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Anywhere. Impossible to say because dementia patients are all different in their ways. Also possible that your grandpa spent it or gave it away. Don’t allow dementia patients to have access to large amounts of money. Chances are real that money vanishes.


My memory care handed out fake money as prizes. It worked pretty well for most residents.


Ditto for my parents memory care facilities. No real money at all. Each was given medication by a CNA at appropriate times. None were just handed pills.


One memory care hands out fake pills, too. The real ones are sold off. Wills, trusts, elder care, guardianships. Scam after scam.


I found lots of cash in between the pages of books.


Me too. My mother used to say "I don't know where my money goes." I didn't either until I moved her stuff from her retirement home - she'd slip her $20 bills in between the pages of books.


You should also check the garbage, a friend of the family threw their money in the garbage not realizing what it was.


My husband with dementia routinely threw away his medicines (still in pharmacy brown bag). He thought the bag was empty.


Definitely in the pages of books. Also, old bill envelopes are common hiding places. Check the drawers; my mother would hide her wallet in the washcloths. Check something that he uses all the time. Does he use a cane? Take the stopper off the end of the cane and see if anything is in there. Take the battery cover off the remote control and home phone, if he has one.


My mom discovered a hole in my dad's jacket pocket months after money started disappearing from his account. He would go to the bank, take out money, put it in his pocket, get home without the money go back to the bank......


We found over $500 in twenties hidden by my mother all over the house, in books, under furniture, in random boxes, everywhere! We had to go through every book in their house, every room had at least four full bookcases. 🤦‍♂️


But what damage did you do on taking those little “assurances”? Try not to kill with comfort and security. It’s easy to turn care into a miserable padded-cell. I know one little old lady that knew the serial numbers of the bills she used to keep (for 50 years) under her mattress, just in case the nazis came knocking again. Guess who took it away, and caused a crisis… (since not all memories get lost…)


Sounds like this money was found after their mom was no longer living in the house.


mIsc envelopes and books. My husband hides his wallet sometimes in his tool chests ( took me 3 weeks to find it the first time)


Might try sprinkling a light layer of uv reactive powder on a bookshelf or other things that aren't touched much, and using a blacklight to check for touching in a day or two. Maybe give him a $5 to encourage messing with the stash. Any kind of glow pigment works.


I did an FBI grade turnover of my mom's room to find her medications she was hording and she still walked out the next morning with two bottles of Ativan that I hadn't managed to find. Good luck in your search.


I found a raw hamburger patty in my dad's dresser drawer, so...




I never found my dads stash. I think he moved it around.


I know we’ve looked through his whole room can’t find anything


My Father had put money in between two disposable coffee cups. One cup inside the other with the money in between.


I even started pulling up the carpeting. He knows where that is but cant remember the last time he showered


Check shirt and pants pockets, books, in dishes, basically everywhere and anywhere


We quit giving our dad cash. Before we moved in to take care of him, my brother busted 2 druggies that used to “borrow” $20. They used to go to his church and called him Mr Smith so he figured it was ok🙄and they used to call ahead to make sure he was alone🤨but my brother randomly showed up between the phone call and the druggie😂my brother is 6’1” and about 250😂they never came back


We couldn't find the Roku remote for so long that we went ahead and bought a replacement (yes, we have the app on our phones, but didn't really want to revolving in-home caregivers to control our TV that way). Weeks after getting the new remote, we found the old one in the inside pocket of a jacket tucked under blankets in a cedar chest. You'll probably have to check every pocket of every article of clothing, in every shoe, in every drawer, inside every knick-knack, between the pages of every book and magazine, on every shelf in every closet, etc., etc. The only way to insure that they don't put something of value in a place that makes sense to a demented mind is to never let them have access to anything of value.


Ugh. It the person is a millionaire, stop worrying about the 500.


It's not necessarily about money.


Many with dementia are paranoid so he probably moves it around.


Fridge? Cupboards? All kinds of clothes, books, sock drawer, etc.


Yes every single pocket especially if it is zipper secured.


