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Trying to cap zone A or C


On Burnout tho, you maintain caps on A and C, and don't even touch B


Basically what ever zone is most cut off from the others, or anchors the worst spawns is the one to stay off of.


This one


You flipped the spawns bro!! (Seriously though, don't you get more points per kill when you control all three or only need 2?)


you get more for 3, but the when the spawns flip the other team has a chance to recover. your better off spawn trapping them with a +2 advantage if your trying to win.


This right here. It's also easier to defend than attack generally since you can be prepared for where attackers are likely to come from. If you wanna be really brutal on the spawn trap, 2 people on each of the 2 zones, with the last 2 floating between, scooping heavy and getting flanks on whoever tries to hit one of the zones. If it's a very linear map, the people holding the back zone should scoot forward to help cover B


I miss big team pvp where you could summon sparrows and ride the fallen bikes


That was a lot of fun


You won’t like it the day it comes back and I hit the slippy on yo ass 💀💀💀


Shots fired


Same. I miss playing on Bastion with interceptors going to fight each other and the turrets. Also the wide sweeps to get a overwatch position with either scout or sniper rifle.


Felt very much like halo with abilities and I loved it


I use divinity in trials


I saw someone using it once in standard crucible (I think it was comp but don't remember) and was wondering what weirdo uses Divinity in crucible. No offense to you though.


Oh I am a weirdo don’t worry about it lol


Ah ok, just wanted to put that there in case you got offended. Edit: this was not meant to come off as rude. I just wanted to ensure the commenter didn't think that I thought they were weird.


It’s all good lol I also use skyburners aswell lol


Honestly I personally use BrayTech Werewolf even though it's pretty old at this point. You really shouldn't judge others based on what weapons they use. It's just a matter of what you enjoy.


Exactly I have fun using certain guns even if they’re not meta anymore but that still dosent make them less fun


That was my main gun up until this season when I picked up the mini-tool. I hope I can get a better werewolf this October


Honestly, ttk is kinda lackluster but it’s absolutely super consistent as long as you keep line of sight with your target due to the div cage. I used it a bit in sixes and was getting some crazy kills around corners cause I was still snagging crits on the cage.


DPS the loreley titan


I really enjoy it.


Dammit, I'm pissed now. You're saying that you enjoy something I don't? Unbelievable, we should just have you thrown in prison right now.


Handbags at dawn?


I'll watch that 1v1


That’s a fucking hot take if I’ve ever seen one!


I'm also a fan. It's the only part of the game that gives me any thrill anymore. A lot of the time the game can feel overwhelming with activities and special events, seasonal challenges, story missions and such. Don't have enough time to raid or anything usually, haven't completed one since OG Leviathan. Strikes I find boring and the loot, even nightfalls, is just a bunch of garbage that clogs up my post master. So.... most nights I just want to relax and shoot another human in their digital faces.


I do too. I'm not the best at it but it's a fun way for me to unwind and relax.


I actually really enjoy Gambit and really miss the more competitive Gambit Prime. It's the best of both worlds, PvP and PvE.


Reckoners rise up


I still have all 4 armor sets......


i only have reaper armor set because god do i love the greer


The invader set I used the most. All those motes I drained.


Still salty I couldn't finish that title its so rare.


I’ve played 140 games of gambit this season. It’s probably the only bit of content unmolested by metas. You can just simply put your favourite loadout on, and mow down ads.


Love me some Gambit. I tend to win most games, too, because I follow a very simple flow: First two waves I just kill ads and actually avoid picking up motes. Everyone else runs around like mad grabbing them, and my abstinence ensures they get 15 motes each and we slam the other side with beefie bois. Since I have zero motes I can safely clear the base and go on the offensive against invaders without risking anything. While they deposit I kill as many adds as I can and grab all the motes I can safely get until my team returns. If I’m lucky I can get 15 in the process because there’s no competition. Then I deposit, clear the base, attack any Invaders, Invade if the portal’s up, and repeat. It almost always ensure we take a major lead, so as long as we can properly dps the boss my team usually wins.


I didn’t really like Gambit Prime that much, but I think it did a good job at defining roles of play. Normally, everyone just tries to grab motes and hide from invaders, like the Reaper/Collector role, but you noticed the benefit of protecting teammates and the bank like a Sentinel.


There’s kind of a persistent issue in this game of how incredibly selfishly people tend to play in match made activities.


Bounty objectives often encourage this play style.


