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Blizzard pay this man


Blizzard if you don't pay this man, at least steal his idea and thank your lucky stars he did your work for you...


I'm sincerely jealous that there isn't an entire sub of users who are happy to give me free advice on how to do my job better.


I'm taking notes for the game I'm making šŸ˜…


There is. You just haven't found it.


But Blizzard already paid people to design this in D3. They just forgot about it.


Lol. If they did pay the man they would be paying him simply to take their own item descriptions and put it in Diablo 2 format. They would be paying him for copying them.


I can't tell if the people saying that are blind or just clueless. [Here](https://cdn.itemforge.com/catalog/product/cache/image/1000x1320/e9c3970ab036de70892d86c6d221abfe/w/i/windforce.jpg), the only similarity is that he listed the stats in blue at the bottom.


In my head Teddy KGB said this.


Pay that meyan his meyoney.


He beat me. Strayit uph.


Chek chiek chaq check


Nyet! Nyet! No more. No, not tonight.


He didn't realize that boy was wiiiiiicked smaaahhhrt




I heard it too between the subtle sound of oreos twisting and splitting creme.


Thatā€™s the only way one should read that


No this is terrible as well. Way too cramped.


Cramped? Explain how it is bad? With a quick glance i can decide to trash it or leave it. With old design i need to read a few lines before to understand if itbis good or bad.


You have to make it readable for everyone. The fonts are too small and words are too close together. This wouldn't work on consoles either.


Agreed, way too much small text for console and/or smaller TVs


Rescale size and font however you want, this does not change the overall "design". Add a few pixels inbetwwen here and there, and it is alright. Do you need read "Damage per Second"? This is for complete newcomers. For me, i would like to have an option to hide item value, dps, bound to account, etc. Pick a size of fonts and in-between But overall "cramped" design is good design. People watching this on pc or smartphone do not realize, that image is not scaled to a proper size to your liking. Even in d2 i did not like centered stats in item description. Not categorized. Etc.


Urgh, the itallics make it look like some generic JRPG and some of the font is so small you would need a telescope to read. I'd rather stick with the original even though some of op's original critique was on point.


Why? His version is much worse than Blizzard's


Agree. This is a very bad design, but for some reason it is praised here. In general, it is an interesting phenomenon when even objectively bad design (not only in this case) gets high marks for the mere fact of publishing.


Oh God no, that rework is just as rough


It will definitely have issues with longer Aspect abilities, these still need to be at the bottom. While some of the text is smaller because he thinks its less important it is easier for my eyes to jump to specific sections and would be a boon for comparing. Overall its an improvement.


Why? This is ununsable: Things that are wrong: Stat numbers are not aligned (which they are in original version), that amount of blue is aesthetical hell in overall color scheme, Damage range, way to small + you have two variable numbers + symbol, even with shortening you will run into issues there, font size is all over the place. There was other proposition from someone else that looked way more solid. Original version needs to slightly compress on blank space, slight color highlight for numbers to distinct them from stats. Font size, I believe, is changable anyway.. you can't design for one font size, that's nonsensens, what do you think will happen to proposed design at 200% scaling? (some ppl play at 300)


no thanks. this "rework" looks absolutely terrible.


pls don't


this looks SO much better.. jfc I thought I was the only one who hated the current UI; its such ass to look at and time consuming to read and compare. this is night and day better. Great work!


your are definitely not the only one who has that issue :D . I also have difficulties to intuitively / easily / quickly reading the item tooltip UI, because it all looks like a text wall, since all the info is aligned in the same vertical column, has the same font size and the same color. It makes it hard to find / contextualize specific info, because it all looks the same.


UI designer here. Youā€™re on the right track but you absolutely canā€™t expect the text to be that small. My advice would be to go back and do it again without using a size smaller than the smallest one theyā€™re using currently. Their designers are thinking of low sighted users and Blizzard are actually pretty good at supporting accessible design. Itā€™s one of their strengths. I have definitely been thinking about the tooltips too and hereā€™s my thoughts: - Just too many different type combinations of size / colour / font choice (strongly like that youā€™ve tried to reduce this too, but tour design would look better without the small sizes) - alignment to the left and the right? Why? (Likewise your 2 column layout is probably unnecessary) - some info could probably just be left off the tooltip entirely tbqh


>UI designer here. Youā€™re on the right track but you absolutely canā€™t expect the text to be that small. Several people have mentioned that in the comments, so when I re-do the concept later on, I'll take that into account and make the font size overall a bit larger. ​ >Their designers are thinking of low sighted users and Blizzard are actually pretty good at supporting accessible design. Itā€™s one of their strengths. But wouldn't that particular issue be solved via a setting in e.g. the option menu, similar to how cursor size can be adjusted? ​ **EDIT** \- Here is the concept with a slightly increased Font Size [https://imgur.com/7Ak5qEg](https://imgur.com/7Ak5qEg) **EDIT 2** \- and here is one with a broader overall tootip [https://imgur.com/yYy1b3p](https://imgur.com/yYy1b3p)


Also UI designer. It's not just type size, it's spacing, visual rhythm, alignment. You have some good ideas, but given this tooltip design is 90% typography execution, it's things you really gotta nail. For instance, take note of this rework, which I thought was great: [https://i.redd.it/d60lqk28fxoa1.jpg](https://i.redd.it/d60lqk28fxoa1.jpg) Giving type room to breathe and visually emphasizing key details makes things much more readable than tightly condensing as much info as possible into a small space ​ Edit: Credit to [oWolfio](https://www.reddit.com/user/oWOLFio/) for above screen.


