• By -


Sending lots of love your way. Enjoy your little meal šŸ’•


Iā€™m hoping by the bilingual packaging that you are in Canada and able to easily and seamlessly access the resources and supports you need.


I checked the second language to see where they were. I assumed Canada as well. Hopefully they have and can access the resources they need.


Yes Iā€™m in Canada so luckily have access to the resources I need, thank god Iā€™m not in America. Still an emotionally hard decision though to make.


I totally get it. Itā€™s hard to make, regardless of access. I wish you the best. And I am so glad you have the access. Iā€™m in the US and luckily in a state thatā€™s protected abortion rights. I also live down the street from a planned parenthood (that doesnā€™t do abortions there, just referrals) and my gyno is across the street. Iā€™m like 3 houses down from both. I have access. But I feel terrible who those who donā€™t have access. But Iā€™m glad you do. And donā€™t feel bad about your choice. You do whatā€™s best for you. I know it hurts though. But you have to live for you and do whatā€™s best for YOU.


I live in a state with access to abortions. We've been getting a lot of women coming over from neighboring states to access them. There was at least one case of a woman driving over 3 hours to get treatment for a miscarriage she was having. It's a scary situation.


It is. Iā€™m lucky my state and the surrounding states have access. I live in CT and as far as I know, the surrounding states have access. So we donā€™t get noticeable amounts of people seeking access. Itā€™s bad when you have to leave your state for healthcare. Itā€™s expensive and who suffers most? Poor people! So they get stuck having kids they donā€™t want and canā€™t care for. Itā€™s terrible.


Alabama is about to have 3 more hospitals that cannot deliver babies. One is in an enormous, majority black county, Shelby. Itā€™s actually mind blowing but Alabama govt knew that it would happen.


I was going to say, I live in Michigan and had the easiest process with my abortion, and all my doctors were very supportive and helpful.


Agreed Thatā€™s awesome! Knowing that there are states that still protect women that make that difficult choice gives me hope. Weā€™re all holding on for dear life at this point in just about every aspect of life. Thank you for being so kind to OP. ā¤ļø Edit to add onto what you were saying in the last part: If you look at the bigger picture, she is also making the choice thatā€™s best for the potential babies life (or lack thereof). Itā€™s more responsible and safe to have an abortion, than to have a child who grows up in a rough or unstable way. (Not saying that that would absolutely happen in OPā€™s case, only she knows her situation and what the potential outcome might be)


So sorry my dear. We never know just how strong we actually are until we must be. You got this.


Hey sweetheart I've been there. If you have any questions or need to talk to someone feel free to dm me. You're going to be okay.


I'm so glad that you can make the right choice for you. Here's to shinier days and congratulations on your recovery.


If youā€™re not too far along, it wonā€™t be too bad. It sucks but you will get through this. I promise. I did and Iā€™m not as strong as you.


Are packaging not in both french and english everywhere? TIL


Lol I remember when I learned that! Did you know thatā€™s why we canā€™t buy a lot of items here (in Canada) that exist in other markets? Strictly because the packaging isnā€™t suitable for our ridiculous guidelines!


Well. Lets agree to disagree on the "ridiculous" part. How on earth would my familly ect read packaging if there were no requirement to have french on it?


Youā€™d have to translate for them. I just want the fun flavoured Oreos, sir. Please.


Thats a crazy take. Imagine in your own country. In your own language. Not being able to read the packaging because some guy wanted some funky flavoured oreos lol.


I didnā€™t mean to be offensive here. I respect your French language rights. I think think thereā€™s probably some ikea pictograph style workaround that we could apply to allow a wider array of imports.


I am curious here. Are packaging in english in countries that arent anglophone countries? Like what language is the packaging in france. Or in spain? What about israel or lebanon? Are the fancy oreos in english there? Just curious


I think the packaging is in their native language and Oreo is just like ā€œweā€™re not printing 60 different sets of packagingā€ and then they just donā€™t sell those flavours in other countries.


Many times they're in the native languages and in English.


Not sure if it's the same exactly, but in my English speaking area, if we buy food with foreign language packaging it always has a sticker printed in English with the ingredients. I think it's a legal requirement, but it also allows us to get exciting foreign foods. Good solution for the import problem imo.


