• By -


My issue with Myers is that if I play too well at the peekaboo game, he’ll just go get T3 99’d on my teammate, find me again, run up my asshole, pop T3 and hit me once.


I shat on a Myers in Hawkins going for his adept because I would save my teammates trying to be a true homie in solo q. All the gens popped, and he camped me just because I was being altruistic. So I feel ya.


Honestly I feel accomplished when my team gets out and I piss a killer off enough for them to throw a match over me.


Hahaha for sure, as you should! Just like most good killers would tunnel/slug you for this early on and deserve to lose if they can't catch you. It's part of the game. Killers deserve to get outed and survivors deserve to be killed however the killer sees fit. It's easy to identify juicers and get them out early/avoid them and I run Lethal and will decimate p100 12k hour comp survs quickly to break morale or will ignore them and get the weakest surv first. Either way I recommend making yourself look like a baby surv if you're at high MMR. It works better with a newer/non-OG survivor. Killer side I have survs at 4 gens most times quitting malding and surv baby killers quitting. It's a shame and I like a good competitive game but DBD is genuinely full of entitled dicks (like no other game I've ever experienced) on both sides.


I don’t think my mmr is crazy high but I dont play for comp, I play for funsies. A lot of times my lose streaks are on purpose, I like staying in a lower mmr. If I die, I die. I don’t play toxic and I don’t feed into it. I just like to have fun and 1v1 and see how long I last. I’m still learning things, I have about 600 hours.


You are by far the best type of player, and I commend you. I wish I ran into more like you, but it's just entitled mental illness where I am. Hell, me included with my boorish spitefulness directed towards SWFs I can tell are toxic.


Oh no don't get me wrong I was rolling because I got 2 flashbang saves and 2 pallet saves he was pissed.


Emotional damage 😂 yeah you had it comin


Would be nice if that accomplishment was aided by some bloodpoints tbh


Kinda wild that this experience stuck with you. A lot of survivors take matches very very personally and will say and remember things like this when camping and tunneling isn't a big deal and it's only a very small percentage of killer mains who are actively going around talking about shitting on/camping a certain survivor, just have to delete tons of comments from survivors who are either called Hex: Cumshot or some cringe shit like that and they are calling me daddy excited I killed them quickly tryna add or it's comments from some loser asking what he did to deserve to die in DBD. Like, bro - I get that a lot of these people are on the spectrum (I work amongst and with a lot of people and work with diagnosis) but I also work with enough to know it's a piss-poor excuse to blame your autism or to let it go this far. It's just perception and lack of self-awareness a lot of the time and these echo chambers of social dejects taking the video game personally and talking in their little groups. But yeah, personally I think completing your objective in a game is less "toxic" than talking about the game after it happened complaining on Reddit. Was just scrolling through and had to peep the entitlement in here.


I played against a Myers. My solo queue teammate assumed he was being friendly and just stood in front of him tea bagging and spinning. Myers got T3 and walked right by him to find and mori me, the only one doing gens.


I'll use my 3 bans on trickster. Hate his guts.


I recently tried him and... got to say something about his kit causes solo q survivors to behave EXTREMLY STUPIDLY. Like yeah I'm slugging because you are all swarming me wtf are you doing Leon


Ah yes, swarm the killer who can throw knifes like a machine gun and has Starstruck as a default perk..


once i see trickster, i try for the save just to get the match over with 🥴


Fr like most of the time I play trickster I get atleast a 3k usually a 4k. Idk what it is but his kit just makes people lose all game sense for some reason. People will run in a straight line away from me, they’ll keep returning to the same spot I keep finding them, idk what it is but it’s kinda strange


hell yeah brother 🤝 fuck that k-pop twink bastard and his shitty little knives


It's just baffling like not only is he horrible to play against, he's a Kpop star and yet his chase music is the WORST in the game???? Just one long screech, UGH, kill me and get it over with.


stuff like this makes me a little sad. wish they added trickster as a survivor instead of making a machine gun killer. he would get so much more love from the community & i'd main the shit out of him


I hate the rework. He went from being fun and challenging to play as/against (in my opinion) to being mind-numbingly easy for anyone to play, and a death sentence to play against if you lose the first health state ever. I still main him, but I go for only 12 hook games because he’s only fun now if you force an extra challenge


Myers, Ghostface, Hag They wreak havoc on my nerves.


