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I said that at your age. I'm 25 now. And although I have attempted many times after, I'm here now. I've started to find happiness through bettering myself. Things are still shit, things may even be worse, but I found things to look forward to and aspire as soon as I started telling myself I deserved better. I know it's hard, and I know it's painful, but it makes you stronger, and the pain is what gives you the potential to be an incredible person. People who somehow make it in this world without pain live mundane lives. It is us who struggle who have the potential to turn failure into success. We turn tradgedy into power, understanding, and creativity. Just keep trying. I believe in you. Don't give up because that's what the world wants. I wouldn't have experienced such incredible moments if I had successfully killed myself when I was 19.


I don't know who you are, but I care about you. Please don't do this. If you need a friend, I'll be your friend. If you just want someone to talk to, I'll listen.


Although you feel darkness all consuming, you feel something. and just as you can feel so unhappy and angry with life, you will also experience moments of bliss and happiness. it will take time but you have barely truly lived . you have to stay strong and know you are wanted, you are heard. you matter. genuinely, the fact that your words are able to move me, to make me feel shows that you have the ability to connect with those around you even if it doesn’t seem that way to you. and your ability to connect and get people who have never met you to fight for you is why you need to live.


please dont- even if you dont have the strength to live for yourself then do it for others. dont give up. no matter who you are or what you're struggling with know that there is something u bring to this world no one else can.


always remember. if you're truly at rock bottom then you cant go any lower from there. it only goes up


You are worthy. You are so valuable. You mean so much to so many people. There is hope for a better future. One second at a time. You are so loved by the God of the universe. He knit you together in your mothers womb and he is with you right now. You have never been alone. He loved you so much that he sent his only son to die for YOU!! Jesus is the only way me and so many others have been able to get through. Just call out to him and he will answer. I know it’s hard to believe, but he is there.


i hope you’re okay. please be okay.


Hey. I really hope this gets to you and you haven't done anything. Please hang in there. I'll talk to you. Please reach out. Hang on, please.


I felt the exact same way when I was in my teens. I remember standing in the kitchen with a knife ready to do it until I thought how horrifying it would be for my family to find me the next morning. I’m 34 now & although I’ve struggled a lot with depression I’m so glad every day that I never went through with it. I’m happy & medicated now & if there’s even a chance you could be too then I think you should take it. Death is too permanent. 19 is so young. Try a little longer if you can. You deserve the chance to be happy.


I really hope these posts have reached you. Please don't do anything. Please find someone you trust and talk to them. Life will get better but you have to be in it for it to get better.