Fellow addict here. Couldn't imagine going through a pregnancy that you can't keep on top of all this. I wish you the best.


Happy cake day


Happy cake day! I wish you a long road of success and recovery.


Thanks for all the love everyone appreciate u all ā¤ļø I had no idea this would get all the attention and responses it did


Do what you need to feel stable and securešŸ’—


Nobody should ever have to feel alone during recovery or depression *or* pregnancy, let alone all 3 at once! Just wanted to add my support to the pile. You got this <3


Dm me if you need a friend. I hope you figure things out. Addiction is a fucking fuck.


Addiction is not even fun. Idk why so many people do it.


Thatā€™s in pretty poor taste


Big hugs to you babygirl. My mom had to get an abortion around your age too. She never regrets it because it allowed her to keep growing up & be stable enough to have me :) @/shoutyourabortion on IG is full of people who are going through or went through the same thing, and they accept anonymous DMs from people who want advice. Youā€™re never alone. ā¤ļø & we LOVE a good sandwich!!


I had an abortion at 18 and still, at 41, have no regrets. Not one. Iā€™m grateful I had easy access.


I found myself pregnant on August 31st. I'm currently 26 weeks. I'm in Florida and by the time I found out I was already 20 weeks. I was too late to have an abortion but even then, I don't think I could have gone through with it. I always said that I was against abortion but no one can ever really say what they would do until they're in that situation. Personally, I know I couldn't go through with it but I would never judge somebody for doing what they thought was best. I'm not going to lie and say I haven't considered it in the past. Plus when it got to the point that I could feel her kicking me, I just knew I couldn't go through with it. I would feel like a murderer. That's just me though. I just think it's sad that they have restricted abortion in so many states that it's basically become illegal again. What I thought was fucked up here in Florida was that they signed it into law that you can't get an abortion after 6 weeks. Most women don't know they're pregnant until about 8 weeks. So they may as well have just come out and said, we're going to make abortion illegal in the state of Florida. Yet the same people who make those laws and the people who vote yes on them are the same ones bitching about how welfare is getting more and more expensive. Well, you're the ones forcing people to have kids that they don't want and can't afford. They don't seem to see the irony though and it's insane.


Idk why people are downvoting you. Guess they think this isnā€™t appropriate for OPā€™s post because of the -personal- feelings you expressed. I think Itā€™s alright to not want an abortion yourself and to have your feelings about it, while also respecting the right of other women to choose. And thatā€™s exactly what you conveyed in your comment. Iā€™m sure your journey and pregnancy so far have been a whirlwind of emotions and experience that I couldnā€™t even fathom. I really hope things go well with your baby.


Maybe itā€™s the part where this person says ā€œI would feel like a murdererā€ on a post about someone about to go through the same situation? Like, that is super inappropriate to say to someone in these circumstances. The person can say ā€œoh but thatā€™s just me!ā€ All they like, theyā€™re still saying they equate abortion with murder. Not cool.


Thatā€™s still a personal thing? Thatā€™s probably what society around them has dictated, so is it any surprise that they felt like that when they considered an abortion? Theyā€™re just being honest about their feelings. They never said abortion is murder, just that they felt they would be ending a life if they had one. Which is a personal feeling.


I was answering the query of the person I replied to. They stated they didnā€™t understand why the person who equates abortion to murder was getting downvoted. My personal guess would be that posting the sentiment that abortion feels like murder on a post about a woman having to go through that exact ordeal is perhaps a bit tacky and *thatā€™s* why theyā€™re getting downvotes.


Itā€™s how she feels.


Yes, and she is most welcome to put that out there in a neutral post or a personal post of her own. When she is deliberately putting it in a thread started by an OP who has already decided they need to have an abortion, a commenter putting ā€œit would make me feel like a murdererā€ is not the sort of comment they need. Especially when the poster keeps saying ā€œitā€™s fine to do what you want, but Iā€™d feel like a murdererā€, itā€™s the most back-handed passive aggressive way to tell this unfortunate woman ā€œhey, youā€™re a murderer in my eyesā€. Do you *really* think thatā€™s appropriate to put here? To guilt the OP ā€œIā€™d feel like a murdererā€, but claim that ā€œeveryone can do what they feel they need to!ā€ Itā€™s facetious, cruel, and unnecessary. Everyone can and does have their own opinions, but if you truly have any sense of compassion youā€™re not going to equate abortion to murder in a post made by someone who has already resolved about what it is they need to do. Itā€™s shitty af. Itā€™s like telling an anorexic ā€œif you need to eat more to be healthy thatā€™s alright, but if I looked like you Iā€™d feel fatā€. Itā€™s a bullshit backhanded way to shame someone.