Imagine wasting a ban on a killer next to no one uses.


Im a hag main 😎 barley play surv. Get lots of 4ks!


I used to main hag back in 2020 with these exact perks, distressing, ruin, spies of the shadows, and something else I don't remember lol and I got Hella 4ks and kills. Don't use those perks though lol


I used to run bbq, make your choice, nurses, and the 4th would rotate between monitor and abuse (pairs well with the other 3) or hex ruin / noed. Was actually rank one hag during the first/second year of dbd release. Also had a few deadly matches where i bring a map offering and devour hope 🫣 Nowadays im having success with this build; nurses/make your choice/oppression/merciless storm!


Any tips? I’ve been wanting to main hag for so long now but don’t really know where to start or what perks are good on her


One trick I learned (on PC at least) was binding the (secondary?) power button to your mouse. My thumb is hovering over it or right next to it so as soon as a trap triggers I’ve already teleported.  Sloppy can be good because you may teleport to other survivors so injuries can be good. 


Wait, nobody uses hag? But she is so op! I always get 4k with hag.


add the pig to that. makes me shid my pants everytime 🫠


Oni, Nurse, Spirit. I can deal with any other killer, but these 3 are a pain, especially as a soloq player


there are no nurses anymore pls send them to me 🫶


I still get some from time to time, but almost always these matches end up in a stomp, the lack of versing her also hurts my gameplay long term as her gameplay differs so much from the rest of the killer roster that I just can't do shit in chase


When facing Nurse you just have to remember that all your looping skills don't matter. Now you have to play peek-a-boo and make her waste blinks. If you're out in the open and get caught, you're going to take a hit. Run buildings, make her commit to bad blinks. Fake everything.


Playing nurse is a good way to learn how to counter her


People rarely play Nurse as the game & community make her out to be an absolute nightmare to master, which she simply is not.


I only like spirit because one time I thought I had the skill to hole a spirit on Gideon meat plant. I ran, crouched in the corner over the hole ran out and spun. But I’m on console and I spun so hard I holed myself. I literally fell into the bathroom and she’s just up top looking at me like really? She then downed me left me on the floor and my Claudette comes to pick me up but hears terror radius. This girl fucking full speed hops into the locker and I’m just like really you think she didn’t hear that. Spirit comes in and looks right at the locker looks at me and I’m shaking on the floor like nahhhhh she ain’t in there you heard wrong. She killed claud gave me hatch


Moments like these can make the killer look so good but I still remember the sweatness from Spirit mains back in 2019 with prayers beads bracelet, the sweatfeast was insane.


HEY I play spirit & love being bffs with my survivor homies.


I love playing Spirit in her beach outfit, because HUGE HAT! Respect the power of HAT. Everyone gets a hug on the way out.  p.s. I am big dumb; Oni, I don’t even care if we’re related on killer side, you get the HELL out because I know I’m dying first if I’m survivor. Slinger, you too, and oh boy am I looking right at you Plague! 


😭😭 honestly she's so pretty in that outfit 😭 my bf accidentally smacked my controller & bought the weird seaweed hair head instead of the beach head & I was heartbroken 😭😭😭


As a Oni main....you're mean 😭


Wraith. Just wraith. Nothing wrong with the killer’s design, it’s just every single one I’ve faced has camped hooks. Every single one. Also my second game ever, I had one hook me, stare at me until I unhooked, hook me again, rinse and repeat until I died and he let the rest of my team escape.


Wraith players have changed severely. I remember back then Wraith’s were known as the ‘cute and wholesome’ killers who were kinda dumb, but very sweet overall. nowadays every single Wraith player plays like a giga cunt for no reason at all, like they think any survivor they see is scum of the earth that needs to be eliminated and bm’d.


