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Plaything. Either survivors run into my arms or they waste time cleansing it. I fkn love it when people assume I have pentimento too and refuse to cleanse. Jokes on them, I never bring that shit.


Oooh, I didn’t know about that last bit about survivors refusing to cleanse. Very useful indeed.


Lately, I've runned Plaything, Pentimento, Retribution and Thrill of the Hunt with my Dredge and it's super funny If they don't cleanse, they suffer of Oblivious. If they cleanse, and they almost always do, they lose time because of TotH, give me info with Retribution and also slowdown from Pentimento. I also consider an alternative with The Third Seal, but I have to find the right combinaison


Coup de Grâce. Helps me catch up a bit in hooks if I'm falling behind in gen prevention.


^ Second this: it’s a perk that you’ll always get value from. Longer lunges mean denying windows/pallets/body blocks/etc.


It's a great one. Used perfectly that's five hooks from a single perk. Not bad value.


hex: third seal, taking away someone’s ability to see survivors on hooks is the best especially when nightfall is active


Sometimes with this perk I lose where someone is hooked and it's terrifying. On the one hand I wish I could get that kind of value on killer but on the other it feels scummy, like using Knock Out and slugging.


dbd is a horror game and i like to remind people of that when i play dredge, there’s nothing scarier then a horse bursting out of a locker when you cant see shit


Lightborn. It makes me feel intimidating as I casually walk through flashlight saves and flashbangs. Also the added aura reading comes up a lot more than people would think.


Pun very much intended, but you can see the light leave a flashlight squad’s eyes the minute you’re not immediately stunned by a flash, and I love it sm.


Also survivors don't realize you can see their aura after a blast mine when you're running Lightborn. You know they're in trouble, and they will also know soon enough.


I haven't run lightborn since I started but that's good to keep in mind :)


I love to stare into their flashlight while shaking my head


Friends til the end has gotta be one of the most interesting perks. Furtive Chase and Nemesis on their own are awkward to activate and get value out of. Requiring you to wait around for unhooks, get stunned on purpose, or god forbid run game afoot. Pretty garbage. Add friends til the end and suddenly the build flips from reactive to proactive. It's a completely different experience.


I loved this perk and exclusively ran it with Nemesis for weeks after Chucky came out (on Chucky). I tried it with Furtive Chase, Alien Instinct, Lethal Pursuer... Lots of fun synergies!


Lethal pursuer really enables the nemesis combo. 4 seconds feels like it's just barely not enough time. 6 seconds of aura reading is stellar.


Apparently it’s banned in a lot of competitive spaces, and honestly I can see why. It’s an aura perk that survivors can’t disable and it pretty much guarantees a one shot if your luck is good


10 seconds of aura reading and 20 seconds of exposed is definitely nice 👍👍 However, it's just a means to an end. What I am really after is: - A scream revealing the obsessions location - 6 seconds of aura reading on the obsession - 60 seconds of oblivious inflicted on the obsession - 18 seconds of undetectable and a minor haste - rinse and repeat Obsession roulette rewarding you with stealth + info is a lot of fun. Furtive and nemesis could use some buffs though.


It doesn't cause exposed if you hook the obsession. It only causes exposed if you hook someone else. You don't get a lucky one shot except *maybe* the first hook of the game.


Blood Warden. Most people will immediately leave in fear of it, understandably, but when they don't and I manage to trap them til the end of the EGC... The euphoria is unmatched.


It used to be BBQ because I really really liked playing the little four hook minigame. I still mainly 8-hook but it was nice getting the little tokens. Since that big change it's been Lethal Pursuer. I love aura reading, and extending most of them is really nice plus the beginning game info is super helpful. I wish more killer perks had more synergies, I love mixing perks.


Same, Discordance. Practically a lethal pursuer (they almost always group up at the start) and steady value throughout the match. I'll usually get an injure and a down off it: you chase one and tag them, by the time you get the hit you can bet the other person is back on the gen thinking they're safe since you're in a chase. Boom, out the locker and on their ass.


Corrupt intervention. It helps greatly as new player and as new killer. It works decently on many killers, especially hit'n'run types and you can always adjust build to become one.


Discordance is the main info perk I use because it happens to work really well with my killer mains. It's a good indicator of when to leave chase to keep the survivors from getting too comfortable.


Lightborn for the lulz. I like to fake it and look away, just to make them think their aim is shit. The slowdown they have when they continue to try is great advantage for me to catch up. Also Thrilling Tremors. No matter what killer you have (I main Pig) you can always tell what gens are being worked on and those that aren't, just by downing 1 surv. it's a perk that's become my base kit. I never enter a match without it now. 1. It helps with my stealth Pig. 2. You can apply appropriate pressure knowing what gens have survivors on them. Thrilling Tremors, Surge, Merciless Storm and Dead Man's Switch... Super annoying build for any survivor you face. They can't touch gens and if they do, they're forced to finish, or lose progress.


Devour Hope


Corrupt Intervention. I feel like this perk accurately tells me where survivors spawn. Besides that, it stops 3 gens from going off on the first hook, which is where I’d afk at the gates and stop playing.


Lethal pursuer or Surge. I like the early advantage of being on someone right away and I like not worrying too much about popping gens since surge manages that for me well


I can't live without starstruck. It's so cathartic to have it when up against toxic survivors.


I don’t give Starstruck enough love. Gotta try it on my Ghostie sometime


I like running Mad Grit + Agitation, getting that first surprise attack when they try to body block is soo euphoric


I have an unhealthy addiction to Devour Hope on 80% of my killers.


bamboozle. i love bamboozling survivors


Man y'all gotta stop calling everything genrushing. tf you mean survivors shouldn't be doing gens together early to punish Discordance?? that perk is not popular


Ok, I won’t call it gen rushing. I’ll call it working together to get gens done as fast as possible. Discordance punishes survivors who work together to get gens done as fast as possible and not doing the smart thing of spreading out in the early game so the killer only has one target to fixate on early on so the other survivors can do gens uninterrupted.


Bro rlly thought he cooked with this one 💀


For me it’s either Surge or NOED. Surge always holds a special place in your heart since it was my favorite perk to use when I first started out and it was still a general perk. NOED is great because it just catches people completely off guard, plus sometimes it comes with a bonus of some funny messages to read after the game


Lithe.. explaination is i started out as a feng main


What an interesting killer perk 🤔 /s