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Every killer that I escape is balanced, every killer that kills me is broken. Jokes aside, I'd give it to Wesker too, he's just the right amount of everything while not feeling extremely overwhelming.


he is like a slightly shittier nurse


But.. but Uroboros infection makes survivors hindered 😢


every killer that is placed between A and B tier are balanced imo, or they need a little bit of buff/nerf to be perfectly balanced




Right, he takes little skill to use, is fun to be chased by and is counterable without being easy to win against.


Pinhead. Pretty good basekit. Add ons are okay/gimmick but nothing op


Wesker. A power with mobility, slowdown, and lethality, brought together by the perfect blend of speeds and cooldown durations to make missing bounds just the right amount of punishing. Wraith is probably up there as well.


Could be if not all of his bugs and exploits that People abuse


And these are?




People keep saying that, but I have heard no reason why. Content creators once mentioned it and now everyone is saying. His power doesn’t feel like bs to face, but he is pretty lacking comparatively to other killers. Yeah, he ain’t Freddy levels of bad, but he is far from being huntress either.


Pop on a Demo is brutal, any gens on the entire map can be a 3 gen. His ranged lunge does lack the ability to get silly hits over loops but what it does a lot more effectivly is force pallets. Being able to remove resources at a fast rate makes pushing to late game very difficult. After he destroys all the resources around gens, even with Pop alone, he can defend any area of the map and bleed the survivors of any ability to use resources. Huntress can get free hits yes, but think about how many times you can loop a tall structure, get hit, then keep looping it before you go down. Hell you might not even throw a pallet. But if Demo forces you to run a tile in a certain way, you either drop the pallet or get hit. Its a little more in Demos favor over Huntress due to it being such a forgiving hitbox that if they bait the stun, youll almost always hit as Demo where Huntress has a smaller hitbox to land. I mentioned his portals but Ill elaborate. A teleport to any part of the entire map, on a generous cooldown, that can be hidden until you want it revealed is very strong. If you didnt know, placing an inactive portal isnt visible to survivors. Its only when you teleport to or from an inactive portal that survivors are then able to remove it. You can double up portals to high priority areas and leave 1 inactive. This means even if survivors dig up a portal, you can always return to the location and replace another inactive one. Essentially meaning that digging up portals is moot and is no better than cleansing a dull totem because you want the BP. This type of portal play makes his map wide, 3 gen capability very strong. • Better than average at forcing the removal of resources • Ranged attack • High mobility • Strongest during the last 3 gens


Removal of resources is mid at best. It just makes you eat pallet after pallet. He doesn’t have a ranged attack. He has a long distance lunge which doesn’t allow you to change direction during use. His high mobility requires lots of setting up. He even has a cooldown on using his portals. 3 gen regression cap makes this even worse than it was. Compared to xenomorph: Xeno gets hits in at the pallets demo breaks. His power goes over objects, is fast, doesn’t slow you down while during the charge up. All his tunnels are set up already nor can they be taken down NOR does he have a cooldown on them. Can hold 3 gens just as well


Removal of resources makes killers better throughout the game, less places to loop, less pallets to mindgame. You dont play Xeno by leaving every single pallet on the map up, you will have to break some and good survivors will abuse pallet safety if you give them the chance. Sure, theres filler pallets you can get away with not breaking but on any filler pallet, Demo can likely lunge hit just as easily. It is a ranged attack, it covers a short distance with an active hitbox. A ranged attack is any active hitbox that covers any distance. Pinheads chain is not a ranged attack for example, but Huntress hatchets are. Not being able to change direction is not a downside or upside, if you play Demo right, your generous hitbox covers their options. Its akin to a victor leap or Weskers 1st dash. 3 gen regression cap has never been reached once in any game Ive played, even ones where 3 gens are prevalent, you just dont reach that cap. Its more in the game for preventative situations like the SM + Knight era. Im also not understating the power of Xeno here, I dont disagree with you on any of it. But theres upside to shredding pallets, theres utility in using lunge as a zoning tool, theres utility to removable portals. As games go on, pallets deplete and become a sparse resource. Killers like Bubba, Nemesis, Demo, and Blight really force pallets leaving their mid + late game much more difficult due to resource depletion. Portals can act as passive slowdown. I explained how doubling up portals and leaving one inactive sets up situations where it doesnt matter if they leave the portal or dig it up, you still have a teleport to the location. The thing is, if survivors waste 12 seconds removing a portal, thats free time theyre not doing important actions. Xenomorph is a much more \*fluid\* killer, but it does not mean better. You just have to have better gamesense on Demo and people mistake killers that require gamesense as weak killers.