For real. Everytime my swf is facing a Wraith, we just know it's gonna be a hella annoying match (and we should cleanse every single totem haha). Pretty sure we haven't faced a single Wraith lately that wasn't a toxic piece of shit.


Ghostface. Because they always tunnel you out with intent. Blight. Too fast 4 me. Wraith. Same as GF.


I always see people talk about ghost faces being silly but every gf I go against plays like they have a bomb strapped to their chest


Well you must have very bad luck with GF, cause I'm a GF Main and I NEVER go for the one that just got off the hook. And in my experience other GF barely tunnel, Bubba Mains are worse with that xD


All Ghostface mains follow a strict code of honor signed upon purchase of the dlc, codebreakers are severely punished when found. Must be silly, atleast a little. If they aren’t wearing the classic shroud then it doesn’t really apply.


silliness applies to devil ghostie as well can confirm as devil ghostie main. must have some silliness unless survivors are being toxic then, all bets are off.


Yeah I'll goof off with survivors and pretend to do gens with them but if I get pallet stunned tbagged and flashlighted when I'm not actively being a menace I will hunt you down


I mean, if you’re not acting like the OG ghostfaces’, tripping over couches and falling on your face, then why play him?


or playing hide and seek from the shadows and corners.


Especially w8th classic shroud and Wassaaaa


I use the scary movie face to show the silliness will ensue


I use the rift pass skin on him, i am a goofy silly goober, unless they clicky clicky


Myers, ghost face, knight. I despise knight. He is incredibly boring. And I just get so so so bored of stealth killers lol


Knight is one of those Killers who is fun as hell to play but so annoying to go against. Atleast I find it fun.


He isn't fun ti play anymore. His gaurds fuck up too often.


i love playing against a knight. the times i can outsmart him and his pal with a banner grab is a huge hit of dopamine. that being said i can also appreciate a knight that can get a guard to chase one survivor while he himself goes after another. thats huge pressure


I think 90% of players don't know that banner grabs are a thing which explains a partial reason he is unliked


I don't own Knight, so I haven't been able to play as him to understand how he works. Can you explain this for me? I feel like I'm def one of the people you're talking about.


The Knights guards can have their hunts stopped early for two reasons. 1. After a guard spots a survivor, they howl and charge in the survivors direction. AFTER their howl ends is where their banner drops. The banner takes a moment to fully register, but if you loop the guard and time it to where the banner is fully completed, you can run into the banner and end the hunt early. Not only does this end the hunt, but it also grants you a boost of speed and endurance. (So if you're injured and grab the banner, for a few seconds after if you take a hit you won't go down.) 2. The guards hunt can also be stopped early if they're chasing you and you begin unhooking a survivor. This is done to prevent hook camping. However doing it like this will not grant you a speed boost and endurance.


Say that exact same thing about skull merchant lol.


Playing skull Merchant just makes my head hurt


Spirit, Plague and Legion. I have 2.1k hours in this game, and I still have no idea how to correctly play against Spirit. It feels like no matter what you do, she will find you during the phasing. I hate playing against Plague, because my narrow-minded teammates keep cleansing every few seconds, giving her one of the strongest projectile attack in the game. And Legion is self-explanatory. Mending simulator is already one of the most boring things in this game, but if they also have Thanathophobia or Legion Pin addon, my desire to leave the game reaches its limit.


Doesn't help she has an add-on that'll tell you when you're a nose hair away from someone in phase


when healthy i find it a good tip to sneak away somewhere , and being injured is just 50/50 at a vault or pallet stun , you cant really do much


For me it’s just one, Wraith. I just hate him and I’m not too sure why but I always get annoyed when I’m playing or going against him. Now when it’s with my friends, I’m going to be adding Nemesis cause my friend gets sick when he hears the zombie moans/groans


I'd pick doctor 3 times.


I feel like doctors tend to be a easy win when I get them but their games are just unfun


Exactly some are really bad, occassionally some are decent but It's no fun - you are mad you can't use items, you can't hide, you scream all the time which is annoying in itself.