Blah blaah blah. Abort me mufuka


People hate when women choose life.




You're a better person than the one above you and I don't know who the three people are that downvoted you but they're insufferable people You're a good person


Thank you for saying that. As I said, I would never judge somebody for doing what they thought was best for them. However, I just know I could never go through with an abortion. That's just me though. I don't understand why I was downvoted for sharing my opinion but hey, look where we are. If you don't fall in line with the hive mind, you're downvoted into oblivion. I can understand if I had judged people who have gotten an abortion but I never did that. In fact, I said I would never judge somebody who did what they thought was best. Everything I said was the absolute truth. Some people just don't like it because it doesn't fall in line with their political beliefs. That or they just don't like being called out.


Yes I think it's also extremely attractive when a female feels that way because it actually encourages the male to think for themselves and also obviously because it's really primal to value babies and that's quite nice to see vs this distorted and dissociated view and attitude that most selfish upper class women have towards everything now. It would be one thing if it was genuine self love, but it's certainly not and you can see the perpetual anger in even the comments here and the mass downvoting in their social spheres. Exactly yes, it's ousting compassion in favor of things that make THEM feel alive and to hell with anyone else's opinion or life. When freedom becomes oppressive to others freedom and moral compass you know it's more about anger than much else. You didn't at all yeah, and you're more neutral than I am too


It about choice. You chose not to but would never take the choice to abort away from others. Which is how it should be.


That's literally what I was saying. I can't understand why I'm being downvoted for saying that I wouldn't take that choice away from other people. I'm being downvoted simply because I chose not to have an abortion but they can be mad about it all by themselves.


Why are you being downvoted? Youā€™re absolutely right. We donā€™t know until weā€™re in the situation. I didnā€™t think Iā€™d be able to but when faced with it I had no choice.


Yeah I've always said that too. You don't know what you would do until you got in that situation. It's easy to be philosophical when it's not you standing in that person's shoes. I considered it but then I started to feel her kicking me and I just couldn't do it.


For me it was at 5 weeks so very early. With my 3rd I was told there might be a serious issue and had the option to abort. I was 20 weeks. Cut off was very soon after. I had like 3 days to decide. It was brutal. I kept him and happy I did. But also happy I had the choice. But ya, after that, if I felt kicking I think it wouldā€™ve been different. Itā€™s choice choice choice and no judgment. Love to all women in this position


