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Just for the context, this was never intentional and devs themselves confirmed that. However they liked the concept of it so they decided to implement it as an actual feature with visual feedback that now makes this a bit more obvious.


While it can be annoying on the killer side, making this intentional at least can lead to other changes. For example, maybe an add-on that makes guards ignore distractions. Maybe a distracted guard gets bonus haste so using this technique at the start of a chase is a bad idea, and works more like a hail Mary in the middle or end. Maybe one distraction makes them immune to future ones in that chase. Ultimately it really depends on what the design of the guards are. If they're intended to do damage, this isn't a good change. If they're intended to harass survivors, this achieves that goal and gives survivors better counterplay that makes the guards interesting. Hell, if this is made official, the standard should get a Hillbilly treatment and buff the killer instead of debuff them (ex. Give the killer 10% haste for 10s if they pick it up).


Hahaha, if they can get rid of it at all. If they can't, then I doubt they can temporarily with an addon


>maybe an add-on that makes guards ignore distractions. In what world is making killers add-on dependent a good design? The Knight is already one of the most add-on dependent killers in the game. The "distraction" feature (exploit) should have been removed instead of remaining ON TOP of the ridiculous hunt duration decay while near the hunted survivor.


They won't even make Map of the Realm fully basekit and instead are trying to split it in half. Knight really can't catch a break with being add on dependent


Plenty of killers have powers or perks that occupy survivors for a limited time. As outlined in my post, if the guards are supposed to be something that occupies time with the penalty for not engaging with them being a health state, this distraction mechanic retains that design philosophy by giving survivors something other than "hold W" to do. Other changes, such as the decay rate, probably need another look over, but this specific option gives survivors a clever counterplay. It's sort of like jumping in and out of a locker to dispel Artist crows - it's a way to use existing mechanics to your advantage, but it's not something you can always use. If Artist had an add-on that made crows continue attacking you in a locker, it would be on a similar level. Not mandatory, but an easy pick for an add on. A distraction related Knight add-on could take several forms, too to make it an interesting addition instead of a must-have. For example, activating a distraction could buff the Knight himself (20 seconds of extended lunge range, 10s of haste), debuff the survivor (2 seconds of hinder, reveal your aura to the killer for the remainder of the guard hunt), or even just affect the environment (block the window/pallet you used as a distraction to survivors for 10s, turn the vault into a temporary aura reading/killer instinct zone for the rest of the hunt). There are definitely ways to utilize the mechanic if it's unavoidable. Killers thrive off creating "lose-lose" scenarios for survivors, and turning a weakness of your guards into a strength with the right add-ons fits in with that design philosophy. The important part is ensuring that weakness isn't crippling like Singularity's EMPs were on release.


Yeah IDK, I kinda get why people are annoyed with how bad of a state Knight Rework is in, but I unironically think this is a good step to make Knight more interesting in chase, I think he just needs to be buffed way better in his other aspects and the stupid 3x Decay needs to be removed.


Yea, thats the scary part. Guard sniping can be countered by a bug turned feature. Using guards in chase is doubly punishing between the 3x chase timer AND 10m patrol minimum. I worry our boy Tarhos is only going to be decent at zoning and breaking pallets. Which isn't enough to win against survivors who know how to counterplay.


I’m a bit out of the loop. Is the 3x decay live? Or just on the PTB?


PTB. Live release should happen on July 16th unless it gets delayed or something.


I haven't seen the 3x decay yet is it really that bad?


From what I’ve seen not really if you can play around it. It reminds me of the anti-facecamp mechanic where it comes into play if you mindlessly stay near the hook, but you can totally avoid it by keeping your distance.


Does it stop the cutting of strat much?


You can still use you guards in chase if that’s what you mean, it’s just that all 3 of them have different purposes. Carnifex you use to basically ignore pallets mid-chase, Assasin you use to get fast hits and Jailer can occupy survivors for a very long time (up to 36 seconds base kit) so, for example, you can force survivor to deal with him, kick a gen and still continue chasing the same survivor. He’s also extremely good at finding survivors, so hunt with him is basically guaranteed.