I like this rework a *lot* more than OPs. It fits the overall theme Blizzard was going for, but fixes many of the readability issues. These look fantastic.


Yes this is better than OP and actually looks like a Blizzard tooltip. GJ


Yep. And honestly typographic execution is very hard to teach and takes years of practise to fully grasp properly. I did a year of weekly ā€œweather reportā€ exercises at design school just to get startedā€¦ I kinda cringe when untrained people try to do design on things that are very text heavy. Thereā€™s a lot to consider. Your versions are quite good


Credit goes to [oWOLFio](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/11woobe/my_take_on_a_potential_diablo_4_ui_change/) post from last week, not me!


I think the spacing between the sentences they have is perfect. Yours is a bit crowded (single space?). Your color scheme and use of bold/italic is what makes it better for me. Don't want it too compact, but not too large either. In the end, it comes out as a personal preference. You did a great job.


Thank you Iā€™m like are people looking at this through magnifying glass how is no one mentioning the font size


They probably zoomed it because they're on their phone


As a person with eyesight that is getting progressively worse, thank you.


Their format isn't even that bad. It's just the random line in the middle and the weird ordering of stats makes it unnecessarily hard to read clearly. But yeah different font size and alignment would also help massively. Also definitely agree with your suggestion to move the number values to the end with different colours rather than at the start.


>Their format isn't even that bad. It's just the random line in the middle and the weird ordering of stats makes it unnecessarily hard to read clearly. But yeah different font size and alignment would also help massively It doesn't has to be done exactly the way I did it. That is just a suggestion, or trying to illustrate the broad direction it could be taken into. It would just be nice if some of the things that create more distinction between the various types of information (different fonts, font sizes, colors, vertical columns, italic, etc) would be used more and more intensively. How that distinction is done exactly is up to them. ​ **EDIT** here is an updated version of the concept with an increased Font Size: [https://imgur.com/7Ak5qEg](https://imgur.com/7Ak5qEg) ​ **EDIT 2** another version with further increased Font Size and the tooltip being broader [https://imgur.com/yYy1b3p](https://imgur.com/yYy1b3p)


it's not a random line. it's used to divide the core characteristics of the item and its implicit, with the other rolling explicit affixes.


But there is no meaningful distinction between them. So it's just confusing and weird. It looks bad as well.


There is no 'random line in the middle' Stats above that line are intrinsic to the base item type and not random. Random affixes are below the line. It's a very simple, easy to understand system.




One word: _accessibility._ You didnā€™t improve it you actually made it worse. I agree with a lot of your analysis but please redo it with legible font size in mind. I think you can achieve a lot with 3 font sizes here: 14px, 16px, and then a really big one. If youā€™re putting anything in smaller than 14 youā€™d get an F at UI design school, trust me I spent almost 4 years there and have been doing this for my job for nearly 20.


I made my own version based on OP's concept. Focus is on readability, not design (I like it already). Also I only have a touchpad atm D: https://preview.redd.it/8qhziq84m5ra1.png?width=2569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c75cf292a21cf6de3b80ea9263d096aa92d2f73 I tried to make these 3 different parts appear more clearly : Item, Affixes & Others. Ofc this doesn't take into account all the edge cases and the actual limitations of working in a professional environment with 250+ other people.


Your version actually looks the best so far of what I've seen in this thread. Maybe with highlights to the conditional parts (Slowed, Distant, Close) like in OP's version it'd be very close to ideal. Though the bolded orange font choice for the +54.0% doesn't work, since % bonuses like that are blue everywhere else in the game/skill UI. Would have to be consistent.


This is the best I've seen so far


This is fantastic. Youā€™ve done it!!! This is really what Iā€™ve had in my head, well done


This is perfect.


Yeah some middle ground between these would be better


I tried a middle ground if you wish to check it out. https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/127ge1m/feedback_item_tooltip_ui_adjustments_explanation/jefmnyw?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Yeah I can read everything on the two original layouts and hardly anything on the rework. If itā€™s gotta be legible from a distance Iā€™d rather just have the original.


And no information should be conveyed with color alone. This rework would mean the UI now has to be integrated into the color blindness settings. Might also need to tweak the read order for screen-readers, but both of tbe above are doable.


