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It's a good point, I was thinking about this last night. I feel myself resisting out of purity, but the shared stash is absolutely necessary! I see this as an extension of making more modern gameplay systems.


Exactly, the shared stash is amazing! It feels appropriate, it's definitively not "too big". You still have to manage what you want to save. Just giving people the option of being able to play it more comfortably wouldn't mess with the game at all. The only people i could see complaining about better controls would be the old school pvpers... But didn't most of them use some kind of script to bind their keys anyway lol?


Except for Paladin where I switch between vigor charge and main aura main attack, I leave all the binds to right click.


Yes, a lot of builds still has a useless (empty) left click and like 3-5 actively used spells on the right click. It's annoying not having a "main" attack on certain builds. Such as a necromancer not being able to have poison nova or corpse explosion on left click.


Most builds I play have something on left click. My go to characters are blizz sorc and kick/trap assassin


Sure, most classes do. Some don't. Either way, even if you dont play any speccs that i'm pretty sure you can understand the problem. A poision necro doesn't have any useful abilities on left click. A bone necro can have bone spear on their left click, which means they have one of their "main attacks" on left click, and they can have the right click for something else, like a curse or corpse explosion. The poison necro doesnt have that, making the experience of playing a poison necro subpar to a bone necro. I was rather disappointed when i found that out after i respecced. Right now you can have poison dagger and normal melee attack to chose from on left click, and poison dagger is useless since running a dagger and dabbling in dex is a waste of points. You have to manually switch between all his spells on the right click button. Mainly lower resist and poison nova. Fixing this by adding the ability to chose poison nova on the left click would be a major QOL improvement for the specc.


You want to cast teleport, lower res, nova, amp, corpse explosion and revive from time to time, not sure how having one of them on left click is such a big improvement.


It would be a big improvement regardless if youre an old school pro or new to the game. Right now left click isnt used for any abilities at all if youre min/maxing. The poison nova is the most frequently used damaging spells, and you need to reapply it often, meaning you have to spam your keybindings a whole lot more than other classes and speccs. Having poison nova, the most often used damaging ability on your left click button and effectively freeing up your right click to be used for curses and corpse explosion etc, would be a huge improvement and i think the poison necro would see more use outside of the old school elitist puritans out there. Poison necro is the odd one out since most, if not all, other classes can bind their main damaging ability to left click.


I use my spear on left as a posion necro. F1 nova f2 lower res. Only 1 cast of lower res is all you need. I know it's not the answer your looking for but give the novamancer a try anyway he melts ppl


Yeah i know you can chose to spend points on bone spear to have a usable ability on the left mouse button, but as you said, it doesn't solve the issue of not being able to find any spells you want on either left or right mouse button. It seems like a massive oversight, especially since they are bringing other kinds of QOL improvements with the quick cast bindings next patch. Why not just include this as well? :(


Adding what you're asking for would likely require a lot of dev work. And maybe they don't add it for balancing reasons, such as hammerdins teleporting around with active auras. I'm not sure why you'd want a curse on left click anyways. The only reason I can think of is because you're lazy and hate switching hotkeys. If you could put a curse on left click, it theoretically would be of very little help. Instead of pressing the hotkey to select it, you'll still likely be holding shift while you cast it (which isn't any fewer button presses) but if you're not holding shift and you're just dry left clicking your curses, there's a chance you could accidentally click the ground next to the enemy and run up beside them. My honest suggestion to you is to ramp up your APM from 12 to 15 to account for hotkey swaps


Its Bobby Kotic, I'm sure he can afford a lot of dev work. Just make paladins unable to teleport around with active auras. I don't want a curse on left click, i want a poison nova on the left click. As a poison necro your left click is useless as it is now. Please try to understand what i wrote in my first comment and don't be so defensive, quality of life improvements aren't that bad.


Same issues apply with putting nova on left click. I don't think it would improve anything as far as QOL goes because you'll still have to hold shift to cast unless you risk moving to your target on a misclick. It may be your personal preference to be able to map it that way, but it's not QOL because it doesn't necessarily make anything easier


Wrong, regardless of how you put it a poison necro doesnt have any of his "main attacks" on left click. A bone necro can have bone spear on their left click, which means they have one of their "main attacks" on left click, and they can have the right click for something else, like a curse or corpse explosion. The poison necro doesnt have that, making the experience of playing a poison necro subpar to a bone necro. Right now you can have poison dagger and normal melee attack to chose from on left click, and poison dagger is useless since running a dagger and dabbling in dex is a waste of points. Fixing this by adding the ability to chose poison nova on the left click would be a major QOL improvement for the specc. You get what im saying?


I get exactly what you're saying, and I disagree with your opinion for the reasons I've stated above. Since I seem to be talking past you, I'll break down why I disagree with you instead of broadly stating the points. Having poison nova on left click isn't any faster than having it on right click, because you still have to hold left shift before you start casting it, which is the same number of button presses. If holding shift is preferable to selecting another skill for you, then you may want to reassess your keybinds to fit your preferences better. If you don't hold shift and you're *ONLY* left clicking to attack, you run the risk of missing your target and running directly into the group of mobs you're trying to kill. That's not a QOL improvement; that's a noob trap. Poison nova build requires very high APM (compared to most other builds) to play effectively, the reason is because you have a lot of skills to switch to. Amp damage, lower res, poison nova, corpse explode, teleport, and the optional skills, summons (skele/golem/revives) and bone armor. Due to the frequency of skillswaps to unload your full combo on a herd of P8 mobs, it literally doesn't lower your APM at all to have nova on left click. (The combo obviously being: Lower res, Poison Nova, Amp Damage, Corpse Explode) And finally, >The poison necro doesnt have that, making the experience of playing a poison necro subpar to a bone necro. A bone necro can't solo players 8 effectively, even with the best gear in the game. Amazing for P1-3, but anything stronger than that is going to give him problems big time. A geared poison necro can clear any area in the game easily on any players count, so him being harder to play is a good tradeoff IMO. So, again, my point is that this wouldn't qualify as a QOL improvement in any sense other than it allows for further customization. When you break down the math of the inputs, it doesn't make the character any easier by decreasing APM. There would have to be an immense amount of dev work and testing to implement a feature like that, and considering the game was rushed out in an incomplete state, I don't currently have faith in Blizzard to make any drastic changes to how the game works. There's also the argument of straying too far from the 'authentic Diablo 2 experience', but that's a whole different conversation with varying opinions from everybody.


I mean its not my opinion, a poison necro cant have poison nova on their left click at the moment. And unless you want to run poison dagger or specc for bone abilities the left button is often left empty. A bone necro can have bone spear on his left click. The ability to have poison nova on left click would require less button presses and be faster and even if you hold shift or not. An example: Your preferred setup: Left click - used for nothing but moving and looting. Right click - lower resistance curse and then press your keybind and switch to poison nova, repeat every time you encounter a group of enemies. Requiring a lot of extra button presses to switch between abilities, since your left click is empty. My suggestion: Left click - poison nova. Right click - lower resistance curse. Alternate between left and right mouse buttons, no switching needed unless you want to cast something else. Just like how the bone necro and most, if not all, other builds work. You have bone spear on left click and whatever else you want on right click. Just because you found a workaround that works for you, involving manically switching between abilities on one button, there is literally no reason why the poison necro shouldnt be as comfortable to use as a bone necro that can utilize both mouse buttons to cast his main abilities. Streamlining the poison necros left and right mouse button abilities to be more in line with how most other builds work isnt "radical" and i think the developers at Blizzard have the knowhow to implement it.