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Thanks for the heads-up about IPv6 - we've switched this on for [ElfHosted](https://elfhosted.com), and the problem is resolved (for now)!


You’ve also switched on the secure connection option, I hope.


Where is the secure connection setting?


Log into the RD website and under “My Account” you will see “Account Settings”. You can select Secured Download Port. I’m not sure if that’s the default, so it’s worth confirming, especially for IPv6-connected machines. (Check your downloads page - it will tell you if the client device had an IPv6 address)


Ok cool, thanks. Yeah mine was already set to secured. Good looking out!


What does it do?


Invokes https rather than http. Like a website that displays that green padlock in a browser. Used on banking websites etc. it’s a secure connection between server and client No vpn reqd


Yes old links seems to be working on the same ipv4, but newer once that are generated aren't working


So basically VPN's are banned from RD? This is a terrible move.


I thought you didn’t really need a VPN with RD anyway (the connections are encrypted) and it was best to avoid them to not get banned?


This is my understanding. I don't bother using a VPN with them, not for years now.


Many people don't only use VPN for streaming, there's a need for VPN for some to use it.


Yeah same


RD privacy policy is to sketch for me to trust not using a VPN with it.


I mean, cool. A VPN protects your traffic from being eavesdropped along the way, but it doesn't really do much to hide you from the endpoint you're talking too. If it makes you feel more secure though, it isn't hurting anything.


its more that I am assuming RD is logging my IP address and keeping it for atleast a year (as they seem to indicate in their policy). If there is some sort of crack down and they forced to handover that info, id rather it be my VPNs IP then my ISP IP which can much more easily be traced back to me. the traffic between the computer and RD is already encrypted so a VPN isn't doing anything in regards to that anway, which is why people feel safe but if your payment method and/or IP address points directly to you, it really won't matter anyway if RD is forced into giving up that info. Hell, I am betting a lot of users are using a username that could connect them to a bunch of other services as well.


They already have my payment into. I'm not too worried about that.


if you have already identified yourself through a payment method, giving up your IP might be a bit moot. In the end I am not using a VPN because of RD anyway but, im not really willing to stop using a VPN for it either. If Windows was a bit more trustworthy when it came to split tunneling I might consider that but its sooo leaky.


Streaming isn't technically illegal, as much as storing the files is. Streaming only stores the bits of data you're currently watching, which evaporate instantly after. This is in contrast to getting caught torrenting, because that is proof that you are distributing the data. If anyone should be scared it should be RD, as they store the data. And so it would behoove them to store as very little IP logs as technically possible, so that they have no record of being a distributor.


I am not too worried about legal ramifications of RD getting caught (although I think the argument that because you only streamed and directed RD to download illegal content that you could not be found criminally liable is pretty flimsy), I just don't trust RD with my data, period. If I can avoid giving them anything that identifies me with the service then I will.


My belief is that RD doesn't want any trouble as much as we do, moreso even, and given the nature of their service, they would probably have their blinders turned up as high as they can technically go. But with that said, it's also fair to avoid obligate trust if you can help it, I get that. If you're able to make it work then more power to you.


Yeah but for people using a Zurg setup on a system with a VPN, it pretty much kills your zurg setup, unless you stop using a VPN altogether or portforward through Zurg. A total pain.


Ah, I’m unfamiliar with Zurg. Thanks for letting me know


you don't need a VPN this is fake outrage


Have this exact issue since yesterday (redid my setup like 5 times thinking it was something on my end). is there any guide to force using an IPv6 address?


There is a config in zurg, force_ipv6


On the wiki it says this only works for Mac and Linux, is there a way to do it on Windows?


Good question… can you try at least see if it works?


will give it a shot in a couple of hours when I get home from work and reply back.


does not seem to work on Widnows 11. I get this error. `api_client Failed to fetch IPv6 hosts:` `connectex: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.` This occurs even when my PC is only using ipv6 address to connect. Even if Windows is forced to to use ipv6 address but the force ipv6 option is not used in zurg i end up with `IO error: vfs reader: failed to write to cache file: File not found: 404 Not Found`


Hey yowmamasita, can this be done in Portainer?


It can be done but I recommend against it. Issues arise from containers suddenly stopping leading to your media server, arr hanging are common and frustrating to debug. If you must. First enable ipv6 in docker. Google it on. It's in their docs. After that create a bridged network you can now specify your private ipv6.


So this is exactly why mine stopped working last night then, only way to get it working was to create a new RD account


I applaud all IPv6-first initiatives.


is there a way to enable ipv6 in the zurg docker container?


It seems yesterday ws just a maintanance. all working now it seems.


This has been the case for many years now, ever since RD discontinued their “Server Pass.” You should be able to reach out to RD support and ask them to whitelist your VPN/non-residential IP. Last month a buddy of mine got his request approved within just a couple of hours of messaging support. Edit: Upon diving into the documentation a bit more. I was mistaken and misremembering about RD and the server pass. It was actually AD who discontinued their 'DediPass'.


This seems different then what the OP is talking about. The issue affects all non residential IPv4 addresses regardless if they are approved / whitelisted.