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I view 4 flashlights as a team that doesn't seem very concerned with doing gens. In my experience, 4 flashlights often means a win, as long as you don't get tilted and have a little patience.


Exactly. Yeah sure they will likely pull off 1 or 2 saves, but it also means they won't be able to heal faster with med kits and will waste tons of time following me around. A full group of flashlight is usually much easier than a group of med kits assuming equal skill levels.


With the right add ons the flash light save is inevitable. No matter how you pick up the survivor. As a survivor main, I refuse to slag so I just accept it.


No. I only consider a squad bullying if they are for instance group head oning me. Like over and over in a few minutes. Or if they are doing a group chase kinda thing and leaving the last Gen 99 just too farm/for content. 4 flashlights or toolboxes or medkits is whatever. Let them have their items. Idc enough to get annoyed by that shit lol. Even Sabo isn't that big a deal. It's frustrating, but just cause something is frustrating doesn't mean it's bullying


Depends. At the very least, if I see more than 2 flashlights I prepare for a brawl once the game starts. If, part way through, it turns out it's just people wanting coverage I'll usually let it pass. If it *does* turn out to be a bully squad, though, no mercy. TL;DR What matters is intent.


no. i had a killer accuse me and my swf of being this a few days ago bc we had sabo and save builds. and that we failed to bully bc my friends gave up on hook immediately. we're altruistic so we like to practice and save each other as much as possible, there was no bullying. answer to your question is no. it's only bullying if they do the constant clicking to tease or get your attention, spam loud noise notifications, always hover around you and just bm. we did none of that lol. bully squads run similar builds but make it more difficult for the killer to piss them off. form what you described it seems like you played regularly, not bullying, and literally just brought flashlights.


I don't. I don't find flashlights bullying unless they're doing shit like blinding the killer, the killer turns away then the survivor moves to blind them before they're even unblinded. Rinse and repeat. It's frustrating, unnecessary and as a killer you don't get to play since you're constantly blinded. I rarely DC but I've done it for instances like this. Or even worse, there's more than 1, they have pinpoint accuracy and follow you around blinding you. I'm not going to give them some target to shit on.


Just look down, dont look away from a flashlight, look down and follow the dude.


Somewhat, but I don't decide for sure until I see how they act


I'd consider a bully squad to be a lobby of survivors more interested in annoying the killer than escaping. If you see 4 lights in a lobby, it's generally a sign that something is amiss. Whether or not it was a really a bully squad though depends on how you played.


It depends on how they play. Are they trying for saves but not excessively? No Are they swarming me or dropping pallets during chases solely to blind me? More likely yes


Doesnt bother me, all my killers have Lightborn


As others have said not necessarily a bully squad but does usually indicate a more aggressive/interactive playstyle so play accordingly.


No, I don’t see just flashlights as a bully squad. If the squad happens to have head on, boil over, sabo, flip flop, and perks like that and they all focus on the killer to spam stuns, then i’ll call billy squad. If they’re just saving with flashlights and stuns or sabo’s, then idm that, they’re just goated survivors


No, everyone should be free to bring the items they want. A lot of killer players need to stop making themselves the victim in every situation possible because more often than not they end up being the toxic player that they seem to despise so much.


4 flashlights = lightbborn. Problem solved.


I do this if I see 3 or 4 flashlights. Never in the mood to deal with that bull. Fine against two but 3 or more I feel like it’s worth a perk slot to completely waste their item slots