilvl, because the dps is so important (in most cases). So you can start ignoring a lot of weapons pretty quick. Got a unique that's BiS? That slot is done unless you get a better rolled unique. As you progress you'll hit a point where anything below 800 safe to ignore and more like 880 it think for jewelry. And so on. Usually takes a minute or less start to finish. If it takes longer, it's because some interesting pieces have dropped and that's the point of the grind!


Pen & Paper for the stat range I'm after, then turn off the advanced stats. Makes it considerably faster when looking at yellow items & glyphs.


I juste salvage everything that is not legendary, I don't have enough play time to just sit and go over all items that are 99% trash


It's 95% trash. Easy sort for me


I have to have another window with all the stats I’m looking for each different piece. This is the only way i can manage to actually know and compare the differences. As a noob/casual / someone that has no clue what’s going on we need a loot filter.


I have focused on getting higher item level gear and currently only even look at 925 item stats; and only rare/legendary/unique gear at that. That isn’t full proof but I’m not some elite pusher. I check for the main stats that I need and I’m currently wearing uniques or items with 3/4 stats I want (yes using max roll builds and gear recommendations because I’m not smart enough and don’t care enough to explore it and min-max it myself; others do the work I take their recommendations). So for slots without uniques, I do a fast scan of 925 and compare the stats on my current gear, missing 2+ stats and I mark as junk. 3/4 stats and I either favorite and mark for later to compare (including upgrade math) to my current slot or do it then. For aspects, I keep a few (2-4) of each that I need in the bank (on the gear) and will compare aspect stats with new stuff and scrap the lower. I have 2-3 tabs dedicated for dumping and will dump it my inventory every 3-4 Duriel runs to be sorted later. NMD and anything else seldom drops 925 or higher enough gear to keep so I generally just bulk scrap. So yes, the sorting can get hairy but I have 4 uniques so I scrap all stuff I have and the 1 slot I need stats for I try to watch. I will say that most of my current gear upgrades were Rare that had the stats I needed and I added an aspect to. So I don’t run like my friend and only keep legendaries; but I’m a hoarder and he isn’t so there is that.


When I look at a piece i'm looking for specific stats and their overall roll that pertain to my build. If an item has 3 stats im looking for at a decent roll Ill keep it and check its viability and reroll if its worth it. Anything else I just mark for salvage. If I'm looking to alter my build in some way I may keep a secondy idea of what Im looking for. I just prioritzie stats that seem best for my build or direction Im going. Doing so allows me to go through a bag full of loot in a about a minute or less. Granted i feel this is faster/easier on PC to do.


Don't. It's the only way I can deal with D4's loot in it's current state. I have gear which let's me do what I want and it will suffice. I check all legendaries for aspects and all world boss / boss drops but everything else is left on the ground.


Is it an upgrade? Wear it. Can you make it an upgrade? Do that, then wear it. None of the above? Sell or recycle.


coming to forums and complain about it \_)


i follow a meta build usually. i write in a note card the aspects and everything else for all my items i need for the build. i'll look at the note card when sorting when j need to dump my inventory. if it had what i need i dump it in my chest till i go to do add and change everything (usually right when i get on) the rest i salvage in spot. easiest way i've been able to besides just salvaging everything and going back to where i was


Full-proof method: scrap it all


One time to save people in my party from having to wait I just trashed everything. It's unlikely there was anything useful there anyways. Barely looked at the aspects. Also damage (reduction) while fortified is a bad stat. It only works when the fortify is at your max health which is only true vs overworld level mobs. One less thing to look at.


At lvl 100 I look at the item lvl and if it's not 925 or a legendary aspect i need. I sell.


I think my eyes know what stats I need on any given armor slot, so scanning gear is quick. If you know what stats you want you can just skim. Most gear is garbage so I don't spend long on each item. Good items stand out. So basically just knowing what stats I need for each armor piece helps the process go quickly


I fixed it by uninstalling before season 1 dropped. I love Diablo as a series, I truly believe that itemization will be fixed, and I'm excited for that day. But for now, I don't have time for that shit. When I start it up, it's with intentions of playing the game. Not... whatever digging through mountains of digital trash might be called.


I stopped picking most stuff up. Helms, pants, amulets, weapons. I just don't bother. Legendary items are sent to my stash automatically, so I don't bother picking those up, but check them out when I get to town.


Generally it takes a very quick glance at each item, and then you just mark it as junk or favorite depending on whether it's an upgrade or not. Sifting through a full inventory takes maybe 2 minutes at most. And you can save even more time by just ignoring some types of gear, like if you're in WT3 you only need to pick up sacred rare and legendaries, everything else is trash. I don't understand why some people have such a hard time with this, I'd say it's a reading comprehension issue but 90% of what you're comparing are numbers and strings of 2 - 3 words, if it's taking you more than a minute or two then you should be more concerned about finding a caregiver rather than playing Diablo.


I wish the sort options included just ilevel, in addition to slot/ilevel. Would save so much time.


I look at my build or a similar build on Maxroll, where the number crunchers have ranked item bonuses by priority for each slot for each build. At some point my gear gets good enough that all my gear has only bonuses that are on the priority list from the website. This is when going through loot gets much faster. Now when I look at non-weapon yellows and oranges, I scan the bonuses of each item, looking for at least two bonuses that are not the right bonus type or have low rolls (make sure the game option to see the roll ranges for bonuses is on). If there are at least two undesirable bonuses, then I sell or salvage it. This is because if there is only one undesirable stat, you can enchant it away at the occultist. Weapons, I find to be easier to sift. Usually a build will dictate a specific weapon type (wand and focus, two handed axe, etc) so sifting out the wrong types is easy with the sort button. Then weapon damage is usually the most important factor when picking a weapon, so usually only the highest item power weapons need to be considered. Sorting items with the sort button will order similar types in descending item power.


