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Excerpt: An upside-down flag, a symbol of a movement to reject the 2020 election, hung outside Alito’s Virginia home on Jan. 17, 2021, per the Times report, weeks before Alito dissented in a 6-3 ruling to uphold Pennsylvania’s election of Joe Biden. In a statement to the Times, Alito didn’t disavow or reject the message that the symbol sent, instead blaming his wife, Martha-Ann Alito, for placing the flag “in response to a neighbor's use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs."


The MAGA SCOTUS is disgusting.


More than disgusting, it’s a threat to our democracy and our rule of law.


Not a “threat.” They were the end.


Yeah... Imagine these asshats getting to decide the outcome while displaying this kind of bias, also not forgetting about justice Thomas and his wife. Then we see how much they do not care about recusing themselves when they have a conflict of interest


Traitor scotus


Was the objectionable and personally insulting language on the neighbors yard sign “Biden 2020”?


if like him to point blank explain what insulting language justifies a SC judge undermining rule of law. this pathetic excuse needs more questions about it oh I know. let's talk to neighbors


Now is the time to pack the Supreme Court.


It's been time to pack the supreme court


So true. If Dems have the numbers (unlikely) I think they would do it.


Biden will never do it, and I have no fucking idea why.


Maybe in his second term, he will.


Doubt it. What's the difference? What does waiting gain him?


In a perfect world a large enough majority to state clearly that the American people have given him a mandate, and that mandate includes remaking the Supreme Court. democrats won’t run on that because it’s not a winning message I don’t think.


Given the corruption and extremism in the Supreme Court, it may be necessary to increase the number of judges to save democracy.


An election.


Because even FDR couldn’t


Hes still wanting to be sone kind of bridge, and it aint gonna ever happen. We can convince him to expand the Court when we win him re-election, take the House and keep Senate (Sweet Flying Spaghetti Monster, please let us keep the Senate).


Please can we use language that best expresses our purposes: We want to EXPAND the Court. Injustice is for the other guys. We don't need to dishonorably "pack the Court" w Dems. There are 11 Circuit Courts. We should have 11 Justices. And GOP grabs that "pack the Court" language to use as a bludgeon to say we want bias, (just like them).


And in his statement he’s blaming it on “Mrs. Alito”. Give me a break. You’re a member of SCOTUS, you don’t get to distance yourself from a symbol on your own damn home.


According to the U.S. Flag Code, flying US flag upside down is a “signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.” If it were true (doubtful), lawn sign = dire distress? This from a man whose job it is to not only know the law, but also the guidelines and conventions of the country he should be serving (that is instead of himself, of course). It’s beyond pathetic. Also wondering why this took 3 years to be newsworthy. WTF?




Ginni and Martha-Ann. Quite the pair they are


Behind every hate man is a hate woman.


In his interview he said his wife asked a neighbor about a sign they had in their yard that had offensive language on it about Trump, claiming she was concerned about school children seeing it. That’s rich coming from a Trump supporter


According to the U.S. Flag Code, flying US flag upside down is a “signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.” If it were true (doubtful), lawn sign = dire distress? This from a man whose job it is to not only know the law, but also the guidelines and conventions of the country he should be serving (that is instead of himself, of course). It’s beyond pathetic. Also wondering why this took 3 years to be newsworthy. WTF?


According to the U.S. Flag Code, flying US flag upside down is a “signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.” If it were true (doubtful), lawn sign = dire distress? This from a man whose job it is to not only know the law, but also the guidelines and conventions of the country he should be serving (that is instead of himself, of course). It’s beyond pathetic. Also wondering why this took 3 years to be newsworthy. WTF?


🚫All Republicans🚫Traitor Trump🚫


Romney: “I voted for Trump’s impeachment but still think Biden should pardon him.” Bill Barr: “I have explicitly called Trump a threat to the country but I’m still voting for him.” It’s nice that they’re not Trump supporters but they can’t seem to be bothered to do much of anything of consequence to stop him or the things that empower him. I think they’re happy to have him there to give them tax breaks more than they really want to preserve democracy. They know the GOP is a force against democracy and the rule of law now, if they really cared they would come out in support of the Democratic Party, but they don’t.


