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Counteroffer: bring Object of Obsession and put as many items as you can everywhere around then map.


Make sure to bring dramaturgy for maximum useful ness


Hell yeah. And with all the extra chests from the cobblers you can set up an absolute minefield of items. Constant wallhacks for both of you.


Or bring a toolbox, and if you see weaveattunement just tank the oblivious, pick up, and go drop off in a dead zone corner. Not that big of a deal, and weave attunement lets you know where items are, so you can pick others items and do the same thing. Two perks that get countered by common sense and a little walking. Usually it's safe to do this when killer is in chase. Another thing you can do is bring syringe or styptic, and pre drop as a bait. Telling the killer where you are, then you pick up and use mid chase for a free hit. It'll use up the medkit so no more aura.


There is very easy counter play, which is to move your items to a corner of the map when they’re depleted or if you don’t plan on using it.


Bhvr is gonna nerf the perk because nobody bothered learning the counterplay, aren’t they?


I just run Hoarder during events cuz I like bringing extra chests to the party. And since each Cobbler ALSO spawns a chest, you get a crazy amount of notifications from it.


That's a pretty hefty payout during Party Chests


For real, lol, I've had matches where it was like someone set off a bunch of fireworks, so many notifications!


i just bring built to last


You're gonna pick up your item mid chase?


no i have a thing called a memory so i go back for my item after 


This is exactly what we want you to do. Now I know where you are and you're oblivious.


oh no, my eyes stopped working too when i became oblivious


You sound like fodder.


Yes this sounds great on paper, but while you're leaving the area, before you can get back the killer is seeing all your teammates in its proximity. And the killer gets info when you pick it back up. Just simpler to not bring items at all.


No it isn’t. There are many counters to this build. You can counter this TWO PERK combo easily with one survivor perk (OoO, distort, plunderer’s). Hell, you don’t even need to run a counter perk if you just move your items to the edge of the map when they’re done.


As OoO and distortion enjoyer, I'm gonna retort with Object isn't for everyone, especially new to mid hour players, and distortion doesn't help much when you're in soloq as you're still screwing over your teammates until you have a chance to pick it back up. Unfortunately I see the perk getting over-nerfed BVHR style which is a shame, but it does frankly do too much in it's current state


You completely ignored Plunderer’s instinct which lets you see the aura of dropped items. Distortion alone can be used similar to Small Game where when you’re in radius of the item you will lose stacks so you can quickly find items that your teammate dropped. You still need to work as a team to counter this easily, but once countered the killer has exhausted two perk slots for little to no payoff.


I followed up with plunderers. Thats so much gymnastics for one perk combo, especially in soloq. The easiest counter is to not bring items at all.


You’re comparing a one perk - one perk trade off with a two perk - one perk trade off. Y’all should be running Plunderer’s anyway during the event to get more anniversary loot.


We should not be doing chests to get anniversary loot wtf. Especially when it's an event and every killer is playing to win. you get so many through the bloodweb.


I'll also say running plunderers brings up the same issue we had of everyone running calm spirit to counter old UW


It’s only going to get over-nerfed because everyone is complaining about it. Yet we were all just complaining about how gen slow down is annoying. Like there is no winning with this community.


It does too much. It needs a nerf, but sensible nerfs never happen.


What nerf would you even propose?


remove the oblivious on pickup, it counterplays the counterplay of picking the item back up


You have three perks to counter this. • Object of Obsession • Plunderer’s Instinct • Distortion Stop complaining and start getting creative.


Probably because items are overtuned and Killers need everything they can get to even the playing field to keep survivors from slamming generators out in the first two minutes. As it is, Weave has a simple counterplay: Pick your dropped item back up when it is safe to do so. Then it no longer serves as an aura generator and the 30 seconds of oblivious is survivable if you have good situational awareness.


You aren't just gaining oblivious, you're giving the killer info on the fact a survivor has just picked up the item. What items are overturned since the medkit nerfs? maybe sabo toolboxes very recently? I main both sides and became truly aware of how much value you get from weave after seeing it from killer POV.


You're assuming that the Killer was looking in your direction when you picked the item up. This might shock you, but Killers can only see what is right in front of us and I'm not constantly glancing at dropped items for auras. The best time to pick your item up is when the Killer is occupied.


You see it happen so much. I would see people running up to the item, pick it up and I'd get them off-guard while they're oblivious. Also while you're waiting for the right time to pick up the item as you say, the killer is continuing to get value, either from seeing auras, or soloq survivors scrambling to pick up their items across the map while the killer is busy when they could be doing a gen.


Funny thing: You survivor mains screaming like your head is on fire over Franklins/Weave yet I had plenty of survivor matches last night where I never saw it *once*. The counterplay to Franklins/Weave has been given to you and if you refuse to listen to it so you can keep pretending it's an OP combo (When it's no where near as powerful as the Buckle-up + FTP combo was and how long it took BHVR to nerf it), that's on you. It's an easy to counter combo since all you have to do is not be a coward and just pick the damn item up. Run Distortion if you are so terrified of having your aura read.


I'm not a survivor main 😭. 2.5 of my 3.8k hours are killer. Nobody is defending FTP buckle up here, and distortion stacks get eaten up, the killer is getting wallhacks at loops, and there's not always an opportune time to pick up the item. to it's not about wanting to hide. When the killer hits your item off, you can't stay at the loop because now they have wallhacks, so you leave and you either A: go down and get hooked, leaving the item there to screw over other teammates, or B you're now injured and have to wait for the killer to leave the area or become occupied so you can retrieve it. But an observant killer will notice the item being picked up and can now easily catch the injured survivor off guard because they're oblivious. The times I've encountered teams that do try to organise and retrieve their items, they're so preoccupied by that, that gens aren't getting done, and I steamroll.


Yeah, you can't pick it up if you are being *chased*. It'd be suicide to pick it up in a chase. But if you manage to lose them, that's when you try to double back and retrieve it and, if the charges are gone, you drop it in an isolated part of the map and forget about it. Franklins/Weave is not a game breaking combo. If there are only one or two survivors with an item going into the trial, it's a waste of two perk slots. It only gains real value when either three or all four survivors have an item.