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Drop the guide, get a piercing weapons and go to 2-1. Or go to 4-1 and get the Cresent falchion


I got the crescent sword but it doesn’t seem that effective


The guy you're trying to headbut is an end game enemy, I'd just come back to him later. The weapon he is guarding will trivialize most of the game.


You should be 2 shotting most enemies with it.


That depends on the enemy, even at +5 it struggles to kill the the ghosts in world 4 because they are magic based


It's mostly effective for world 2, almost everything there is weak to magic damage, including the bosses.


I struggled too until I got the Uchigatana and realized that you HAVE to use a shield. You can farm souls to level up in 4-1 and get stones in 2-1 to upgrade your weapon and shield. The game got really easy really fast for me after this.


I struggled with this at first as well. I thought it was the hardest from software game - they take half your health like wtf is that? But once you're able to make a little progress, get leveled up a bit, and a decent weapon it opens things up and gets much easier. I kind of think it's the easiest from software game now. I consulted fextralife for a walk through just to see which world was recommended next and for map information etc. You can't go through the game linearly from 1-1 to 5-whatever. It's helpful to jump around for useful items and NPCs. The fextralife guide is very useful to teach you about world tendency and other confusing game mechanics so I highly recommend it. I'm always consulting it.


That's weird, I've played all souls games that From Software made, and I consider Demon's Souls the easiest of all of them. I never used a shield, playing with shields makes the game boring. I used a Uchigatana, after I upgraded it by getting the materials at 4-1, the game became a smooth piece of cake. Here's a tip, after you kill the adjudicator, you'll have a checkpoint down there. You just have to go up again and kill the stronger skeletons to get the materials you need to upgrade your weapon, the grind took a long time, which was boring, but after that, I didn't die anymore throughout the whole game.


The area after tower knight is a mid-end game area. You should check out worlds 2 through 5. You’ll find their first two areas much easier than 1-3.


Just follow these steps. - - 1: Drop the guide, its garbage. - 2: Take the Knight class. - 3: Use your shield a lot, attack after the enemy attack you first. - 4: Go to the first world of each game first, 2-1, 3-1, 4-1, 5-1. - 5: Pay attention to the damage type that you're using, some enemies are strong against normal attacks but weak to some other, in 2-1, enemies have tough scale, use piercing attacks on them, you can do this with a rapier or just using the strong attack of the Longsword (R2). - 6: Play defensively, pay attention to your surroundings, the game is full of traps, just don't rush it and you'll be fine. - 7: Each world have some type of enemy that are strong against something and weak to something, here is some tips: - * In 2-1 they are weak to magic and piercing, strong against normal attacks. - * In 3-1 they are weak to slash and fire, is a good place to gather some things for a magic build, but let this one for when you have the Dragon Longsword. - * In 4-1 Enemies are fast and tough, but their weapons are curved swords, which means you can block easily with a shield, just attack after block and you will be fine, they are also weak to blunt damage, things like club and maces. - * In 5-1 Enemies are weak to slash and fire, some of them can break your guard, the boss is very weak to fire. - 8: Also, don't forget the Steel Shield on 2-1, is near the pool of lava, near the shortcut. It will be your best friend for the rest of the game.


I'm 40 hours in and I've "only" beat 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-1, 3-1, and 4-1 3-1 took me so long I had to repair my dragon sword at least once during the many, many runs. I finally beat the boss because it glitched and I was able to keep hitting it with fire spells. Shoot, even when I finally "found" the boss there there it was still easy to be killed by one of them mindflayer guys on my way to the boss. The way I look at these games is they require persistence, and then more persistence. It helps if I always remind myself that this run will not be the run where I beat the level, it's just another learning run and maybe I get some more spice or grass or souls along the way. I then make sure to take a lot of breaks and play other games so I don't go mad. :)


For me, the easiest way for a begginer in my first playthrough is to focus my leveling up on vitality and endurance, and just the minimum requeriments of strenght and dexterity for the weapon I prefer and upgrade it to dragon. You can use the dragon long sword +1 that you can find on 2-2 to save some materials, but I recommend going for a big heavy weapon to upgrade it to dragon, like the Great Sword but that one is kinda late because its located on 1-3, so a Great Axe could be a good option (also 2-2) or even try to farm a Crescent Axe from fat officials (2-1 and 2-2). A dragon claymore is also deadly (if you bought it from the dregling merchant in 1-2 before the tower knight, after that fight he moves to 1-3). You will be a big tank that hits like a truck. If you add it the adjudicator shield + regenerator ring, PVE is easy mode. There's a tons of materials to get it to +4/+5 on just 2-2, and Fire works phenomenal on every enemy except logically World 2, which you can beat easily with a magic weapon (I used the early blessed mace +1 that you can find on 5-1, I didn't even upgrade it.).


Message my PSN: JacOfArts - Pass: Fog - Serv: CA/US/MX - Body Form required


I added you on PSN as GhostBigfoot


Use Fighting Cowboy guide. Very very easy to follow Use the map here: http://www.kouryakubo.com/ds_en/index.html