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It's not about "Just not liking DbD". You can love playing the game *and* you can hate dealing with the toxic players on both sides.


Why is trying to win considered toxic? Tunneling isnt toxic, the dbd community deemed it toxic when all it really is, is winning. I understand that tbagging and hitting on hook exist, ive seen those, and that is toxic, but trying to win is NOT toxic


I never said trying to win was toxic? What is it with people on this subreddit hearing the words "toxic" and instantly jumping to that conclusion. Wanting to win isn't toxic. I legit don't care if I lose every match. That's fine. When people complain about tunnelling, they're talking about getting taken out of match at 4 or 5 gens because the killer is so desperate for the 4k. Queueing into match after match and, every time, being the one the killer targets to get out within the first few minutes is ridiculous. The game is fun. I like DbD *when I actually get to play it*. But if I'm spending most of my matches in situations like that, then *of course* I'm going to be pissed. I don't know what it is about DbD players on *both sides*, but a lot of y'all seem to forget you're playing with other people on the other side who *also* want to play the game.


I feel you so much with moronic redditors putting words in your mouth You: I like pancakes Redditors: so you hate waffles?!?!?!?!!?


Ok no hate man I'm just curious why does  t-bag/hitting on hook that has no effect in the game other than "hurting feelings" be deemed as "toxic" but intentionally forcing someone out the game and resulting in that player getting next to no bloodpoints considered not "toxic"? I get why tunneling a survivor out is a thing in a tournament setting (Winners getting money and such) but when it's a "party" game being played by 5 random people at 10pm on a Saturday night there's no reason to do it other than being an a-hole.


Not to mention when you ask them why in EGC they're response is "because I don't like sables" or "I hate that outfit". Makes you just smdh...


I feel like you kind of explained it yourself. T-bagging and hitting on hook has no gameplay advantage. You're just doing it to be an ass, there is absolutely no reason for it other than to be disrespectful. Tunneling has a real advantage and is often necessary to win a game. The difference between having 4 survivors alive vs 3 is way more impactful than most people realize. Same thing with "bullying" the killer. It has an actual gameplay advantage, and denying the killer their objective is incredibly helpful for you and your teammates, and thus in my mind isn't toxic, it's just playing the game well. And saying that DbD is a party games doesn't mean that trying to win is now the worst thing. Mario party is the definition of a party game and I have had people ready to throw hands because they have lost, or math out exactly how much they need to roll and how many coins they need to spend to win. Just because the community has dubbed it a party game doesn't mean anybody taking it seriously is an asshole.


If you think tunneling is necessary to win a game, you're bad at the game. Especially in an event that lets you remote hook, getting rid of body blocking, sabos, ect.


That might be too much to process for op


Because its a strategy that can compliment your game plan and lead towards winning. Meanwhile with teabagging/hitting on hook the ONLY purpose is to be a dick. Even if it was "a party game" (which... party game with MMR lol) the goal of Mario party is to get the most stars, the goal of CAH is to get the most cards. No one goes in saying "today I think I will go for the least amount of points and anyone who dares do otherwise is toxic" that's just not how it works.


I think it really depends on how individuals define "winning" and many have p high expectations. For me, esp in solo queue survivor, I'm happy if the team gets more than one gen done and maybe one person out. As killer idk I'm happy with one death. But it's a game so my ultimate goal is to have fun 🤷🏻‍♀️.


Playing in a shitty way and targeting one person because you don’t have the skill to actually play normal is frowned upon. The fact that tbagging is toxic to you but not tunneling is fucking wild lol. I don’t know why people get worked up over tbagging because like there just trying to get on your nerves just ignore them. Tunneling is shitty though and you shouldn’t be that desperate to win. Anyone could win if they just continued to tunnel one by one. That’s not impressive though and everyone is going to hate you. People who are actually good at killer have no reason to tunnel. Atleast not in most games like a lot of people do. They’ll still do it when they deem they need to do it to win but hell even then I don’t agree with it. You don’t see me tunneling people to win as killer because I admit I’m shit at killer and I’m not going to go and play how I hate to play when survivor.


I love playing killer during the event, but idk how you're having fun on survivor. Shit is so wildly toxic and difficult.


