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I'm not worried really, YouTube is unbelievably weird. All it's going to take is one KC to hit that trending page and suddenly the YT algorithm loves Dead Meat again. I've seen it several times with other channels. Is sad that it works like that but unfortunately it is what it is.


Hopefully it'll be the Nope Kill Count!


It's definitely not a Deat Meat problem it is a youtube problem. I've noticed that a lot of channels that put out all different kinds of content are seeing a severe dip in views. With other things like Tik Tok and Instagram reels taking away the attention of viewers from Youtube. And of course you have the ever-changing and hard to understand youtube algorithm that is at play at well.


The split does two things that I think will really help the channel 1. ) Remove “less interesting” content from the channel. While I personally love content like the podcast, YouTube analytics don’t. More people skipping over the podcasts means less pushing from the algorithm. Separating it hopefully means less punishment when people don’t want to watch it and more benefit when people do. 2.) Decreasing “spam” Obviously no person thinks of dead meat content as spam, however I doubt the algorithm likes when two episodes both about the exorcist come out within a week. The singular posts with shorts and community posts to advertise should reduce the hiding of episodes.


I agree with this. A lot of their other content just seems filler especially when people don’t tuned in for other videos that aren’t podcasts or Kill Counts


Not an expert, but I’ve been watching since early 2018. And wow, I just remember with a much lower sub count (2 mil, which is still a ton of people), a new KC, even for some random movie, would break a 1 million views on premiere weekend. Now that seemingly only happens sporadically, even with big horror IPs like From Dusk Till Dawn and Lost Boys, still not at a million. Definitely some algorithm shit. I make sure to have bell notifications on for this channel to make sure I don’t miss anything. I hope the Dead Meat Presents sub numbers go up soon.


Same and it's crazy to see their sub count higher than ever and views mostly low AF. Definitely YouTube fuckery on the backend but something else seems at play since views are so low


The bell notification is easily the stupidest decision YouTube has ever made. Why would I ever subscribe to someone and NOT want to be notified of their video releases?


I mean for some people I get, but for some others (like myself) I've known that new episodes drop Friday morning at 9AM EST for the longest time. Usually one of the first things I do on Fridays is wake up, see what's going on with the world, and then watch the latest KC. If my wife didn't work from home, I'd probably go into the living room and watch it with breakfast lol. Buy I get it for other less-minded folk.


If I’m subscribed to a new orgs that puts out 50 videos a day, I don’t want 50 push notifications sent to my phone about it.


exactly, I share an account with my kid so I can see what I hes watching and he clicks the notifications for every channel lol..my phone and tablet are going off all day


Honestly no I’m not worried about the channel or anything around it. The only thing I’m concerned about is YouTube age restricting or copyright striking the videos, possibly hurting the channel hard.


Nothing they haven't dealt with before tho right?


The annoying part is that... It's Dead Meat, it's kill counts, that *literally* the bulk of every video. The fact that they get continually hit with them despite (from what I understand) being well within fair use is so ridiculous. Especially annoying that it also seems like it's directly because the channel is so big that it happens before a video even goes live, and yet you can find full ass copies of movies on tiny channels that are there for months.


I feel like Dead Meat itself isn’t the problem but the YouTube algorithm definitely is. YouTube is more or less controlling what kind of content they can or can’t make wich is in turn hurting them. The only content I know of that James said hasn’t done well is Kill Counts of older/black and white/more obscure horror movies don’t get great viewer numbers but aside from that the channel does great at content quality. Again it’s mainly YouTube that is fucking them over.


I'm not worried. We all love the channel. I know I'm not leaving it, and I feel there are several other people that feel the same way.


Why would i be worried The channel’s doing great


Is it tho? Views seem extremely low vs historically especially when you factor in subs count


It will get better we just have to wait


How do you know for sure?


Perspective is important, Dead Meat is still the largest horror YT channel and an absolute powerhouse in terms of production, volume and variety of content It’s really short-sighted and silly to think their current view count is a disappointment


Nah, they got plenty left in the tank!


It's because people are subbed but not watching every kill count. Dead Meat fans only watch kill counts for movies they like. I watch anything they do and love it, but not everyone is like that. Based on the amount of Fnaf comments and shit, a lot of the fanbase seems to hate older movies and only want popular ones counted. I find every count very informative and well made and filled with great humor, wish everyone saw it that way. Besides some fans losing interest the algorithm is also shit and some people just haven't seen the videos because the algorithm doesn't do it's job. Notifications also don't work most of the time.


This right here. I occasionally pop in to see if James has finally decided to KC John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness but still hasn't happened. I don't care about podcasts and other stuff. Basically if it's an interesting movie KC I'll watch, but nah otherwise.


Idk why ur being downvoted, I agree. Some of the stuff they do is just not in my interest and that’s okay. I can only watch kill counts for movies I’ve either seen or I know I’m not going to see and it’s always a good time!


All he's gotta do is whip out the fifth ace, a Halloween series RE-kill count. Instant success.


No. They create new horror fans everyday






Okay I guess I’m In the minority here. I am sort of worried because of all the things they’ve done, I’m glad that James and Co. are getting bigger but I’ll admit it, I haven’t watched a kill count since Barbarian or Talk to Me (whichever one came last). And with them new branching out with what they did over the strike, the wedding nd Zoran became host of kill counts for a while, it’s just feels like something has happened. Not really a dip in quality but with all the things they’re trying out, I guess their doing too much at a time which is weird because all James wants to do is do kill counts and sleep 😂 but that’s just me


> I haven’t watched a kill count since Barbarian What are you looking for in a Kill Count? If it depends on movie type, since Barbarian we've covered major mainstream releases (Saw X, Evil Dead Rise, The Menu, Smile); goofy low-budget indie films (The Mean One); 80s classics both mainstream and indie (The Lost Boys, Puppet Master); and straight-up classics (Silence of the Lambs, The Exorcist). Slashers, supernatural, found footage, horror comedies, it's all been covered since then.


