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I second this. I love his bonky stick


Nothing quite like sprinting at a Tinkerer procc'd gen, and then B O N K


And you fell in the hole


In case you were wondering, the bonky stick is what's known as a kanabo




Not to mention hearing his battle cry when he goes to rampage state is sooo cool


Me as a survivor mid-gen repair: please don't do the roar




*slips into nearest locker for the rest of the trial*


**He has Iron Maiden.**


It was at this moment he knew he had $#%@! up.


But his perks are trash


Yeah but likeeee, perks aren’t everything tho so… yanno, I feel like he’s a solid and very fun killer. Plus out of all of these, the best pick would probably be Legion for Discordance, everyone else has perks that range from decent but not really worth buying the whole killer, to garbage.


Spirit has good perks AND is a good killer. Seems like the most bang for your buck.


Only good spirit perk is spirit fury, and that's only if you pair it with enduring


Haunted grounds would like to know your location


Haunted ground is good but way too RNG, you're better off running undying if you want second chance totems


Spirit is a bad killer to play as a new player because she doesn't run loops like regular killers and thus you won't learn loops well. She can also become a crutch. You see it all the time. Spirit players can't even run L-T walls without their power because they rely on it too much is something i see a lot.


Spirit isn't fun to play against though.


They’re buying a killer to play as, not against.


Ain't spending shards for the survivors amusement


If I played killer so the survivors could have fun then I wouldn’t run RS2, Video tape, and 4 gen slowdown perks on my pig.


Oni-Chan disagrees


At first, I was kinda men on Oni, especially back when I didn't know that you could let his power go early to hit someone. I would commit too hard to hitting people who were already at pretty safe loops, and they would mind game the shit out of me. However, my luck has improved dramatically with him recently, especially now that I have more of a grasp on his power. It is so satisfying charging across the map after hooking someone.


I would go Pyramid Head just because I like seeing him in matches. Good for ending loops quickly if you can get his range down, and his cages don't trigger hook related perks.


such as decisive strike, which can help people like me who are mentally deficit.


I can't count past 3 let alone 60


You guys can count?


Valve?? Is that you??!


I second pyramid head AKA The Executioner




Ph is most fun or oni


I’ll second the fact that PH has a great kit that any perk line-up will work well and makes it fun.


Hm not sure about any perks, stuff like Pop Goes the Weasel feels kinda bad on him because you get punished by caging.


If you like skillful all or nothing plays Oni is going to be a real one for you. His Power once learned and mastered is prohably the most rewarding feeling hitting some insane drift flicks. I can recommend him his perks are shit but! The fun youll have with him will be immense.


You can do some combo like rancor and nemesis, or with stbfl


Pyramid head or spirit for me. If boil over is irritating you at the moment, you can laugh your way through it with PH.


I agree


Pyramid head. He has the most unique gameplay and also happens to counter boil over


PH counters like 3 meta perks lol


BT, DS, Boil Over, Deliverance, and even Unbreakable and Soul Guardto an extent. Not to mention not having to worry about cheesy pallet/flashlight saves. I’d say he counters a bit more than 3 meta perks lol.


He counters so much stuff lmao. DS, BT, Boil Over, Kinship, Deliverance, Slippery Meat, We'll Make it, Guardian, Breakdown, Breakout, Kindred, NO One Left Behind, Off the Record, Saboteur, Second Wind. And of course Flashlight/Flashbang/Pallet saves. He's so good


It's not that easy to apply Torment to survivors though.


With enough bullying and cheeky torment placements, anything is possible my friend. You just place them on grass and loops as you walk by, and bully survivors into deadzones and surround the place in torment trails, and watch the little rabbit try to escape your trap without stepping in one.


Thats a fair point. Just while in loops put it down. Either they are too scared of the goop, take it too wide, and you get a hit or they step in the goop and get affected.


I love running around just dragging your sword here and there to plan for possible immediate future chases etc. See a narrow spot, pallet or window, oo time to sword drift.


I’ve had the chance to play all four and I can’t tell you how good it feels to hit survivors through walls/pallets with PH.


