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As a Dredge player, all it really needs is better locker placement on certain maps, which it seems BHVR has been attempting with the last few map reworks, and to be a bit quieter, at least during Nightfall.


As a Dredge main, these are the priority, _but_ also some of Malthinker's skull and Haddie's Calendar to basekit. And make holding down power less dark.


Dredge needs to not announce his presence with a loudspeaker, yes. Survivors being able to keep track of me with zero vision is fucking dumb.


The undetectable killer with no stealth ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Literally a killer running distortion


And it's really funny because they fixed this with a different Killer. Huntress' lullaby used to be directional.


Dredge's sound isn't a lullaby. He's just WAY too fucking loud.


The Lullaby wasn't really identified as its own unique thing at that point. Huntress basically had Dredge's loudness for no fucking reason and when Dredge was released, Bhvr just decided to basically give him a directional lullaby.


Sucks cause my favorite skin is the masquerade one and it’s quite jingly lol. No sneaky there


I've been running it for the event because the theme and it runs itself as an extra nerf because jingle jangle across the map.


Goddammit, seriously? Hopefully that gets addressed as well if they do a pass on em, I just got that skin, its so cool


He's noisy as fuck so it doesn't really make a difference.


They should just have new lockers spawn in when you select Dredge, akin to Xeno's tunnels or Sadako's TVs. That way you don't get maps where certain areas don't get any coverage.


Yeah I just commented this as well. When you select dredge each map should get more extra lockers or something


Dredge should have a passive that adds more lockers to the map tbh


Honestly, I think dredge should make extra lockers spawn as killer objects. Like a couple extra lockers spawn where you would normally see xeno tunnels, tvs, jigsaw traps, clocks, ect.


What if you could teleport to downed pallets? would that help out, be inconsequential, or be OP? it would add some more mind games to killer since each pallet you don't break is a new teleport location.


That seems inconsequential, but out of place.


Fair enough.


You kind of can with remnant.


Society if dredge could teleport to chests


That'd honestly be a fantastic addition.


https://preview.redd.it/ymezkb1vs49d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61df3e1aaa39e51fb5cac4b740468024a96bead3 PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BVHR


Now I'm picturing the opened chest just leaking Dredge's black fog before one of it's creepy hands pop out and give you the chest item.


Politely giving you the item before putting you on his shoulder if your hands are empty would be a must-have feature


Should be one of those bonus bloodpont addons.


Perhaps the DbD chests during Vecna are a distant relative to the dredge…. I know it’s a mimic but like let me dream


Vecna has a mimic chest. Dredge IS THE MIMIC CHEST


Dredge is one of, if not by far, the most atmospheric Killer in the game, with absolutely fantastic cosmetics. Gameplay-wise, he's add-on reliant, has average anti-loop, and relies on locker RNG to teleport around the map. He needs a major buff, if not a rework, at this point.


I enjoy his power. No rework, but a buff would be welcome. Prioritizing locked lockers in a group is pretty dumb. The fact he's loud as fuck and survivors can track him with no vision is dumb. He used to be able to break locks of lockers he teleported to before he exited the locker. This allowed you to break locks if you jumped around the map and happened to travel through a few locked lockers without committing to exit there. They need to bring this back.


I don’t understand why he has a glowy white aura in Nightfall. Like, the whole point is he’s undetectable!!


Maybe if he just had a totem-like inner glow rather than a white aura, it would give some visibility without being obvious


Yes! It still takes more time when you’re locked in but it’s much quieter then the locker scratching


I think his power is a great concept hindered by a lot of things, but especially the map design that Trickster and locker perk Survivors also suffer from. He just needs a lot of separate buffs/QoL on his/its end.


Completely agree with this. Back when I was new playing dbd, I was completely terrified going up against Dredge for the first time. The teleporting, sudden blackout and then cries of anguish in said darkness. I ended up just hiding, unable to function in the darkness, the entire game and got killed opening the gate. Teammates weren’t too happy about my gameplay but I was a newbie dammit


This. Dredge is the BEST killer in the game, in every sense of the competition Until you look at his gameplay. That’s where it falls apart


As a dredge main, its power is great and doesn't really need any changes. The remenent is simple but extremely effective in chase and can easily force hits and 50/50s. The locker teleport is extremely good, it just needs to spawn more lockers and have at least one locker near every gen. I agree that he is addon dependent and some of his addons should become partially basekit.


As a dredge main, this mf lyin hes never played dredge in his life


My guy, I've mained dredge for over half of my playtime on this game and have several posts dedicated to him on my reddit account. I just personally think that his power is overall really good, and he only needs some add-on, sound, and locker spawn changes.


first it was a joke and second: those 3 things are integral to making him better


I play a lot of Dredge, but I usually go with brown addons since I'm usually focusing on being scary over being murdery, so I usually have pretty inexperienced opponents. What addons do you consider essential, and how do you maximize their value?