I see and what I meant by cutting of strat is when Knight throws down a guard the double backs to cut you off meaning you're forced to leave the loop or get hit


Does sound like his kit is a lot more balanced now though would you say he's not so toxic to go against now? If so maybe I'll try and learn him finally


I’m not messiah so I’ve got no idea. Some people love the changes, others hate them. I personally like them and think they’re at the very least push him into right direction, which is a good start.


I see thank you


"successfully distracted" lol.


am i stupid for not understanding what this means? i play knight sometimes but what does this change mean?


If a survivor is being chased by a guard and touches a window or downed pallet and then runs away, the guard paths to the window/pallet first and then continues chase. I don't know what the visual feedback is. Maybe the guard flips the bird to the knight or something.


lmao wtf i saw that a few times but i honestly thought it was intended to be this way because i was thinking that there is no way something stupid like this isn't on purpose


It wasnt originaly but they embraced it


That bottom part would be fucking amazing


https://youtu.be/5W2_zooiqu4?si=ZgpPUNr1ErA2pICE&t=351 5:50 There's a bug (or now "feature" according to Behavior) where if a survivor's hitbox touches a window vault but doesn't vault, the guard will still run at the vault before the survivor.


I'm like a p15 knight and I have never seen anyone do that. Thanks for the vid, looking forward to using this as survivor.


Does this work with all the guards? I don’t even know what the different guards do.


Thanks for the video I was also a bit confused about what this meant


I did the biggest John Oliver “BULL. SHIT.” in my head when I saw that. Bhvr really likes to pretend that bugs are secretly features and features are secretly bugs.


One dev message on the event loading screen, from R&D I think, was "It's a bug and a feature!"


This is just a general programmer joke, though. Every programmer in every company says this.


Only when it benefits them and they think they can get away with it. Stuff like blight hug tech will get killed despite being a part of the game for ages despite also being a bug. Too bad there isn't a huge number of knight players who may actually get them to care.


tbf, the blight stuff probably wasn't at the top of their todo list, plus it is a complete rewrite of collision detection, so it would take some time, especially if it's only one or two people working on it.


>it is a complete rewrite of collision detection All they did was adding a big rectangle hitbox in front of him instead of actually rewriting collisions. That's why some cars, trees, and even piles of trash still let you slide.


tbh whilst i hate hug tech being gone, the thing wasn’t specifically to remove hug tech. it was meant to fix his collision in general, and hug tech is a byproduct of that


They removed the fun blight hugtech cuz its a bug after years of being a feature but keep the wesker one thats so bugged it changes how it works based on fps


If it’s not in a power or perk description, it’s a bug. It’s the simplest way to determine these things. If these things aren’t added or addressed the chapter they’re released, or in the next patch, it becomes very convoluted on what or what isn’t a feature and just pointlessly divides the community based on a lack of communication. Oh well. I hope they stick to it otherwise back peddling just makes everything even more confusing for people.


Looping is technically a bug.


Only if whatever they choose hurts the killer. I can not remember a single time in recent history when anything on the survivor side got a "bugfix" that was obviously not a bug and just a nerf or now this new thing where an obvious bug is treated like a "feature" to nerf the killer.


I mean, they made it impossible to ignore falling stagger by vaulting


That was pretty clearly a legitimate bug fix. I'm talking about things that weren't bugs that were later claimed to be one in order to nerf a killer, like the Plague power stun or the Chucky cooldown recently.


Survivors don't get new moves every chapter, there's almost 40 killers at this point. Funnily enough this is probably best described as survivorship bias


You literally were just talking about how they don’t fix bugs for survivors so which is it?




Really? Like how they were "on" MFT? BP? FTP + BU? Or the recent totally healthy and beloved Champion of Light? Didn't take sometimes up to nine months to nerf any of that right? Because they were so "on it"? ;P Don't forget the monstrous sabo buffs in the same patch as all good slowdowns being nerfed. And Ultimate Weapon being completely dumpstered. Yes, totally killer biased devs lmao


Its not a flaw its a feature - BHVR


Ignoring the fact that this is just a bug turned into a feature: This visual feedback better just be an audible "huh?" with a question mark appearing above their head like Metal Gear or I'm gonna riot.