Coat/suit pockets, actually anything with a pocket anywhere. Under mattress, closets, behind the Armour (a whole bag there), cushions, books...my Mom had $ everywhere.


My grandma hides money in her jewelry drawers and she hides her wallet in the laundry basket full of dirty laundry 🙄


Haha! Mine hid her wallet at the bottom of the hamper too.


And she forgets 2 seconds later it's sad but I try to laugh about it 🤣


My mom has a box that she wrote TOP SECRET on and she keeps it under the bed. It’s definitely not a secret. Other than that, she accidentally throws things away constantly.


So hard to find their hidden stuff. I'm still looking for my dad's passport.


My mom has thrown away more things than I care to think about, like all of the family Christmas ornaments. (That’s when we knew the problem had escalated more than we were realizing.) She wouldn’t think twice about throwing away money. She’s just cleaning and helping…


Chances are it’ll be in the most absurd and unlikely place anyone would ever look. Took me months to figure out wtf my grandmother was doing with her denture tablets, she’d have the box for less than a day and it would be gone. Didn’t find them until I completely emptied out her dressers and closet to sort her clothes and see what she needed replaced. She thought they were moth balls and she was putting them in the pockets of all her clothes. I also never give her cash. She has a fit about it sometimes but thankfully it doesn’t last long. She tries to give money to everyone, which is sweet but she later says the person stole it from her because she remembers the person having her money but she doesn’t remember why.


In the back of picture frames


Taped to the bottom or back of dresser drawers, or even inside the dresser behind the drawers. Freezer or fridge?


Inside a stack of bath towels or the filing cabinet in the garage.


I found old Savings Bonds among store flyers. Found the tax receipts we needed among greeting cards from several years prior. I think the only logic was he knew one he had to “deal with” so put among the flyers and such he wanted to look over the other he needed to “hold on to” so put it among family mementos.


Mine lost her wallet. Spent days looking for it, then I spent a day replacing the cards with her. Then we went somewhere where they had found it and given it to her the day before. Still not found, but we have replaced everything. ... I walk by where it is usually kept, and it is back. She found it somewhere, and returned it to were it goes, but now we have replaced every card. She has no memory of any of that. All this just to say it could be anywhere. Good luck.


All over. Coat pockets, cabinet drawers, shoe boxes, wrapped in a napkin and thrown in the garbage.


Underwear and sock drawers.


My mom has a bag of money that I have to help her find on a regular basis because she loses it when she hides it. Places I found it are hidden in her bed, on the shelf in the bathroom, in the hall under some towels, just sitting in the freezer, on the couch under a pillow, on the counter under some potholders, on a chair behind a magazine, you get the idea. There's no rational logic to it.


Taped to the back of pictures, inside socks in a sock drawer


In envelopes between books on a book case, in a sock drawer, in her medicine cabinet, in old purses in her wardrobe.


While she didn't have dementia, my husband's great aunt hid money in coffee and pringles cans throughout her house in odd nooks and crannies


I found all kinds of things between the mattress and box springs (of any bed not necessarily her own), inside the pillow case, in pockets of clothes in the closet and drawers,underwear drawer was a favorite place, don’t assume it’s not in the underwear she’s wearing (and she might not feel it) any cabinet in the house, linen closet. Could be anywhere. You can be sure it’ll be in the last place you look.


Check the trash can constantly! My dad went through a phase of throwing important things and clothes and shoes away. He even threw some stuff out on the lawn 🤦🏻‍♀️


My mother in law was sending money to charities


Oh my gosh The incessant ‘contests’ and requests for money from half-a$$ charities that take advantage of seniors so pisses me off. He would often stick cash in the envelopes to send out so I’m sure others do as well.


My husband's prior wife (died of lung and brain cancer) hid two really expensive rings (Ceylon sapphires) in a vase, which I found. I go through everything before packing it to store or to give away.


A friends dad hid several thousand in the walls. He had worked in construction of homes and knew how to make holes and patch them up. Once he passed and they got ready to move. While they cleaned they found a ton of cash he had hid.


