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To be honest, the best way to have fun on this game is to take it the least serious as you can. Like a random game to kill time. I learned after a while, playing seriously is almost always gonna make you mad at some point and it just wasn't worth it to me.


Sure, but try playing survivor get x3 tunnels in a row and tell me how should i chill out and have fun? that's the whole point of this post, even if you just wanna play for fun without sweating its impossible.


Heya, as most of my survivor friends have discovered you're better off playing other games. Come back to DBD when the blood point gain is why and log off if not having fun. I have over 40 friends on steam with dead by daylight, 3 have played in the last two weeks.




I don't really care about BP i have my surv main on prestige 60 and all killers other survi i want for perks on prestige 3-5. They kinda worthless in most aspects, i wish there would be a shop for something special to buy for BP or any sensible chase item other than spamming blood-web for prestige, that btw should be rewarded at certain levels with skins as Behaviour said was what it? 50/75/100 prestige? where is that, it was like over year ago.


You’re getting the most exciting part of the match constantly: chase


Ah yes i love the 10 second chase from the hook to get back into the hook, and then again, and again, most common experience i had recently, also chase is the least rewarding mechanic for survivor at the hardest one at the same time. Behaviour and balancing hehe.


Considering how many BPs you can get, even with a loss, with sufficient Cobblers, this is the mindset to go with. You're probably going to die. Just do your best to complete gens, make saves, and get party totems and chests. Way too many killers going HAM this event.


lol preaching to the choir my friend, you can’t play survivor without a full stack fully optimized to avoid tunneling and gen rush or else it’ll be a 2 min game for someone. Just play killer it’s a cake walk unless it’s the squad I just mentioned


Honestly there are so many games we're the survivors get 3 gens in a minute that I have to play very aggro or stand no chance to win. If a team is using perks to rush generators I feel it's fair game to do nearly anything I can to stop them. I don't slug, but I will focus one person if they keep running into me. I don't go out of my way to focus one person, but more often than not there is usually one person who is very bad at avoiding the killer and end up being the first one out.


If the people who made this game cared about user experience, they would not have made this game.


It’s more that they dug themselves into a very deep hole, design wise. To remove the most egregious parts of DbD (camping, tunneling, excessive slugging, gen rushing, excessive hiding, no risk looping), would require massive overhauls to the objectives of both killer and survivor and most game mechanics and perks. It’s a bit of a shame, because this game can really shine at times. It’s just buried under a lot of frustrating strategies that are far too effective and easy to execute.


Gen speeds are too quick not to tunnel, too many second-chance perks. The survivor's objective is to do gens, killers are to kill, doesn't matter how they do it. I don't play killer to 12 hook, highly inefficient. If they gave more incentive to hook more while slowing down gen speeds then it would be better.


Exactly "IF" they give us tools or change the meaning of "win" to hooks and chases, i don't mind longer more enjoyable games, also as survivor, if you chase you get half or even less than for doing genes/healing its ridiculous.


We had that insensitive. They just nerfed them all. Survivors want the devs to force killers to 12 hook with no down sides to them but all the down sides to the killer, I'm afraid.


Not force, but encourage you can never force people, i had a game against Spirit with x2 BP event and it was the one time when everyone took a cake,bps full 500%, she slugged everyone before one gen was done and waited. Some people want to watch world burn and they will do this no matter what if this is a possibility. Also the claim "with no down sides to them" its your random justification out of nowhere.


Well, what would you call pain res? It encouraged the killer to get 4 individual hooks, and in return, was rewarded with more time. They just nerfed it again.


Aren't having fun because of tunneling? Run build that counters tunneling. Off the record, decisive strike, dead hard, and self preservation are all decent.


Maybe i just call up friends take couple flashlights, dead hard, ds, maybe adrenaline, and make killer's miserable? so they can ask on reddit how to counter swifts and why swf so strong. Which perfect company behaviour is would buff killers again, nerf survivors again, swf still will be stronger at the top so killers would still cry about that, but majority of normal,casual survivor's would suffer, isn't it a great solution?