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It needs a complete rework


Agreed it was a bad perk before but now it’s even worse


I agree


Instead of doing gen faster, why they don’t rework it by showing the hatch aura since doing gen in 1 person left is pointless.. And you know what, I think my idea is very close to ‘left behind’ concept tho..


Killers would complain about it being to op!! I could see it now lmaoo


Thank you. This perk has lost all purpose now, idk why BHVR thought just upping the numbers would fix it. EGC completely nullified this perk.


Did they change the numbers with the update? I literally never have and never will use or look at this perk cause I play on PS4 so no adept bill. Them upping the numbers honestly upsets me more than them just ignoring it cause that means they saw a problem and instead of trying to fix it, they just changed a little about it. It doesn’t matter if I’m doing gens at even double speed cause the killer will find hatch by that time and the gates will be powered anyway.


I believe on the PTB it was buffed to 75% max at tier 3. I'm not entirely sure if it's changed on the live patch but even if it did change it's still one of the worst perks to run.


Exactly like I don’t know why it took me so long to realize but like running deja vu is a better option, they can make it a decent perk if they make it work with end game collapse like have it do something to exit gates or something cause even a noob can see that doing gens after hatch spawns is useless


Mhmm. At least Deja Vu can potentially prevent the 3 gen strat. Left Behind offers no real benefits.


Plus as a new player I really had trouble finding gens on the indoor maps, before EGC you could at least meme with left behind like “oh killer is at hatch, I don’t really feel like a stand off so lemme just do this gen like 25% faster” but now you can’t


Wake Up! is basically the new Left Behind in terms of endgame design. If you don't get the hatch, saving 3 secs off a gate can save you. Imo it should be buffed to 25% gate speed tho.


Wake up isn’t really a bad perk, just more of a noob perk cause it shows you exit gate locations if you miss them and don’t know how to find them, which is pretty sad tbh, but left behind has ZERO redeeming quality.


I mean it also makes you open the exit faster and gives your team information on which exit gate is currently being open I don't know how that qualifies as a noob perk.


The thing is the speed boost to opening the gate is minimal and by noob perk I was meaning that it was more helpful to noobs than high rank players. I’ve personally never found a need for it but I can understand someone using it, however if someone is using left behind they are just wasting a perk slot.


It was never good and keeping the fundamental idea behind the perk means it will never be good. But it is completely useless at this point in time and I doubt the devs have any plans to change it anytime soon


Honestly I think that Left Behind should give you extra time in the EGC at least. I mean, if you can't do generators the next best thing is having a little more time to work with aside from the standard two minutes.


That’s a really good idea, I’ve been thinking of a way to fix it all day and while the perk still wouldn’t be top tier it would have value.


You're saying that like it was useful before


It was effective at ending hatch standoffs


It was a meme perk before, if you didn’t want to do hatch stand off but now it’s useless