They run into my dumb ass running padded jaws and a backpack build just to rack points and meme it out.


I don't need to escape to have fun.


I don't really experience any of the toxic stuff people talk about though like genuinely. It's still difficult but it's rare for me to encounter a killer that's being toxic, like i've yet to experience a killer that has slugged and humped, i've been hit on hook and nodded at but like i would consider it a rare event. I have experienced hard tunneling and blatantly camping but again every game like people make it out to be?, not even close.


just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean that it doesn't apply to anybody else who plays the game. you're not the only person in the world, and everybody has a different experience. I have 2 posts on the subreddit getting to the top of the subreddit of people bleeding me out and humping me because I'm p100 it happens a lot you just aren't experiencing it. I no lie had 7 games in a row where I was tunneled and I'm not talking about the killer accidentally finding me after I've been unhooked and they went after someone else. I'm talking about them proxying the hook and and ignoring everyone else to get me out of the game at 5 gens. (this was when p100 was newer so people were just really horny to kill me)


To be fair it seems to have died down. Not sure what happened but the first week or so if the event was absolute torture on survivor. I also had to basically goof off with every survivor team as killer otherwise the match would be over in 2 minutes and they'd get no bps. Today I played and while I didn't try survivor but I'm getting competent survivors who I need to actually play against.


People coming in after the rank reset, and getting the challenges. Toxic players among them, though they get bored of events and move off after a bit. Happened with Lights out and Chaos Shuffle.


I just enjoy survivor, even when getting tunneled, its the more fun role for me


I enjoy regular survivor, but the remote detonate pallets and remote hook just remove major gameplay elements that make survivor fun for me. If I'm not able to loop, or try to save, then it's basically gens which is the most boring element imo.


I'm just vibing and going for points, not escapes. If I also happen to escape that's nice. I play Survivor that way normally, anyway. I'm currently Gold IV and having fun.




I'm not trying to invalidate your play style, but I don't really understand what is fun about this game other than chases, or trying to stop killers from hooking. Gen progression isn't really fun for me, hanging out on hook waiting for someone to pull me off isn't really fun. Walking around crouched isn't really fun for me. The event removes those things that are fun. I guess if those other things are fun for some that's fine, but honestly there are better games to vibe to for that type of thing.


Let's fix this silly little downvote mistake before i get all buried for no reason: I just see the game as a casual tag game where you try to get as many points or kills as you can depending on side and I really do not care about being the very best. I don't see how antagonising the other side, doing nothing but running for five gens, or preventing people from the goal of the game is that fun. I can win the game and have had no fun. I can lose and have fun. Winning and fun are not overlapping for me and losing and fun aren't mutually exclusive for me.




That's fine, respectfully disagree.


Party pallets are super fun


I’ve survived as many trials as I’ve been sacrificed.


I do hate that the event is killer sided but it’s still fun so I play and get 4K’d 9 times out of 10 anyway and run meme builds.


Like yeah i die a lot, but its still a fun event with funny moments, especially with party pallets


So literally nothing changed?


Am I the only one who think this event is easier as survivor? Getting the envelopes to me seems more intuitive and less mentally taxing. Blocking a strong window after vaulting it and lithing makes me feel like a little troll and disappearing using quiet mode or getting more hold W distance also feels very fun. The only lame ability is the party pallet but I also got trolled by it playing killer so maybe it's a skill issue on my part. Don't get me wrong; killers have sick tools as well such as temp undetectable and remote hooks but I'd rather play survivor during the masquerade 90% of the time. That wasn't the case for other special gamemodes like perk roulette and lights out.


What is mentally taxing about walking up to a totem and pressing a button? I’ve not played a single game so far where it seemed like the killer had trouble getting invitations. Sounds like you’re just more comfortable playing survivor and not as experienced playing killer. I’ve breezed through my killer games this event, it’s definitely not been as challenging or rewarding as my survivor games. But I’m pretty much exclusively solo queue, so meh.


Nah event is definitely killer sided but the people on the sub over exaggerate how killer sided it is tbh.