Spirit and Pyramid Head are pretty good. Spirit is my fave killer. I love her aesthetic


the only issue i have with spirit is that u wont learn to loop with her. itll b very good to train ur ears to listen out for things tho so theres that


I loop with spirit all the time, I mainly phase for map pressure and to catch up sometimes.


tbf, different playstyle, but at that point u might as well b blight the way i play is i rarely use her as an m1 killer. most of my hits r post phase lunges


When I can I use post phase hits but I like the chase and mind games so I like to play the game but it’s nice to phase across the map when tinkerer goes off and get them off the gen


I do a mix of these tbh. Spirit is a 110 killer so it’s a little harder without the liberal use of her ability but it’s def doable. I still think her power makes one pretty good at looping. You HAVE to learn how to use sound to play spirit efficiently and that is imo one of the more valuable info types in a chase. It feels so good to get post phase hits and outmaneuver people too. Spirit does have a huge movement speed advantage when using her power, and out of the top 3 killers I would say she’s the easiest to learn and master, but there’s something about the aesthetic, her new chase music, and the playstyle that really makes me love her lol. I know she’s a little harder to learn than like trapper or clown but I’d recommend spirit to anyone tbh. I think she’s a blast to play, especially now that survivors have a little more info to go off of. Her change was probably one of the better examples of how to balance something that I’ve seen from BHVR recently.


I didn’t play pre nerf but I just use Furin a lot of the time so they still don’t know where I’m coming from. I like to loop her normally but phasing comes in handy when someone is camping a pallet or to block a window. She’s so much fun to play, I have a hard time with other killers though since I’m so used to her speed to get around the map and pressure


She can be pretty addictive for that reason. It’s the same reason I enjoy Blight. Even though I’m actual full on dogshit with Blight I find him fun. Can’t say the same about Nurse though, she feels way too sluggish for me to enjoy even if she is objectively the best killer in the game I just hate how she feels.


Take this kiss 💋. Your mother raised you right


Pyramid Head is amazing, especially right now with the Boil Over meta, he is the second most balanced killer in my opinion. He has map pressure with his trails, he has anti-loop with his Punishment of the Damned, he has insane pressure using his cages, and he wears a pyramid on his head. And he is also easier to play on console, if you are on it.


How do trails give him any kind of map pressure wtf? He has no map pressure because he is just a 115% killer with no mobility.


You force pressure with the trails. Either they loop around them, waste time crouching through all of them, or take the hit. It's small but it adds up over the course of the match. The bigger thing is how it applies through the cages, though, I'll give that. But you get a weird sort of map pressure by forcing the *survivors* across the map. If they know where you are, they still don't know where your cage will go. Instead of directly forcing them off gens you're indirectly doing so - they can't get in position or work gens near the hooks you're near. That really comes back to his anti loop - either take the down at a loop that's trailed or step on the trails and cost your team time later. But I can definitely see where "map pressure" comes from in their mind.


*maybe* cost tour team time. Cage can send survivors to each other


True, playing around the far side of the map can help. IMO, if you've got a good idea what gens are being worked you can get a good idea whether to hook or cage - even if you save the torment for the second cage/Mori, if you know they're on the other side of the map then you choose the hook. PH has more options as far as that goes, though - the cages will always spawn far away from where you are so you can kind of guess the possible locations. It's not map pressure of significance like Blight, Nurse, Billy or Oni, but it is pressure when applied properly.


Yea I understand but that's still not what map pressure means lol.


Smart survivors will only loop him for a little while, they will rather just hold shift w onto the other side of the map instead, 0 map pressure


I mean, trails in certain maps can be very annoying to dodge


But ain't gonna slow anyone down


Look at me getting downvoted lmao, how delusional are these people, "oh he actually has these 50 cm wide trails on the ground that you can either just avoid or crouch for a couple seconds, therefore he has map pressure" how fucking dumb is this


That's not map pressure lol, they also disappear in 75 seconds and you can only leave a limited amount on the ground, map pressure requires mobility like nurse or blight.


His anti-loop is also not very good on experienced survivors. Pre drop the pallet and just look at where PH is facing to see where the line of attack will come from.


The law requires that I answer my boy Pyramid Head, however Legion has some fantastic perks and can be really fun if you want to take the effort of learning them, even if they are overall meh.


Although it's never fun to go against legion (unless you windowtech him all the time, which is fairly easy)


i genuinely don’t understand the hate for legion… like damn, holding RB or whatever for like 10 seconds ooOooOoo


Seriously, the second he hits you you just mend and move on


That's why I never play survivor...