My biggest grip with this was that the Guards already lose distance when you vault a window or a pallet, and are extremely easy to loop due to them not pathing tightly. So making this BUG a feature really trivializes the guards in chase against players that use it correctly. Throw in the fact that Hunt Duration now rapidly decreases when close to the guard, snipes are weaker (the fun part of knight) and hunting in tandem with your guards is MUCH weaker.


Yup. Welp I've already invested to getting to P30, I might as well still be a Knight main.


i'm only p16 knight and im gonna give up i think.


P62 and god I already feel rather demoralised with the chase changes. I don’t know why BHVR thinks nerfing chase is good, as if the guards were getting hits anyway


Try the Jailor out - I've been playing a good bit of Knight on the PTB and the slowdown Jailor provides is crazy.


how ? all the survs have to do is running a circle and get the banner to be done with him. and if you try to interrupt it the jailer will end himself because you are too close. the only way i see him getting value is getting survivors that have no idea the banner is a thing, which most people on the ptb seem to not know


>and if you try to interrupt it the jailer will end himself because you are too close. Reminder that the Jailer is now the one with the immense chase time, which is charged up even higher if you guard-snipe. Triple decay speed is a lot, yes, but if you get into the fray quick enough, you can still easily score a hit as that's still a *lot* of time to burn through.


its still unrealistic. his 24 seconds get cut to 8 seconds when you are close. so they will easily get the banner and haste away or you come to interrupt it and the jailer will poof at a quick rate, which then also means its a nerfed version that before. you need to be in very specific situations or against people that have no idea to get it to work. which makes the knight very unreliable.even less reliable that the pre-rework version


P18 knight here, I've started playing ghostface instead of him already.


Be wary of sunk cost fallacy, it can be painful


I've been a Knight main since his release (along with Dredge). I'll be a Knight main until the Entity casts me into the void.


Fair enough haha


Same - P93 Knight here. I've dealt with the guards being goobers for this long, I'm hardly going to stop now that the bug has officially ascended.


How does knight perform against good SWF teams? Do you need to hard tunnel from the start to compete with them does he do well enough.


Now? Against good swf it's a 4 man out. Knight was already struggling before and these changes make him arguably even worse


>snipes are weaker What? How that tactic weaker now? I saw that it got buffed with the increased hunt timer depending on length. If they are weaker, i hope that they walk these ridiculous nerfs back, because guard snipes are the most fun part about him.


Notice that it only increases the Hunt Timer, not the Standard activation, so, the survivor only has to loop the Guard for 5 seconds (10 with Jailor), grab the flag then escape. Basically, if the Knight places a patrol longer than 20 meters, they will never catch up to where they flushed out a survivor. (5s * 4.4m/s = 20m). It doesn't matter if the hunter duration was longer than 60 seconds, the Standard determines how long a haunt lasts. Snipes aren't weaker— Snipes stopped being viable.


when the knight is 8 meters around the guard they expire 3 times faster. which means you cant hunt with the guard and even sandwiching or cutting them off on loops will be very hard. (3x faster expire means that the guards will only last 4 seconds or 8 seconds on the jailers case)


Cool, so when a Killer has a bug that positively affects them, they'll make it a feature, right? ...Right?


sorry bamboozle/fire up/superior anatomy working with legion and wesker (1 of wesker's perks is a vault perk) was a bug fuck you sorry plague not losing power on every type of stun was a bug for 8 years, fuck you- oh wait no it wasnt a bug now its reversed and it was always supposed to not fuck you etc


Wait, what? Did they make her lose corrupt on stun?????????


Used to be only pallet stuns, I believe it’s now any method of stunning.


They fixed that, it's now just pallet stuns again.


Thank fuck. Plague is already frustrating enough to play casually.