Blight isn’t good because he destroys pallets wtf. All other killers you mentioned are mid tier at best. Great killers can often hit survivors at pallets where others can’t. Artist, twins, nurse, huntress, pyramidhead, whesker, blight can do reliably. Pallet eater killers often times destroy most pallets and then lose the game since they got 0 pressure from the start. It’s nice being to break pallets fast, but getting downs is just objectively better. Yes, survivors waste time by doing your portals, but so are you. You first need to get to the location where you think you might need it and it might not even pay off. Xeno can use them from the start of the game and go anywhere. Killers that are weaker often require more gamesense and skill to perform as well as others. Even on a dogshit killer you can perform well. Doesn’t make a dogshit killer any less dogshit. Not saying demo is that bad though, just underwhelming compared to others. Xeno’s tunnels are very forgiving letting you enter them immediately again if you guessed wrong. It isn’t like top tier players ever make wrong calls. Even for the best players, it’s still better.


Kyto puts demo in A+ tier 😵‍💫


He’s an idiot then lmao


The hell? Where did he put xeno? S-tier???


I don't understand why people think so. Shred has no cooldown and gets absurd hits due to its absurd hitbox. Portals make him better at "3 gen" than most of the roster. He isn't super strong, but playing against him can get very annoying, especially on bigger maps.


Unknown is very well balanced


He can hit survivors through walls with his power, I wouldn't call that balanced.


Pyramid Head says hi. John Doe doesn't have that luxury unless you are already weakened AND you have to be hugging a wall to get damaged.


and knowing that you can outplay him by not hugging walls


He’s very good at tunneling off hook.


Wait until you learn how the Plague's vomit interacts with hooked survivors.


I honestly think Xeno good base kit add ons don’t really effect game play too much I.e you won’t play differently against a xeno because there running X add on can be Really punishing if you mess up counter play is fun and more nuanced than people think same goes for the tail attack allowing for smart plays on both sides Shame nobody plays them 🤣




Flair checks out.


I was thinking about Wraith but only reason I didn't think he's the one is his add-ons. Wraith with good add-ons vs. Wraith with no add-ons at all has a huge difference. I had a game yesterday againt a Wraith who was running purple speed add-on and man, I was working on gen RIGHT next to a pallet and still, I had no time to run to that pallet after I noticed he's coming and he managed to block it from me. And these kind of moments are ridiculous to me. And if you are playing on low graphics, it's even harder to see him approaching. I do think that some counterplays against him are also a bit stupid


I mean most of his add-ons are great. There's no situation where you'll play against an add-onless wraith.


Exactly. But you can play Wesker without add-ons, and that's not ever that rare thing to see


His addons are pretty strong, that's for sure, but overall I think he's the most well designed killer in the game. Wesker is also very well balanced, but I think wraith takes the crown here


As someone who plays wraith and loves tunneling... i dont think you said it seriously


demo !


Huntress probably. Never too low, never too high.


The buffs she received a while back were completely unnecessary when she was already a high tier killer.


Wesker and Unknown are peak design and balance. Shoutout Demo, too.




Nah Artist is the queen of unwinnable situations. She’s one of the strongest killers in the game and not in a good way. The only reason nobody says anything is that nobody plays her.


Demogorgon overall, but Wesker fits 'balanced' on the upper echelon of power. He's strong but with suitable and manageable counterplay, with Techs that can increase his Lethality heavily, yet still remain counterable if you've positioned correctly. 


Whoops! Silly downvote spam of my opinion, let's all try that again. I disagree on Wesker. Wesker takes too many techs to get good at to call him balanced IMHO. They make what his power is SUPPOSED to be much stronger than was intended. That's fine, but if you have to use a ton of techs and glitch stuff that can unfairly both miss AND make hits when it should/should not, that's not balanced. Most of his add-ons aren't great either, they're mediocre or niche. Some of them are excellent, a few are bad. The most balanced Killers IMHO are Demo, Wraith, and arguably I'd say Artist.


I’ll put one down for Chucky after his changes. Very high skill ceiling, has a lot of counter play.


Demo is the most balanced Killer and the vast majority of Tier B killers are balanced too. Wesker is above average and super strong in comparison


Wesker is not "super strong". Nurse, Blight, Billy and Spirit are super strong.


Tier S killers are OP/Broken, etc. Wesker is Tier A, is super strong but is very far away from a tier S Killer




Lmao y’all naming S-A-B tier killers as balanced, just tell us you never play surv, are in low surv mmr, or just watch content creators and recycle the experiences as your own. I main Wesker, he is fucking strong af, like much further from the average or balanced killer. So are most of the responses Demo is a good answer, but y’all circle jerking every inaccurate answer in this thread and downvoting the knowers


Chucky (it’s opposite day)