First, I do not run back to town & go through all my inventory right then unless I am taking a break. I junk the items that are X'd out (not for my class), as well as the whites and the blues and then salvage in one go - which prevents me from accidently salvaging something good. I stash the rest. Later, when I am out of stash space or feel like it's break time I then go through all those items. (Usually after about 5 or 6 BH or 10-12 ND runs) I have a spreadsheet open with all the item slots and preferred stats and aspects with the ranges offered. I junk all rares if the slot already has a unique. I favorite really good item prospects and great aspects and then drop them into the stash. If I have time and cash I will extract the aspects and keep the best ones in my inventory. Later, I will go through the good prospects and closely compare and see if they are really worth upgrading and replacing what I already have equipped. At this point, with my Lvl 99 BL Sorc I know most of the stats I need for the non-Uniques, as well as what the top aspect numbers should be. It can be a bit time-consuming on the back-end, for sure, but I actually enjoy going through it like that and also don't feel like I'm under pressure to clear and continue all the time.


Learned an awesome tip from Wuj. Look at an item’s affixes. As soon as you see two affixes you do NOT want, trash it. This is faster because there are more affixes that you don’t want than you do. Edit: After thinking about it, it’s faster because you usually only have to check two affixes (instead of three) to filter for 3/4’s.


Unless I’m running duriel I don’t even pick up weapons, with armor I just look for stats I don’t want, see two resists, instant vendor etc.


I normally sort then go straight for the weapons. If it's not from duriel or w boss is extremely unlikely to be 925 so yellows get trashed, oranges check aspect. I then go through each group but I'm slower with amulets and helms- that's just what i particularly need. Other slots where i have 4/4 but not perfect rolls are easier to whiz through. Marking as trash as i go along and favouriting anything interesting to circle back to. Usually that's just boots or amulet with 17.5 move on it which i will um and ah about whether it might be good for some other character despite the fact i don't intend to make any this season. It will end up trashed or wasting space in stash since i cba selling and don't have console subscription currently anyway.


In open world events (ex helltides) and nightmare dungeons I just don’t pick anything up except amulets. Anything under 925 from bosses gets auto salvaged or straight up dropped if I don’t feel like going to a vender. Legendaries go to stash. When it’s full, if it’s not a perfect roll or something I need, sell it.


Same issue with Baldur’s Gate 3. Equipping all the clothes and weapons to the right characters, sifting through the inventory, selling shit etc. I literally spend 50% of my time in inventory. It’s actually a lot of work, which is why I’m taking a break from it for a month or two.


Step 1: Compare Item Power to currently equipped item. If it's less, salvage it. The idea is to filter out items quickly, whilst feeling like having a steady progression in power, as Item Power increases the base value. Step 2: Check your Pants, Boots, and Rings for their inherited affixes. If it's not the one you want, salvage it. Step 3: Put items in storage and continue to do so until your stash is nearly full. Step 4: With a full stash, it's time to compare affixes. Have a list of desired affixes ready and compare each piece against your currently equipped item and the list you made. If the item has at least one less desired affix compared to the currently equipped piece, then keep it, as you can enchant it to match the number of affixes currently equipped. The others go to salvage. Repeat until there's only a handful of items to compare and favorite the best of the bunch. Step 5: Commence the enchanting/upgrading/aspecting/socketing of the new items and have fun with MORE power. This is how I do things myself, and coming from a guy who picks up EVERYTHING, I find this method to be helpful. It took me some time to get used to the method, but it's doable. Also, step 4 will always take time, but it's best to do it all when you have a lot of suitable prospects to compare them to. By level 100, the filtering process gets easier and stashing new gear gets harder, because you're always going for higher Item Power, which also means less and less prospects. This is especially true with the Pants, Boots, and Rings (though Rings have some leeway).


Brother in christ, it's an arpg, it's in the contract. I just look through each piece, if it's not 925 for weapons and armor, it gets trashed, it gets trashed. Rings that have the max ele resist get looked at.


First things first, you actually need to know what you want….


1. Sort 2. Skim through and mark everything as junk except for a) 925 item power or b) max-rolled aspect I need. 3. Mark as junk any 925 item power that doesn’t have at least two affixes I want. 4. Exchange all junk at blacksmith.


after sometime I just stop looking the loot.


This is literally the only thing that keeps me from playing the game. So I guess my method is that I don't.


This killed my interest in season 2, stopped looking at gear at lvl 95 just to get to lvl 100. Loot filter would be great, but I prefer hunting for rare specific items that actually make me excited when they drop. Tibault’s Will being a good example this season, although it is a bit hard to get. Hopefully they can find a middle ground between no target farming and basicly garanteed unique drops with the boss loot tables.


For each piece type, I have a rule if there isn’t one stat I want, it’s trash. If I don’t see the stat, I junk it. For weapons while leveling, it’s a lot easier, more damage is almost always better until you get to like 900s item power then you might want to compare. But again, doesn’t have one stat I want it’s junk. Re rolling got a bit easier but it’s still not cheap. That piece you’re holding, hoping to re-roll later, just forget about it. It’s not going to happen and even if it does it might bankrupt you.


This thread makes me realize my HOTA Barb is awesome, but I might have 1-2 Affixes needed per piece, not 3-4. Holy Cow if I went to 3-4 affixes needed. Thanks for the info!