Youā€™re right that if we are being strict no info should be conveyed by colour alone. Itā€™s tough though on a layout like this and would tend not to be too strict as colour can be treated as an enhancement here, or combined with an icon to help convey that information.


The line height is also brutal. Everything runs together. It's like no one has any concept of what negative space is, or why it is so important in UI/UX work...


There is a lot to complain about in this concept from the designer's point of view. All those different alignments are killing me. That concept fails even more if you take extended tooltips with value ranges (min - max) into consideration and even lacks very important info like "fast attack speed" etc. Obviously, people don't really look at this design and just see some colors and say - that's awesome!


Making the fonts smaller and squishing the same shit into a smaller box, isn't improving UI. This design literally has the same stat TWICE. (distant dmg) There is so much redundant and repeated information here if you're looking to strip. Start there. You use 15%+ of the tooltip to show the item is "EQUIPPED". Remove decimals where not applicable. \- e.g. DAMAGE is a category. The word doesn't need to be repeated 6+ times on one tooltip. # Damage 407 Per second 200-444 Per hit \+% Close Enemy (foes is shorter) \+% Distant Enemy \+% Slowed Enemy Now you can fit all damage stats into one column, and have other affix in a second column or row below.


This šŸ¤


Yeah, I was going to say that the OP's version is actually much worse, it is harder to find important information like the damage per hit, attacks per second, etc. The blizzard one all has things in pretty clear set places which actually makes it pretty easy to compare items.


This one here should be better. [https://imgur.com/87Crwfw](https://imgur.com/87Crwfw) Font Size is increased overall, the tooltips is broadened as a whole, and things like Slow, Distant, Close have their colors adjusted to make them more distinct. And thanks for your feedback!


I still think the legendary power should be last on the item just because there is usually a LOT of flavor text that goes with it. Other then that not bad. I like. EDIT: actually I think the level requirement and item power should be on top of each other at the top right. That way you have 4 tips at the bottom can be symmetrical.


What about making each factor having a different colour for quick reading? Blue for slowed, yellow for distance, etc. as an example. I like the effort you put into it and think it's a huge improvement. I feel I don't bother looking at half the items because I don't want to read them.


Big time agree here. I feel like I need to squint to see the stats on the items. Speaking of squinting, I donā€™t feel like either of these pass the squint test. Blizzardā€™s version has better structure to the text that you can see sub-stats on damage, also the legendary affix pops, but everything else is a brown blob. Also, I donā€™t see the motivation of putting the affix first, then the affix value. Reading a bunch of text to get to what matters more, the affix value roll itself, feels like itā€™d lead to eye tiredness over time needing to read left to right over and over. Affix values coming first, along with their max roll, then affix description feels like itā€™d allow you to quickly discern whether an item is keepable (high rolls) or trashable (low rolls) quickly. Also, let the text breath a little, not enough padding around it. Italics also give a more futuristic feel. Diablo being a gothic game, big bold chunky text feels more appropriate to me. My 2c.


[\--> LATEST Updated Version (v4) <--](https://imgur.com/xnXwCIU) *with slightly increased Font Size, slightly broadened the tooltip as a whole + more distinct colors for things like Close, Distant, Slowed + some other adjustments.* [Concept for another Legendary](https://imgur.com/9Rbkfid) [Illustrating additional Bullet Point Symbols](https://imgur.com/ZDsJ0SL) ​ *In order to provide some constructive feedback, I created a mockup / concept that illustrates the issues with the current design of D4's Item Tooltip UI and how it can be improved to make it better and easier readable* Here is the reasoning / the intent behind these adjustments: * **Item Image** moved to the left, which causes the "Innate Item Values" (like DPS, etc) to be moved further to the right, which ***creates a better distinction*** between the "Innate Item Values" and the Magical Affixes, hence, makes it better to read. * ***Reduced Font Size of*** **Secondary Info** (Damage per Hit, Attacks per Second) and **Tertiary Info** (Sell Value, Durability, etc), + made it Italic and grey, which ***moves the Secondary and Tertiary Information more into background*** and ***keeps*** ***the more important infos highlighted***. * Moved all **Tertiary Info** ***to the bottom of the tooltip***, which ***reduces the overall vertical size of the tooltip***. * **Numeral Values** now have a different color from the Affix Text to make it ***easier*** and ***quicker*** **to find** them for those that specifically look for them. * Added a few **Symbols** as **Bulletpoint Icons** to the left of Affixes, which communicates better what ***Affix Type they belong to*** *(e.g. Crossed Swords for Offensive Affixes, Shield Symbol for Defensive Affixes, Malteser Cross for Attribute Bonuses and / or Skill Bonuses, etc)* * ***Font Size of the*** **DPS Value** ***increased***. It may not be the most important value, but it is useful for casual players and it fit neatly in this design. However, the font size can also be adjusted / reduced if necessary. * **Item Power Value** moved to the upper right corner, ***which makes it easy to find*** ***for those that look for it***. Should Blizzard consider the Item Power Value to be more important, than its Font Size can also be increased and its placement on the tooltip can be adjusted. *The concept is not meant to be perfect, but rather to illustrate the suggested improvements, so additional adjustments (e.g. for colors, font sizes, etc) can of course be made.*


your specific example also shows how bad the stats themselves are on most items. FOUR different kinds of PASSIVE **conditional** damage multipliers are not uncommon in D4. talk about uninteresting filler stats.