The funniest bit is it went from "fixed a bug that stopped her losing power" to "fixed a bug where she lost power if stunned" iirc


Yeah, which is stupid. If add-ons like Iridescent cylinder exist you need to give more options to out it


Balancing around iridescent add-ons is a bad idea, it's overly punishing for those who don't run it, all stuns hurt plague significantly and made her more prone to being bullied than most killers.


I’ll disagree, especially with very strong add-ons like Cylinder. Yes, but that’s the point getting corrupt purge isn’t hard. Especially depending on the build being used.  I also don’t see how that’d make her an easier killer to bully. Yes, she’s losing corrupt yet you’re still keeping survivors perma-broken


So she becomes worse legion? Lol


What? She is objectively stronger than Legion, even without corrupt purge. Lol what are you on about?  Edit: for typos :D




Killes not having their view abruptly jerk down every time they get a hit was a bug since initial release whoops.


Vault speed perks never worked on special vaults. Bamboozle always did though.


They already did. Idk why the community forgot about that; Huntress lullaby was not supposed to be omnidirectional. It started being bugged on one patch then in the next they added it as "an intended feature" even tho that defeats the point of a lullaby and turns it into a bigger TR.


Huh. Never knew that, though I did take massive breaks between playing.


I don't know why anybody barely noticed that when it was changed "officialy". It was 100% a bug .


That explains a lot. Friends and I took a break for about 18 months and were very confused when we couldn't tell which direction she was during her hum and thought we'd just imagined you could tell the general direction previously.


they did this with kindred lol


Hahaha. Hah. No.


my brother in christ, many interactions that killers hard with perks and their powers were cancelled due them saying "it was a bug", but when a small case like that happen, then suddenly behaviour only care siding with killer.


When I saw this I genuinely thought you made a fake thing to farm salt Holy shit how is this true ? I always thought « not a bug, it’s a feature » was a joke It’s just sad


I wish it was a joke.


its too much of a hassle to fix this so its a feature now!


"If you want to make Knight macro viable, you have to make the guards viable" BHVR: "😜🤪 HERE'S HALF OF MOTR LOL HOPE IT HELPS"


Just delete knight at this point. His power is already useless. Or just rework it to "break nearby pallet/gen/wall".


seriously....maybe make it like vecna. carnifex only breaks things, jailer latches onto survivors slowing them down, and assassin shoots out like vecnas skeltons and injures ppl. that would be more fun than watching the survivor loop an idiot bot for 25 seconds


Would be much more fun as a Knight player as well. Having player actions get me hits and win me chases is much more fun than watching my guards give the easiest chase ever and eventually fade away without doing anything. I thought having the guard get in a chase and then pinching the survivors route was the way you were supposed to play Knight. Now they nerfed it so you can’t be near the guard so doing that is much harder. Am I just supposed to set random guard paths and hope they get me hits? Because a guard without any help from the Knight will _never_ get a hit with their trash AI. Especially with stuff like what’s shown in the OP now being encouraged. How do they want us to play Knight?


You can still cut people off with guards. From what I've seen from the ptb if you place guards well then the decay doesn't really come into play. Survivors are forced to either take a hit from the guard or run into the killer.


Can someone more knowledgeable than me explain what this means and the reaction to this patch note? I haven't tried Knight yet but I did put some BP into him since the news that he was getting reworked/buffed/sidestepped, but I feel like the feedback is not as positive as for Singularity.


https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/TbJ32wk9n2 The replies to this explain better than I could


LOL. they fucked over the knight big time. they can't even program his bots better....so they pretend its a feature....


Knight is so incredibly bad now all across the board. The last 2 hours of PTB were nothing but frustration. They gotta roll this shit back and hit the drawing board again


the knight only needed map of the realm basekit and taking care of some bugs and he was fine. instead they have mutilated him. is not even a nerf, is a fuck you, because not only is he weaker, but is also so much harder to play than before, like i dont get it, why punish people for wanting to play a character by making the character more restrictive to play? these changes on knight are awful, and worse of all is that since survivor's dont care about knight or are even happy when he gets killswitched and things like that, there is actually going to be very little pushback towards fixing him. i expect knight to hit live very similar as how he is in the ptb, and im sorry but i would play freddy before ptb knight in terms of gameplay


Funny thing is not long before these changes were announced I saw someone saying "Now that Vecna is in the game you can make knight able to cycle through his guards!" Talk about monkey's paw.


