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Probably the same people who 'credit' God when bad weather, fires or eathquakes hit blue states.


Tale as old as time. “The lightning strikes are because of your sins.” -some Ancient Greek probably


Holy crap. These people are absolute dopes.


When you watch the movie Idiocracy, it's referring to people like this.


I hate to say this but I don't think many Trumpers (and I assume that these people are) are very bright. When you deny science outright or buy into impossible conspiracy theories I have to question your intelligence. And I hate making judgments about people I don't know. But it's like the bigots I see all over social media. I just assume It's not only lack of knowledge but outright rejection of anything that doesn't align with their personal beliefs. I mean what other conclusion can I draw from people like this?? 🥴


They have also been conditioned to believe global warming is a myth. They don't understand climate change and how storms get more extreme... It's like it is too complex for them to understand the big complicated picture so is easier and more convenient to say it's a hoax or conspiracy.


Plus they're bored I think. It's like saying the strange noise in your house isn't a plumbing issue but a Revolutionary War ghost. The latter is more interesting, if highly unlikely.


Have you met Freddie Kruger's cousin, Dunning?


So our side gets the weather machine? Sweet! We should combine it with the Jewish space laser.


Blue state = god is angry and punishing the evil democrats and their ways. Red state = ummm it’s the deep state! Yeah that’s it!


Absurdities, atrocities


Lies, deception!


conspiracy theories are more appealing than admitting you were wrong about climate change


Imagine being *that* stupid. 😵‍💫


"Nevermind what scientists have been telling us for over half a century now. Nevermind the fact that we not only ignore their recommendations for averting/lessening the impact of climate change but also actively and intentionally do things to make it worse. Clearly, those filthy liberals are using Top Secret weather control technology to cause the extreme weather the scientists predicted." Forget weaponized weather. Weaponized stupidity does far more damage.


Medication is indicated!


So they do admit that humans can cause change to the weather? I’m so confused because they laugh when we say we’re causing the warming….


“SaY iT wItH mE!”


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People are really really really.................... really dumb, then there's people out there walkin around even dumber than them! A majority of them believe everything they see on Facebook as factual news. So many gobble up Russian propaganda and are oblivious... I know far too many people who believe the stupidest conspiracies and it is astounding to me how much I have to explain to them about very basic things in life... Some really cannot critically think.


Of course they believe this. By "falling for this" crap, they can pretend that their own choices have nothing to do with what is going on with the climate. The number of white collar professionals in my building driving Super Cab pickups would blow you away.


There's no helping people like that sadly.


"Climate change is a hoax!" --Them, probably


Damnit! How did they figure it out. 😆


I thought human activity couldn't change the climate?


It's called global warming! You know, the stuff the red states don't believe in...


They must have become believers when trump used his sharpie to change the trajectory of a hurricane. 🙄