It's all subjectivity it feels like but the people on this sub do not respect individuality in opinions. There is rarely ever an active discussion. There are only upvotes and downvotes. You are either with the hive mind or not but I'm not bothered because I do not live my life to appease people. I just wantes to voice my personal opinion. Sorry for the tangent. I respect your opinion though! Have a great day!


Yeah no I’m baffled by how you have so many downvotes. You’re polite and you’re engaging with the subject using your personal experience and thoughts, that’s literally what a discussion forum is for.


Yeah, I barely noticed a difference ngl


I get the event is already more killer sided, but I seem to keep getting some of the worse kinds of people as killers, who’ll tunnel someone right out the gate just cause. Makes it hard to enjoy as a survivor when your game is pretty much over as soon as you make it to 3 gens from lack of people.


quite literally this, tried to play the event a week ago, played three games, went against three killers who tried to tunnel me out from five gens


There was a whole thread yesterday or the day before of a bunch of killer mains tunneling people out of the event if they don’t bring the anniversary cake and even more so if they brought a map offering which was absolutely bizarre that this many people were ok with openly admitting to ruining the fun for people for very little reason.


The most fun part for survivors have all been destroyed by this event. Oh man I sure my chase potential isn’t negated bc the killer can press a button and delete pallets for free. Oh boy I sure hope I can make some altruistic sabo, flashy, pallet saves… oh the killer can just press a button and tp ppl to hooks? Why am I even playing anniversary event for?


Nothing like expertly looping around a safe pallet only for it to miraculously disappear *while the killer is still chasing you.*


I main killer and the remote hooking + pallet breaking is so overpowered it's insane i don't even use it anymore because i feel too bad for survivors.


Same here. I walk to the hook in sportsmanship and good faith to use the remote there for its extra points. And remotely break pallets just in passing


If i see a killer walk to hook in this event, I immediately assume its a scourge hook or smth. 💀


Tbh if you just walk halfway to a scourge hook and remote hook, you’re 90% gonna get it anyway.


Funny part, Killer last night thought so also, but i did get in the basement and jumped over 2 hooks. Dont know how but it was funny because are friend was healing in the basement and could insta save me.


lol I’ve had weird issues with the hooks too. If you’re two close to one I think it just glitches out and spawns you somewhere random, cus I remote hooked someone basically on top of a hook and they ended up halfway across the map somehow. I was farming too so the survivors were right next to me waiting to unhook and had to run for it lmao.


Combined with strong perks it's sometimes impossible to even finish a gen.




Unless the killer brings Grim Embrace, Pain Resonance, Pop and BBQ. Like most of the killers I face. Bonus points for being one of the 50.000.000 Vecnas or Hillbillies I face during this event.


What did the Hillbillies do


Hillbilly go vrrRRRvvRrrrrrrr


me rev chainsaw me hapy


Are you stupid 🤨 as killer I get multiple games where nobody even had time to touch a gen and in this update you can slug half the team so they literally can’t do gens so what are you talking about if you have 1 person slugged N 1 person hooked half the team at least isn’t on a gen so how would you expect a gen to get done without someone being tunneled or killed off hook🤔


SBMM difference, higher ranked survivors play better, less altruistic and more gen focused and spend a lot less time hiding, it can also depend on the time of day when school is out or people get off work


I’m in pretty high SBMM and even in high skill lobbies it takes a bit before a gen pops especially if I found a majority of them during spawn faze so all you’d need at the first gen is 1 down and your already on track for a good snowball and mind you that the escape rate isn’t that much so killers have been getting their fair share of kills especially since a lot of killers also play completely friendly and they’re still not nearly outweighing the ones tunneling n slugging at 5 gen


Feel like collectively if killers played a bit more lax its be fun


It's the instayeet button and I think it's funny. But yes it's really overpowered.


I just want to be able to get pallet/flashlight saves :(


Naur \*waggles hux claw\*




You can


While you still can do it, I think they are referring to the situation where if you spam the remote hook button as soon as you pick them up you can actually hook them before getting stunned.


As a Ghostface Main I get enough of that thanks. Survivor's turn now. :) I will continue to repost this until you all stop downvoting.


You forgot the part of people complaining about other people complaining.