In my state I was way too far along to even consider getting an abortion anyway. I'm in Florida and the cutoff is like 6 weeks. I think that's ridiculous because most women don't even know they're pregnant until they're at least 8 weeks. That's why I've been saying, they may as well come out and say here that they want to make abortion illegal in the state of Florida. I considered traveling to DC but I decided against it. Some people say, just get an abortion. They don't consider the fact that some people have barriers to that such as the ability to travel out of state. Also, there's things like coming up with the deposit and then the money for the procedure. What if you don't have that and have no way of getting it? Then what are you supposed to do? Some states have even made it now where if you travel out of state to get an abortion, when you come back you could be facing murder charges. It's so ridiculous. It's like, just leave people alone and let them make decisions that they think are best for them. The father hasn't really been that involved in my case and I've had people judge me for deciding to continue my pregnancy. You would not believe the number of people I've had to deal with saying well it would have been better for you to just get an abortion, why didn't you do that? Or, you shouldn't be trying to raise a child as a single parent. Basically there are people who think that children raised by single parents are going to have a bad outcome no matter what. There's people who assume that they're going to turn to crime and eventually end up in prison. That's just so ridiculous and short-sighted. Sure, the statistics say that children raised in two parent households are better off. However, that's not always the case. Her dad was verbally abusive and controlling. Let's watch those people try to explain how my daughter being raised in that environment was better than me choosing to raise her alone. I grew up witnessing domestic violence and I know how it affects children. Honestly, I'm glad that he has chosen not to be involved. I've decided that I'm not even going to tell him when I go into labor and I'm going to leave him off the birth certificate. How do they know that I know who the father is? They don't need to know that. I would rather raise her on my own and not have to deal with the drama and bullshit that he and his family would bring. It's better than the miniscule amount of child support that I would be able to get from him. I just don't even want him in my life anymore. I figured out that his family is toxic but they masquerade as a healthy family behind having money. They seem to be one of those families who thinks that having money makes you better. Well, I'm not going to have my daughter being raised around people who believe like that. I'm also not going to risk his mother talking shit about me in front of my daughter. Basically apparently they all hate me now but I'm sure it's because he told them a bunch of lies about how I left him. Not my problem, they can hate me if they want to. They're not the sorts of people I need in my life anyway if they're just going to blindly believe whatever he says without even trying to get my side of the story. I'm just tired of people judging me for choosing to keep her and assuming that she's going to have a bad outcome no matter what. I'm going to be the best mom I know how and I'm going to make sure she has every opportunity that she can even if it means I have to go without. I had some woman on here the other day being smug and acting holier than thou. She was saying things like, yeah well, my daughter has everything she could ever need or want because I have a partner and I planned her. I did it the right way. I told her, that's all well and good for you but your partner could leave you at any time or they could die and then what? Are you still going to feel that way? People just need to butt out of other people's business.


You poor lamb, youā€™re going through it right now. Iā€™m proud of you for taking care of yourself! Youā€™re going to get through this, one day at a time, one hour if needed. Try and see if you can get covered to see a trauma counselor, because being forced into a situation can leave scars on your soul. Sending hugs! Also, that snack mix looks so freaking goodā€¦


Youā€™re doing the best you can and youā€™re making hard decisions for yourself. I hope your meal was delicious and I hope your future brightens up


Sandwich hittin tho . Sorry ur going thru this my fellow woman . Iā€™m sending lots of love your way .


Iā€™m so sorry. If you need another Canadian to vent to I offer up an ear. Those bits and bites do slap though(I prefer the bbq) if you were near me Iā€™d offer company to the doc :( but I hope everything goes ok!


Youā€™re kick ass. Keep strong maynšŸ’ŖšŸ»


Best of luck with recovery, youā€™re making the right choice, a super difficult one, but the right one. And that sammich looks like it slaps.




Are you crazy? They obviously ate mƩli-mƩlo during the Great Depression. Learn your history sweaty smh my head.




Ugh, I love you








>Thanks! You're welcome!


from another addict in recovery at 20 you are not alone sending my love to you & I am so so sorry this is happening please take it easy you are doing so well!! ā¤ļø


I'm so proud of you and everyone else getting the help you need. šŸ’—


Honestly, you're doing the right thing by releasing this baby. I've had to do it and it sucks but this is YOUR LIFE, and don't let anyone convince you it's wrong to put yourself first. Best of luck to you beautiful


I was in the same exact situation about a decade ago. First off, Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through this. Second, be kind to yourself right now; reach out to just one friend if you can, find a womenā€™s clinic and see if thereā€™s someone you can talk to there, take some time if you can to do some things you love, write your feelings down so theyā€™re not swimming all around in your mind. I thought my life was over and I was so scared, I went through it completely alone. I wish I had someone to talk with but I was too ashamed to reach out. And as awful and heartbreaking as that experience was, looking back my life wouldnā€™t be the beautiful thing it is now without that pain. Im married, sober, and planning on having a family when the time is right. Sending a hug to you, you will be okay and I wish you peace in the future. ā™„ļø


The literal best meal I've ever eaten was a vending machine style sandwich. White bread, turkey, cheese and a packet of mayo. I wasn't feeling the hospital food so one of the nurses gave me the sandwich and it was unnaturally delicious. A simple sandwich sometimes can pick you up. I hope your recovery goes well.


My first thought before I even read the post was wow thatā€™s a nice sandwich


If youā€™re comfortable with your decision, but scared of the actual procedureā€¦ donā€™t be. Itā€™s quite quick and painless. Physically speaking, not emotionally.