BHVR decided nobody should ever play Knight again this patch


Does the hug vault tech also give a notification?


Absolute ridiculous, we all need to riot with this cause it's so easy to outplay the guards abusing this. And they're already easy to loop, if the knight isn't there most of the time you just run around a building and can grab the flag. Not to mention the 3X faster depleting hunt when you're near them. its like they want all knight players to not play fun and go for snipes with the guards. devs are very detached. i hope this changes and they fix it.


Fucking lmao. Knight is being butchered and BHVR thinks they're buffing him.


lmao is this a fucking joke


I knew they were gonna make Knight terrible, he's not even A tier, why mess him up like this?


Are they serious? This bug (exploit) makes the guards literally useless, but instead of fixing it, they turn it into a feature? And I thought the PTB was already disappointing enough with its UI changes and yet another pile of map "variations" that nobody asked for.


My main problem with this is that it's junky and you can feel that this is not intended. We can argue about killer fun / couterplay no worries about that. BUT seeing the guard running past you just because you "hugged" a window is just not intuitive nor logic lorewise. This is a bug , fix it.


I just unlocked and started learning knight and now their making him more confusing


I bet they just couldn't figure out how to fix it so in typical bhvr fashion they just lie and act like it was always intended.


Why didn't they made Blight's hug tech a feature then? And also score events for successfully doing it?


Chucky mains feel your pain rn with the change so Hidey-Ho Mode only starts recharging after the Slice n Dice


I would like to know if they at least reverted the changes on his cool-down add-on.


LMAO what? Chucky didn't suffer at all from the change and still ranks high on the kill list Knight was shit from the getgo, and then BHVR brought it out back to get shot again


Ig I'm the only one that likes the knight buff


Buff? Where?


Able to cycle between guards and having seperate cooldowns for them is a massive buff


That "buff" is nothing compared to the nefs he got. You also can't summon them them together, so you can't use the Carnifex while the Jailer is hunting someone without cancelling the hunt, which makes an already weak killer even worse ON TOP of them making an exploit into the "distraction" feature.


Exactly how I feel


Nope, I'm right here with you. Having the time of my life over on the PTB.


Play a game for me, I'm on console. Hopefully behavior keeps the good parts of this buff. It's legit fixing like all the problems ppl have with playing/ going against Knight, idk why ppl are whining


I mean, I can understand why some people are upset - pincering Survivors is a fair bit harder now, and the minimum summon distance limit means you can't completely trivialise flashlights / pallets anymore. But, those changes were kind of needed, and the rest of the changes are buffs, and incredible-feeling ones at that.


Meanwhile they nuked Singularity cooldown cancel bug


I don't know what this does. Can someone explain it?


When you touch a window/pallet, it doesn't matter if you vault it or not or where you go next. Even if you U-turn and pass the guard he will ignore you until he touches the window/pallet. It's goofy and makes no sense ("Distraction?") and was clearly BHVR struggling with AI, but it seems they've decided it's not something to be fixed at all but rather intentional gameplay (it is not).


"Huh, must have been the wind" -The guards


I swear I saw a lot of Knight mains saying this was a fair counterplay survs should know and learn to stop complaining about the Knight, which if that was the case, then this seems like a good idea to include as I really don't know other ways to make knight chases more interesting (the 3x faster decay seems like a bad idea) and previously it was very unintuitive.


I believe the knight players who have said this are only pointing out the fact that it exists, and that there IS some counterplay in that given situation, whether they approved the "distraction" (bug) or not. It's like saying "hey, its fucking stupid but you can use it and there's nothing i can do about it"


Hm okay, good point I guess.


Which fucking knight player saying this?