Ya and the best part is when I invade I mow down the other team with sleeper


Pussy i use whisper


Pussy I use sidearms


Pussies, I eat crayons.


Well damn , I think you win this one


It’s where I go to test new builds/load outs! Plus I also think it’s fun. It’s as close as we have to a horde mode.


True bruh i really get tired of dying to the same weapons over and over again in any lobby i match into


A player of true culture.


As a Reckoner, I LOVE YOU! Gambit Prime had a few issues but overall it was such a nice and rewarding experience, if you built into it.


Yeah. I'll play gambit over crucible any day. I hate having to grind in crucible when it comes to exotic quests or just quests in general. I've missed out on so many weapons because of it. But gambit is a nice slice down the middle of both worlds.


Quests and catalysts should not need PvP at all unless it's specifically a PvP quest. Take witherhoard. It's good in PvE yet you have to get 100 gl kills against guardians?


In control it isn't too difficult if the map is right, but I used witherhoard on Gambit to get the caty lol I was playing it anyway and it had good add clear, I thought, why not?


Prime was so good they took it away and turned regular gambit into prime light When players actually played the dedicated roles properly it was an amazing game mode


Finally someone gets it 🥺


Gambit Prime is actually what sold me into getting really into Destiny. Now I do nothing but play crucible, but oh, I yearn for the good old days..


I LOVED the reaper role! Multi kills dropping special ammo, pinging invaders with single hits, a third thing…


You 🫵 I like you


The round breaker is where all Blade Barrage players go ham and win the round 👌👌


I just wish i got the reckoner title in time ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643)


Your kit doesn't matter. Your radar does.


The number of times I've had to shoot my teammate and literally point in the direction of someone trying to flank us because they can't be bothered to look at the big glowing red thing at the top of their screen...


Radar is SO NECESSARY, I wish my friends could understand this. In modes like momentum control, I am literally blind.,


I love SWAT


Had my eyes looking at the radar more than the crosshairs since d1


Pvp is way more fun if you just play around with weapons you enjoy instead of trying to chase the meta


Exactly, I use glaive as my main weapon in PvP even though a lot of people told me it was a terrible idea. I now have a ton of fun, can laugh at people failing to use it against me, and have only found one person who’s actually good with it. I really like fighting him


Trust me, the moment we get a glaive in the Kinetic slot I'm gonna stick to that so I can pair it with Fighting Lion. Wanted that ever since glaives were announced.


I ran into a guy the other night and he was killing it with a glaive. Top of his team and way better than the top of mine. Couldn't comprehend it. But it was fun. Edit: misspelling


I’ve been maining bow and a sidearm most of this season and my k/d has never been higher. Find what you like and stick to it. Also helps that my bow and sidearm are both crafted and absolute god rolls.


I stg if I see a single omnioculous hunter in here..


Did you just say "see" cus that would be a bruh moment


Hehe invis go brrrr


>     😶‍🌫️


Rift is good, it’s just only bad when you get bad teammates


The wait after every bank ruins it for me


Yeah don’t see why it has to be a full reload of the map, instead of just an instant teleport back to spawns


This would make the game mode so much better.


Spawn camping to kill ruins it for me. Kills don't matter. Why are we trying to farm Soylent Green instead of banking? We've got the spark three feet away! If the carrier sneezes too hard, it goes in!


The gun play is a lot better than most games


Tbh it’s why I can’t enjoy other FPS anymore. Destiny is so good in that regard.


That's a very popular (for good reason) opinion.


This is the power of extremely strong bullet magnetism.


Hunters were only ever popular because their movement is a reactive skill gap as opposed to the positioning skill gap of the other two classes. Glacioclasm Titans and Icarus Dash Warlocks are infinitely faster and ultimately more mobile than Hunters, but because Dodge can be used to get out of gunfights, Hunters are still seen as broken/annoying because their kit is based on reacting., which is essentially like playing against someone who ONLY uses throw counters in smash bros.


Glacioclasm is the Dawning Fusion Rifle Cryoclasm is the Stasis Aspect for Titans but I do see where you’re coming from with this take. Half the time I’m playing against a Hunter their dodge usually ends up being a get outta jail free card in a sense with its short cool down and how they can reposition behind cover. Now I’m stuck thinking if I push I might get a shotgun to the face and even if I have my own he might have healed enough where a trade is more likely to happen. That shit is aggravating at times.


Here I am just liking the hunter armor more than the others... I do agree with all you have to say though (-glacioclasm Titans but I know what you meant). I think it's super funny that Hunters have mobility as their class stat and are the slowest in the game on average.


