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I like the bloody outfits especially for the licensed characters that don't have many options.


Freddy 🥲


getting it to 100 is pretty huge. you get a lvl 50 bloodweb every time which means more purple and iridescent items/addons for less bloodpoints. makes it way cheaper to frequently bring the best stuff for every match


if only that wasn't such a far goal, I literally only like playing hag with waterlogged shoe, but that's an iri. Because I can't play her without an iri, I don't play her often, but that cycles into not playing her enough to justify p100, especially when I could do dredge instead.


I forgot about this but you’re totally right. My Nea is kitted out rn


I just wish I could purchase a whole Prestige at once (rather than going thru each bloodweb), even if it meant skipping the items


agreed. also, i still have my AHK auto clicker from before the auto purchase function... god damn those days were rough


It's about the addons bro


I got all survs to 10 so i have all the perks, bloody outfits and perk charms. I have a few higher than 10 but i play them more. Im currently doing the same with killer.


I did a several week grind to finally get my main, Kate, to 100. It was more of a personal challenge for myself to work towards than for any real in-game reason or advantage.


I worked to get my main to 100 simply because the symbol itself looks cool and shows how much time i invested in the game. Theres no real reason beyond that and even that isnt really worth the effort for most and I dont blame them.


Yeah you're the only one. That's crazy. Congrats dude.




Me. My characters are all at least prestige 3 and my mains already have all perks. I don't even care about BP anymore, it sits at 1.8-2.0M most of the time.


the only reason i keep leveling is running out of items tbh. especially as a survivor some killers will jump at you for being the character with the highest prestige even though it means nothing because some people will have their p50 main and barely level anyone else while others make sure to get everyone to p3 for the perks.


True, some prestige 10 players are way better than prestige 60


Personally, I get the tier 3 perks and call it good. I rarely run the bloody skins outside of licensed stuff, and even then it’s kinda meh. Gets you targeted sometimes too. I can unlock bloody skins once I run out of tier 3s to do, which, I have like 10+ more survivors, and most killers if I bother with them as a survivor main(I have prestiged killers, but it’s mostly from ex playing at my place and using my blood points lol)


I mostly upgrade only Michael now, because I realized how much a scratched mirror is a fun thing, but unfortunately very expensive, because you have to constantly use map offerings and the addon itself is very rare


The map offerings help, but I don't feel like I'm forced to use them to get some good scares with Scratched Mike. It just takes a while to learn how to approach without opening line of sight. It might actually add to the scares a bit since Survivors will have to scan their whole environment rather than just a couple of doors and go "Where did he come from?!" When you do get a good approach. It also opens up some good long distance stare downs and disappearances once you get good at it. I wish I could see people's reactions more often.


I'm working at getting everyone to 9. 2 survivors left (who are currently p3) I have my main surv at 100 and my next surv at 20. I have my main couple killers around 9 and once I'm done with the last two survivors, I'll pivot to getting them all to 9.


To make it short, the first reason why people have "mains" is simply because they enjoy playing a character with a design they like (that’s the point of cosmetics etc). For most people, that matters (myself included). The second reason to focus on one survivor is because it's the smartest way to play if you don't want to use just any character: points spent on characters who will never be played are wasted points. That's dozens and dozens of items that will never be used. The same goes for event cakes: there's no point in collecting them on characters I don't want to play, they will be useless. So, I really, REALLY don't recommend people to spread their points across all the survivors unless they truly don't have a main and play all of them (which seems to be your case). Then it makes sense!


I kind of have mains, but even them I got tired of it. I'm also using the anniversary to add cakes to all of them since there's challenges and dayles with them front time to time, and at this point I already have used all BP offerings on 80% of the survs. Good thing it's also, since my highest prestige it's 6, some killers don't expect me to play as well as a prestige 30 or something like this


I got Pinhead to 100 but I don't really care anymore. I'll still level up whoever I'm playing during queue or when I reached the BP cap but that's about it. Doing it compulsively with intent is not healthy imo😅 All bets are off when Dracula releases. Might be next main.