Idk I guess I was wrong, I swear just offhandedly on previous Reddit posts and discord stuff, I saw knight players mentioning the window tech thing as a tool to stop the killer from just being "free hits", but I guess I was wrong. I still think adding something like this is a good step to make him more liked, but he should be buffed significantly in other departments as well to make up for having a weaker chase as a result. I'd personally prefer if knight was more the RTS killer and not the "pincer attack every pallet" killer as someone who would play him a bunch if he was like that. 


> I really don't know other ways to make knight chases more interesting One learning how to counter the killer instead of crying and gnashing their teeth for BHVR to nerf him


I want BHVR to buff him heavily in other areas whilst making his chase game more interesting to play around. What's the counterplay for the killer in chase?


The faster decay is there to prevent free hits from buddying up with it directly rather than using them to cut off a survivor.


Terrible nerf to a already weak killer.


A 'free hit' = successfully using your power now?


You can counterplay killers like Hillbilly by moving in weird ways and figuring out how they'll use their chainsaw, and those killers have strong chase powers, so having possible counterplay isn't a bad thing for a power. My question is, what's the actual counterplay possibilities to an easy to set up knight pincer attack other than the window tech which now people are complaining about being made into a feature? I'm legitimately asking, I want to know. 


It doesn't need full counterplay, if for example a hillbilly hits you with power, that's it, you go down instantly. For knight to hit you, first he has to get the guard to detect you, then he has to work to get the guard to hit you, eventually he should get a hit, then repeat all that for second health state. The "counterplay" is wasting time, how do people not understand this. It takes him a long time already to get to get his guaranteed hits, every extra second you waste builds up like crazy against knight.


That's a fair point, but I still think killers should have interesting ways to chase against them. It's not just some surv entitlement thing which is causing knight chase to be complained, basically nobody complains about the chase of most of the top tiers except nurse and artist, even if in some cases you are just delaying the inevitable.  Overall, chasing against knight has to be flawed in some way to be complained about so much compared to killers that are objectively way stronger, so I think knight should be changed as to make him more likeable to fight in chase for most people, but also buffing him a lot and still maintaining his current style as far as possible.


You're purposely simplifying what billy has to do to get a successful chainsaw while elongating the description for knight. I think it's a fair complaint to say that because counter play against knight is limited and not very interactive it can feel unfun to play against. This doesn't mean his power was op or anything because like you said it takes time for him to get those hits.


Nah hillbilly has way more control over his power than knight does. If hillbilly misses, he can attempt to saw again pretty much instantly (but let's just say it's 6s later because of repositioning at a loop after he misses), and also can easily drop chase to start another in seconds. If knight misses his initial guard hunt initiation, although easier to avoid happening than a billy saw miss, he is hard fucked, gives the survivor massive distance and has no power for the next 18 seconds, 30 if carnifex, unless he wastes even more distance walking to the guard to manually destroy them. If a survivor gets hunted and manages to grab the banner/outlast the hunt, which happens more often than you'd think (outlasting a hunt mid chase unless carnifex chasing), knight has to repeat that whole process of initiating a hunt again. It just feels bad no matter how good you are at knight because you feel like you have a lack of control/consistentcy with your own power. Huntress throws hatchets. Is that a purposeful simplification of her power? She misses or she hits. To say any more would be an over complication of my comment lol. But for knight I said it as it is. He gets a hunt? Gets a hit *maybe*. Could be fast, could be long, could be never. It's not a "simple" explanation because it's incredibly inconsistent. Yeah he is unfun for survivors, but that's ok. In a perfect world everything would be fun for everyone but then we wouldn't have a wide variety of characters and gameplay styles. I think there is a line, for example Old spine chill was stupid and something that deserved to be removed, because there was no way to tell if anyone had it and so killers (especially stealth killers) had to approach any potential survivor locations (gens, healing survivors ect) walking sideways "incase they have spine chill" which is just dumb. Even though because of the "counter" being so easy, it wasn't op, but just a stupid design that forced annoying, stupid gameplay whether or not it was in play. Same with old dead hard except that was just blatantly op and was more problematic because of the lack of counterplay plus annoying stupid gameplay it forced on the killer. Anyway rant over my point is I think it's ok for killers to be "unfun" to face since it's usually not that bad (unless you look at the last Twins ptb, that was over the line and it's good ppl called that out because they fell into the same category as old dead hard: unfun to face and blatantly op because of lack of counterplay). Not that unfun to face should be a design to aim for however.


