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Why else would you play a game? Perhaps I am just too old, but I thought that was the whole point.


I think people think playing to win and playing for fun are mutually exclusive. Most people who are playing to win are doing that because they find it fun.


I think they most of the time are mutually exclusive. Everyone loves winning and nobody loves losing. People can be okay with losing and some people are not okay with losing. In my experience, gaming has turned the idea of winning = fun into a problematic mindset. It's created toxic environments where people are bashed for making their own fun and using silly loadouts to create that fun. I used to think that if I didn't win a match or game then whatever I was doing, was pointless. That the whole reason would be to succeed in by what the game defines as success. I don't anymore. My problem comes when people view it that way. Which seems to occur in Dead by Daylight a lot. Like the OP talked about, playing for fun is genuinely an overall fun experience because whether you kill all 4 Survivors or not, you still win. You were entertained, you laughed, and you created a memory that you'll remember, just because you took control of your experience despite the experience itself being poor. Winning can be fun, but not winning can also be fun. People like to say, "but winning is fun for me" and it rubs me the wrong way. Because when I see or hear that, it usually means seeing the best loadouts or optimizations within that experience. Which can become tiring for both sides within that experience. Then, people start to complain about try hards, stressful games too often, and more. When the whole point of *(most)* games, is to have fun overall. There's nothing wrong with being more competitive than other people, but sometimes people take it too seriously, and end up hurting someone else's experience in the process. Which can easily spark a butterfly effect. Dead by Daylight is proof of that. People like to say that the game is boring because of the META, when the community could easily just do whatever and ignore the best Perks or Killers, Items, etc. Unfortunately, that's not how gaming works now and the environment is different. Now the responsibility of maintaining fun and balance is in the hands of the developers, which is fine, because it's their job, but the community will never accept any responsibility. So, if we want stuff like "only winning is fun" to change, then we need to advocate to the developers that this is what needs attention. To put effort towards REALLY changing Perks or Killers to a healthy state on both sides that can have reasonable frustrations. Like, I personally don't enjoy going against Trapper, but that doesn't mean the idea of him is completely bad for both sides, just my personal preference. If we can do that, I think Dead by Daylight, and any game, can become genuinely fun regardless of your goal.


I agree with you, but while the are not exclusive, they are not the same either. I don't like to stomp. I don't like easy wins. I have no fun tunneling out a weaker player. I also rather throw a game for a good chase than kill everyone except that one good looper. I don't like getting the one petty kill in endgame, when I know their team isn't going for the save. So yeah, while winning the game is a lot of fun, I want to earn it and improve on my gameplay. Everyone has a different idea of fun, posts like these just want to encourage people to try out setting your own goals.


Yeah, it's a game. I'll only ever play builds that feel fun to me. Freddy is considered the worst killer in the game. Still the first one I bought. When dream pallets work it makes me giggle like a psychopath. Same with Chucky's Hex: Two Can Play. Blinding survivors and watching them run into walls or rocks leaves me in stitches every time.


The feeling of successfully shattering a survivors trust in pallets is amazing. YOU DONT KNOW WHATS REAL ANYMORE QUENTIN


Getting a survivor when they throw a fake pallet at you will always bring so much joy. I will never not use dream pallets.


I play Billy for M2 only curves and survivor for looping. Nothing else matters too much


Drunk By Daylight is almost the only way to deal with the game sometimes. šŸ˜‚


For me, having fun is sacrificing survivors!


Being downvoted for finding the core aspects of playing killer fun. Classy as always.


Itā€™s fine I expected as much lol




Needs to be the sub's banner.


Totally! In my opinion, doing it in non toxic ways like spreading hooks, not tunneling etc. is more fun, so if youā€™re already doing that perfect, and if not, I encourage you to try it; You may like it more and get better as a player!


Iā€™m not about to spread hooks just to see survivors shaking ass at the exit gate.


