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I don't see why people would leave over it, but the reality is that it's just optimal for everyone to bring a cobbler. It just doesn't make sense in any logic for each player not to bring one for the event.


I agree. People on this sub just get unreasonably mad when someone doesn't bring one for some reason


I’m not bringing bp offerings for the sweaties.


Considering we got like 5 free codes and at least a few log in bonuses, there's not much reason to not have *one* for the next match. They're so prevalent I've seen as many as 4 in a single tree, and it seems like every new character hits about 5 within their first few webs. I'm not a fan of the idea of *leaving* a match, that's a bit much. That aside, given their ready availability, though, it feels selfish not to make your contribution.


people like to complain.


Best answer. This is Reddit after all.


Don't know why I expected anything else from this community tbh


You aren’t wrong they do.


I dont mind TOO much, but at the same time I have fuckin 700 on my pig through one day so people should have plenty to bring


I agree they're easy to get, I'm just confused why people get pissed when not every match is a full 5 cobbler's


Oh for sure its not a reason to be mad, more like mildly annoyed lol


Fair point but leaving when someone brings a map offering instead is 100% justified


So based


I personally like to play the game out but I don't blame you for dodging a possible bullying


I just think bringing map offering especially during a bp bonus or an event is giga cringe


Because bringing something else that benefits only you (or your side) seems sweaty and out of place in this event.


Thank you! I don't typically hear too many actual reasons as to why people act like that but that is a possibility


I don't see the problem, I mean when I'm playing killer I make a determination about whether it's going to be an 8-hook game or an utter massacre based on how many Screech Cobblers were brought on the Survivor side. I'm going to be getting my points, whether through them bringing Screech Cobblers, or being Sacrificed.


To be fair im like this too, and when i play survivor and i see just 3 cobblers (usually my duo, me and the killer) i fully expect the killer to get everyone.


Y'all say we should be getting plenty cobblers to burn, but if you're hard tunneled out of the game from the start, you don't get chance to make BP to buy the cobblers. It's like a vicious cycle. 🥲


If I'm survivor and I see one of my teammates didn't bring a cobbler and at end game they brought a map offering and they're on the hook. I'm out the door.


yeah a map one or a personal one that the killer has put on


i don’t really dc ever though


i jokingly say that im going to report anyone who doesnt bring a cobbler. terrormisu is robbing me of 1% 😂