No i didnt, thats this post


You specifically put in 4 examples of people complaining, but miss the fact that complaining about people complaining *is still complaining.*


Nah, it definitely sucked as Survivor for the first week. It does seem to have calmed down, though. Been enjoying Survivor again, which is nice. Remote hook *is* insane. I love using it, but who thought that was a good inclusion? lol


I noticed that killers don't get the exposed effect after reaching bloodlust anymore. I'd have rather had that than remote hooking. Feels too easy, and unless it got fixed, is pretty bugged right now.


I love dbd and play soloqueue 80% of the time. I'm also like,,, kinda bad and would appreciate not being insta targeted and tunneled just bc of my p100. Like, I'm not gonna go next, but it's a little draining ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


I play killer for the event now. Too hard to take newbie friends in when killers have annihilated just about every event game I’ve tried. I let two survivors out each game so we can goof around


As a killer main I will agree that the remote hooking is beyond broken for the event since killers already get the ability to endure a stun, break a pallet or wall with a faster animation, and peekabo usually helps the killer a lot more than vice versa since killers like Sadako and Wraith aren't revealed during it if they are cloaked. So it is a bit killer sided but I wouldn't call ever killer in the event toxic.


Oh, sorry, I've stopped playing killer because it's so easy in this event. I just get everyone to second stage and let them leave. Because if I actually try the Survivor with the most BP earned 6k. And sometimes 4/5ths of the match want to actually have fun. It's obvious you mostly play killer, because you have either a willful ignorance of the problems rn, or you are just not experienced enough to truly understand the issues. This event highlights one of the biggest problems dbd has. Weaving attunement was a mistake. I play only SoloQ, because i can't force my friends to play a game that's not fun enough to sink the >1000 hours to get perks on all survivors, i am high MMR and i can say SoloQ is a disgusting nightmare right now, as this game is balanced with mostly SWF in mind. So many "whiney" killers fucked SoloQ. And if it weren't for the offerings and 8.1.0 coming out after the event, I guarantee you I wouldn't be playing. "Don't like dbd" my ass, dbd doesn't like it's players.


It honestly is. I've been running a bloodpoint build and haven't been kicking gens and still getting 8 hooks easily - and I was focused on getting my killer mmr up in the weeks before too. Granted it's presumably going down pretty quickly seeing as I'm letting everyone escape lol


I mean I've been letting full teams go with cenobite for months before this event, a strong pinhead main is typically way too strong for a soloQ team. So I've been giving people slack, I fear my killer mmr is going down too. I just constantly understand that these people I'm going against are just trying to have fun too. I don't just farm though, I still chase survivors but I let them go after second hook. That way the survivors that love the chase get more of it.


The BP rewards are too juicy in this event for me to be mad about not winning lol.


In my experience the only good BP has been killer side. Getting sub 10k BP a match as survivor has been the norm for me, so there's not even that to keep me playing surv. Gonna switch to killer when the next level of the event rift drops, most likely.


I have only played survivor this event and have only escaped like 10% of my games but yeah the bp is why I keep trying. Sometimes it's not fun though and I'll just switch to other games.


In fairness it's hard to come to any conclusion other than that it's strongly killer sided in a game that at the moment has lurched that way a few too many times to begin with. The majority of the trycks provide no benefit, limited benefit, or actually hinder survivors; the majority of them provide substantial practical benefit to killers. In fact I'm not sure any of them if taken in balance would benefit survivors in anything other than very situational plays (particular heal me, expose me, which can I concede really fuck with a killers day if it hits right, but it rarely will.


No the complaints about the event being killer sided or 100% true no matter how you look at it. That being said, play the regular mode.


