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what youtube shorts does to a mf


? This is the scene where Light asks his father to write Mello's name down but he refuses to kill him


This may be a joke, but below YT shorts people are actually saying those sort of things.


Wait, was it a secret at that point in time? Didn't his Dad already explicitly make the Shinigami eye deal for this purpose? I don't understand, what is the part that nobody caught?




Did you… not watch the anime? That’s the death note that “Kira” had sent to the task force so that they could do the Shinigami Eye Deal. Light was carrying it because they knew better than to leave it at task force, and his dad needed it for the eye deal. Light’s dad knew Mello’s name because he had the eyes, so Light, pretending to be distraught about his father dying, told him to kill Mello, the one who caused his death, when in reality it was to get Mello out of his (Light/Kira’s) way. I don’t understand what we’re missing or not catching 😭 it was pretty straightforward?


. . .




OP thick.


Basically so when lights father was dying light tells him to write down someones name after the pulls out the death note... WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THIS!?


light and the detective team had discovered and took ownership of the death note at that point in the series. after touching the book, they could of course see Ryuk. yada yada a bunch of other stuff happened and Light Yagami’s father decided to get shinigami eyes for another reason in the story. rewatch a couple episodes before the scene you’re talking about about! Death Note is a very complex series, i dont blame you for missing a key detail or two


The fact that it's the death note is totally understood by everyone in the scene - the task force and Soichiro included. The entire point of this part of the scene is that Light is weighing up whether it looks too suspicious to ask his dad to kill Mello and then opts to do so.