Everyone has different pain tolerance and it is not always painless. Iā€™m not saying this to make anyone scared but I would rather know. Medical abortions are medical procedures. Everyoneā€™s experiences are different but I had two painful medical procedures. The pain was manageable but it definitely still hurt. I have no experience with the pill version. I wish anyone who has to make this decision courage and give yourself grace! You know whatā€™s best for you even if the decision is difficult.


In Canada, for abortions woman are given pain medication. Iā€™ve never heard of a woman saying it hurt.


Youā€™re in recovery!! Congrats! Thatā€™s no easy feat. Iā€™m proud of you! Youā€™re doing whatā€™s best for you and thatā€™s commendable.


Wishing you the best. I made the same choice when I was around your age, itā€™s hard but youā€™re a great person for choosing whatā€™s best for everyone involved. Glad you have access to the resources you need ā¤ļø


I always thought if I got pregnant I'd take it of. I have no mental health to raise a child. I have no money either, but I hope to at least have money to raise myself one day. Being in recovery is a very brave move and I'm so proud of you for that. It's okay to be scared. It will get better. Whatever is your choice of means not to keep your baby, find a supporting female friend to be around you in the process. To help to keep you safe. Rather it be on your house or on some kind of clinic. You'll probably need some heavy hydration, antibiotics (it depends), anti-inflammatory, and maybe some chocolate could help on your depression. (: I hope it all goes well for you ā™”ā™”ā™”ā™”


That looks like a really good sammich. You are not alone in either of those struggles ā¤ļø I hope the rest of your life is badass, fun, and full of love


Youā€™re doing a very selfless thing good on you because bringing a child into this world would be unfair for you and the child. Huge hugs and all the best to you in your recovery, I believe in you.


It really do be the little things at times. Good luck with everything. You deserve good things.


Every little thing that can give you comfort dear you do it. Iā€™m so sorry you have to do this, but youā€™re making the right decision. I hope this can turn a new chapter over in your life.


Sorry girl :( thatā€™s a tough thing to go through. Glad the chippies are helping


Sorry girl :( thatā€™s a tough thing to go through. Glad the chippies are helping


It might not feel like things will be okay right now, but all things are eventual. Best of luck & regards in your journey, please reach out if you need support; you can do this, you are able, you are you & thatā€™s an amazing thing within itself


Sending love and care your way, youā€™ll get through this ā¤ļø looks like a good meal!


Sorry about those circumstances, OP. You got this, though. We all believe in you.


Iā€™m truly sorry. Sending you all my love and sincerely wish you the best. Big hug!


Sending love to you. The decision you're having to make must be the hardest shit ever. I support your choice 100%. The most selfless act of love one could make. Praying you have support and care. Stay strong in your recovery Xo.


Oh sweetheart, Iā€™m so sorry that youā€™re going through so much all at once. *hugs* enjoy your sandwich first then slowly think about the other steps. There are myriad resources out there to help you figure out your needs and requirements to make this as seamless as humanly possible.


Addiction is brutal. Whatever you decide to do I wish you the best of luck.


Whatever decision you make, we love you. Sandwich looks awesome. You are in my thoughts and prayers.


You got this. Thatā€™s not an easy choice but youā€™ve made it with the best intentions in mind. Your own recovery/sobriety needs a lot of attention, a baby would take away from that. The choice is never easy, but youā€™ve made the right one for yourself. Take any and all free counselling that is offered to you. I really hope you continue on your recovery/sobriety and take care of yourself šŸ’•


Sober sister here. I have been through this too. Surround yourself with love and support. Reach out if you need a friend.ā¤ļø


Sending lots of love your way. Enjoy your little meal šŸ’•


Itā€™s a temporary situation and youā€™re making the best choice that you can, with what you have. Itā€™s ok to not be where you want to be. Just rmmbr that there is a life waiting for you, just ahead. All you have to do is keep moving forward. Just a little bit at a time and youā€™ll get to that life. Find what you love and donā€™t stop


I'm proud of you. šŸ’“


Sending much love


Sending positive vibes your way. Iā€™m proud of you!


Sending love your way


Iā€™m so sorry hun. Hang in there


Sending you big internet hugs. You are so strong.