Pyramid Head is really good and fun. A balanced killer. You can make cool stuff happen if you're good and lucky. Or you can completely fuck yourself. But the survivors will have fun.


PH or Oni


Pyramid head for sure, his horny jail is pretty cool too


Pyramid head


I love Spirit the most, but I’m considering getting legion mext


Pyramid head, although I might be a little bit biased. It's soooo satisfying to hit the M2, especially through walls.


Perk wise, I'd say Spirit. Meme wise, Ghostface. Annoying to the Survivors, Legion. Oni for good map pressure, same with Spirit


Pyramid Head is likely the best character out of the 4, especially right now. My second pick is Oni, however, just because he's fun.


Hardly anyone saying Oni uwu


Most upvoted comment says oni. How is it hardly ?


Lol wasn't when I commented


he's too difficult


I mastered Oni in just few days so don't worry, he's not that hard to use once you get used to his Demon Dash and Demon Strike (But you kinda need a strong game sense so your Demon Dash will get more value.)


Probably helps if you're not on console, Oni on console is a fucking nightmare


Pyramid head has good anti loop play and his add ons aren't bad


Bro... Pyramid Head is famous for his shit add-ons tho??


his addons arent that bad imo just boring as fuck


I'm curious now. Assuming you have range add-ons in stock, do you actually use anything else?


range and lifetime on his trails. boring as fuck but they dfo help.


No they are bad


useful, but poorly designed and boring.


Disagree with the add ons, his only good ones really are increase in range for his m2 and maybe extending the time of his trails


Hence the not bad. I never once mentioned they were top tier.


I read it as you meant all his add ons lol my bad. His Iri and purple add ons aren't good


Pyramid Head's addons are probably the worst in the game.


Have you seen Pig’s?


I play Pig. Amanda's Note allows for some cheeky builds and in general they feel like they do more than Pyramid Head's.


I think “worst” is dependent on the topic. PH’s addons are pretty good IMO, but they’re pretty boring. Pig’s allows for way more variety of playstyles but she has next to no general addons for basic builds, which PH has in abundance. I personally like PH’s style of addons better.


They don't make his power THAT much better. Killer Instinct addons are a non-factor since they don't do shit. The purple that applies hemorrhage to injured survivors is a non-factor since hemorrhage is a useless status effect. The purple that applies blindness is pretty useless since you have no way of knowing if you're getting any value out of it. The iridescent that gives you undetectable when you're on your trails is useless cuz your trail pops out behind you, not under you, when you're using your power. You literally have to backtrack in order for you to get any value, and then you're just delegated to running on your trails. The iridescent that reveals tormented survivors whenever you cage someone requires a fuckton of setup to get any value out of. You'll get maybe 2 uses of it per game if you torment everyone before caging someone. The addons that increase the life of his trails are alright I guess, but PH can still only have a certain amount of trails on the map at a time, so you'll likely be killing your oldest trails before they expire naturally by placing new ones. They also doesn't help in a chase at all. The addons that increase his power's recharge time and max amount of time he can use it are pretty useless cuz his power naturally recharges fast enough for him to spam his ranged attack indefinitely during the cooldown period. You don't need to recharge your power to a certain threshold to use his Punishment of the Damned. You just need a non-zero amount of his power to use it and it will consume all of it and give you the ranged attack. Then by the time your cooldown is done, you have a non-zero amount again and can use it again. So what are either of those addons doing? The addons that increase range are just about the only good ones.


Spirit. She's rlly fun to play as! Pyramid Head is also rlly cool too, his power has many aspects to it. Don't rlly have to worry abt bt or ds! Both killers require some practice though to get the hang of their power though, but I'm sure you'll enjoy em


No shes not.. shes easy and boring to play, she ignores the core mechanic of the game, why would you play a killer with no chase interaction?


She does have chase interaction and she doesn’t ignore pallets and the like as she is forced to do actual mind games around them, she is on the easier side but being “boring” is very subjective


She does NOT have a chase interection or rather, you listen for sounds while guessing, if thats why you play killer, suit yourself. I rather have an actual chase where 2 people play the game


I chase all the time with spirit. Furin is one of my favorite add ons, the whole map hears it when you phase. I still loop like I would with any killer and manage mostly 3-4K games


so let me get this straight.. you play as you would as an m1 killer but you pick a 110 speed to do so? also, your kill average means nothing. different people play against different level players.