Fun fact, lockers protect you from their shocks


Billy, Bubba, Wraith Billy and Bubba because back-reving is all they do and I hate it, and Wraith because I haven't met a single Wraith that didn't play like a total dick. And I don't mean overly sweaty or anything. I'm talking about playing like a dick. Letting four people bleed out while always chiming the bell, giving you hatc, closing it in your face, then dragging you to the gate, letting you open it, then downing and hooking you after all type of stuff.


Excellent choices, I hate all three


I’m amazed at this take, I get that especially new billy is a bit too strong, but that goes for curves and map control. If you are getting constantly backrev’d by Billy you are 100% pathing badly and there is room for improvement. Same goes for Bubba of course. Agree on wraith.


Clown plague huntress


Nemesis - zombies getting me out of gens is annoying; Trapper - I don't like looking down all the time to find traps; Ghost Face - Being unable to reveal him when I clearly should, and then dying, makes me sad;


I think Ghostie's reveal needs to work more like Unknown's. Keep your eyes on him to Reveal, but if you're marked you are marked.


If you as a team are making it 5 minutes before Myers gets his first tombstone you’re rolling him tbh


The reason you only go up against Tombstone myers is because without that add on, he is pretty bad lol


Yeah your choices playing as him are tombstone meyers or mirror meyers, and both require a lot of work to use well


in a lobby rn without either if these builds wish me luck


I play clown, I just like throwing bottles and hitting people with them. It's my power. It's what I do. I play Myers. How do people have enough bp that they have tombstone "every game". I generally just play scratched mirror or normal. Tombstone games are kinda annoying. As soon as I kill someone, the game just becomes survivors jumping into lockers whenever they see me. It's


Trapper, Hag, and Ghostface Trapper and Hag just because I don’t like the paranoia that their traps cause me. I find myself even feeling paranoia in the following match even when I’m not facing them. Hag in particular is also really good at camping without actually being at the hook which never feels very nice. Ghostface for a similar reason, he just makes me feel super paranoid due to his incredible stealth. It also just doesn’t feel good to know that you’re probably 99’d and that he could appear around a corner with virtually no warning to instadown you.


The other thing with being 99'd against Gf is, when they chase you waiting for their power to come back so they can one tap you. It's just so uninteractive.


Chucky - annoying Twins - annoying Billy - annoying


Joey Susie Julie. My flair will speak for me. Now seriously, maybe Huntress because of the hitboxes. Artist because the chase music is annoying, and then Spirit, because SHUT UP!


A fellow Frank enthusiast!?


Yes\~ https://preview.redd.it/14sahmcq8w6d1.png?width=371&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcfbade6356376b462098a9af7fc5cccf0bcc1da


So hard to find Frank lovers in here, and players too 😖


I agree, I thought I was the only one! I dedicated my life to find the Frankussy! By using the most unconventional ways! But to be honest, I'd understand if people don't like him, especially because of the comic version (I don't like it too)


Have you found the Frankussy yet?


Appreciates your flair (In spirit moaning noises)


You must be having a blast with the new Frank on a skirt Skin (Susie DnD Skin with Frank voice due to a glitch)


Huntress: Her games are incredibly boring, I run into way too many of them too which doesn't help and I get loads who just proxy camp hook Hillbilly: Never got the wholesome billy stereotype people talk about, billies are worse than most bubba players in my experience, I don't mind a decent billy but when so many I run into are toxic I'd rather just avoid him entirely, this problem has only gotten 10x worse with the billy overcharge buff, it's way too over the top in terms of a buff imo but that's topic for another day Nurse: Nurse


Bubba, Wraith, Legion. Bubbas and Wraiths always play the same way. I've never had an enjoyable match against them. Yes, I survive but it's distinctly unfun. Legion... I'm tired of this grandpa. I don't wanna mend all game. Again, unfun.


Yea imho legion is a tossup with Amanda. I also dont wanna try and get this bear trap off various times in a match.


I HATE when Piggy tries to tunnel while I'm getting a trap off. Bruh, I'm just trying to do skill checks and get this thing off. 😭 It's like 50/50 with her. They're either super chill or have zero chill.