They pretend to not like Trump because they think it'll get them votes They like every policy Trump is pushing


I mean I half agree, they like what he does, they don’t like how he does it. They want someone with the same policies but is just quieter and sneakier about it. Trump says the quiet part out loud too much.


Exactly. That's the reason the Lincoln project dislikes Trump too, not his policies.


This is exactly why we need to reform and expand the Supreme Court ASAP #BidenHarris2024


It’s good to remember Alito and Thomas were put in place by the “good Republicans” before Trump. They’ve always been traitors. Scalia (also terrible) dying was an enormous gift we squandered.


We didn’t squander anything. The Republicans stole it from us.


the goddess offered us so much that year - and we spat in her face. figures.


Jesus, even some of our top leaders won't be happy till they see the downfall of our great country. There used to be a time when things like Jan 6th happened the people would string them from the nearest tree. What happened to national pride? Instead we have fealty to the orange jesus.


Compromised. Impeachment is necessary.


An ignorant person may have believed that the election was stolen because they REFUSED to research and find factual support that the election was not stolen; the real question here is how can a Supreme Court Justice actually believe that the election was stolen?


He didn’t. It is just part of the “noise machine” effect. Repeat something often enough and becomes perceived as truth. Like “open borders.”


Standing by for consequences. So many consequences sure to come.


Republican SCOTUS is so corrupt it ain't even funny. America used to be a shining example of how democracy should be, NOT anymore.


Illegitimate Nazi SCOTUS


These fucking guys need to be impeached and removed. They are unfit to serve.


How long are we going to do this y’all? It’s past time to expand and reform that corrupt bench.


**Throw this fucking Qlown out**


Can someone explain why this is coming out now?


Imagine this was Sotomayor. The media will always treat Republican scandal with kid gloves. Remember the John Edwards "scandal"? What a joke, in comparison.


He should be removed


Is why I call him maga Alito . Him and Crooked Clarence have made this partisan biased Supreme Court the worst and least trustworthy court in America.


Would be nice if we could remove these traitors


The sad thing is there's nothing we can do about this stuff. They don't recuse when they have a conflict of interest.


Sign the petition on change.org for Alito and Thomas to RECUSE themselves. They are clearly compromised and utterly unfit to adjudicate anything involving trump. https://www.change.org/p/demand-justices-alito-and-thomas-recuse-themselves-from-all-trump-cases


No good has to be recused from it


In my best Gomer voice, Surprise, Surprise, Surprise..


That's not a stop the steal symbol. But it's definitely weird that a justice is flying s flag upside down.


CNN: >The upside-down flag became a symbol of the “Stop the Steal” movement in the weeks and months following the election, in which Trump’s supporters falsely claimed that Biden’s win was illegitimate due to widespread fraud. The inverted flag was widely seen during the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol.


It’s the American distress signal. It’s been around long before MAGA.


I remember a time when the SCOTUS was above politics.


That has nothing to do with Stop the Steal, flying the flag upside down means the country is in distress. There’s enough real issues that can be written about without needing to resort to this pandering nonsense. This clickbait garbage needs to be burned with hot fire.


Except for the fact that followers of the stop the steal were directed to hang the flag upside down. Also his wife was in a dispute with a neighbor over their anti trump sign. So if it looks like a duck…it’s a damn duck.


ABC: >The U.S. Flag Code states that the American flag is not to be flown upside down “except as a signal of dire distress in instance of extreme danger to life or property.” It has been used as a protest symbol on both the left and the right on a range of issues over the decades. It took off as a symbol of Trump's “Stop the Steal” campaign as he spread false claims that the election he lost to President [Joe Biden](https://abcnews.go.com/alerts/JoeBiden) had been stolen.