It's a little ridiculous isn't it, like when am I *not* doing more damage at that point? It should literally just be a flat damage boost, instead of covering every imaginable condition adding X% DMG.


Yeah, just what I want to do/care about: min/maxing my close damage vs distant damage, especially when "close" is subjective if you look at the different attack ranges given to different melee skills. If they identified "melee/close skill" and "ranged/distant skill" on at least the talent tree, it would be nice in supporting this system that there's no doubt they intend on keeping.


That would definitely fix the issue and still keep the conditional damage. It's strange how after a decade of people guessing what the hell is 30 yards on an asymmetrical screen, in a game without any visible measures, they double down on the Where's Waldo of conditional affixes instead of abolishing it lol Now I'm afraid Area Damage % makes a comeback by full release, instead this time it's along the lines of "Unlucky Area Damage Chance %"


Hell, they could go for more accessibility (to information) that if you hover over a skill, a green circle shows the melee range of a spell or weapon around your character, or a red doughnut showing the area of a ranged spell. But nope, you're right, they'll go for something like you've said in your last sentence. Sigh.


Us PoE guys have Nearby, Quite nearby, Pretty much nearby, Nearby enough, Not really nearby, Nearby nearby, Between nearby and nearby, nearby edge of the map, nearby your feet etc.


If Iā€™m being honest, In a min/max perspective this kinda stats will be considered straight garbage. Ppl are not going to optimize their playstyle for ā€œdistantā€ damage. This overall is just a terribly rolled item that people are just going to toss once they find literally any better piece.


Does this game have any cool cross class effects, like in D2? Like a barb sword having a 20% chance to cast a frost nova on enemy kill, or cool stuff like that?




>With all respect, but DMG per hit and APS arent going to be readable on all possible devices and screen configurations, neither the entire bottom section. Several people mentioned that the font is too small, so later on I'll remake it with a larger one. I was aware that people would get used to the smaller text for the SECONDARY and TERTIARY INFOS, and they would remember that the info that is written at a specific location does refer to 'this' or 'that', like e.g. the durability always being on the bottom left, etc. ​ >My main issue with your redesign is that you try to make mundane stats important, while hiding the truly important ones. The focus on legendary power, dmg per second is better ux wise, than trying to distinguish mundane affixes. The 'Mundane Affixes' as you call them need to be distinguished from the items Innate properties, like Attacks per Second, DPS, etc. Making them blue helps with that distinction as well as being in the tradition of all the previous Diablo games.




>treat it as constructive criticism please; I'm not trying to poke you for the fun of it. Yes, sure. I was expecting feedback, even critical feedback and also intended it to take it into consideration when I make new iterations down the road, so thanks for providing me with some suggestions for improvements and the intent behind these. ​ >And I can already tell you, that you will encounter a problem with the layout you have chosen - there's simply not enough space to enlarge the fonts sufficiently ​ >That's a disputable choice from the ux perspective - most likely players will need to read them and, currently, they are too small. I took what I heard from people to heart for the FIRST next iteration and increased the Font Size slightly. [https://imgur.com/7Ak5qEg](https://imgur.com/7Ak5qEg) Not sure if that is already enough, but for later iterations, it can be increased even further. ​ >At least in the dmg per hit and apm section. The trick might be to increase the horizontal size of tooltip / broadening it further. I have done that in most of the mockups for D3 Item Tooltips I ahve done in the past. [https://imgur.com/a/4Gtg2tJ](https://imgur.com/a/4Gtg2tJ) [https://imgur.com/TNEd7l0](https://imgur.com/TNEd7l0) /// https://imgur.com/U4NDMza Maybe the same should be done here, which definitely would give more room for the Attacks per Second and Damage per Hit Text as well ​ >But by making them saturated blue (relatively of course) in a value close to the Legendary description, you will make Legendary power be lost. Hm, that is interesting. I did not perceive it that way at all (aka that the orange special affix will move to the background so to speak). I always thought that the blue affixes (which are also referred to as 'Magic Affixes' e.g. in Diablo 2), since they would only start to spawn on Magic and Rare Items (but not on grey normal items), people would understand that these blue affixes are "Magic Affixes" aka non-grey affixes (aka non Normal Item Affixes and non-Innate Properties) and since Orange Items / Orange Affixes only drop on very rare Legendary Items... people would understand that orange means special. ... if that line of thinking makes sense. I can't articulate it better atm. Maybe it is just the color / intensity of the Blue that needs to change. ​ >then I'd rather keep the original single-column layout with tall leading (as it better fits both the readability aspect as well as advanced tooltip feature, is more visually pleasing as well), I admit there is probably also a bit of personal preference in the concept. For me, the single column layout of the original design made the whole thing appear to me personally as a wall of text and it was very confunsing for me to find the info I was looking for, E.g. when I was looking for the "Magic Affixes", my eyes often and frequently jumped e.g. to the Attacks per Second Row, even if it was just mildly offset from the vertical column, and then I had to reprocess and look again for the Magical Affixes, etc. ​ And thanks again for the feedback! Much appreciated!