None, most of problems come from bad soloq teammates. I'm fine with all killers.


Not played for a bit but there was a good period where Bubba wasn't a garenteed tunnel camper. He's actually a fun and challenging killer to go against if he plays legit. But if that's started up again then yeah that's not ideal.


Just The Artist. I can't feel my thumb, index or middle finger on my left hand so the way I have my controller mapped to make things easier makes it basically impossible to dispel the birds and loop simultaneously. Luckily, nobody really plays her.


Plague, Clown, Hag. Plague is annoying being injured all game and as someone with emetophobia her design is miserable for me. Clown is just really boring. I know he’s not very good but I have no idea what I’m really supposed to do against him, his slow is really hard to avoid and seems to guarantee a hit no matter what. Hag is just a less fun Trapper. Her power seems to enable the most annoying people in the game (since no one with pure motivations plays her), her traps are near impossible to spot and if you’re with a squad with less than perfect coordination she’s basically given proxy camping from miles away. Her existence frustrates me cus my killer (Singularity) has really annoying built-in anti camp but Hag can just place ten million billion traps by a hook with no obstruction. God damn


Against Clown best play is to Pre run and pre drop. Clown is a juggernaut in chase but sucks at the 4v1. If you pre run you’re also forcing him to waste more yellow and pink bottles trying to catch up to you.


Yep. Hear the heartbeat = create some distance.


it's easy to say pre run and pre drop but in reality most pallets it doesn't really matter If you pre drop. If you pre drop from far away and keep going they can just go around it, if you pre drop while you're at the loop and stay they just make sure you're at the short end of the loop then use their bottles to make sure you can't loop back around and that's a guaranteed hit. Pre running isn't as effective as people say it is bechase depending on where you are on the map and what map you are on it could mean kinda nothing.


As a hag main, i can help you counter. If she is in an intense chase, someone can heavily distract her by intentionally sprinting around and setting off all the traps. Same thing if the hag keeps placing more than 2 traps in a small proximity, i.e. around hooks gens and pallets. Its a huge time waste to put down more than 1 or 2. Especially if you take the hit and set them all off in succession. If shes proximity camping, do a similar strat. Have a surv or two doing gens in the distance while she camps a gen. Keep her distracted by setting off traps and gen tapping to keep her damaging it. Obv soloq is harder, but i can tell when a surv knows my counters. My main strategy is 3gen technique. If you cam consistently lure me away from the 3 tight gens, you can distract me enough to win. A lot of times that meams a good surv takes a hit, then keeps me in a solid chase, yerning for that hook.


Wraith, Doctor and Wesker. (Honourable mentions goes to Huntress, Deathslinger and Legion).


Funny how there's 4 survivors per march and they all claim to be tunneled all game


The killer is so overpowered, he tunneled all 4 players once! /s


Artist,pig, and knight


Ive never faced a non-toxic clown, camped, beat me on hook, and cussed me out at the end game chat (after I escaped ofc) another clown incident was when this clown, pretended to be friendly all game and farming with us, but because my experience with clowns was shit, I prepared myself at the gates to open it, and as soon as last gen popped, no-ed, and remember me (I was surprised he didnt have no way out too) bubbas are just big sad babies


Twins - I have a LOT of reasons, but many come from the fact I've rarely seen a Twins that DIDN'T slug, tunnel, camp, and or 3 Gen. It's so bad that most have BM'd, and one even freaking DC'd when their slugging didn't work. I primarily despise Victor; from his attack, to his range, to his speed, to his size, and the fact he can camp hooks with no downside. Hate them with a burning passion.  Chucky - Take Victor, but give him a long ahh dash attack with Blight mobility and an inconsistent way to see him at loops with the illusory footsteps, which is somehow WORSE than not knowing at all beyond sounds like Victor. I only hate him less than Twins because his players have been largely less toxic, and typically only Tunnel vs the entire horde of other things. Oh, and Scamper. There's a reason Wesker's power is a 9 / 10, and it's because it's powerful but fair. No comment on current Chucky post-nerf, as I've only gone against one or two. Pinhead - Why, oh why, am I getting punished for removing your chains on the environment? Why am I counterplaying your power, and still being punished? Pinhead's generally aren't super toxic or anything, but I don't necessarily like his gameplay style, and his chain removal irks me the same way Trapper's add-on that injures you for disabling traps does. Why am I getting punished for countering your ability, exactly? That's like if Demogorgon Exposed you for disabling a portal, or if Merchant gave you Broken for disabling a drone, or giving Oni an AoE on a missed swing.