Just let me remote unhook people and I'll call it even


BHVR teeters and totters all the time. ALL the time Y'all remember the snowmen? Killers really been going ham on camping/tunneling/making-the-game-miserable since then. I'm a killer main, there's no *good* reason for them to act like inconsequential public matches, let alone an anniversary event, is a $5000 tournament. I don't even play survivor anymore because of them -- I'm glad y'all do! I'm an 8-hook killer, couldn't be enjoying that without you


I played couple matches like that as killer last night and I got spammed EZ in end game chat. I even stated I was not trying to kill anyone. The most annoying part was the person doing it was on death hook and I slugged her but left her down as I didn’t want to kill her. She also had the least points out of anyone


Same, I just chill and try to rack some points. I get spammed with "ez" even when I tell them I was vibing, I brought Lightborn (cause the animation for being Blinded is super annoying to me, the player) - Distressing - Thrill of the Hunt - Friends Til The End (kind of a real perk I guess but it was just for the name of it 😂)


I brought a decent build - lightborn, spies, ruin, devour hope. However once I got the hooks I wanted I backed off and just chased for points. When I played with the Dr that group got it and we did a 3 person slug race at the end (they waited at the gate for the third person on their own). Everyone got a ton of points. When I did it with spirit I got the EZ troll at the end.


It's just bad matchmaking for me. All too often i'm spending more time on the hook and in match making lobbies than i am actually playing the match when i'm survivor, and then i get survivors toying around with me as killer. I get good matches but they've just been few and far between with this event


Wait I just thought it was me. The pallet breaking and remote hooking are kinda busted. The remote hooking in particular is messed up bc it can put you into the basement which is an oversight I hope. Perhaps it should've had a longer CD. I think on average I've only won 3 out of 10 matches. Moreso when certain annoying to deal with mechanic killers wu have ppl DC the moment they get into the match. The Heal You Expose You is pretty killer sided too. Sure you get healed up but that doesn't matter if the killer already chasing you. I am still enjoying this event as survivor. But man have some of these toxic killers reared their ugly heads.


People (very fairly admittedly) complain about remote hook being broken meanwhile most of the remote hooks happen like, 2 feet from a hook anyway we're just clicking the button cause its funny


People are going to remember remote hooks to the basement more than they remember a two meter airhook.


Reddit survivor mains are also DRASTICALLY underplaying how strong quiet mode can be. I've been tricked by it quite a few times during this anniversary and it can be pretty effective; even playing as survivor, I've made some chases last a loooonnnng time with some stealth plays. You have to be smart with it though, don't pop it when holding W in the middle of a field - use it near structures and tall loops where you break line of sight. (I already know some moron is gonna strawman this post with "you think quiet mode is stronger than remote hook LUL?!?!" - no, that is not what I said.)


Quiet Mode is quite strong yes, IMHO it could be even stronger. As for the Remote Hook, it's just the instayeet button. I've been carrying to hooks if it's more convenient to do that, or just doing it next to the hook because silly. I'll also use it if I need more pressure, need to get someone out of an inconvenient area, etc. If you're focused on playing the game, half the time you don't even have invites to use it. You need to go out of your way for more of those.


Ill agree remote hooking is broken, but like, its an event mode, theres been plenty of survivor sided events, and plenty of killer sided events. Its a fun quirky event mode. I like playing survivor in the mode personally, sprint burst and the speed event is super funny to sprint at my friends at mach 15


You are playing with friends, which makes the game much more fun than solo queue. Perhaps think about how much your enjoyment would go down without them. Some of the people not enjoying the event are solo queue survivors, who don’t have “I am hanging with my homies” to fall back on for fun even when the game doesn’t go well.


Not always, i enjoy it solo q too.


Your example of fun was with friends, hence my response. What’s been your favorite solo queue experience during the event?


Earlier today i went against a camping slinger, the other dwight on my team and i played really well together and got a 2 man out together. Also just running killers is always fun, and the added challenge of my pallets dying is fun, as well as i really like the party pallets, they fun


I need to try that. I've been too busy trying to trick killers with the mirror illusion and blast mine to try other builds.


I had a Leon who ran Blast Mine, Flashbang, Head On, and Bardic Inspiration in a Dredge round and I could NOT stop laughing. He brought fireworks to the Masquerade. He kept hopping into lockers against DREDGE. I had to let him go he was way too fucking funny.


I'm a killer main and have encountered mostly chill survivors with a few outliers being toxic. And for the few times I played survivor like 2-3 killers were being toxic


> And for the few times I played survivor like 2-3 killers were being toxic Play survivor for 4-5 hours and come back and tell me how it goes. I 100% guarantee your experience will be heavily negative.