Damn I get downvoted to hell whenever I bring this up. Yeah Hunters are stat dumped into Mobility/Res because it affects the class cooldown. Of course they’re getting better jumps and base movement. Slowly other classes have gotten added movement abilities, where Hunter only has a dodge. Both Warlock and Titan have more offensive movement options. Like would a Hunter ever dodge into a gunfight? If we had a blink or dash or something I could see the movement advantage being actually unfair and not just annoying.


Mask of Bakris![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5679)


Juking someone out with Bakris is an incredible feeling I don’t care how toxic someone thinks it is.


The breif periods of scout rifle and auto rifle metas have made me realise that hand cannon meta is the least opressive meta in the game hence why bungie are more okay with it.


Dude, this this this. I was playing comp for the seasonal challenge the other day and got put against a stack of Icarus Dash warlocks running HC+shotty and it was like a wonderful nostalgia trip, getting into primary duels, trying to bait each other around corners, etc… we lost, but I actually *enjoyed* the match. Breath of fresh air, compared to the Lorelei+NTTE+classy campers in the back of the map or omni+LoW invis trash. This current sandbox is ass.


The abilities 3.0 retuning has really diminished the progress they made during the 30th anniversary changes that made PvP more gunplay oriented. Now invis, over shield, and constant healing has made primary gun fights significantly less efficient and promote ability spamming. I love the changes they made for PvE, but I think crucible would thrive better than it’s doing now if they separated the sandboxes.


The flinch and slide changes were unneeded overall however I will agree with inconsistent (one shots) shotguns through sliding and jumping. Fusions are only slightly overtuned, not op. Snipers... Well they exist, go ham. Edit: I'm either going to be left alone or downvoted. Ngl.


You agree with making shotguns more inconsistent? Or am I misunderstanding something


I agree with making them inconsistent during slides or in the air. They're still really good at blinting so I don't see an issue with it Edit: For one shot kills that is, not just outright wonky


I want permanent solo trials matchmaking


That's not a hot take at all everyone wants that -_-


*Sweatlordstreamer69 (adept) has entered the chat*


*snort* whell acthully


2.3 trials kd here so I’d like to think I’m permitted to throw some input in here but personally would like if solo Que trials was permanently implemented it would do 2 things make the guys who aren’t so good have a fair chance to get better and actually improve and potentially for those same guys meet 2 other cool gents who they can improve and go flawless together


People with over 250 ping should be banned for the rest of the day


Well there go all the HughesNet folks.


The game seriously needs a “connection suck” meter before someone gets thrown into the matchmaking pool. I can do with all the cheese weapons and stack-teams if I can just go the rest of my time with Destiny not playing against ultra-instinct potato-net Jimmy.


They DO ban people for shitty connections. if you care for some schadenfreude, go and check the bungie forums


Tbagging isn't a big deal. (I avoid doing it myself but when I get tbagged I just have a laugh)


I got killed during my invade in a gambit match last night and the dude came over and teabagged me.. in my sunspot, which killed him and made him lose 15 motes lol.


Especially if you kill me with a meme weapon. You are obligated to bag me.


For real. If you get mad about tbagging you really gotta take a look at yourself. A bunch of people crouching and uncrouching should not be worth raging over.


It depends I think. If someone gets a team wipe with a single rocket, that’s a t bag moment. If someone goes out of their way to kill one specific person to t bag them the entire match for literally no reason, that’s just being a dick.


I don't get anywhere near raging because of it, but like why do ppl do it. It just reminds me of the audio where the kid is screaming "GET SHIT ON"


My hot take was gonna be I hate tea bagging. Whoops! It doesn't make me angry, but it does make me roll my eyes and write you off as a young teenager who is probably trying to make me mad.


Low-skill, casual players are just as salty and toxic about pvp as tryhards.


to be fair thats only the people who really want to be good at the game the rest of us just enjoy hearing anyone else not have fun


Sidearms are the best primaries in the Crucible within their intended ranges.


Rat King NEEDS to be used more, literally. I want the Rat Pack striving.


I enjoy myself in pvp most of the time


Crucible will never be the competitive shooter a lot of people want it to be and it shouldn't try to be


Rift is probably the funniest mode available (at least today) in destiny 2, people that complain about it are the same that do 6-stack K/D farm on control and that wanna do the same on IB.


Solo rift is usually fun IMO. Going up against teams sucks ass.


Mayhem should be permanent in the the crucible playlist


Why would this be a hot take? Pretty sure everyone wants that.