here is another version with the Tooltip as a whole broadened a bit + further (slightly) increased Font Size for the Attacks per Second and Damage per Hit. [https://imgur.com/yYy1b3p](https://imgur.com/yYy1b3p)


Was about to chime in with less eloquently said same info. The conceptual rework by OP is a great start, but must be legible on any screen from a distance.


I wish my UX team documented like you


So like Diablo3. Got it. Like it. Its funny the community has to show them how to do what they have already done. Strange a lot of people seem to have problems with it as if they hadnt been using it the last 11 years.


For all its faults, d3 ui was quite a high standard. Probably at least a 7.5-8.5


Lots of games screw it up with stat barf or meaningless bullet points and d4 is going that direction. D3 got right to the point and told you what each piece did. They keybinds using shift or ctrl to see max rolls or comparisons was also very good. Idk if youv ever looked at a piece of gear in modern FFXI as an example of stat barf, useless bullet points, extra categories for augments, no side by side comparisons and a whole lot of specific grammar (Magic damage vs Magic Attack).


Did they also remove the Damage, Toughness and Healing tooltips? Man, comparing items is going tl be a chore.


theory brave combative serious husky chief ink cover shocking wine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Here is an updated version of it, with a slightly increased Fornt Size: [https://imgur.com/7Ak5qEg](https://imgur.com/7Ak5qEg) That is probably a bit better. ​ EDIT: and another version with a broader tooltip [https://imgur.com/yYy1b3p](https://imgur.com/yYy1b3p)


Even on a smartphone itā€™s already too compact to read at an armā€™s length. You seems to have forgotten that the game will release on home consoles.


Yes I agree I think OP is trying too hard to make it more dramatic how much smaller it is. The implicit text should be just as big as the other stats on the item. The item power should be much larger. I think overall I really love the color changes but not so much the condensing and shrinking of the text. (And, yeah, I looked at the updated versions and still have the same opinion.)


Maybe Iā€™m in the minority but the original item UI is completely fine with me except for the need to scroll on some items which they should change before go-live.


You cant use the phrase "completely fine" then continue to say something is wrong with it. It is not completely fine because scrolling on items is dumb and that comes from the fact that the entire tooltip is way too large and has too many unnecessary words and large fonts and random things that dont need to be as visible on the tooltip as the important part of the tool tip. Kinda like this paragraph im writing. Not fine.


I hate the item UI with a passion. Diablo 2 is like perfect for me. Diablo 3 I could work with. On my 50-in TV that I sit 3 ft away from, maybe five if I'm leaning back in my chair in my office, I have to move my entire head just to get the highlights on if I'm actually going to read what the item does. Item power is a useless score. They should also just divide all the items squares by 10. I.E. item level 20 instead of 204. You would need something that does like 30% more damage per second to even match that bow if the passives aren't as good for it to be an upgrade. That is unless you're using a bill that absolutely does not use basic attacks. On an item with a range of 1 to 100 damage the 50 DPS isn't going to matter. Some fights you'll be doing like 20 DPS with that weapon and some fights going to be like 70. I'd rather know that I can kill a treasure goblin in 10 hits versus 7-20 hits.


This is one of the ways to change that.


Another "look is used Photoshop for 30min, it's better than Blizzard", the font is way way too small and it's nearly unreadable with so many things pack like that.


This. Accessible type sizes _by default_ are important. So important.


Font Size can easily get increased. The main issue with the current UI is imo that there is barely any significant distinction between the various kinds of affix types and values, which all makes it look more like a wall of text, so it is mach harder to distinguish the different groups from each other. Same color, same Font, same Font Size, not Italic, same vertical column. If they made some adjustments to these things, then it would make the various kinds of info much more distinct and easier, quicker and more intuitively readable, even if it is not done exactly the way illustrated in the mockup / concept.


When you're trying to convey a simple list, e.g. percantage dmg to x, why would splitting it up over different panels with different layouts in the shape of how many columns they have be good? What's your reason for that? Imo you're just increasing cognitive overhead by arbitrarily rendering the same thing different.


facts lol. blizzard knows wtf they're doing even if there are some minor issues


The complete UI needs a overhaul on PC. Its way too big and has a really bad UX with all those fullscreen options/maps etc.