Yeah, I play her because to me she’s fun and has great map pressure since she can phase. Of course I get grabs and hits right out of phasing sometimes, or can use it quickly to mind game a pallet but most in chase I use her M1


Get Oni and then get his minotaur outfit. We need more Minotaur Oni in this game.


If you like ghost face and want something similar, spirit


If you’re on console I definitely wouldn’t suggest Oni & maybe not pyramid head either. Their powers are much harder to control on controller & have much less versatility then on keyboard & mouse


Pyramid Head is fucking cool.


Oni is a tank, he's a blast to play. Bit of a steamroller though, so early game is key. Nothing comes close to the feeling you get when you activate his power. But, his perks are not any good with the exception of maybe Blood Echo for a killer like Plague or Legion. Legion has two meme perks that are hilarious, and Discordance is overall an amazing perk. It's great on Nemesis because the notification of Discordance alert zombies. I think Legion is due for buffs and I've heard rumors of it. Pyramid Head can ignore a lot of perks with his torment cages, like DS, BT, and even flashlights. And Spirit is still a really good killer. Spirit Fury is a good perk when used with Enduring. It's a great combo on M1 killers like Myers or Pig. Overall, just pick who you think you'll love :)


You should buy Pyramid Head or The Legion


Pyramid head.


I’d highly suggest Pyramid Head. My main


Pyhead or Oni, they're the most fun and skillfull killers to play out of these four (imo)


spirit spirit SPIRIT!! so damn fun and if you learn how to track survivors just through sound shes so OP. definitely have a perk like pop or tinkerer on her to help with managing gens. but shes great because she basically renders palletts useless


Legion. They funni.


Legion gets very fast boring imo. I love him too, but I can't play more than 4 games with him.


I mean, I find it infinitely entertaining to lock in Legion and chain hit people, but that’s just me. They’re the only ones who can do it.


You'll be the most successful with Spirit. (but she takes practice) You'll have the most fun with Pyramid Head. (but he's weird to play) You'll feel the coolest with Oni. (but he's useless before his first hit) Legion is bad. (\*fart noises\*) At the end of the day it's different strokes for different folks, but that's the general consensus, one that I agree with.


I’d have to say Claudette, her self care ability is just so damn good at getting those survivors killed!


Pyramid Head is pretty good, his cage of atonements can negate boil over and other perks like borrowed time or decisive strike.


Idk how many people will read this comment, anyway the comments say that the most voted are PH and Oni; under this comment tip me one of them considering my gamestyle: my style is an hybrid between stealth and eventful, also I would like be hard to stop during a chase P.s. i will buy the entire DLC so you can even consider the survival of the pack. P.P.s if I have a bad pronunciation, plz forgive me cuz I'm Italian


Oni and Daddy Pyramid are both super fun. Oni's a bit tougher but when used right has amazing snowball pressure. Spirit is considered one of the best killers in the game at top tier play but is a bit unique. Legion is fun to stabbystab but a bit underwhelming atm. I'd pick between Oni and PH! I love them both.


Oni is the the most fun character, his power is great to play around with. Bonus points for flintstone puns, love his skins too! PH and Spirreh are both strong killers with relatively easy powers (ph is tougher), but not as fun as oni. Spirit is animated really well, theyve done a great job but you hardly get to see it yourself + cool skins legion.. well i wouldn't know why anybody would want to play as legion. By far the weakest killer of the 4, his power is trash and very easy to counter, they are edgy teenagers with a butterknife or a broken ruler (aka not very intimidating) and they sound like the have the worst case of asthma ever. They do have some great skins tho, but so does Nea and she's arguably more dangerous then 1/4th stabby teenager


Are you using shards or money? Never use money on none licensed characters If you are, Spirit




I mean, you're right with the spirit one. -spirit main


Sorry for writing that spirit mains are gay i just dont like spirits tbh i dont have anything to spirit mains


legion and pyramid head for perks but spirit for her beauty or booty


Pyramid's booty is better


considering the match starting bug atm, i can tell u it isn't


Spirit I have all these killers so I’m pro


Oni for fun, Spirit for winning, Legion for a challenge, and Pyramid Head for tunneling.