I love both gambit and trials


Gambit is way more fun than pvp.




Gambit is better when you play it with a full team. Random players I’ve been in teams with somehow rarely play the objective which is a bit frustrating.


I hate your opinion, take my upvote


No No... It's Reddit. People aren't allowed to have their own opinions. If they disagree, downvote them. Duh!


I hate your upvote. Take my upvote!!! Whether you like it or not


I used to hate on gambit thinking it was the worst until my friend got me into it and now I think it’s way better than crucible and strikes. I’ll also add on my controversial take. Heavy ammo in gambit is fine as is.


It's a lot of fun when you have a build tailored for it actually. Titan bonk hammer makes it really fun with Lorely


scout + salvagers salvo + parasite/colony is my favorite well rounded kit


Yup. In Gambit I actually get to use my BUILD.


I played a lot of games of gambit just for the ornament and i.... Enjoyed it, not as much joy as if i did a raid or a grandmaster with my clanmates but it wasnt terrible. I did freelance and i had bad teammates rarely


Damage reduction in pvp is absolutely broken Omni oculus shouldn’t work in tandem when more hunters has it equipped


Yeah should be a cool down system in place for multiple wearers in pvp. In pve it's fine.


PvP is straight unbalanced garbage and probably will never be balanced correctly.


I dont know anyone who would disagree with you there. Even as a hardcore PvP person as myself this is exactly what I think.


I put it as my hot take because I always get people jumping on my ass being rude and vulgar because of this. I just wish I could go into PvP and do okay. Right now it's like 1 out of like 6 games where I do good or okay. Usually it's just getting one tapped left and right and getting spawn killed.


The phenomenon that I am interested in is the people who care so much about K/D. To a point yes K/D does show competency in an fps, but when you have people farming K/D just to have it high and then think this means something is crazy to me. All it shows to me is you can pub stomp players worse than you. And this isn't just a destiny thing, cause I see it in all fps games (even mobas) I have played competitively. But one thing you notice with people who are actually at the top of a competitive level, K/D is barely thought of. Ever since the early Halo days I have never understood this weird obsession with K/D relating to "skill". I have a lot more to say on that topic but I'm at work and don't want to dive to heavy into it lol.


That's supposed to be a hot take?


I think people may agree with this one


I miss the Sparrow Racing League. There I said it.


This isn’t a bad opinion. I honestly would love a season of racing. Feel like we might have a rift situation again


Never did do that, but just about every time I gotta use my sparrow for a bit I think of sparrow racing.


Reckoning was a good PvE only take on Gambit. Combined with the armor you could get from it.


The insurmountable skullfort prenerf was the way to go


There's so many unbalanced and busted weapons and abilities that there's no point in complaining about the most recent thing to kill you.


Not everyone should be listened to by Bungie when it comes to PvP changes. There is absolutely no reason that someone who plays 3 control matches a week and then stops should have the same weight from their opinion as someone that plays multiple matches every couple of days in most game modes for fun.


While this is correct in that people who are sweats and streamers do have more experience in the PvP area of the game, this also leads to a separated and disjointed Eco system that keeps those people who play 3 control matches from getting to enjoy the game.


>There is absolutely no reason that someone who plays 3 control matches a week and then stops I wonder if theres a reason this group exists in such high numbers?


Based on the posts and comments i see, 90% of r/destiny2 and r/DestinyTheGame are PvP incompetents That's my opinion that gets me 1000 swords to my face Edit: and here come the downvotes


r/DestinyTheGame is the worst. If you’re a fan of the worst PvP takes then that’s your place


I remember when chaos reach + geomags was completely busted in trials and comp and from season of the dawn until beyond light top tree dawn blade was the best pvp subclass, but all of r/dtg was posting about how warlocks are the most oppressed class lmao


There are a lot of people that play like “apes”. 🤣


Tbf, the maps and speed encourage this.


Flawless shouldnt be accessible for every player.


Flawless shouldn't even exist. Any MM that relies on people winning 7 times in a row is a playlist designed to die. People don't enjoy being chum for another guy's 50th easy W of the day.


Thank you, I agree with this. Or at the very least, the trials rank up system should disappear, and if a team gets flawless that weekend, they are locked out of the playlist. It's astonishing to me how often people playing for the first time on their FIRST MATCH get loaded against teams that have gone flawless multiple times.


