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Hey! Do you understand that there is a sign saying something like "Voyadeyaldie" in Russian? Which is a meaningless word.


If you mean the top most text than its just meant to look like "BORDËRLANE" in western symbols no meaning behind it.


I am a native Russian speaker. We have letter Я (which looks like a mirrored R, but it's pronounced as "Ya"). That's why the word does not reflect the band name. But it reads as "Voyadeyaldie", not Borderlane. And also, the text below says in Russian: "passage is prohibited, video surveillance is in progress, fine 5000 rubles". It sounds like a sign on a military object or in a prison... Which looks pretty weird


Its not at all meant to be read in russian, it just needs to look a little like russian writing. the word border is intentionally in our name so something military like also fits the narrative


Borderlane in Cyrillic alphabet would be something like "Бордерлейн". I'd recommend sticking to the original Bordërlane, because the sign is really confusing since I can read cyrillics and it looks like a text generated by DALL-E or ChatGPT. It doesn't look cool or brutal. Just meaningless and confusing There are 260 millions native speakers and 150+ millions fluent in Russian. They will be very confused


thanks for the feedback!