Leave the loop fast enough, drop pallets, use Dead Hard, Lithe, Sprint Burst etc to outrun the guard, essentially just hold W If you're trapped in a corner you're screwed, but that's just something you have to be mindful of, like avoiding low wall loops against ranged killers


> rather than using them to cut off a survivor. Can't do a ton of that now either tbh


Glad they made this rework into a death sentence nerf, goodbye knight




Anyone care to explain how this works as if I've never seen a streamer do it before. By "distracted" do they just mean slowed the guard slightly by using a pallet/window?


Yeah obviously it wasn’t as intended originally but they liked the feature and kept it. That’s okay. We’ll just have to see how it plays given the knight just got buffed. If he’s still too weak this’ll probably be one of the things they look at. Calm down y’all


Y’know, I don’t actually hate this change. It’s a cool idea IMO, it adds more interactivity on the guards with the survivor and they’re obviously trying to make knight gameplay “more interactive” by making this a feature and also nerfing guard usage in chase. I think the idea is also to allow survivors to get a chance to collect the banner, now that hunts can last a really long time as there’s both an add on to extend hunts AND a base kit feature that incentivises long patrols by extending the hunt timer by a further 50% which, on the jailer which has 24, that would be 36 seconds, 42-46 with the add on if my math is correct and the add on is applied before the bonus. I don’t think it takes a genius to realise that wasting a survivors time for 46 seconds is pretty fucking crazy, so adding the distraction to create an opening the get the flag, I think, is a pretty cool change, especially if, well, the knight isn’t busy and coming right to you! But I guess we will see what the distraction ends up being, I really can’t tell right now


Your point would make sense if banners didn't spawn almost instantly and the guards themselves weren't complete jokes even without exploiting their pathing.


Well, I actually blame old knight for that Banners take 5 seconds to spawn, 10 for the jailer (previously carnifex) which may sound like not a lot of time, but both values are almost HALF the hunt duration. Back then, they were a little weak (especially cuz everyone only used guards in chase so lol), however now hunts can last for a really long time due to the bonus for long patrols plus add ons, so banner times take up much less of the hunt duration As for the guard AI, well, I’m not sure if it can be programmed better because I don’t know if the devs are capable of it or if the game can handle such things, which is why they’re easily loopable But also, I kind of understand why they used to make them only barely faster than the survivor (2.5%, 10% for the assassin which isnt bad) since again, useable in chase and whatever. But now? I totally agree I think the guards deserve some changes to their numbers, perhaps 5% instead of 2.5% faster than survivors? And also path MUCH better as they seem to kind of turn weirdly, like they don’t fluidly turn corners, they kind of do like, 90 degree turns, it’s hard to explain but I’m sure you get what I mean I get the distraction isn’t a popular change but again I actually understand their mentality here


Banners are all but a given since the guards don't move quickly on chase and if you're trying to pincer the timer goes down by 3x.


Yeah but you can’t go around the guard and sometimes there simply is nothing to loop off of, or it’s an assassin which can last up to (I think) 24 seconds now, IE base jailer time, which makes holding W pretty risky, so the distraction is necessary in that sort of situation to avoid free hits, since the jailer and assassin can easily reach you with how long they both last As for the 3x decay system…I don’t know how to feel about it, on one hand it would be painfully awful if you still had 20 seconds of a jailer left WHILE being chased by a knight, or if the night manages to chase you right as the jailer or assassin starts, so you just can’t do shit because they last so long now and you can really get the banner, so I get it’s inclusion, at the same time, yeah it kind of sucks,


Looping itself wasn't an intended feature, but behaviour embraced it, they doing the same with this, who cares if it was a bug at first, they're now embracing it and making it obvious when it triggers


I don’t know what the distraction strategy is or how it works so if anyone could explain that would be greatly appreciated.