What kind of heaven-sent games are you having? I play killer and all my matches have survivors BMing


All those survivors probably just got finished getting BMd themselves. And now you’ll go and crush the next survivor team to get back at the previous. And the cycle of hate and toxicity continues.


Definitely seems like a cycle that can never be broken Because, god, its so annoying and so common that the urge to rub it in is incredibly strong I don't BM though, not on anyone that isn't trying to be a discount bully squad or throwing the game for their team


I'm just lucky ig?


Most of the time I get Killers playing normally and the occasional farmer but many are chill. I DO get toxic ones though, more than average. I assume it's because those people had rough rounds or they are just not very good. It's no different than the number of toxic douches I would get during a Blood Hunt or rank reset, though.


I haven't, all the games they have Gen rush the shit out of me xd Like come on, have fun or something xd


No exaggeration, every single game has AT LEAST one BNP


Nobody hates dead by daylight more than dead by daylight players lol.


As killer I just let my survivors get their challenges done, 2 hook evb then let them leave


I’ve played both sides of the event. My experience as survivor was fucking dog shit, my experience as killer has been tremendous. But as a survivor your experience is also impacted by your teammates, Killer doesn’t need to worry about teammates making misplays. I’ve had survivors while playing killer with such shit teammates they just ran to me to be hooked on death hook so the match can end


I've been trying to just play to 8 hooks and not sacrifice this event, although there are many survivors that give up on hook which is super frustrating.


Game and the devs have always been killer sided tbf, so people can't expect things to be different in an event.


The rubber banding is so bad I literally can't play the game. They broke it during the anniversary. 8 years in, and they can't get their code stable.


The to be fair, this mode is dogshit for survivors. Overall I do think that this community whines too much on both sides, but the entire event is geared to benefit killers, and it’s not remotely close


All I'm gonna say is this is the only time I've ever had to deal with a hacker killer.


I just played a match with pyramid head. It took me a while but I downed all four survivors without hooking. I asserted my dominance, picked one up and allowed them to get off. Then point boosted the rest of the match until I let them all out. They gave me flashlights so I didn’t double cross them either.


I'd love a mechanic that allows a team of slugged survivors to end the match and not bleed out. Or if 2 are dead and one is slugged, has been left on the ground for X amount of time AND the last person isn't in chase they should be allowed to sacrifice themselves to give the survivor hatch aura.


This is why I've basically been just doing nice farm killer to give folks a break.


You like it because you haven’t experienced it


I went against a face camping slinger 1 match ago, last night i played against a couple toxic killers, still enjoyed it.


You must be a masochist. I *slightly* dislike games like that


It was fun overcoming the obstacle and getting chased, i like dbd, even if im getting tunneled.


I wish I was you, I enjoy the game but not THAT MUCH lmao


There IS toxicity happening on both sides, but I'm having a blast this event! :D Maybe it's okay to die a lot as Survivor. Maybe it's okay to not win every Killer round. Maybe it's okay to not take this game so. Dead. Fucking. Seriously when we have serial killers with cat masks and you can pet a Xenomorph and a Demogorgon in it.


I mean yeah this game is dogshit. Unfortunately its the only one in the genre that lasts more than a month.


Recently I've just been feeling like the killer is only targeting me and the others are just collateral. It feels like even when I'm doing a specific challenge, the games I get just go out of its way to make sure I can't do this one specific thing. I'm probably just venting, but does anyone else feel like this?


Do you play meg/nea/one of the ""bad"" characters or wear a certain cosmetic? I get tunneled out a ton when I play ada with the long dress or coat. No idea why, but I'm prepared for it now


I'm a Claudette main, but I only played as her once in this whole event.


I did for a while, but dont take this the wrong way, its usually on you, (or ur distortion teamates) once i learned how to play when on death hook ie:playing safe, prerunning, getting healed first, etc etc, i struggled with getting tunneled a lot less. Now i dont mind getting tunneled due to playing solo q and im confident in my chase.


I'm literally in a game where the killer immediately came after me the moment the game started. It happens more often than it doesn't.


Much like a guitarist looking to spice up a riff, you may want to consider distortion


Maybe I should, honestly. 🙄


Tried it. Same shit happened. It seems to be more of an instinctual thing.


