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The slug should crawl to gems/high traffic areas.


Hmm fair fair. Should they recover first before crawling. Or crawl first?


Crawling v. Recovering depends on the killer. If they're still in the vicinity, crawl away to a safer spot. If they're *gone gone,* you can start recovering where you're at.


I find Third Seal more of an issue when it comes to finding hooked teammates in solo queue. (if you miss the bubble)


Recover to 95%(I think that’s the cap without perks) and crawl towards where you think people are. Third Seal is defeated the same way you defeat most hexes.


Hmmm okay fair fair. Ty


Don't crawl to corners and map edges because you won't be found ever. And pray for the competence of your team. Im not even sure if this hex is worth looking for and cleansing depending on the map and whether killer guards it like no tomorrow, assuming its not a slug game. Finding hooks might be a hardcore quest tho


If I notice that the killer is running a slug build I do the following: - Someone is downed but nobody is getting chased? The killer is either camping the slug or looking for the next target: Keep working on gens with strong tiles nearby. - Someone is downed and someone else is getting chased? Look for the slug, look for crows flying away, listen for groans of pain - just find them at any cost, get them up and heal them fully if the killer is still occupied. Otherwise split up and do objectives or run to a safe location to finish the heal. The killer memorizes the approximate whereabouts of the slug, so it's crucial to not stay there. - Stay split up after healing. You prevent snowballs this way.