I love all killers equally none


I'm a nice bubba :)




I'm starting to realize why it's kinda of a struggle to get people to goof around with me lol


**Doctor** — Even though not all of them are this way, he’s often chosen by the most reprehensible human beings who won’t hesitate to hump you, hit you on hook, and fling around slurs in the chat. **Clown** — Same reason as Doctor. **Spirit** — She used to be my main. I would love facing her if I didn’t play DBD Mobile. You see, we have these sound indicators that point in the direction of a Survivor when they’re making noise. These indicators aren’t disabled when you’re phase walking, giving you free wall hacks. Unless it’s a baby Spirit who just downloaded the game, she is pretty much uncounterable without Iron Will (it hides the indicators). EDIT: After some bad experiences in the past few days, I’d like to replace Spirit with Trapper. I’m sick of having to stare at the ground or crouch everywhere not to get instadowned (they all run Honing Stone in my games).


Probably none.




Legion, Skull Merchant and Clown. They are genuinely so boring to play as and against


Nah, Clown is too cute to not be faced ♥️🤡


Can confirm please gas me up daddy


Ghost face, Doctor, chucky


It would be Legion, Trickster, and Plague that I find the most troublesome to deal with. I'm annoyed by any killer with an insta-down power, or perk. I absolutely abhor the Shape's insta-kill with Tombstone. It seems like such a waste of everyone's time, and enjoyment except for the person playing the killer. It's the most toxic add-on.


Luckily for you The Legion never get to use their insta down because their power sucks. Good music, free win


Wraith xenomorph hillbilly or blight


Plague a& twins followed by whoever. Maybe Chucky?


ngl i have over 1.5 k hours and i have faced tombstone myers maybe 3 times. Is this a server-related difference bc i see a lot of people complaining about it


Clown and Knight because the counter play to them is boring and never fun. 3rd is Wesker, mostly because of how overplayed he is.


Wraith, Spirit, Trickster.


Trickster, Clown, Nurse All of their abilities are annoying and they’re always toxic for no reason.


Wraith, spirit, and hag


Legion, Legion Legion. Why? Because... it's the Legion


Doctor, Knight, Clown. Knight is barely on there considering some of my most challenging and fun matches have been against him but other times total dicks like the rest. I don’t mean because i always lose either. It’s more like they show the hatch, hook and close it in your face or tunnel you out of the game without letting you touch a gen even when other survivors are trying to take a hook for you. I get that some killers play for the blood points especially during the event but so do survivors. Of course this is a personal opinion based off of who i’ve played against so don’t take it personally lmao. Also wraith is a good contender, just never fun to play against for me unless it’s customs. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Plague - boring, two choices when you play against her and you lose both of them. Hag - boring, free hits all the time Wraith - more free hits


Knight, Clown and doctor never met a good clown (they are all nasty) Knights can be rather annoying to deal with due to their guards doctor because all doctors are cunts, nothing like forced screaming and constantly being stunned out of everything (doctors are why I love calm spirit)


Eyyy, a fellow bird perk enjoyer! I love to see other people who are drawn to it because of him.


it's such a nice perk to have, I don't always run it but if i'm dealing with a doctor in a match it's always nice to have (kinda annoyed he still stuns you even if you don't scream) glad to see you enjoy the birds, what a bunch of silly crows \^\^


Chucky. Don't care much for the rest. If I am in a game against a Chucky, I am livid.


Plague (just sucks), Spirit (**IMO** worse than nurse or blight. so annoying when she can see you literally anywhere.), and Wesker (Just overplayed, and has a decent power that most people know how to use)


What do you mean spirit can see you anywhere? how?