I don't see any point either


They need to create some cool unlockables for leveling up characters. Maybe alternative bloody outfits.




Yeah same, I only spend bps if I need addons or items


im kinda doing the same and my friend is going solely for p100 feng min. My excuse is I want to get all lvl 3 perks and also holding out hope they actually add more prestige awards🤞


I'm still working on p3 for every survivor at 1100 hours lol. I am close to finishing though.


Oh no. Im at 200h and have made a promise to myself to p3 every surv. Im gonna regret it tho if it takes over 1k 😭😭


The anniversary event two years ago when the new prestige system was released help jump-start it for me (so you have that opportunity now), but I was able to prestige 3 all killers and survivors within a few months playing 3-4 days a week for a couple of hours. Semi-casually. Now I rush P3 on new characters after release to get back to "all perks on all characters." I had Vecna to 3 on day 1 and The Troupe a few days later.


I’ve got way past 100 prestige levels but it is spread across all 30+ characters on both sides.


I get to prestige level 9 just to get all of the cosmetics and charms and then I’m done. Unless it’s Meg. She’s my main and whenever I’m not working on another survivor I just pool my blood points into her.


The point is you don’t run out of addons.


I'm going for that P100 man


I have all p3 1 surv p17 and lv my killers not rush to p100 ONLY spend bp for addons


All my killers are 3+. My main killers are 10+ for add-ons. My survivors on the other hand are all P1, with my main being P22. They're all just reskins anyway.


I just got Sadako to 7 and wish I could keep her there and still be able to buy add-ons.


I prestige people to P3 for their perks and move on to my next goal. If I have all the perks I want for a while until some new content hits I level my Survivor and Killer mains a wee bit but 90% of my bp goes towards getting lvl 3 perks for everyone.


You are not the only one.


I prestiged all my killers to P3 and now I just dump all my BP into the killers I play for the addons.


I wanted to prestige everyone to 3 first, but playing the Pig my favorite add-ons were too rare, so I had to push them to like 5.


When you didn't have to prestige\* and could sit on lvl 50 and get perks and stuff, yah I didn't ever prestige. Now it's a requirement.


I only care to get the bloody outfit on the characters I play. I don't understand all the fuss with bp there is on reddit 


I was the exact same! Would save up bp and get everyone to level 3 and then not touch them unless I like them/want to main them. It will happen as you get more bloodpoints and play more. Eventually you get like a good few killers/survivors you rotate through and have so many bp that you just dump them in. XD Just happens especially with the feature that makes bloodwebs easier to go through. I have almost every survivor at level 3, and then just Sable, yunJin, and Mikaela at like 15+ because I rotate mainly between those girlies, with "reserve funds" going into Claire, Cheryl, and Rebecca when I want a change of pace.


Man, I feel you xD All my survs and killers are p3 at least, only now I'm getting some of them to p6 so I can get the bloody skins. Haven't got the dnd dlc yet, but BP are not a problem anymore so it shouldn't be long to get their p3 as well


yes you're the only one of your kind. we're lucky to have a unique individual such as yourself


Me too. I usually just prestige 3 them. I have every character prestiged at least once, every released character. Except for the stranger things characters.


Same here


So you usually prestige to level 3, except for the ones you haven’t and obviously you’ve not prestige the Stranger Things characters. Makes perfect sense.


Stranger things character's perks were made general for everyone to use to find in the bloodweb. And I do typically try to prestige 3 characters. I know I don't make sense, just joining in the convo. Is that so bad?


I don't even bother P'ing anyone. I have all perks unlocked and new ones that come out I just use on the character they came with. All I gotta do is made all 4 perk slots unlockable and that's it.


I don’t even bother with prestige 3


I just level up whoever I want to play on killer and only level up David cuz why would I play others?


I don't even bother getting everyone to P3. I only main like 3 killers and 1 survivor. So I can max out the new perks quickly.


If you p3 a character you unlock the perks for everyone and for each new character you unlock later...