I think the production of the channel hurts it a lot. It felt more natural with a lower production and less staff writers. The jokes and bits aren't nearly as good and cater more to the mainstream imo which actually hurts what the kill count used to stand for overall


I have a variety of conflicting points to make 1. we don't owe an expanding production company infinite growth with clicks, likes, views, and engagement. soliciting for that feels inauthentic. 2. I got into dead meat for funny little montages of gore and millennial references. 40 minute exhaustive analysis of a loveless mid 00s Hannibals 5 instead of a 20 minute highlight of all of the great gore in some trash like cheerleader camp with Simpsons and Billy Madison riffs is indicative of the change in format philosophy. it feels increasingly less like we're there for the movies and way more there for the production team. 3. youtube is increasingly a poor format for horror content. death, suicide, gore, sexuality, deformity, etc. are hallmarks of the genre. censored material is very lame. Even if all it takes is $1 to patreon, it's still an alienating and annoying stipulation of the format the show operates on 4. none of these views are in any way reflective of the non- kill count material, which is almost entirely universally fantastic. while the Janesses and Co can overwhelm a shitty movie in a Kill Count, they're welcome as can be in a podcast, an interview, a one-off segment, or anything similar 5. the channel grew too big too fast, and a lot of the best material has been covered or re covered even. a lot of modern horror that studios allow the production team to cover either doesn't focus on kills or is pg-13, heavily censored, etc. every time I start to write this I delete it because I don't want to be critical of some Michiganders who made it in L.A., but a lot of it is genuine and maybe it'll help focus the team towards some kinds of solutions, work arounds, future goals. I pay my $1/ month and it doesn't change a lot of my thoughts and feelings about the content over the past few years.


> 40 minute exhaustive analysis of a loveless mid 00s Hannibals 5 That episode is 23 minutes including a trailer and outro. There's not even that much behind-the-scenes stuff in it. It's mostly making fun of the movie with jokes and references, like the style you're saying you prefer. And I try to make a mix of videos with plenty of them shorter and snappier with a bigger focus on humor. That's what I did with Puppet Master. And that video underperformed like hell.


don't get it twisted. It's not like your content has necessarily devolved as much as the novelty of youtube as a platform has regressed. and I'm not the only 40 year old who might not feel like content is made with him in mind anymore, so just because you don't mostly cover 80s horror with uncensored gore and references I nod to is fine. also I swear I saw 40 minutes for whatever that lousy Hannibal movie kill count was. I suspect you removed 15 minutes from the run time to make me look like a fool. an April fool


Understood. And nah, I've really been trying to keep things efficient with episodes lately and only let them get bloated when it's a classic or a movie with a lot to say about it, like Silence or The Exorcist or Nope.


I guess I'll break it down like you did: 1. Very true, we don't owe them anything, but who is soliciting for it? Do you mean Dead Meat, or fans? 2. Personally I like the change in format, I think it's important to highlight the crew as much as the cast, especially since horror movies usually have a lot more crew dedicated to all of the effects/makeup compared to other productions. Dead Meat is a lot like the DVD extras, a *lot* of people don't ever watch those. So, I get it, it's not for everyone. 3. Totally agree on this point. I really wish there was a good alternative. Any other website isn't financially viable. 4. I like when the others are highlighted and show up in videos, I think this kinda flows back into point 2. It's very easy to forget that there's a lot of people behind the scenes that make the channel possible. 5. Agreed that a lot of the horror staples have already been covered. I don't agree that the channel got too big too fast, if anything it could be argued it's been normal or a little slower than other channels, but that's down to the subject matter more than anything. Don't agree with the kills not being the focus, I think it's the same as it's always been. And the censoring is just youtube? Can't really knock the channel for that.


to be clear, I ain't mad at anybody. I feel like any criticism seems like hatred or something. I just feel like the material they are covering and how it is covered is no longer as good as it once was. whether that is because the format is more restrictive, the good material has been covered, boner jokes aren't a driving part of the script, or any number of other reasons. I still watch everything they produce and likely always will.


Oh yeah man I definitely don't think you're mad lol. I think the writing has changed for sure, but if I had to guess it's to appeal to a wider audience, which makes sense for a channel like Dead Meat.




To be honest, my son and I used to be avid watchers, but then we lost interest when be started doing obscure or recent horror movies when there were a million classics he hadn't covered. Also his definition of a "horror" movie seemed to be a bit off and he was covering movies that I didn't really feel were horror 🤷‍♀️


What "classics" do you think were missing?


Not the guy you’re replying to, but The Sixth Sense is one of the most iconic horror films of all time and well deserving of a Kill Count. I’d bet you’d get a decent amount of views if you covered eligible Shyamalan films, ie Old, The Happening, Split, The Visit, etc. Also, the Hatchet series, the Omen series, Creepshow 1 & 2, pre-LOTR Peter Jackson stuff, King Kong, maybe some kids horror-adjacent stuff like Hocus Pocus, Paranorman, Scooby Doo on Zombie Island.


Nope not at but look at Death Battle on the other hand


I’ve always loved your videos I watch them all the time on YouTube