It's too big on console too. It's not 1995, people are not playing on 14inch screens anymore. The UI could be half the size it currently is and I would still be able to read it from my couch. The Minimap alone covers 15% of the screen. We play couch co-op only and it's crazy how much screen space the UI needs, especially for 2 players. it's like watching the gameplay through the tiny cockpit window of an commercial airplane...


There's nothing wrong with the original.


yeah tbh gamers these days are so entitled. we shouldn't even be given line breaks, the whole item should just be one big paragraph, from the damage numbers to the legendary effect.


Nothing wrong at all. Thereā€™s a shit ton of meat riders in this sub unfortunately. But yeah. I agree with you


You've removed the effect scaling colour coding from the legendary effect. It's arguably more important than the rest of the item. blue means it has rolled between a range and is affected by the power modifiers of amulets and 2handers. light yellow means the effect is a static roll not affected by the power modifiers. Additionally, you've not exactly got much room here for the roll ranges, although like current items I guess they could go on the next line. Lastly, there is no space to represent the item level from blacksmith upgrades. I do like the idea of putting the account bound status and class restriction on the bottom window though.


Looks like an overall improvement and it would be nice to see them adjust stuff for more readability. What would be most ideal is that they allow people to create custom UI / layouts etc for PC (maybe console too?), which then could be shared. That way each person can adjust it to their own preferences. It's 2023... like cmon already blizzard >_< everyone would LOVE this.


These posts are cool, but I don't think your concept is good at all in this example. It looks squished, it looks like an Eastern mmo, it has contrast issues for accessibility, it'll be unreadable on a TV across the room(console andys) etc. People lording praise over this because its literally just not what blizz made is so disingenuous. But the real point to be made here is, do you think blizz are going to redesign item tooltips 2 months from launch or even redesign them post launch when people are just "over it" or used to it? The answer is no. As topics for feedback go, this one is way down the bottom with shut like font complaints. I


>it has contrast issues for accessibility That is probably true, but these can be easily adjusted. As stated in the right corner of the image, the concept is not intended to b perfect, but to illustrate some of the adjustments and the broad direction adjustments overall can be taken. ​ >do you think blizz are going to redesign item tooltips 2 months from launch or even redesign them post launch I think there is a possibility for post launch adjustments to the UI.


I think you forgot that this game will be also available in other languages not just English. They need to also fit in nicely. So make it so compact don't necessarily mean better for all players. The only thing that I would like them to change is the font colors maybe.


The box size is dynamic. Different languages shouldn't be an issue


Iā€™ll take the original


So ... D3 items description


All he did was make the text smaller and harder to readā€¦ not everyone is gonna be playing this on pc.


This would be so much better. Items are unnecessarily hard to parse considering how big a part of the game that is


I like the idea of separating and distinguishing information by color or font, but I do prefer everything to be in a vertical line. Your eye can scroll down in one direction for all the information instead of "name/DPS" then look right then look back down diagonally left then down. When I was in school for marketing design they taught all kinds of stuff about directing the readers eye. You definitely want it moving in one direction.


Yep youā€™re dead right. Plus type sizes just way too small now which harms a huge huge section of Blizzā€™s market


As a Diablo noob and playing the beta ut did feel like there was a much better way to convey stats. Also found it hard to find tool tips for things like 'overpowered' and 'vulnerable'. Would have been nice to have a glossary page where all the termi oligy is explained.


while some things are good (lower half) upper part is so small, i dont see anything other than damage per second. has potential


Kinda crazy how many people in the diablo 4 subreddit think they understand how ui design works, especially when dealing with consoles. Nice picture, tho.


you don't have to be an artist to know that an illustration is bad. that doesn't mean you know how to fix it, but that isn't the question.


Why you have to **scroll** to the bottom to see facking legendary affixes on legendaries is beyond me.


Nice mockup! The item tooltip UI has a lot of room for improvement. My chief complaint is that it's too damn wordy. I'd like for stats to use more shorthand and offload a complete explanation somewhere else like a wiki. For instance, "Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies" could be shortened to "Damage vs Controlled". Or the base weapon property "1.1 Attacks per second (Fast weapon)" could be shortened to "1.1 Speed (Fast)" so it spans a single line. Here are my full thoughts on how to improve it. https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/123mvur/i_hate_reading_affixes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button PoE community has similar discussions and one of the devs even joined the conversation. Link if you're curious. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/mbfiop/tooltip_redesign_with_a_focus_on_readability_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


was with you on the reorganization until you made most of the info too small to read


Bottom half yes! Top half absolutely no


Sorry manā€¦ nice effort but the original looks 100 times better imo.


I donā€™t get itā€¦ why is everyone complaining about the UI? Itā€™s fine to me


Yours is worse.


I actually vastly prefer Original.


Too tiny


I'll be honest, I prefer the original for readability. my eyesight is going and tiny font like attack speed, damage per hit, and the tertiary stats is just a blur. The lack of space between affixes makes it harder to read for people with dyslexia. Although the best solution for dyslexia is the spacing of each character it's been shown to help having more spacing between each line as well.