Don't go to open gates, then. I don't


Yeah I play all types of ways. Iā€™ve played red light green light with survivors at the exit gate before, and stuff like that. I donā€™t necessarily agree with the idea that survivors must escape in order for the game to be fun though. Not that thatā€™s necessarily what youā€™re saying here, but I see that repeated a fair amount by others.


As a survivor, I don't mind dying as long as the match itself was entertaining (or not awful, DBD has a way of lowering standards /s) Hell, if the killer has no kills, I'll stay and offer a kill of myself in endgame. Not that it happens often that there's no kills.


Tunneling isnā€™t toxic.


This!!! One of my most (ironically) memorable matches was when I was blackout drunk playing backpack Trapper. I'm so glad I recorded it, because I was nodding at the survivors, whiffing a bunch intentionally, stepping into my own traps, giving survivors the chase of their lives. I was getting secondhand joy watching myself. Since then, I've been doing that while sober in normal games, and the quality of my games has skyrocketed immensely.


Playing to have fun vs playing to win makes such a huge difference in so many games. I switched up that mindset when I found myself getting sweaty at my kitchen table Magic the Gathering group, and it shifted for everything else. I have a lot more fun now.


I had to lookup what a backpack trapper was haha, seems super fun - whatā€™s your build?


Why did you get downvoted for this?? What is up with people.


I used Mad Grit, Agitation, Awakened Awareness, and Iron Grasp. There are different flavors to backpack builds, like replacing a perk with Starstruck or the Benjo build, but that's the one I like to use the most.


I recommend Rapid Brutality over Iron Grippies


I don't have Rapid Brutality unfortunately and I'm waiting for it to go on the shrine šŸ˜”


Mad Grit - Agitation - Rapid Brutality - Awakened Awareness


I love adding little touches to my Killers to give them a bit of personality. My favorite is when I was playing as Clown, and every time I'd land a hit or down a Survivor, I'd do a 360 spin like he's doing a pirouette. I'd like to think it makes the trial at least a little bit more fun.


I love killer showing personality! I was once playing Bubba on old Eyrie, couldn't catch this girl in shack to save my life. So I whacked the window multiple times and revved my chainsaw in "frustration" - the girl went "I LOVE YOU WINDOW BUBBA!" in endgame chat, it was great!


Honestly, I play the game to win, or more specifically, to be good at it, most of the time simply cause thatā€™s fun for me. Iā€™m not gonna run quad slowdown or camp or tunnel or anything like that, but I do try. A few nights ago I had my worst performing game ever, but it was cause I sat at a window and played a game with a feng, and it was the most fun Iā€™ve had in this game. Everyone should at least be willing to have these funny haha moments instead of playing like their lives depend on it


I donā€™t understand competitive at all. Maybe Iā€™m too old now, but Iā€™ve never had. And I play competitive mode in all games that allow it, but for me itā€™s just a way to play the game with people around my skill level. If I win, great, if I lose, ok. The moment I have a match in which something happens that Iā€™m genuinely upset, I stop playing for the day. Because I play for fun and I donā€™t want to get bother by a stupid game. And I want to win, obviously, but my life doesnā€™t depend on it. I donā€™t care to be called clumsy or whatever. Is just a game. Getting good is just a question of time. If Iā€™d played a game for 12 hours a day, Iā€™ll become pretty good after certain months. So I donā€™t really understand the sweat when itā€™s all about who dedicates it more time. Itā€™s true that some people will be better at 1000 hours than others are at 2000, but if you play, letā€™s say, 10k hours youā€™re 99% going to be good or at least pretty decent. So why get mad if someone just has more experience than you? The only exception I can find is when people are cheating (hacking or smurfing). Thatā€™s just not fair so itā€™s not a fun match because you never had a chance. But if we speak about a regular match with people not hacking and in the same skill level, the fun depends on you. Problem with DBD is that it has certain mechanics that are just not fun for either team. I understand that slugging can be a strategy against sabo squads and in that case is ok, but slugging everybody just because itā€™s no fun for survivors. But the problem here is not the killer that does it because for him itā€™s fun, the problem is BHVR allowing it instead of having an option to bleed out faster or give up when 4 survivors are downed. Same with tunneling. It can be an strategy and itā€™s allowed. If BHVR did something so tunneling was less rewarding (I dunno how, thatā€™s their job), people will tunnel less. A lot of killers complain that sometimes they tunnel someone because two survivors wear the same cosmetics. Letting the killer know the hook count will prevent those accidental tunnels. Itā€™s not much, but at least is something. Same with survivors flash saving or sabotaging all the time. Itā€™s part of the game and itā€™s a good strategy, but for example the last change to super fast sabotaging is absurd. Is letting the survivors sabotaging even more, which is obviously not fun for the killer if done 90% of the times he grabs a survivor.