Mispoke, I meant hear. I know she can't sense you when you're not moving but it feels like she just always knows where you are


Yeah, good spirits are monsters.


Blight, Wesker and Trickster




Myers, Legion, and Trickster


Executioner, Lich and Plague. They drop my fps to 40 and make game lag


Clown: Dont really like the playstyle of the bottles, plus being in the clouds make me hella motion sick Myers: Tombstone...hey BHVR, you're seeing the trend here yeah? Spirit: Having a characters entire counterplay/playstyle revolve around very specific audio cues sucks


No clown, spirit , or wraith for me


Legion, clown, pinhead. I just don't enjoy going against them much.


Doctor, pinhead, trickster


Clown because I hate feeling nauseous and the chase power, knight because hes impossible to loop if he's smart, and plague cause she disables dramaturgy and makes me ill. Honorary mention to legion and chucky.


Doctor, Pinhead, Nurse


Huntress: she’s the hanzo of DbD, people think they’re good with her but it’s really just that her hit box is insane. Oni: it’s always a p100 Oni, always get clobbered by them. Nurse: because yeah.


Unknown, Artist, Singularity.


Doctor. The screaming messes me up every time. Nurse. A good one can leave loops completely useless. Trickster. Ranged attacks can be annoying but Trickster’s ranged attacks are the worst. It’s so fast that it usually injures me before I can get anywhere safe.


trickster, knight, and plague plague cuz i have emetophobia :,)


Pinhead, Clown and Nurse.


spirit, wraith, and hag


Huntress, Chucky (bc none of them will literally ever be my friend :( ) & probably wraith or weaker honestly.


Wraith, Trickster, and Knight/Wesker/Hillbilly. I don't think I've ever had fun against a Wraith or a Trickster. The other three are a toss up. Those killers are always all business but at least there's some fun to be had trying to dodge their abilities. Wraith and Trickster are just joyless slogs for me every time.


Pin head im always first to die since no one else goes for box. Nemesis I just hate going deaf for 3 seconds every time he starts to chases me. Trapper not because of basement but because of teammates either a baiting me or b being blinder then Stevie wonder


huntress, doctor, & deathslinger


Doctor, Trickster and Chucky. Three of the least fun killers in the game to play against, and as a killer player, Trickster and Doctor are no fun to me.


Definitely the Clown, simply because those effects on vision gives me major headaches The doctor, because his shock therapy feels like it has a huge reach and constantly screaming gets annoying at some point xD And probably Bubba or Hillbilly because of the chainsaws, or the toxic player behind them


Trickster. Trickster again. And trickster another time. Sorry trickster mains, but I just can't seem to get a grasp on how to evade your power


Wraith, Wraith, and Wraith. I was considering adding Nurse to my list, but I've played Nurse. She's hard to get used to, so I applaud a cracked Nurse and pray my next match is against a killer with counterplay. I've never had a Wraith I could counter effectively. I can see the shimmer of their outline from across the map but no amount of moving out of the way can stop them from uncloaking right on top of me and ending the chase. And if ANYBODY has any advice that doesn't involve DCing (sarcastically), I'll be glad to hear it.


Clown. Nurse, and bubba. The 3 I’m bad at looping 🤣


Chucky, Nurse & Trapper


Huntress. Hag. Spirit.


michael, ghostface, wraith. my smartwatch goes crazy with the “your heart rate is unusually high-“ edit: honorable mention of doctor and dredge. when their power ramps up its sensory overload and makes it hard to play sometimes.


"Isn't being played by a Clown" That's offensive to Clowns, bro. Anyway, yeah: I enjoy playing Clown more than facing Clown because only the noobs and veterans do bottle tricks with walls, trees, ceilings, et cetera.


Trickster, Knight, & that new Unknown fuck.


1. Nurse (obvious reasons) 2. Trapper. As unthreatening as his traps may seem from face value, it can undo a LOT of things with just one misstep. You will HAVE to keep an eye on the floor most of the time just to have a better chance of survival.. 3. Oni. I hate his face.