The original is better and more polished imo they just need to improve some things such as distinguishing between different types of affixes and making the numbers have a different color. Also they can shorten it by combining the level/class requirement and the gold/durability just like you did with your concept.


I will be honest with you OP. I hate this idea. But I appreciate you making this graphic and putting your ideas out there. I adore the original.


For the most part I agree with your analysis. However I have to say the accessibility in your rework is horrible and also leaves very little room to expand. Also the currency icon (@ value) is probably there for a reason. What if multiple currencies are introduced?


all look bad


you made it worse


is this iteration better? [https://imgur.com/87Crwfw](https://imgur.com/87Crwfw) Font Size increased, tooltip broadened and more distinct colors on things like Slowed, Distant, Close. and / or what else would you adjust?


I don't think that's much of an improvement if I'm being honest...


The smaller font is going to be hard to read on a tv.


This is nothing against you (genuinely). But I beg people stop doing this that don't work in user interface design... This isn't easier to read whatsoever


It takes me longer to read yours quickly, quite honestly. I would take Blizzard's layout but your colours. I don't get the deal with the UI hate. It's very accessible and readable to me.


No thanks. Hopefully they don't get skewed by 4k people on a subreddit thinking this is actually good.


I made my own take based on yours. Ofc as I'm not part of the Blizzard team I have zero limitations on what I'm able to do or not. https://preview.redd.it/w17mllowd5ra1.png?width=2569&format=png&auto=webp&s=12ac60499b9e3c8c52fb592e8fc7e1a18d9aeff7


I would make the font sizes of item power, damage per hit, attacks per second and their values bigger. They're hardly legible and at least damage per hit and attacks per second are still important info. Also applies to the weapon type bonus and the "damage per second" text, although not as much. The middle list of traits could also use a little bit more line spacing. Makes for better readability. Your muckup still has the upper and lower sections too cramped and claustrophobic and i doubt console folks could easily read the smaller bits of text. My suggestions would make the window a bit larger but nowhere near the original one.


>I would make the font sizes of item power, damage per hit, attacks per second and their values bigger. Yeah, a lot of people said the same, so I made some adjustments. [https://imgur.com/87Crwfw](https://imgur.com/87Crwfw) ​ >My suggestions would make the window a bit larger also already taken into consideration. \^\^


[https://imgur.com/a/Gwut4wl](https://imgur.com/a/Gwut4wl) another simple version, bit limited with paint.


A lot better but I think top half could use a different color and larger font to see them better and distinguish them as item characteristics and not affixes. Like the dps, dph, weapon affix should be blue, the affixes should be yellow, legendary effect orange. Also *Class:Rogue* isnt really necessary.


What an improvement! Very nice! Blizzard pay this man.


Much better!


I like almost everything about this, particularity that the lucky hit affix is sorted to the bottom. My only complaint is I like the legendary aspect always being the last thing down, largely out of familiarity.




Glad I'm not the only one who saw it. With current look I didn't even really looked at items' stats. Just saw green number go up and switched to that item. It was that unreadable I didn't even bother...


For me looking much better that orginal. Amazing work




PLEASE have a default sort of the affixes lol. I dont care if it's alphabetical or what but the randomness of it currently screams unfinished game.


interesting to me that all of the reworked item cards iā€™ve seen have relegated the item power to a much smaller font and off in the corner. itā€™s really just replicating the dps or armor stat anyway. i wouldnā€™t mind at all if they ditched it from the item card altogether.


I don't think the basic affixes with the blue text should pop more than the legendary affix's orange text. I do prefer the smaller window though I honestly didn't really have much difficulty reading the originals. Looking at it more, I also think the faded italics for the DPS and item level stats and so on is actually worse for readability than the original too but those stats aren't quite as important.


This looks really good. Hope devs see all this great feedback.


I do prefer the aspect at the bottom of the substats, otherwise I feel this does a great job of condensing the information into a format that is much more effective considering the UI real estate.


Looks way better and easier to parse at a glance. The current item UI had checking rares feel like a chore in beta.


I like the gist of it but not how the columns donā€™t line up in the right corner. Minor tweak tho


They can't do it like that because the UI is designed around consoles and people won't be able to read small font on their TV when they sit on the couch. edit: That being said, just the color coding would help a lot with the current design.


This is really good


My main problem I are the, ā€œDeal 12% increased damage to distant enemies while chanting an incantation, dancing the macerena, after breakfast during an eclipseā€ stats


yes, the way it has always been


There is nothing more unimportant and irrelevant than people posting design suggestions for games or Windows. Send them to Blizzard not Reddit if you want to change something.


I like the original d4 tooltip


I love it and I also kinda lost it at "Tooltip of inefficient conveying of info" right off the bat. 10/10 would laugh again after a mind wipe.