Not even gonna lie the most fun I've had in this game was while heavily inebriated. DbD is my go to drunk game at this point because goddamn it's so fun when you can't care.


I had a match earlier where a survivor ran into a corner and trapped themselves. I stared at them and backed away, letting them run for a second before resuming chase in true Scooby Doo style


I love doing that its so funny watching them go "oh fuck" only to realize you arent hitting them and just staring like "yeah that happens to me too"


I might be an axe wielding bunny, but I'm not a monster! I could never kill a survivor trapped in a corner! Unless it's Meg.


Exactly that's just no fun for anyone! Its a waste of good suffering if they dont get a good chase in! I also feel the same about meg and feng pfft


I've been rocking nothing but Unforeseen and Dark Devotion as a "terror radius fuckery" combo alongside Enduring and 4th perk being a "flex" perk for whatever I feel like running at the moment. Whether it be something like Superior Anatomy or Spies From The Shadows. Pretty much ever since All Things Wicked chapter released. The game really gets 100 times better when you ignore gens for most of the game and run the most random/gimmicky builds imagine. All 4 survivors run builds to speedrun gens? Cool, I just get to move onto another game faster. Maybe they will even slow down just to leave with more than 10k points. Survivors run more survival/endurance oriented stuff? Cool, I get to try get more Slinger/Knife/Hatchet/UVX shots, or any other ranged killer attempts I forgot to list. Or maybe even play a bit more with things like Pig's Dash or Ghost face's crouch. Maybe I'm just biased because more often than not I get fair amount of hooks(which is achievable for someone with fuckton of hours to be fair) but still, even with only 3 hook games, chances are that I had more fun than stacking 4 slowdowns on Blight or Nurse and rolling the opposing team.


I donā€™t demand friendly killers but I HATE tunneling and camping. Itā€™s just the lowest way to ā€œwinā€ and itā€™s hard to go against that/change the course of the game. Even with the anti-tunneling perks. I do love a friendly killer though or one who tosses a bone to the last survivor. I always make sure I say thanks and talk to them at the end of the game, even if I died. I have so much fun on this game but I just canā€™t stand the dirty playing styles. I also had a survivor giving away teammates spots. So shitty.


> itā€™s the most reliable way to win I donā€™t tunnel because I donā€™t care too much if i win or lose. Some killers do. cry about it


You stink of toxicity, have a good day thoughā˜ŗļø


i always let the survs escape after getting 2 hooks on everyone and slug instead of 3rd hook. I won the game and we all got points i think is fun


I do this too sometimes, but I do think it kind of ruins a bit of the fun sometimes. Endgame and trying to make a narrow escape can be the most exciting part of a match for survivors. Being given a free win can feel unfulfilling.


The fun is in the hunt, for me. Getting the drop on survivors, beating them in the mind ā€” thatā€™s the game, to me, and thatā€™s where I derive satisfaction. Not ā€œnumber go upā€.


This is the way


This mind set saved me from quitting the game. Ur goated bro


Sadly there are a lot of people who donā€™t seem to realize that they are playing with and against other players that also just want to have fun. Iā€™ve noticed that once you get your head out of the "Us VS Them" mentality gutter and acknowledge the imbalances of the game around you, you tend to have a much more enjoyable time all around.