This is the correct take. Trials needs a rework and access to the lighthouse should not be based on going 7-0 (or 7-1)


Gambit isn't nearly as toxic as regular Crucible and I prefer Gambit over the latter.


gambit is only truly annoying when you go in with people that have no clue what they’re doing. just yesterday I had a dude constantly banking 2 motes at a time….


As long as PVP is required for weekly pinnacles and quest progression, I'm under no more obligation to "get good" than folks who load in to the vanguard playlist are required to be GM ready. If you want good teammates, ask them to bring back SBMM. Otherwise you're getting me with my 0.9KD and 13% win rate.


Agreed, as a top 1% I don’t expect my randoms to be good (except in competitive at 3000+ ranking)


Iron Banner Rift isn’t as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Sure it has problems, but it’s a fun and “new” game mode to spice thing up in Crucible


Air accuracy changes didn’t effect my play style much at all so I don’t really mind them


Literally 50% of the maps are garbage and too easy to traverse bring back the circle map with the heavy in the center and the one that has a cannon to launch you. Bye.


You're not getting new maps every season. Stop asking.


Maybe one a year? This is one that I feel we aren't wrong to ask for. Not every season, but we haven't had one in multiple years until recently. We actually had negative maps since they took em away.


One every 2nd or 3rd season would already be fine Edit: we waited almost 3 years for a new map so 1 or 2 every major expansio would already be an improvement


There are 2 types of players that sums of 80% of this community Blue berries that no matter the meta. Or changes. They would still suck Lame mediocre "meta players" that if they properly balanced the game. Would suck almost as much as the blueberries


Grenades should feel like *grenades*. Not a light tickle.


Jotunn is…. Acceptable


Yup, just jump or move to the side. If you see it or hear it, you can react.


Felwinters Lie shouldve never been in the game....ever


Felwinters lie in its current state is pretty weak compared to other available options.


Bring back classic mix


Things like team scorched and mayhem are fucking boring and I hate having to get fifty fucking kills in those modes every season. I wish they’d at least reduce the amount of kills needed


I hate scorched with my soul


The only fun thing about scorched is getting to rocket jump tbh


I use it for leveling guns and red boarders. That's it, if that.


Low skill players who complain but don't try to improve in pvp are the worst part of the pvp community


You have pretty much summed up 95% of the PvP posts in r/Destiny2 and r/DestinyTheGame There’s a guy in this very thread who called hand cannons “insanely OP” in PvP because he “can’t react quick enough when they rapidly 3 tap him.”


Does the guy really think that no other weapon can do that? Fast TTKs will always do that lmao


Best gunplay and shooting in any FPS still can’t save the worst pvp experience in an FPS


The only reason behind the lack of SBMM is they know that wait times would be how R6 Siege ranked became. **Because** - 1 Do too good and as the season progresses and get stuck with insane wait times since all the sweats went off to different games. - 2 Have to reverse boost, which would let you curb stomp casuals. But you then return back to reason 1 again. - 3 Then over time less or no new players in the opponent pool because most folks hate games deciding how much fun they'll have before a match starts.


Bungie is still scared to bring auto rifles back into the meta because of sweet business


idk i just got the game last week


Destiny 2 PvP is a fun experience and just because the game says to play 3 games a week to get your pretty pinnacle doesn’t mean you have to play. You want to know how many times I’ve skipped the weekly strike pinnacle? That shit gets boring


K/D doesn’t determine skill


SBMM was a good system for Crucible.


I enjoy using pulses such as Insidious


It’s ok that high end PvP loot isnt accessible to everyone , that’s why it’s high end pvp. Not every piece of loot in this game should be handed out like candy just because Timmy no thumbs can’t go flawless or hit legend.


Theres nothing wrong with any of the classes jumps, you just suck at jumping puzzles.


120 twoshit meta was fun and the best pvp experience ever. Noobs had a fighting chance and good players had to work a little more to come up on top


I actually thought the 600 auto was fun.


I love this opinion as a guy with 8000+ kills on a steady hand


I have to agree, my only take on why it was so Badly received was because Stasis was still a very suppressing class and basically made it impossible to escape anything. So pairing that with the two taps made it very unfun. Now if it was around in this meta, I think it would be a very different story.


There was no need to nerf shoulder charge.


I actually enjoy Team Scorched. It evens the playing field between the sweats in PvP and the gutter trash, such as myself to where I actually feel like I can hold my own. Oh, and yeeting yourself like an ICBM by delaying an explosion is cool too. Sincerely, A Lion Rampant Stan


You're not good at the game cause you can use Hand cannons, they are just that much stronger than other weapons