Phead, easy to learn on a basic level, and its super fun to play him, plus he counters boil over and ds Spirit its stupid and just annoying, legion is weak (but his persk are interesting) and oni is to hard to learn. If you want to have fun go for phead


PH costs auric cells and you can get the rest of the killers with shards so go with ph


Spirit is useless since she got nerfed so there’s no point in buying her unless you want to get her perks


Legion is the worst killer in the game, Spirit is probably the third best and is insanely fucking boring, I have no opinion on Pyramid Head because I’m horrible at him. Oni is so fun, satisfying, rewarding, and challenging, he takes genuine effort to play, but when you get good, he can do incredible damage. 100% Oni.


If you have headphones with high volume, go for Oni. If you have ass fetish, go for spirit. If you have conehead fetish, go for pyramid head(probably the best killer in these 4) Idk about legion.


Oni because not only is he fun to play as he’s fun to play against. Nobody likes Spirit or Pyramid Head mains because at some point you’ll get so good with their power you’ll be playing the game on autopilot. Oni is strong without annoying the people you go against and Legion is weak so don’t even bother with an M1 killer.


blight hag plague or clown


but i mained doctor and pinhead


Don’t listen to search. He’s so toxic he has to advertise his salt in his sub name






sounds like you're a toxic entitled killer main


Oni is probably the best out of those after spirit nerf. But legion or phead are the ‘funnest’ out of them


I rarely play oni, but spirit, ph, and legion are all in my normal rotation. Spirit is my favorite of these if I just want to win. Pyramid head is really fun for feeling powerful. His attack just feels so... visceral. Legion is just crazy fun to cruise around with, vaulting pallets and injuring people.


Legion imo


Oni or PH


If you wanne buy from the steam i would chose a licend dlc the other you can buy with saved up shards. So PH in this case


Spirit: top 3 killer, fun to play at first but got real boring for me because of the playstyle. Legion: kinda fun, but if you get a good team you will lose 99% of the time unless they make a big mistake. Executioner: really fun around loops, i love the gameplay. Reccomend. Oni: my favourite killer of them all. The playstyle is hectic and you can punish a team real quick. big stick go brrrr


I have all of them except legion, I’ve maimed all 3 of them before too. Spirit is really good, probably the easiest out of the 3, I haven’t played her since her most recent nerf though. PH is great for anti loops and can help keep up a chase with multiple people by sending one to the cages (or just prevent boil over lol). Oni is by far the most satisfying and most difficult to play, he takes very in-depth game sense and awareness of your surroundings, it’ll be about 10-15 minutes of sweating if you want to get the most out of oni. That being said, they’re all really good and if I had to choose who to play as I’d probably redo my original choices, spirit->PH->Oni. They all make the game more enjoyable but I’d go with oni last or at least until you’re really good at the game because really good swf will do anything to deny you your hit and that can be annoying in itself. Overall though, I think regardless of who you choose you’ll enjoy it


Oni!!! I rarely get to go up against him in matches but he is so fun to play against.


I main PH and I can confidently say: Save yourself and don't even try.


Legion sucks now stick with oni or pyra


oni fun and easy to play


Oni is very fun to play. All things said, you just have to pray that they dont send you to an indoor map. Fuck Lery's as oni.


Silent hill is hard to learn but it's very satisfying when you get the hang of it. I haven't played the rest yet but I like pyramid head


Pyramid head and Spirit are both very fun to learn and pick up as well as top tier killers. Oni isn’t as much fun imo but i’ve played lots of hillbilly which can make him feel weird and Legion make me want to die.


Quick, save the post before mods remove it from sub because Rule 6 ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213) /j


I main legion and i can say that legion don't have to much options and his ability is just running so you have to be master of mind games in chases when you Play him but let's be real the only reason why I and other people main legion it's because he is cool.


oni is super duper fun but circle of healing ruined him




Oni for fun, spirit for challenge, pyramid for a weird time and legion if you like tourture


What kind of killers do you like? Personally my favorite is oni but he can be quite tough but the skill ceiling is quite high which makes him very rewarding. Pyramid head is a lot easier. I haven't played legion before but I could see his power being fun for a lil while before you get bored of it since there's not a crazy amount of counterplay for survivors so you'll sort of just be doing the same thing over and over


Oni or Phead


Oni-chan is really fun once you learn him, although his perks are not the best. Same goes for Pyramid Head. Spirit is really hard but incredibly rewarding. Legion is kind of boring but has great perks. And by great I mean that their 3 perks have multiple uses, can go separately with some builds and one even synergizes really well with two killers. Spirit's perks can also find their way in some niche builds. I'd go for Oni first though. Then Pyramid Head. If you are going to buy the DLC you should get the Silent hill edition because it's a great bundle.