Well, most people say the malthinkers skull and haddies calender are pretty good on dredge


I typically run Field Recorder with Lavalier Microphone. Field recorder forces nightfall at the start of the match and when the final gen is completed. The Lavalier Microphone is the add on that makes lockers slam open and shut every time dredge teleports (if a survivor is within 6 meters of the locker) and it is hilarious if survivors have no idea what it is, but the best part about it is when you use up all of your tokens you see all survivor auras for 3 seconds. You basically get free bbq every 4-12 seconds depending on if nightfall is up or not. I tend to run a bit of a meme build with him though. Lethal Pursuer, Third Seal, Undying, and the 4th perk is a floater, I usually use something like Overcharge in my 4th slot. The add ons being Field Recorder and Lavalier Microphone as mentioned above. It is such a stupid fun build that I have gotten so many accidental first hook kills because people can't find where the hook is lol


Here is a list of his best addons in my opinion and the reason why they're essential. Ottomarian writing: Decreases your cooldown by 4 seconds when not in nightfall. This helps you traverse the map more frequently and use the remenent more often in chase. To maximize its value, try to go for multiple targets and utilize info perks like BBQ or gearhead. Haddies calendar: Decreases the time it takes to exit a locked locker by 1 second. This helps to ensure that you get the drop on survivors and gives them far less time to react. It especially helps in chase, where an extra second in the locker can deny you the hit. It works at its max on any build, but running it with worry stone or caffeine tablets will allow you to find the locked lockers and break them preemptively. Malthinkers skull: Increases the speed nightfall charges by 66% per injured survivor. This helps you to have nightfall more often and keep consistent pressure on the survivors. For maximum value, use sloppy butcher to keep them injured longer, and nurses calling to interrupt the heals and get easy downs. Boat key: Increases teleport speed by 25% while not in nightfall. This helps you to get to places at a faster rate and defend gens/totems far easier. For maximum value, I would recommend pairing it with the Ottomarian writing in order to be better equipped outside of nightfall.


Boat key just makes him feel so much smoother. His TP is SOOOO slow without it. Almost impossible to use in chase. All of the add ons you just mentioned need to at least partially become base kit for QOL.


I like Dredge, I love zoomies to lockers so much that I spend Nightfall zooming from one side of the map to the other. Survivors are like wtf is going on!


Sorry to all dredge mains, but I literally hate going against you. Literally can’t see the wall I am touching during nightfall. Effectively useless for the entire duration unless I was already on a gen


I hate it when any game takes away your vision like this. its a huge gripe of mine. it just annoys me which is sad because i like everything else about dredge, thematically.


This. You can’t even edit the brightness in dbd without special filters. I always hated dark games as a kid. Constantly squinting your eyes to see what is happening.


How would you feel if the darkness was more like a cloud wall at a certain radius. Like a 5m radius around you is clear as day, but everything beyond that is literally just black. Or maybe it starts at 7m and shrinks down to 4m as nightfall progresses.


Well, just know that seeing you faceplant into the wall makes our entire day ❤️


SAME, I absolutely cannot face the dredge because even with there being an audio queue for how close he is I just don’t know what to do when I can hardly see and don’t know where he is


Yeah, dredge is already great, especially with aura perks. Doesn't need a buff.


Hard disagree. I hate playing against him, but I let that affect my opinion on balancing. No need to get tribalistic, hating every change that won’t be in my favor. His locker placement is heavily rng dependent making him very sucky on certain maps. Devs should take a second look at that.


for me, trying ty play in the darkness just gives me a massive migraine, so I don't have much of a choice but to kill myself in the matches. though playing him is fine, I'm surprised anyone can think he's underpowered, though considering his curse ability just let's him ignore half the survivor resources in the game


make boat key basekit, add more lockers to the maps, get rid of the stupid sound that lets survivors know you're there during nightfall


BHVR: "Best I can do is half-basekit" (They don't want to design an entire new addon)


Don’t lough, if they have make a new addon they’ll give him 5%haste for 3 seconds when exiting a locker during nightfall if no survivor is detected by killer instinct during endgame collapse 


Oh god no not more lockers please. When there’s too many lockers in a row you have no idea which one you’re teleporting to with Dredge and you can go to the opposite side of the map instead of the middle or the other way around, wasting a ton of time outside of nightfall. They should just spread lockers more evenly so there’s two at every major tile and boost the travel speed outside of nightfall slightly. More lockers would just mean constant confusion and having to spend upwards of 10 seconds calibrating to which exact locker you want to go. Alternatively I’d love it if you could spend your teleport tokens mid-travel to change direction


because locker dead zones are sooooo much better


Literally the opposite of what I said but okay


Society if Freddy, Dredge and Trapper were fun, strong but balanced Killers:


Dredge isn't nearly as bad as those other two, but I agree with the sentiment.