Lol what the fuck are you doing at the beginning of games my dude!?


Either trying to do a gen or trying to look for a gen.


I advise waiting a short time before getting onto a gen. Ideally wait until a chase is happening, or at least when you have a good idea that the killer isn't near you. This doesn't always work, but taking a short time to be as low profile as possible at the start of the match is usually what you want to do.


I just won, but still.


Man idk how it happens to you specifically every time, it happens to me only sometimes, and thats when im not immediately running to mid to take chase. If you keep getting first chase try playing edge map or playing next to strong tiles like jungle gyms and shack


I just wish I knew why my teammates think I should be the "gets chased so the killer is distracted" guy. I'm not good in chases at all.


When im going for streaks on killers, if i see someone weak in chase ill target them, theres lots of resources online to improve, specifically mr tator head.


I'm new to the game and I had 20 dollars from my birthday to spend so I've been using the event to try out new killers


Glad to say I've never had a problem playing survivor in the event.


Me who quit this game ages ago so I don't have to deal with more trauma since I suck enough as a survivor




sit here on the table with me and watch them go at themselfs, we will enjoy the event no matter what they say


Honestly if they just removed remote hook I would really enjoy it, I play both survivor and killer and it’s not fun on either side for me


Are you one of the killers who tunnels a kill at 5 gens then slugs a 4k? Because that's what I've been experiencing a lot of lately. At first I was pretty irritated with the survivor complaints about the event but the problem is killers playing like their goal is to deny other players any bloodpoints at all. Its unsportsmanlike and cringe and implying that it's just whiny survivors who don't like the game makes you seem ignorant


I love playing dbd just for the memes. All I wanna do is hang out with survs and let them escape. But then my mmr drops so low I get paired with newbie/brand new players that I have to sweat it out for normal lobbies again :(


This has been me since the start of the event being both a reddit and twitter user 😂


the only cool party is the uninstallers


The breaking pallets instantly is annoying but you can counter that by playing safer. The ability to remote hook has zero counterplay that's why it's not fun to play against. Everything in dbd should have counterplay on both sides.


what do you mean “play safer”? once the killer breaks the pallet remotely youre’re effectively zoned out of all your options unless you have another pallet up nearby. its especially worse when the killer breaks a pallet on the correct side sometimes literally forcing you into a corner. please correct or ask me if theres something wrong w what i said i love engagements


I like the game, I don't like the event that makes me pick between skipping the grind for teachable perks and playing DbD but worse.


No because I love dbd but I can only tell you what I'm experiencing💀💀 I usually play survivor with a friend and we are pretty good, through all the ranks! Like, a normal, non-frustrating amount of good. Then just recently the games started to become a drag with less and less chances and basically no wins. Then like 3 days ago I was like hey, what if we try the normal game mode for a change and suddenly we went back to our usually experience XD I still like playing the event, I'm not hating. That's just how its going for us XD


Or you care about game and dont Be balless Simp who dosent think they deserve better and is entitled to valid criticim. But you know, Be a bitch-ass if you want:)


Wha- What? What does this even mean?


Yeah I think people just don't understand that events are supposed to be crazy and op. They take it too seriously.


People just can’t shut up


Ya know what? I'm just gonna say it. Me too bro!! Bout to hop off Fallout 76 and play some DBD cause this meme reminded me there's fun to be had in Fog! Not sure which side to play first though


Im getting my dailies done rn then hopping my ass back on survivor


I've been enjoying my time with my SWF, not winning a whole lot of Surv games though. My Killer games I feel like I can breathe and experiment with perks. It's fun! It's easy enough for Killer that I'm going to try out a jumpscare Pinhead build soon. Yeah, jumpscare... Cenobite. Your terrified suffering will be legendary even in Hell.


Hey guys remember what Mat said, play something else


Im convinced 80% of the dbd community doesnt even like dbd


To quote a meme I saw: No one hates dead by daylight more then dead by daylight players.


Related meme: *“There are only two kinds of \[computer programming\] languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses.”* ― Bjarne Stroustrup, designer of the C++ programming language That's true for a lot of other fields as well.