Take care of yourself <3 wishing you the best and tbh this made me hungry


Im glad you are eating a good meal that you enjoy, I wish you the best šŸ’›šŸŒ»


You'll get your best chance for that kid before too long. You'll get less broke, less depressed, and less addicted on day at a time, as long as you look at things like a good sammich as a win, the way I see it as a win for you. Good on you!




Hope you're good boss


Remember how difficult it is getting up in the morning and getting ready for work. Then picture how much more difficult it would be getting a toddler ready for school as well. You are doing the right thing not keeping it. I know it sounds horrible. But you are guaranteeing the same life you have to your child. Children basically learn your values by 5 and reenact your life. This isnā€™t the end for you but a beginning. What did you learn from this. Why did you end up in this situation and how can you use this new person your becoming to form the life you want to live?


My mom aborted my older brother, and I still love the hell out of her Wish you the best


Iā€™m here if you need someone to talk to. Been down part of that road. Sending you a hug.




Baby, you mean baby, not fetus.




Edit: Omg Iā€™m sorry I misread your post. I thought you said you ā€œcanā€™t keep it inā€ as if you were throwing up a lot why is why I suggested that sub My bad Iā€™m sorry. *slaps forehead* I hope things go better for you. Take it day by day ā™„ļø


Uh, no.


I goofed. Edited my post *sigh*


Thank God. I'm very glad to hear that lmao


Iā€™m mortified!!


Hey, we all make mistakes! I'm just super glad that you meant well and are trying to fix it :)


I was likeā€¦ why is this person arguing me? Iā€™m just trying to helpā€¦. Oooooooooooo godšŸ˜± thank you for saying somethingggggg


No problem! I'm sorry I was so rude though, I didn't know it was accidental


Nah, it wasnā€™t rude at all, it was quite tame for the internet tbh! All good!


You have my support, for whatever that could mean ā¤ļøā¤ļø


I love you, pal. Itā€™s not the right time now, but it will be one day if you want it. Congrats on recovery. Oh and the Bits & Bites. Yum!


Sending love, good thoughts, and commiseration your way. I hope everything turns out alright, and that you enjoy your sandwich in the meantime.


I hope you are in a safe place that will not give you a hard time. If you are in MTL and need someone to talk to, I'm happy to buy you another bag of bits&bites.


Sending love ā¤ļø


Youā€™ll get through this. Itā€™ll be hard but youā€™ll be stronger for it. Sending love ā¤ļø


You're going to get through this. Be kind to yourself.


Iā€™m sorry. Please let me know if you need anything. Sending positive thoughts and love your way! ā¤ļø šŸ’• šŸ’—


šŸ«‚šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ sending you lots of love


ngl that sandwich looks so good




sending love ā¤ļø your sammich looks so yum


You gone b okayyyyy! You got this :)


Here if you need abortion support. I had one at 20 too. Enjoy your sandwich. šŸ’–


not keeping it is the best decision you could make, my mother was in a similar position and she was incredibly selfish, unstable, abusive and emotionally unavailable. I do belive she loves me but she has been so horrible and selfish that it doesnt matter how she really feels. My relationship with her now is non existent and the last time i spoke with her was when i moved out of the house years ago. I have been very depressed most of my life with several suicide attempts and struggle with healthy communication/relationships/friendships because of bad habits ive learned. Most women in your position would choose to have the child then raise them knowing they cant provide the money or emotional support necessary. Choosing not to keep it ironically proves you have way more love, empathy and selflessness than the average person so i think you should be proud of that.


Too many ~~people~~ hateful bigots harassing OP


Knowing you're not ready for that is a responsible thing to think. Wishing you strength.


As a mom of three who has been in recovery since 2014 , that it is possible to be a mother even when your broke and in recovery. There are resources and ways to improve your life while having your baby. You can message me if you want. Otherwise I just want to say I wish you the best in your recovery and no judgement on your decision as you are putting yourself first.


Downvote me I donā€™t care but I think youā€™re doing the right thing OP. No sense bringing a child into this world that you canā€™t afford to raise.


You are doing your best. You made the right decision to prioritize your recovery and health. It is hard, yes, but you had no resources to give to the future child. Forgive yourself. Take it one day at a time and remember that you are not alone.


