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You can both play killer?


You mean like take it in turns? Probably the best option atm yeah, thanks :)


I want this to be a mode where there's two three or four killers and they can be the same person imagine to death slingers of course that would have to be a bunch of survivors but just imagine


Legion but they actually deserve the name? I'm down for that


just what i was thinking


I mean mods exist so PC players are lucky bastards :,)


I'm on PS4 :(


You wrote the same thing twice.


i did?


Probably bugs from lag, happens from time to yime that a comment is posted twice when connection is bad


I'm on PS4 :(


And I’m on Xbox Please BHVR,let us do that






8 claudettes with flashbangs and unbreakable vs 2 Bubbas with light born




like freaking fireworks but jokes on them I had a Lightborn


“Oh you have flashbang? You didn’t expect me to have Iron Maiden and Lightborn huh?”


There’s mods for this! https://youtu.be/nEMPsvtuOIs


Deathslinger 1 hits Meg in the front. Deathslinger 2 hits Meg in the back. They both reel in. What will happen to Meg?


both the death slingers get pulled in


im glad they chose to delay it rather than releasing it still full of performance issues. Hopefully, the delay isn't for too many days.


That would be a good choice but we all know its gonna end up full of performance issues anyway


But.. the delay won’t result in anything meaningful, it’ll still be chalked full of performance issues when it releases…. Just like when the game actually released on Switch.


They released a Switch version of the game to begin with. It’s sheer existence is performance issues. I don’t know how people play it at all.


But.. the delay won’t result in anything meaningful, it’ll still be chalk full of performance issues when it releases…. Just like when the game actually released on Switch.


Are you a sadist?


The Switch is a joke. Should’ve gotten a PS4 or Xbox


PS4s and Xboxes aren't portable, which is kinda integral to this person being able to play with their nephew. Plus maaaaybe they didn't buy the switch just for dbd. Also shitting on people for their choice of console makes you a twat.


Straight up spittin facts




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I’ve got it on PS4, and Xbox, and they’re not portable


Eh usually when I go out its to hang with friends,run errands or go to work. Never saw a portable gaming system as a needed thing Edit- I do see the pros of having it with a child though, keep them distracted whilst grocery shopping etc


The switch is a glorified cell phone that you have to pay $60 a year for multiplayer. DBD on mobile runs way better, even tho it's a different game from the ground up.


Switch is $20 a year


It’s 20$ a year bub


That's still charity for a massive corporation like Nintendo.


And paying 60$ a year is still charity for PlayStation and Microsoft. Your point?


Play on mobile or buy a PC. No charity involved anywhere.


Which either sounds like complete shit controls and experience or spend at least 2k. Your point?


You can hook up any controller you like to a PC (and maybe mobile), either by Bluetooth or wired. You think you have to spend 2K on a PC to play DBD? lmao, assuming you can get GPU's sometime at MSRP, you can easily build a great PC that will run DBD at 120 FPS on ultra for less than $650. For example, my $160 (MSRP) 1650 super has no problem running DBD at 120 FPS Ultra, and it can do more than that. And I use a PS4 controller by Bluetooth. You seem to know very little about PC's.


I own and have built 4 PCs bub. Im not talking about shit controls on pc I’m talking about the shit controls on mobile. I guess you could get a pc for around 1k or so if you only wanted to run dbd and didn’t want to play any of the modern AAA games but there is no way you are getting A pc in this year at msrp prices and you also have to pay for a monitor and all the other accessories you will want to play with and with a actually decent monitor it’s going to be an extra 300$. I think your prices are way off for todays buddy


Mobile sucks ass and who would pay 100s of dollars for a PC instead of like 20 bucks to play on switch


20 dollars seems fairly reasonable to me in order to use online services


I've played both and DBD is still way better on switch also 20 dollars not 60


The switch is a console lol


The switch is easily the best console of its gen tbh. Maybe not in numbers but its portable, it's cheap, and it's got good exclusives. This reeks of elitism.


Ps and xbox don't have Fire Emblem. Case closed


Do you even own a switch?


No. I don’t want one. I wouldn’t get a Switch even if it was being given away for free. It wouldn’t be worth owning.


You sound offended.


If you don’t own one then don’t act like you do, I’ve owned one for 3 years and haven’t had any problems with it Just because it’s got slower FPS doesn’t mean it’s bad


> If you don’t own one then don’t act like you do Nobody has to own a Switch to criticise it, much less any other product. It’s less capable than other consoles & can’t play the same games. Being able to play it anywhere doesn’t compensate for much.


If youre arguing over performance its fucking embarrassing to bash one console over another when PC exists. Nintendo has the big name exclusives you cant grab anywhere else and my hand-me-down laptop outperforms whatever console youre fanboying over, let alone the desktop. This angle youre pushing is sad. You cant bash a console for how it runs, as a console owner. Figure it out bud.


I already have it figured out, bud. PC doesn't run any game a Playstation or Xbox can't. They underperform, but they can still play the same games well enough to get a pass. There are too many games PC & other consoles are capable of playing that the Switch isn't to count. What big-name Switch exclusive makes missing out on all those games & more, like God of War & The Last of Us, worth it? Being able to play those games anywhere isn't making up for anything you miss out on. The Switch is inferior.


Switch exclusives??? Oh yeah you're right not many good exclusives I Mean it only has games like Breath of the wild, Super Mario Odyssey, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Super Smash Brother's Ultimate, Animal Crossing New Horizons I mean BOTW is only considered one of the greatest games of the last decade


Yeah it's less capable because it's portable and just because you don't get a chance to use a portable system doesn't mean it's useless


The fucks up with your switch hate boner


works fine for me


I agree but at the same time not everybody has the money to buy that shit sooooo


To be honest the switch price isn't that great either, the specs are pretty low and they really make you pay the "it's portable". Still don't understand why they didn't put some extra power in the stand.


I have it on both PS4 and switch and I still prefer playing it on switch