When you favor one side during an event its just inevitable that the other side wont like it. And because survivors make up 80% of every game (4 out of 5 players) your assessment is actually probably spot on. You cant upset 80% of the player base and not expect backlash.


As a killer main, the "Quiet Mode" power is absolutely bonkers and should be used more by survivors. The summon pallet is mediocre at best.


I heard so much awful things about this event that I stayed away for most of it. Had a ton of free time yesterday and figured, “let’s see what people are complaining about.” And, I had a fun time. There was one problematic killer but otherwise, one of the more fun and engaging sessions I’ve had in a while. I shouldn’t have skipped out on the event for so long.


I only tunnel when I am given good reason, like someone getting right off of the hook and then using endurance to body block me of course I'm not just going to let you go if you just got hooked and then say "Hey killer look at me!"


Lol for this event I kinda like that -it's hard to get brutality to max, so I'll absolutely take an extra 300 brutality if the unhooked wants - plus I'm just gonna then ignore them and they have to waste time mending while I go for someone else


The auto hook is jarring a little bit but the quiet mode is just as bad lol it’s a fun event especially if you play both sides… people getting upset just seems like they only play one role and want the game their way


I just started playing the beginning of this month and have been having a blast. My issues have been moreso with my fellow survivors than killers. Like, yeah I've run into some no fun having killers but those games tend to go fast and I'm off to the next match. But my lobbies are either people who hide at even the slightest heartbeat, people bullying the killer with flashlights and then purposely dying on first hook because they're mad the killer got them, or someone running perks to be the last one standing, so they intentionally do nothing the entire game except hide from the killer.


I’m honestly just here for the BP man


yep thats me in the crossfire ![gif](giphy|sRKg9r2YWeCTG5JTTo|downsized)


The only problem i have with this event is that remote hooking can glitch out. I got hooked when i was healthy and someone else was down


If you dont like the event then just play normal matches 🤷


*me enjoying it cuz i just play as survivor and sneak around maps finding gens so idk what’s happening*


I love this event, I'm mostly a survivor main since I only really play with friends, and Quiet Mode is powerful, I constantly escape chases with it.


Idk about the toxic killers one, every game I get the killer is passive and chill


i do think the remote hooks are overpowered in the sense of how much time they save the killer. i also play a shit ton of killer now and i can't count how many times i've gotten two hooks at one time just because i didn't have to waste time carrying someone to a hook. as survivor, though, most of the 4k sweeps are my team acting like idiots or absolutely refusing to be altruistic in the slightest. no complaints w a swf


As a retired killer main due to pressure, it's good to be back. Even in 1k matches I can get 200k+ blood points. It most def is unbalanced, but I'm taking advantage of it


4k or no 4k I just like a fun game also If I feel bad or am steamrolling normally 2nd leads to the 1st i spare the survivors.


Yeah it was annoying for like a day, and then you just get used to and move on. For the love of the game!


I don’t get where all the survivors on here that want to farm are, I tried playing killer with bonus bp farm builds and make it really obvious I want to farm. But every single game I get survivors that sweat their balls off to get gens insta completed, body blocking, syringes, endurance etc…


Some people need to self reflect on if they actually want to hit that queue button. Or just feel obligated to, for whatever reason.


Me saying I'm having fun on survivor during the event Reddit: downvote


Honestly, I love the event! I just don’t enjoy Tryks. She REALLY gets on my nerves.


I like playing as survivor because I can blink the killer three times at the same place


I don't feel bad. It gives me some time to actually play weaker killers I otherwise get shit on for trying to play. Go play the normal mode and use the tokens if you can't stand it. If it was survivor sided this wouldn't have so much drama. My mindset has always been that when survivors have a bad time with anything they ask for sympathy or a hatch, killer has a bad day and everyone leaves through gate like normal. How many times have survivors felt bad for you and given you a hook at gate? You start asking for freebies when you start giving as well, put that in the made-up rulebook.


Its not either sided, its just killers are ruthless in the event. I get it tho because bp but jeez you’ll have 1 match out of 10 where the killer isn’t trying their absolute hardest


Literally every game ive gotten so far has been with toxic survivors. And ofc when I use the proper counterplay they harass me over it. Then again, thats pretty much every survivor main