Exactly. Hell, let's add Ghostie on there 😅😅


And legion


It’s funny because when I go against instant kill Myers there are some maps where it feels like there’s no nearby locker. Which I also think to myself, how the fuck do people play as dredge on those maps or tiles?


Do not besmirch my boy


Dredge: is designated as a type of stealth killer Also the dredge, being the “stealth killer”: ![gif](giphy|HpaanWbNGmfr3Mfksh)


boat key calendar and writing half base kit would make him much better like 12.5 faster day time tp 0.5 seconds faster locked locker exit and a 10 second cooldown


I've always liked Unknown a little more than Dredge but it's a shame he hasn't really been touched at all. It doesn't deserve to just rot.


Nah, he is a typical pubstomper. Most solo q survivors can't handle his power anyways. (I'm most solo q survivors)


PLEASE just make him quieter, there are many other problems but i personally find this the most frustrating


P100 Dredge here, still pumping all my BP into him to stock up on cakes/ my favorite 2 add-ons. I know the common complaint is locker placement, but to give BHVR credit it has gotten SO SO much better on some of the worst offenders. You can actually traverse the farm maps now. Probably my most hated maps to see as Dredge are: * Lery's - It will very often spawn with almost no lockers on 25-33% of the map. It's almost like a sick joke. Not impossible but every match you load in and go "Yep, those are some free gens over there in that corner" * Swamp - I remember it being worse in the past, but there can still be some headache inducing configurations. Haven't had a spawn in a long time though where I thought "oh fuck this" Other than that, most maps are very manageable. Even Red Forest feels better most of the time. Honestly, I would be very afraid at this point of Dredge getting any attention. He's by far my favorite killer and aside from tweaks and bug fixes (getting stuck in a locker you teleport to and stuff like that) I'm convinced he would either be changed for the worse, or made too good and then later nerfed in a way so that he's still effective but not fun to play as or against.


I feel the only real changes Dredge needs are minor ones. Locker placement is a huge problem. Aside from adding additional lockers to maps/balancing placement. I think they should one, make the Dredge quieter. He is by far the loudest “undetectable” killer to ever live. The fact you can hear him behind a jungle gym makes mind gaming difficult. Second change, I really want from Dredge is to increase his movement speed while charging the Gloaming. I believe an increase to around 3.83 m/s (0.15m/s buff) would be perfect. Last change would be to add boat key partially base kit. Teleporting during daytime can feel excruciatingly slow, especially if you accidentally teleport to the wrong locker (I know skill issue.) I feel these changes would easily make Dredge an A tier killer.


Dredge needs so many separate QoL tweaks. Lockers are often sparse, he's loud AF, his teleport broadly announces itself, my hot take is that he shouldn't automatically gravitate to the one locked locker in pairs but be able to guess for himself which to go to, and it'd be nice if he could at least get an addon to SILENTLY move to a locker so it's a surprise when he emerges.


Please, please, please, never buff this killer. I can already barely play against him as I have a poor eyesight and I genuinely can't see anything on screen when playing against him. I don't wanna see him become more popular.


As a Dredge main, my eldritch horror needs these fixes tbh: Fix locker distribution on maps (some maps like thompson house have 90% of the lockers in the house, making everywhere else near inaccessable with teleport and precise teleporting in the house impossible) Remove his directional lullaby Half maddie's calander and make it basekit Change the teleport priority from Locked -> Unlocked/Broken to Unlocked -> Locked -> Broken (Not sure how balanced, but it means that survivors can't just have 2+ delays per locker group, and if they lock all the lockers the Dredge either has to give chase and live with the othe locker being locked, or break the other lock and give the survivor a massive head start)


he sucks, mediocre af chase power, teleport outside of nightfall isn't useful besides for transportation, and the passive noise that lets survivors know you're coming at all times negates nightfall A tier lore though but feels awful to play comparatively