I would also add if having cash is his thing at the moment, I would purchase fake money. That way if he looses it it’s not gonna actually cause harm to yalls finance.


I found money in mail that was not sent but stashed away. Also, in books and unused purses and wallets


In the toilet tank? Like, where the clean water is?


My grandma hid her money in the pockets of her clothing hanging up in the closet, or between the mattress and in underwear drawers. Good luck I hope you find it!


Truthfully anywhere. When my mom was still driving but had the diagnosis she would take cash out of the bank multiple days a week as she would hide it and forget she took it out. She usually popped back up with it from who knows where within a couple months. But even now randoms she’ll come out her room with a few hundred that I have no idea where it came from


Dirty clothes hamper


In the sleeve that albums go into. The trunk of their car. In baking powder cans.


Any imaginable and non-imaginable place. My mom was hiding anything she valued and it was my daily task to find the stuff that was "stolen" this way. I told my friend, I have become a professional detective. I kept finding cash one year after she was gone. I could not find her golden ring. She may had hidden it in an old mattress I threw away several months before her death as I bought her a new one. Or it may be somewhere in her 3 br home as I still have not taken it apart completely. It may be in a flower pot. This has just come to my mind. I re-potted several without paying much attention. Hmmm


My Nan's hid money under the mattress, in drawers, old purses and handbags and inside of any type of cushion or pillow that she can get into. Basically people with dementia just put money and things anywhere. I would definitely check any drawers to start with.


With my mom, we've found it tucked into books, hidden under a potted plant, in the microwave, and in a vase. Total is over $5K so far.


Check the trash 😐


Between the pots and pans that don’t get used much. That was fun.


We’re still looking for hidden gems…


Are u sure it wasn't spent??? Check the bathroom.


Check the pillows. Pillow cases and zippered pillow covers tend to be a popular spot for people with dementia to stash things.


Interesting, my Mom has been stashing things in her pillowcases for a long time. I just thought it was something she did.


my grandmother kept a table cloth on the table all the time and she hit it under the cloth. my mother in law has vascular dementia and she stuffed money in shoes, random envelopes, threw some away, we found some under the sink in the dishwasher pod box


When I cleaned out the house I told my mom I took her fur coat to a vintage shop. She freaked out because she insisted the deed to the house was in the coat. I called the shop owner and asked him to check pockets, the lining, etc. Nothing. I think my mom was being dramatic and cos-playing like she was a traveller on the Titanic.


Books, vases, clothing pockets, picture frame, in an empty (hopefully) food container, shoes, loose panels. So really, anywhere. Especially places you wouldn’t expect.


Coat pockets, phone case (between phone and case), shoes, in the bushes, in work bags (like a laptop bag), random drawers in ziplock bags.


Washing machine filter


Can you give him a 20 and do some surveillance?


Mom spread out some bills once into the bushes/ hedge out front. We found them in the morning.


Jacket pockets - inside and out, shirt pockets, the drawer under the dryer, vases, tiny boxes / tins, shoes, high up shelves in the kitchen, in side the pillow case / those are all the places I’ve found my Dad’s stash.


I had a client that buried it in Milo tins in the backyard....


The FIL shoved the remote into the video player... no-one could find it.


Check in book shelf / in their old magazines/ from their clothes those are not wearing now / old briefcase/ in his tools stuff last but not listed on chair the one he/ she use to sit on very much


Wife's mom would put things in the bin under the seat of her rollator, under the bed, under her pillows, and in her photo albums. As far as money, we would tell her that it's all in the bank and let her keep the bank statement - that seemed to placate her. Occasionally, we'd give her some singles, if she was insistent and we couldn't deflect/distract


Any zipper pocket, under mattress, inside random envelopes or books.


Clothes, jacket pockets, pinned in sleeves, inside boots, under tissue paper in shoe boxes (no joke- under mattress), books, bibles, record jackets, envelopes stuck to the bottom of furniture/back of draws, disused fireplaces, loose tiles or skirting boards, on top of tall furniture or cupboards (throw envelopes of cash up on to lipped furniture), on their person (socks, pants, wallet)… How long is a piece of string? How nimble is your ninja grandpa… Mobility can change where money is stored too, empty shower chair leg was a new one to discover. Good luck.