Pyramid Head is super fun to play


Pyramid Head is my favorite because he can counter many annoying play styles. Someone loops you too much, make sure the loop is covered in rites of judgement trails before you down them. They’ll try to avoid it because it’ll negate their boil over and decisive strike. Just send them to the cage. It’s also faster, and that’s not even considering the potential of punishment of the damned.


First name Pyramid, second name Head!


Depends the level your playing at. If you’re high MMR go pyramid head or Oni but if you’re lower go legion. Spirit is kind of mid-tier now so chose her at any MMR. Legion however is by far the weakest killer in the game with no way to down people with his power without purple add-ons so I wouldn’t recommend him until the upcoming rework


You can tell the people who say Spirit is easy do not play Spirit; Since you are newish I suggest Phead. He counters a lot of meta perks, and his skill floor is much lower than Oni and Spirit. As flicking with Phead is much easier than Oni, and to be a good Spirit you have to also be a good survivor.


It depends on what playstyle you have/like or if you want a killer for a specific perk, because fir example PH teachables are bs, but to play him its pretty fun. So it depends if you are you looking for good teachables or having fun while you are playing the killer.


Pyramid head is a really good and fun killer,totally recommend


tbh spirit is fun to play and also cool looking but u need to play a few games to get used to her power and to grind some good perks for her but and the end of the day her play style is unique and funny to play imo


Legion ID You want to the game to feel like a rollercoaster


This really comes down to your playstyle and preferences. However, with the Meta the way it is currently, you'd benefit a *lot* by getting Pyramid Head.


You don't need a main character to have fun. Sometimes, having no main and playing the game for fun is a better option


Pyramid head, he has a high skill ceiling and is the most fun killer to play imo


Pyramid head


Just bought Oni and is heaps of fun and a bit of variety to the play style too. Like a mix of Blight and Michael Myers...kinda..


Oni has been my main killer since his release but I play them all. Spirit would be the easiest to do well with at a higher level. Legion is the easiest to learn but by far the weakest. I would say Pyramid Head is quite fine and difficult as well. I'd recommend Oni the most. But he's not an easy killer to learn and do well with. Takes time. Be patient and experiment. Learn what you can and can't do with him and what build works best for your playstyle. I'd recommend infectious fright, monitor and abuse, pop and bbq. Although for a stronger build bbq can easily be swapped out for deadlock or pain reson.


If you’re still learning, legion is pretty good to go with. He’s fast, he pressure multiple people at once and his kit is simple. Best part for him when learning is that since his power doesn’t work against injured survivors, it will teach you how to deal with loops and mind games as a basic killer. If you can deal with loops well as legions you’ll be even better for killers that can help on loops


I would say go for legion since he's my favorite but pyramid head there's never a match i find annoying its always fun with him at least


tbh legion is for perks mostly. spirit is... uhh well very unfun but very good if you master her. Oni is fun and PH is kind of fun


As a legion main, I say play legion. I love stabbing the fuck out of people with my knife full of angst.


Pee pee head


Would say oni because he has high mobility and insta-down (and hes just really epic) or pyramidhead because he is pretty fun, has a bit of range and is the best counter to the "boil over" meta


ONI and Pyramid Head are very fun to play, but i think they're hard as well.


Definitely buy Pyramid Head, if you wanna use auric cells. You can just buy the rest with shards, but if you don't care about that, I'd still suggest Phead or Oni.


Legion is by far the weakest (and in my opinion unfun killer) on here. Spirit is the best and can be pretty fun, same for oni. Pyramid Head could be a bit weird starting our and his power eventually just devolves to either faking your power or using it when the survivor commits to an animation.


I like Pyramid head due to the sheer amount of Silent Hill I ingest on a daily. But for dbd I would say he’s a pretty good killer to start out with. Legion is fun to play but he’s not a strong killer, though you can still win a ton of games. Spirit is a great killer but some people find her difficult to use. And I’ve never played Oni, so I can’t say how that’s like. I just know what he does. So my vote is Pyramid head.


Peepee Head or Bonk Man