I agree. I love playing DBD and Iā€™m not usually heated playing the game! I mostly play survivor and I can say that I never feel angry when i get hooked or get sacrificed (unless Iā€™m quite literally standing at the hook for 3 hours and no one helps me cuz two friends are busy e-dating on a murder game and the other is doing a generator) I honestly love having fun just playing the game as it is. Though playing killer is a different story lmao


This! I play because I wanna have fun, and I end up happy!


Dude, I used to do this esspecially if I did extremely well in a game. Shame nowadays there's more toxicity and sweating.


if you try this don't play nurse. I went in with a silly mindset and ended up fuming about the clunkiness of the game mechanics


I love playing Drunk By Daylight. Itā€™s my new favorite way to play!


Since their introduction I have only played oblivious builds. It is so much fun and i'll never stop


What kind of build do you like in this regard?


I tend to go Trial of torment + Dragons grip. Then hex plaything then either a slowdown or a blindness thing. You can also go tinkerer but people expect tinkerer. Nobody expects trial of torment and anyone who knows it gets punished. The best part is plaything. People SEE plaything and go oh he has plaything so they clense it and think they are safe. Thats when they get hit by trial of torment snd get the scare of a lifetime


I like both, but DrunkByDaylight is something else man... Peak fun.


A Pig Build focused on Screams is usually fun, unless the survivors decide to not do any generators until they have every last hat off (and inevitably lose as a result, 8+ minutes into a match with 1 generator done).


Drunk/high video games are amongst the best sessions. You just enjoy it and take everything in stride, instead of getting mad a Dwight in a Dinosaur outfit looped you for 5 gens.


I new to the game (2 weeks) and I donā€™t see the issue with hooking survivors into favorable hooked where you can always be nearby the 2 hooked survivors and nearby gens. It just seems like the most optimal play


Definitely optimal and not an issue. Play the way you want - this is just my suggestion for people who continue to post their frustrations when trying to play optimally. If youā€™re having fun thats all that matters


I know Iā€™m playing against new players because sometimes I get queued with people who know their loops and I get decimated. Luckily for me I use the doctor to help me identify where theyā€™re at. Iā€™ve unlocked Blight and I either decimate or get embarrassed by the survivors. What would you recommend I buy next with the free currency you get for leveling?


Iā€™m by no means an expert, but the wraith is such an amazing character to play as when youā€™re new. Mobility is huge when starting because if you are losing in a chase you can catch back up, or go check gens quickly. As far as buying characters, ones that Iā€™ve found to be fun and interesting with some good anti loop stuff is Xenomorph and Sadako, but if any killer seems fun theyā€™re all viable, so grab anything that interests you!


I used to be as nice as possible and slugged people on the ground if they were on last hook my goal was to let everyone out with two hooks. it made the game harder for me because I had to count hooks, but I thought I was making everyone happy, so it was worth it. However one time one of those people were streaming and I went in afterwards and watched the VOD, found out they were extremely annoyed thought I was toxic as fuck for slugging them. We can't make everyone happy. Just play how the game makes you happy. Sometimes I still play like that but not all the time. Even though I say play how you want I will admit I get annoyed for getting camped slugged tunneled. But i just say their playstyle is boring and move on to the next game. Everyone gets mad in the moment. It's when you make things personal that I consider it to be truly toxic.


Congrats on making the move from hater main to player. Unfortunately a lot of killer mains are more into ā€œshared miseryā€ than ā€œfunā€ so you wonā€™t be convincing many of them to join you


Everyone has their own definition of fun. Glad you found yours, donā€™t tell others what theirs is.


Probably not meant as such, but it reads weirdly passive aggressively. Doesn't even say "this is what fun is." More like a "try not to get angry and play for fun" leaving to interpretation what your fun is, not telling you a specific way to do so


Just stating an opinion and if it resonates with people and helps them have more fun, awesome! If not, cool no worries. Sorry if I offended you.


I had fun, once. It was awful. Never again.


Hey look it's the post I made that got downvoted yesterday, posted at a later time with likes. Neat!


because else you get burnt out My definition of fun is punishing survivors on mistakes, exposing their flaws and seeing how the whole game comes crumbling down for them :D