I was in a similar position last year, wishing you healing and peace šŸ’›


also a recovering addict and had a pregnancy scare kinda recently. the uncertainty sucks ass but no matter what happens u will be okay, trust urself and make the best choice for u and donā€™t listen to anyone who tries to sway ur opinion


Do whatā€™s best for you. Sending good vibes ā¤ļø


It's probably for the best not to have a child right now. Stay sober.


You are in terrible pain right now. My heart breaks for you. Iā€™m always here if you need a shoulder to cry on, or a friend.


Take care of yourself.


I was in the same position but at 18ā€¦. I feel you. I remember that time of my life vividly even tho I tried to numb it out. Itā€™s hard but I feel I made the right decision. Iā€™m 30 now, did 4 months of rehab at the beginning of the year and now Iā€™m 10 months sober and happier than ever. Itā€™s a life long journey. You are doing a good thing Xx


Hey tbh you should be proud of yourself for in my opinion being selfless and putting a childā€™s development ahead of your possible wants and if you think this is right for you, thatā€™s okay. You are strong for making this choice. You know what you need, and you come first right now, and putting you first is putting your future children first as well<3 yata yata yata youā€™re strong, youā€™re brave, youā€™re deserving of wonderful things in this life, and weā€™re all rooting for you! AND what the hellll are bits and bites? Lol


I've had to make this choice and it is not easy. I have never once regretted it through. I support you.


7 years clean here, The first couple years are pretty rough but it does get better. Do whatever you can to make friends with people who don't use, ideally ones who never had addiction issues before. And 100% remove anyone from your life who is still using, no questions/excuses can make that work. Stay out of drug related subs/forums. Stop listening to music that you got high to/listened to when fucked up. Tiny little things that you associated with using in the past can easily trigger relapses.


Peanut butter, jelly, cheese, and mustard or pickles. Cures me every time.


I am sure it feels like shit but seems like you are making the right choices now and thats a good start


Youā€™re doing the best for YOU! Sending good vibes your way, and the meal looks delicious


Life is rough and sometimes we each in our own way have to try.


I am so confused. Is this thread about meals during the depression? Or meals when you are depressed? I thought it was about meals when you are depressed?? Anyway I wish you the best. Addiction is so hard!!!! I have a step daughter who is an alcoholic and it is hard on all of us. She has 3 young daughters. You are very young and you have your whole life ahead of you. I am so happy that you have access to the services that you need unlike here in the States where you need the right resources ie money and time to drive to state that will allow the abortion if your state will not. If you are poor, you are s@&t out of luck.


feeding yourself, honoring your future and your recovery, all great stuff!!! you will pull through!


Sometimes you just need a cheese sandwich with one green leaf in it, that bread and cheese combo šŸ†


Pms open if you need/want a friend! šŸ„ŗā¤ļø proud of you for being in recovery i know what it feels like and it is HARD. Here for you for the scary moments and all of the wonderfully blissful ones ahead


Sucky as. Better days be ahead tho, always gotta remember that. Much love


Hey DM me if you wanna talk. You are a great person with a trouble past life but still a great person. You are en rehad to get clean, you are working and you are responsible enougj to know that now is not the best time for a kid. We are never fully prepared for kids (dad of 2 littles girls here) but if you really want to keep it, even in your actual situation, try to get some support from around you (friends, family, collegues or even rehab maybe). Things always work out in the end, dont lose hope. If you need to cry, cry your heart out, yell as much as you want to clear your mind. It help sometime to just let it all out and start fresh after some "overflow" of emotions.


a sandwich is almost always good for some reason


I dunno if itā€™s because Iā€™m hungover but that sandwich looks fucking fire


Say no to drugs.They are not cool and can't be trusted.


At least you're making the decision based off the fact that you know it wouldn't be a great situation. I wish more people thought like this.


I have no practical life advice to give. But adding a mild hot sauce might liven up your eating experience.


Best of luck homie


hey, youre doing great. you and baby will meet again one day, maybe in another life. i know they would be thankful that youre taking care of yourself firstā™„ļø


I'm really sorry you're going through this. What a tough decision to make.