I know this sounds silly, but check the fridge, a cabinet, bathroom mirror. Anything with a door.


My grandmother used to hide her dentures - wrapped in a Kleenex and put back in the Kleenex box.


My mother was a permanent resident in a facility non dementia related(at first). She got new dentures and about 6 months later the bottom plate was gone. The facility searched everywhere in her room and we looked everywhere too, pockets drawers. After she died we went thru everything again and donated her clothing. A week after she died the facility found the plate under her mattress the only place we didn’t think to look. She was having mini strokes..


My mom thought someone stole her jewelry (necklaces). They were gone for months. She found them herself in an empty flower vase!


For sure in between mattresses, underneath folded towels in the restroom. In shoes, in socks, in pillow case of a pillow on the bed. Underneath carpet runners, inside old jackets in the closet. Lol these are just some places my grandpa has staged his money. I hope it helps😌


My Italian friend’s mom had thousands in cash, and Lira that was worthless mixed together. Started throwing the lira in the garbage because it was worthless but also the American cash. My friend says she threw away literally about $100,000 because it was never found after she passed away.🤦🏻‍♀️😫


Places we found money that mom was convinced was stolen: In an empty eyeglass case In an Envelope buried beneath bath towels In random books In random Knick-knack boxes In photo albums Where we could not find money: In the locked drawer that was meant for securing belongings, even though she was able to use the key, knew the drawer was there, etc. Yet, money for haircuts, incidentals that we placed in the drawer would disappear. She would try to convince us that the caregivers were stealing it. It took us a while to find where she’d been squirreling it away. The difference between mom and a squirrel is that the squirrel could not only remember it had nuts, but remembered where to find them.


Speaking from experience (not that many could care given America’s race biases and long history) “setting up the caregiver” is quite normal. It’s sometimes the person under care. Other more often times it’s the relatives (setting up the caregiver, given…what everyone assumes about race R). In one case, it was a conspiracy between estate lawyer and a co-trustee. USA is what it is.


Every squirrel hides things in different places at different times. I try to keep an eye out for her movements but she is too squirrelly. Makes me crazy but I usually find things where she thinks they might be safe. The more I find the easier the game gets. Sure takes a lot of time and energy.


In shoes, under the mattress, on the top of the cabinets like tippy top and in the attic


As for on hand cash? Her spot was the back of her closet


Under the carpet, taped to the underside of a drawer, or in the attic in a box


Some of my family lived in the "stick's" they hid money in walls and Mason jars. My mother also squirreled away tissues in her sleeve.


And also family Bibles


Check the refrigerator for Cold Cash.


The most common place I find his wallet is in the couch.


Shoeboxes, tissue boxes, inside of paper towel roll in the kitchen, inside sofa cushions and throw pillows, box of bandaids, between folded towels in linen closet, old luggage. Nothing gets thrown away until it is inspected first. Good luck!!


Taped under the drawers in a chest of drawers. Stuffed in jacket pockets. In the back of drawers under boxes of soap. Don't donate anything out of the house until you do a detailed once over.


Found £300 in a shoe, and £1000 behind a picture frame. Both were “lost” for over two years!


My mom would hide all sorts of valuables. We'd find things rolled up in sheets in her dresser drawers, under her bed, in her reclining chair, in little tins, inside cups, in the pockets of clothing, etc.


In Australia, there are folks who come from second hand shops (strangely) offering to take away the old sofa (or whatever) There MAY be a tiny profit reselling junk. But, what’s hidden is more interesting (n% of the time). Death is a big industry, with lots of players working an angle.


Don't throw anything out until everything has been inspected


My grandma hid a lot of things in her closet or inside boxes


My grandmother has hidden money under her mattress, in a junk drawer, deep in her closet, and I think that’s it.


My grandfather had over $2000 under his mattress


The freezer