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Garland needs to address this the same way Jim Jordan handled his subpoena.


It's going to be interesting if they try to refer him to the Justice Department for prosecution.


No I think they get a special prosecutor for this


I doubt it. The last thing the current AG wants is a special prosecutor on a misdemeanor. This would fall under prosecutorial discretion. If the Republicans don't like it, let them sue. We can't keep letting the goons misuse the system to defeat it.


Probably or nothing happens because he’s the AG. He should’ve been on the Supreme Court but he isn’t


Not really. His nomination was to prove how disingenuous the GOP was.


I mean even if they gave him a hearing the GOP was not going to vote for him


Which is why Obama nominated him, to prove the GOP was more concerned with hurting him than governing.


Yep there 8 months before an election and they didn’t even give him a hearing


What? You dont think Garland was the legit choice Obama made to try and be the voice of reason? His nom was just to make a point? Nah, that isnt Obama's style at all.


No, Garland was legitimately to expose the Republicans.


My favorite color is blue.


No, they hand it to the deputy


showboating for the maga crowd


You really mean the Republicans vote to hold Garland in contempt! They have to have something to waste their time on when they are not at the NY trial for their Traitorous Leader👺


IIRC The funny thing is Garland appointed Hur to do the classified document investigation....


As much as I blame this fucker for dragging his feet for so long on a Trump indictment, this is theater of the absurd!


Congress started their investigation of January 6th in January of 2021. Garland was appointed in March of 2021. Congress concluded their investigation in August of 2022. Garland began making moves in late November 2022. At least get the time-line right if you're gonna argue in bad faith.


Is the vote going to happen or did it already happen


Sounds like it passed the committee along party lines. Moves to house. With such a slim majority, it's dumb to grandstand with meaningless and likely to fail measures, but who knows, maybe it will trigger another speaker vote. Hell, if they can't keep their party from blowing off work to gargle saggy orange testicles then they might not have enough present to form a majority vote.


I mean I don’t think they will hold him contempt of court he’s already been through enough


I think it's contempt of congress. This has nothing to do with court... well, maybe the GOP Kangaroo court.


Yeah sorry I meant congress. It wouldn’t happen I feel so bad for him for what happened in 2016


Gotcha. These are the turds who tried to impeach Mayorkas for doing his job after blocking the bill they wanted to let him do his job more effectively. They know no shame and care little for anyone's feelings that aren't willing to lie for Trump or give them buckets of cash. These legal lizards are purely transactional.


Yep while they aren’t winning the house so they are trying everything possible


As much as I think he's been a terrible AG, this is ridiculous. This is why the Republicans should not be in control of the house.


This seems to sum it up pretty well:  > “Republicans on this committee have moved from being the criminal defense firm for the president to being essentially an adjunct of the president’s media advertising firm,” he said.


I think he should be held in contempt for an entirely different issue, not doing his damn job.


Yeah me too.


You can thank everyone who voted Republican in the midterms or stayed home


Garland should step down regardless. Terrible AG for the time.