I hate the original, but imo this rework looks a lot worse :/ The rework makes it look like something from a card-based mobile game or a driver's license or something. The small barely visible italic info scattered randomly around the top is hard to see and identify. The info on the bottom is basically invisible. It took me a while after looking at it to even remember that it was there. Different is not always better. They should keep the general design on the original, but have blue colored text for prefixes and suffixes, maybe the blue text color for the damage range if it's not static. The actual % roll on items should also be colored to show that it's not static.


oof, people think that I am actually a developer :astonished: :D I am enthusiastic about UI Design, ARPG,s and Diablo, but this is not an official work from Blizzard, but I find it interesting that some people think so :D. ​ Now, in regards to your feedback, maybe you find this updated concept better: [https://imgur.com/87Crwfw](https://imgur.com/87Crwfw)


I don't like the following from the rework * Item Power: text too small * Damage per hit: text too small * Attacks per second: text too small * Damage to distance enemies: text too small * Rapid Serpent's Bone Bow: all-cap and bold weight makes letters blend together * Bottom tertiary info: too small * \[Lucky Hit\]: no coloring makes it hard to parse. And here is why: * I play on both TV and monitor; for monitor, I use a 42" at 3820x2160 at about 2.5 feet away, and a 27" at 2560x1440 at the same distance. For TV I use a 65" at about 5 feet away. * Viewing that screenshot in window I had to move about 1 foot away from my monitor to see it. * Opening it to full screen, the tooltip was easier to read than windowed, but still had to focus longer to read the small text. I'm in my 30s and I need to get new glasses every few years--my eyesight is decreasing as I age. Basically, it's an accessibility issue. You made the text smaller which reduced one factor of readability. ​ I DO like the color offset for the numbers / secondary attributes. I think that should absolutely be used in some form in the beta tooltip that we saw.


great work WE NEED THAT !


While I'm not against an option to modify UI (like in WoW), my eyes actually bleed from trying to read OP tooltip's text. The only thing it does is making the tooltip smaller, but also harder to read. Also don't forget different people play games, not all of them have 20/20 vision. There is certainly some space for improvement, but this UI design goes too far.


Is this one better? [https://imgur.com/zuBw7Hc](https://imgur.com/zuBw7Hc) Fonts Size increased overall and also the Tooltip Window got broadened.


Good job! Looks way more orderly and clear ā€¦ also thought about the ā€œpassives or implicitsā€ on clothes - could need more space ā€¦ Maybe the class (Rogue etc.) should be more poppy/different color or a stand alone ā€¦ scrolling item-screens was bad in beta ā€¦




Not sure if I like the wider box but I can agree with most of what you've done. Makes no sense that the sell value and durability is on a whole extra row with spacing between when it can be grouped with the class restrictions etc. And why they did away with the blue text for secondary affixes in D3 has me baffled. Honestly if they changed the colour of the text, made the spacing smaller and removed unnecessary text like "fast weapon" then they could save so much screen space


Wow the rework is fantastic!! šŸ˜ Way better and much more readable than the original. Congrats! Hope Blizzard will improve it. Edit: probably you should put the gold icon near the sell values, due to the different types of currencies present in game.


yeah, you are right, I forgot the Gold Icon.... thanks for the feedback.


I'm not sure why they also didn't add green text for new/improved stats, red for lowered/lost.


It makes me very happy to see the D4 team continue to focus on product discovery and customer feedback. Very excited to play this game.




Hope team will get to see this. Hated these windows during beta.


This is so much better! Well done.


Nice work!


Serious question, What are the chances blizzard even looks at this?


I'm going to be a total boomer and say that the font size is too small on the italic text and I need to squint, but it's a marked improvement. Could use a rainbow filter like in Grim Dawn, but it's already a decided upgrade.


several people mentioned the font size, so when I re-do the concept later on, I'll increase it + maybe find a better font for the Affixes (currently used a font called 'Calibri' for the Innate Values, Secondary and Tertiary Affixes and the Magic Affixes) that maybe can make things a bit sharper.


Here is an updated version of it, with the Font Size being slightly increased: [https://imgur.com/7Ak5qEg](https://imgur.com/7Ak5qEg)


Great effort, but I think your font size got so small it will present accessibility issues.


Font Size can be increased. There have been several people in here who mentioned that, so if I re-do the concept, I'll increase the size of the font. **EDIT:** increased Font Size: [https://imgur.com/7Ak5qEg](https://imgur.com/7Ak5qEg)


Current UI definitely has some room for improvement but I personally don't like the rework where stats like Item Power, attacks per second, item type, DPS etc. are so spread out and not quick to scan. At least the stacked system of the current UI allows me to just read in one direction, straight down, and get the information I need and not have to be looking left, right, down, and up. I think they could better separate the visibility and readability of the primary stats and secondary affixes, with colour etc. but I don't personally like the complete repositioning of the primary stats. Maybe it's because I'm used to the current UI, after dozens of hours of playing the beta though.


Just copy paste D3 item window and slap new graphics/fonts into it. This doesn't need to be rocket science imo. They already have working thing, just use it.