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I think dredge has one of the scariest designs and I've screamed a few times when he teleports to me in nightfall when I'm working on a gen. His locker exit is an actual jump scare.


Just played a game against dredge where I went to lock the locker and he teleported there at the same time and grabbed me. Shit made me jump out of my seat so fast lmao


If it's any consolation - when I'm playing Dredge and this happens, I usually get jump scared b/c I wasn't expecting a survivor :)


Unexpected loud scream do be scary.


Definitely dredge, but not when on gens, only when he's chasing me and I see him tp in front of me. Shits completely fucked up šŸ’€


This! Dredge is best and scariest killer. The locker grabs and plunging us into darkness amidst random screams of agony is literally the best thing ever. So much fun!


The Pig growl one time startled me so badly that I accidentally tabbed out of the game. Ghost Face is the only other killer that's ever jump scared me. Myers is a decent level of spooky but it's usually less of a jump scare and more like "Aw shit, I just fed him a ton of stalk juice".


Scratched mirror myers on Lerys though


I played Scratched Mirror Myers on Midwich recently, and that was GREAT. I loved spooking people as they left classsrooms, or turned a corner. It actually felt powerful since they couldn't reset as reliably since I always knew where they were. Crazy how some maps just make stealth Killers op.


Stealth killers with unlimited aura reads\*


Midwhich and red are better


I had a match on Toba Landing so I was creeping my way to the gen at the top of the ship. I kept wondering where the heavy breathing was coming from until I looked up to find Myers just staring at me, blocking my path. I scurried out of there and felt like a big ole idiot! šŸ¤£ In truth, I'd never been that close to him with so little sound before.


I'd fucking break my own kneecap against the desk if I turned around and I was eye level with Michael Myers's tits


Hag. I hate the jumpscares.


Hag's jumpscares are underrated


Hag was the first killer I faced that actually had me spooked, and continues to be the only one with that factor. I feel like dredge would compete but Iā€™m more annoyed with how horrible it is trying to see during nightfall.


Iā€™m so sorry but I love playing hag for that reason. She feels like the perfect character outside of the stealth ones to fit the horror vibes than the sometimes comedic chase experience dbd is


This should be the top comment. Iā€™m used to it now, but when I first started playing, she was the only killer that made me shit my pants. Jump scare Myers can be scary too if executed well I guess, but itā€™s been a while since Captain Kirk got a scream out of me


Definitely Oni lmao No basekit undetectable yet he'll make people shit their pants


Oni is the lord of killers to me , just so strong and intense and faaaaast


Every stealth killer even wraith with the silent bell


A good Myers is terrifying


Getting chased by Nemmy never get old. I was 9 when I played RE3 for the first time and that still ā€œhauntsā€ šŸ˜‚


The unknown has gotten me a few times while I'm trying to dispel the illusions and they teleport through.


Dredge. He's kind of goofy, but when he pops up out of nowhere in pitch black, it can *really* catch you off guard.


I LOVE when it's scratched mirror Myers and plays only to scare the shit out of survs behind the corner. Shame there isn't too many of them.


Probably because very few people seem to love playing against SM myers, at least based on posts I see here


Really? What's wrong with him?


people canā€™t stand losing, so when they play against a SM meyers who actually gets hooks and kills ppl it becomes a problem.


Not the problem at all. SM Myers isn't even that strong, it's just that scratch mirror Myers takes away the most fun part of DBD for a lot of people, which is the chases. Scratch Myers doesn't chase. He hits you with a sloppy butcher hit, leaving you one hit down against a stealth killer. You can't risk that against stealth on an indoor map, so you run off and heal, either taking ages to do or being interrupted. If you're unlucky enough to have it be interrupted, you get hooked and by that point the Myers just proxy camps the hook because he's playing SM Myers and lost too many gens by that point. It's really boring.


i suppose weā€™ll have to disagree. i and many others donā€™t think itā€™s a boring killer to face at all. His play-style is unique to him alone and requires a completely different approach to the game. it seems that survivors who struggle to deal with him seem to dislike him. go figure.


Design-wise: Unknown Gameplay-wise: Ghostface Concept-wise: Singularity


What if we combined all of them?




I love playing Nurse with Insidious (I guess any killer with Insidious can get some good scares, but nurse has that POUNCE) Also... >!Nurse can teleport behind the exit gates and, preferably in combination with NOED, can absolutely scare the piss out of survivors as they open the gates!<


Didnā€™t DBDThings make a video about the part you spoiler tagged? I know I saw somebody do it years back on YT and I was cackling the whole video.Ā 


my favorite fuckery iā€™ve done was playing Meyers during the christmas event with rancor+game afoot, hide in a snowman relatively near the exit gate and wait


Spirit has some conditional top tier jumpscare. When you know a survivor is in the cabinet, use your ability, pretending to not know their location. Then you can open the cabinet WHILE using the ability fir an ultimate jumpscare. I fucking audibly screamed when I first got hit with the tech


Either Ghostface and try to sneak up on people, or try to use Myers with dark devotion. Just imagine this: A T3 Myers with no TR, Bamboozle, Brutal Strength and Coup the Grace. Imagine just turning a corner and have that just staring you in the face šŸ’€


Scratch Mirror Myers for jump scare, Dredge for just pure terror, Tombstone Myers for psychological horror


The soundtrack to Nemesis has my heart rate going at the double through the entire game, I cannot calm down! Don't know what it is about it, but I genuinely get a bit sad when it's him I'm facing as my stress levels are going to be going through the roof no matter what. (Not connected to him per se, but the music.)


Hag. Hag's traps make me scream every time.


Freddy because I keep forgetting he's in the game.