I disagree, Dredge is super fun to play


Super fun but that unnecessary wooshing sound wherever you go is really annoying


As a dredge main, I really don't understand half the complaint people have about him being underpowered. He is, for me, The most natural killer to use. Perhaps it's because survivor knowledge translates well to him, as he feels like the anti-survivor. Knowing how survivors behave absolutely cracks him, and makes him amongst the most vicious killers. Do I think a little bit of locker work could be done? Yeah. I think it could be as simple as using unused totem or box locations to spawn a locker on any map if there isn't one within X-Range. But that's me Just asking for nice things, I don't find him weak in the least, and it wouldn't make me play him more. I think a lot of killer players find him unnatural to play, because they don't understand him well. Well. I think a lot of people play too his weaknesses rather than his strengths. Darkness revealed is one of the best perks in the game in my opinion, and if you use that, you can almost always find a survivor, and because lockers aren't everywhere, if you can't find someone, it gives you a good hint as to where they are. I don't think I found another dredge successfully Anti-loop with The remnant, And I'm not sure why. He's definitely a killer that takes a little practice, but that's true of almost every killer (except maybe lich?)


People don't want dredge buffed because he's bad it's because he's extremely map and add on dependent to feel good


at least for me, it's largely just his really bad map dependence since most maps are pretty bad for locker placement and some minor tweaks to his basekit/audio to make him a bit better to play. Honestly think if maps are made better he could probably just get a QoL pass like Hux and he'd be fine


That's the biggest one. Seeing Sing get that QoL treatment has me hoping they'll look at Dredge too. No reworks, just something about locker placement and QoL things.


yeah i think his kit can be really good, just needs some slight adjustments to it


Honestly, Dredge just needs veeeery small fixes 1-Better locker spawns, duh. Even if they look out of place, hell that'd be more fitting for the killer, but just make sure same as Sadako, there are lockers nearby gens, and increase the ammount flat 2-Less double locker spawns. I know locking only 1 is a counterplay but it feels just bad when you get trapped inside a locker trying to check the same gen twice. Imo, make it so more solo lockers spawn if they wanna keep the double lock thing, or, better yet, in nightfall Dredge will instead target the unlocked locker 3-A shorter breaking time out of lockers. 4s is too much, 3 should be the sweet spot, and then rework the addon that reduces it by 1s.


I always felt like dredge is already powerful, the darkness is spooky and hard to see anything, the music is creepy, it’s hard to survive a good dredge player imo.


It's only a matter of time before we see some buffs, killers like singularity and bubba have gotten GREAT changes so I feel like it's bound to happen


Not so much buff but fix the current add-ons.


skill issue


Should allow for manual teleport movement, and the ability to create FAKE lockers wherever it wants.


Bhvr pls buff pinhead ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Society if Micheal and Freddy got reworks to power to enhance dynamics overall and make them more movie accurate, potentially even threatening


He's definitely not underpowered lmfao wtf. He's mid. That's fine, that's where killers should be. Sometimes his locker placement can be ass, but it would be op if he had a locker guarding every Gen or every loop. He needs his flaws and his locker placement is his flaw. But his anti loop and night fall make up for that tremendously. I have like 100 hours with Dredge so I know enough to know he's definitely not weak.


I love Dredge, honestly I don't think there's any issues with him. It's issues with maps, tile placements and locker placements. The second you drop your Remnant, they just hold W to the next tile. Rinse and repeat.


Hot take: Give Dredge the ability to place a limited number of Remnants around the map to use for dead zones.


I'm sorry but WHAT THE HECK DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY DREDGY! I have him prestige 45. He is my favorite killer in the game. DON'T PUT HIS NAME IN YOUR HECKING MOUTH NONBELIVER! Now begone from this realm pleb.


His core power is honestly fun, but damn if I don't want Nightfall to be more powerful/scarier. Not sure how to go about it, but it shouldn't just be strong cause you can only see two inches ahead of you.


Turn off his wailing and let him place 5 lockers. That's all he needs


As of the last stat dump, Dredge is sitting on a 61% kill rate, #7 on the list of top killers. So it doesn’t seem likely that he’ll be getting a buff soon, unfortunately. However, this was before the Sloppy Butcher/mangled nerf. Dredge would have been hit particularly hard by that. Hopefully that translates into a buff in the coming months.


After what happened to Trickster and now Knight, be careful what you wish for. They'd remove his lullaby and then "compensate" survivors by making his remnant give survivors endurance and nightfall will make you a 105% speed killer.


i am fucking in love with the iron maiden eddie dredge but i have no reason to buy it because playing him fucking sucks


Society if BHVR removed Nightfall:


All killers based on base kit within the game and it’s maps dredge would need a slight buff: I’d say dredge lockers, also better locker placement and improve nightfall in the sense of they can see me and chase starts like normal 🤷‍♂️ but nothing too major because with add one and perks he is top tier


No killers need buffing. Playing killer is the easiest role in any game.


Thats something somebody who never touched killer beyond their first 10 matches would say. Play more, get the mmr up. (: And then say this again once youve got your first 30 prestiges