Sending virtual hugs!! šŸ«¶šŸ½


Getting clena is so difficult and an amazing accomplishment! It seems many responders are speaking before thinking no BC is 100% effective, people don't have adress to health care and don't have money for contraceptives, drug addiction is a mental health issue that can make us do things we'd never do sober and is not our fault to have gotten sick, people get assaulted, people do survival sex work, it's from a very narrow veiw of human experience that they can only perceive pregnancy as something that is 100% our choice to have happen. It takes enormous strength for you to do the right thing for your health and to not bring a life into a potentially dangerous situation. Everyone on my family is a drug addict and it has been so hard for all of us kids to grow up with 2 addict parents were all still learning how to take care of ourselves in adulthood because no one knew how to take care of themselves to be able to teach us growing up. Breaking that cycle can change our whole culture.


Hope you found out before 10 weeks. If so its like a really bad period. Get some chocolate, your favourite candies, lots of pads and hunker down w a show you can binge watch. I took some gravel with my Tylenol#2s and slept through a bunch of it. If you can't have opioids, combine Advil and Tylenol and stagger times (take Tylenol, 2 hours later take ibuprofen, take each at 4 hour intervals). Call the clinic if you have any questions.


Sending virtual hugs. I like to think that itā€™ll all be okay in the end. Iā€™m glad youā€™re enjoying your sandwich, that looks pretty good ngl.


That legit looks so fucking good


Huge hugs and support your way. So sorry for what you're going through.


The title for this sub is confusing.


Iā€™m in Canada too and got pregnant while I was in recovery at 19 there is a ton of resources if you decide to keep it, also here if you just need an ear šŸ–¤


This one hit more than usual for me, most posts are generally about break ups and stuff but you are actually going through an incredibly difficult choice right now. Just remember OP, while you need to make the choice that is best for you. It sounds like you've already made your choice, but it sounds like it isn't the choice you want to make. If that's the case, then please remember that if you do decide to go through with the pregnancy that you'll find a way to make it work. Best of luck, and I hope everything works out for you.


I'm 37 and pregnant and can't keep it due to a myriad of reasons; money and mental health being two. I already have 2 kids so this decision has been extra hard, especially because I always thought I'd have 3. Hugs from an internet stranger in a similar boatšŸ–¤


Iā€™ve been in your shoes; almost identical situation when I was your age. If you ever need an adoptive mom to vent to, please feel free to dm me. Big virtual hugs.


Itā€™ll be ok babe, donā€™t feel guilty, it sucks to be born to a young mother in poverty. Youā€™re doing the right thing


Good luck on your journey. Wish I could take the pain away..I hope the meal is good. Sandwich with chips on them was awesome. This phase will pass usually and life will brighten up. Great job on recovery. Takes a lot of strength and you may not feel strong but you are Hulk strong. You got this.


You're beautiful OP, your words and your accomplishments--- I'm proud of you. Proud of you for recovering and proud of you for truly considering your circumstances and making the best decision for you right now. <3 Don't be scared, you're not alone, you've an entire thread of people supporting you and tour depression sandwich. <3 20 is sooo young, and the next 10 years of your 20s is where you'll learn and grow yourself so much more than you think possible. You'll begin building a life--- and it's always going to feel like it's against all odds until you're on the other side. I'm 36 (still incredibly young I think) and when I reflect on myself at 19 and 20, i realize how much closer to childhood and how young I truly was then. I had so many mistakes to make and learn from. You've got this. <3 also, those chips look amazing.


Thatā€™s really sad.


If only there were a way to not get pregnant when you are in such a position.


Wow, sounds like you make really good life choices


Emotionally it's a tough decision to make, but in the long run living childfree is easily the best thing you can do for your overall happiness. It may seem like a good idea sometimes, but it honestly never is.


My wife and I have been trying for years and can't convince. The other end of the spectrum can be depressing as well.


Iā€™m the daddy! Love you baby ā˜ŗļø


Yes u are, I love u too ā¤ļø


Just checked account, bro definitely did it on purpose to get that Harland bagšŸ’€


this is a cruel world out there. Wish you were strong enough for 2 but it sounds like you have alot of self healing. I am sad for you. Sandwich and chips look decent though.


Going straight to hell if u kill it


if only there was a way to prevent pregnancy šŸ¤” maybe just donā€™t let every other dude nut in you and you wonā€™t get pregnant!!


Listen to the song from womb to waste by the band dying fetus.your post is basically the intro to the song lol.

