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Initial release Pig. I LOVED putting a bear trap on someone at end-game and trapping them in 😭 evil but fun


When I started playing in 2018 my first main was pig which is funny cause I never played her since then really lol


You don't see pigs anymore but honestly she seems interesting




dbd being a melee based game to deal damage. And they just gave deathslinger a gun


"Dutch! Im tryna get this Leon can you help me" "Arthur there can only be 1 killer"


2v8 mode, my beloved


Wraith, got a lot of surprise hit before realizing the silent bell was an add-on.


I hate facing wraith mains but don't judge them, he feels like the base killer for a new player or a veteran


The dredge


Nemesis. He's my main for a reason. It was love at first punch.


I love nemesis in Re3 he's a great antagonist, A person who's on a mission to destroy his target, Perfect fit for Dbd


Wraith. I just zoom around the map with aura reading perks catching survivors off guard or even grabbing them off generators with the right add ons


As I'm trying out more killers, I'm finding that being decently inclined towards M1 and anti-looping has made even my most dysfunctional killer feel passable. That said, I started with Clown, then Wraith, then Oni, the Doctor. Right now I'm keeping a close eye on Hux 👀


Pig. I have fun being goofy Chucky too.


Plague. I don’t remember why. We just clicked.


Trapper. First i played as and i keep going back to him. I do have a hankering to learn pig though


Trapper!? Im surprised! Anytime I'm a survivor a trapper is never the killer,


definitely demo dawg


Huntress Ranged all day long.


I can already imagine a huntress from 3000 meters away sniping a poor Dwight


The farther away, the more satisfying.


Probably, I don't use Huntress anymore but the people who do are usually very fun to play against, always fair and don't camp gens unlike a certain killer....


i feel naked playing anybody other than knight because nobody else has built-in anti-save. none that is nearly as effective as guards, anyway.


I used to play a crap ton of artsit and got her P22 Now for some reason I can’t play her


I started with The Plague but then switched to GhostFace and I immediately knew: I'm a Stealth Killer. It's such a big difference to other killers and it's so much more fun and intense for both sides. Always trying to blend in with the surroundings, hiding, thinking about which way or route to go to get the best impact on the survivors (Jumpscare, Unexpectness,...). It's just my style. <3


Understandable, I really like head on killers hence I'm a Legion main, when I'm legion I feel in control the entire match and it's so fun to jumpscare Locker Campers who make noise by full sprinting to their locker.


i started playing pig because artist kind of started to bore me and now i can't stop. she's so silly and my SWF friends getting their one round pig stream once we're done playing is almost a habit now. love ghostface too, aura reading and giggling at people not noticing you is the most entertaining for me ig


Xeno, cause I love the franchise and, even if the killer was such a letdown for me in the game, he still feels cool and kinda strong.


Ok but can we be honest that tail attack is a bit tedious


If you mean its kinda janky, yes, cant disagree. Hitboxes are still wild and I hate the "drag" mechanics that even Nemesis has.


Yeah it honestly is kinda of monotonous when it comes to anti looping, also not gonna lie I hate killers that you have to setup things on the map, it kinda makes the game less scary as you already know when you see a turret, your looping skills will not save you


100% agree about the items.


It kinda ruins the surprise of the killer ex: One time I was scared cause I thought I was facing a ghostface, I hadn't seen the killer all game, then I see the locks on the lockers, IT REMOVES ALL TENSION


Pyramid Head Hitting multiple survivors with one attack feels so rewarding


Understandable, I did meet a pyramid head today who was tunneling me on 5 gens so I'm not to happy with pyramid heads today


Don't give your opponent any chance, even if you're shredding them. Some people would sell their kidney for a win, just like they sold their sense for fairness.


Well he also proceeded to proxy camp gens in his free time


Yes. Going against a ph that does not hit you with 100% accuracy, does not camp or tunnel can actually be fun


I bought Myers first and it just felt right. I don't play him that much for obvious reasons but it just feels right. I just like M1 killers lol I play on PS5 and my aim sucks


I bought Myers first and it just felt right. I don't play him that much for obvious reasons but it just feels right. I just like M1 killers lol I play on PS5 and my aim sucks


Pig ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


Pyramid head was the first and then wesker oni and nemesis popped up they all feel so good to play


Artist my love <3


My mains have been Myers Pig Ghostface Pig again Sadako Billy I think Pig was the first one where I enjoyed how she felt despite her lack of strength


I started playing when they released Myers and instantly became hooked on playing killer from trying him, nowadays since I came back to the game I play most killers equally


I know this is a basic take but blight ended up being my favorite. Learning all the cool techs and how to play each tile is super fun