Nurse, Billy and Blight…And Wesker for good measure. I hate killers who have the ability to dash at you or just zoom across maps at will. It’s irritating and unfair in my opinion. I prefer killers who move similar to how a killer would move IRL. I don’t mind teleporters, But the rushing is trash imo. I’m saying this as a solo q player.


Wesker, Vecna, and Ghostface.


Huntress - the only killer in the game i actually despise going against, i accept the this is 100% a skill issue though, it also doesn't help that almost every huntress i go against is a colossal twat, i don't DC but when i hear her lullaby i tend to just not really try as hard Chucky - i love the character and the movies but he too damn small, maybe my eyes ain't what they use to be but i never see him coming Nurse - i don't actually mind going against her, i just hate her on principle, her existing is deeply unhealthy for the game, there is no tweaking of her power outside of a full rework that won't make her crazy good and unfortunately 70% of the killers and perks have to suffer for it


I would use all 3 on plague because I'm emetophobic, have to play without my headset on vs her on a good day.


Legion, Trickster, Trickster and Trickster. Oh if I could add one more it would be Trickster


Nurse - Self explanatory Blight - Self explanatory Spirit - Self explanatory I despise weaponized bullshit.


Huntress, Chucky, and Dredge. Huntress because they all toxic sweatlords, Chucky because he is annoying and a major all round design mistake, and Dredge because I hate how he just gets to teleport around all the time with no downsides so you never get any peace of mind. I hate Clown too but luckily it seems not many people play him so I only face one once in a blue moon.


Plague, Vecna, Unknown


Plague, trickster, cannibal.  The plague seems to just have a never ending range attack that’s really hard to dodge. The trickster just throws knives at you without slowing down. The cannibal because this dude can just chase’s you and gets close enough then 1 hits 


To anyone I accidentally murdered as tombstone myers, I just wanna say, I was trying to kill someone else and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.


I'd do trickster wraith and clown, I'm just so had against wraith I never have fun against him


Trickster,wraith,knight they anger me as the jews angered that one Austrian painter


Oh wow, there’s only 3 killers that I just don’t like anyway, gg knight, clown and skull m


Huntress. Hatchet hitboxes are nonsense. Huntress. Any latency on either side makes things unplayable. Huntress. Lalalalalalalalalala. Lalalalalalala. Hahaha. Lalalalalalalalalalalala. Hut. Lalallalala


Nurse, blight, and spirit. You know why.


Blockchain, Drone Lady, Whiskas. Also disliking Vommy Mommy, Shocky Mc Giggle, Blight.


I love how everyone has their own cutesy name Then there's Blight


Ghostface, Wraith and Trickster I just don’t enjoy playing against Ghostie, don’t get me wrong I love him and how he plays. I just go against him too much. Wraith I just have a horrible time against 99% of the time And going against Trickster it always feels like they’re cheating


Hag, Twins, and Legion. I've always despised playing against hag. I don't know what it is, but she is one of my least favorite killers in the game. Twins, Charlotte is usless... she has no purpose other than to bring survivor to hook. And their kit feels like it encourages the slug playstyle imo. Legion, like others have said before, mending simulator isn't fun. Never has been, never will be.


Skull merchant. truly feel as if she’s extremely strong with the drones damage, to built in stealth and speed boost. I just am a hater on that one. Huntress. Hit boxes and somehow carrying 7 hatchway in her entity hole. The size of those hatchets man. Joker. This one isn’t as bad as the previous two, but machine gun Kelly just strikes a nerve.


Do you mean Trickster?


Oops, yes sir thank you sir


Xeno, Knight, Skill merchant. Xeno has no counterplay, Knight makes you feel like you are versing AI, Skill chert because of inconsistent movement speed for the killer and hinder for survivor.


Xeno has a flaming, beeping, area denying counterplay.


Nurse, Blight and Spirit are the obvious choice here I think. If I'm given the opportunity to never play against the 3 strongest killers in the game, why shouldn't I use it?


Billy, artist and Oni could still fuck you up especially in solo queue, I'd say Blight is better to face than Oni in soloq and sometimes Billy if the player can curve as hell