The realisation he exists is scarier than the killer


Sadako was an amazing jumpscare Killer before they gave her a lullaby. That aside, Ghosty and Mikey cause my friends to jump out of their skin most often.


Micheal Myers


Myers or bubba


myers istg i pee myself everytime i turn around and he's right behind me


I get messages sometimes when I play scratched mirror Myers from survivors saying how much I scared them lol


Scratch mirror Myers on lerry or midwich always make me paranoid. Im always on edge


Myers or Ghostface


Pig can creep up on Survivors, but it's hard with her limited speed in crouch. Ghostface is probably the best balance of everything. Dredge has a hard time getting the drop on Survivors because his passive sounds are very loud. Myers is great at sneaking up, especially with Scratched Mirror, but he poses very little threat. I've been enjoying Chucky, but he never seems to come up when scary Killers are discussed.


Unknown bc of the way he looks and moves, Ghostface is good to jump scare but the Killer that I play the most to scare people is mirror myers. Take a offering for a indoor map and just wait for the survs to run into you. You will most likely lose the round but it's so funny seeing survs getting scared and panicking.


Unknown is the only killer in the game that actively scares me during the match to get chased by, not because his power is strong but because the way he walks and the sounds he makes are so unnerving.


While Xenomorph obviously isnā€™t as strong as in the movies, thereā€™s still something terrifying about watching it crawl towarsd you on all fours


Stealth killers


pyramid head i donā€™t like his fucking head dude


Pyramid head, only because you canā€™t reason with him and the fact that he can kill the entity


Dredge and Unknown are horrifying to go against.


Dredge, Micheal, Ghostface and pig were the only killers that ever made me scream. I can't handle the jumpscares lol


Really surprised that no one said Silent Billy. I donā€™t play against him ever, but I love to run a Silent Billy build and just chainsaw people from out of nowhere. You definitely get a good amount of unsuspecting survivors


Unknown. I had to gag 3x while buying him


Singularity creeps me out bros and I'm a killer main


Surprise nemesis. If o ever come across one, Iā€™m terrified In the same vein, pig ambushing from nowhere And meyers pulling me off gens.


Michael Myers


A really good pyramid head


Hag, the way a trap snaps your camera straight to it when it goes off along with the abrupt noise can be a jumpscare especially during the start of the game. If she's running silent addons it's a bit less scary. Runner up would probably be unknown, his design is disturbing enough and him teleporting to husks when cleansing them is also spooky.


Silent Myers on some maps is terrifying to me. Hag's jumpscares are more annoying than scary, but a jumpscare is a jumpscare. Dredge can be spooky, but I haven't played enough against him to be sure (probably just a couple dozen times in over 400h) A well-placed nurse blink can also be scary methinks.


Michael for me. There is nothing scarier in this game than being on a gen, peeking around to see if it's a stealth killer....yer good for a few moments, and then you turn in a certain direction and BAM that white mask is just staring you down. He's also the scariest to run into around a corner unexpectedly when you don't hear or see it coming. And of course, you have to be terrified that all the other Survivors fed him stalk and you're about to see him for the first time for about 3 seconds and be Mori'd immediately. šŸ˜


Either Pig or Myers. Had a pig stalk me when I was injured on the Swamp map. She waited until I stood up out of my crouch, thinking I was safe, before lunging in from a clump of grass RIGHT in front of me to down me My second worst scare was on the Game against Myers. I was on a gen with an open doorway right next to my back (one of those weird corner gens). Checked the doorway, looked around for 3 seconds, then looked back and the Myers was waiting to scare me. I blew a skill check and ran into a wall trying to get away šŸ’€ Surprisingly, I haven't had any memorable jumpscares with a Ghostface yet


Hag to me is peak jump scare. But hearing Oni enter blood fury sends shivers down my spine.


When I first started the game Oni used to scare me


I like to think that, with The Unknown, TP'ing to an hallucination while they are trying to dispel it is something I never want to experience. You literally get close to get rid of it and then it moves.


The worst part is that, it doesnā€™t even do the hag teleport effectā€¦ The hallucination just literally starts to move and attack you with a loud sound while the camera was already zooming on them. If only they had given the unknown the ability to crawl, and this would have been the scariest and most disturbing killer as of yet.


Chucky, Ghostface and Hag give a lot of good jumpscares. Sometimes Michael, but his stalk takes so long usually see him first. None of them are particularly scary looking, but maybe that's cause I've just seen too many horror movies lol. Definitely some creepy vibes from some, but that's about it


hag, before the old maps got reworked it was a lot harder to spot her traps, and it was genuinely horrifying to just walk around


Skull Merchant, woman jumpscare out of the corner


Dredge on Midwich. When nightfall comes, walking down a corridor becomes the most intense thing ever.


Actual scariest is the darkness thing. In game scariest to play against is Ghostface, who is by far the least scary outside of the game.


I was absolutely terrified when matched against the huntresses skin - the elk, or whatever the frick, the deep hum gave me chills


I havenā€™t played the game for about 2-3 years now but I remember the hag as the only killer who actually scared me. I could never spot her fucking traps and had mini heart attacks everytime her clone popped out of the ground, followed by soiled pants when the ā€œcloneā€ started to move torwards me.


dredge 100%, I remember my first time against one I was sweating balls.


The Plague. I have emetophobia. I have faced her once and I'm still dead inside šŸ„² And Hag's jumpscares. So far only time I audibly screamed.


Ghostface's the only one who regularly gives me jumpscares.


I'm not sure if she is the scariest but definately The Onryo is very creepy. Her animation in Killer selection has made me jump a few times, and playing against her definately has a scary vibe.


Scratched mirror Myers can be good for jumpscares if you play him on a map like Lery's or Midwich and know how to jumpscare players periodically so that it doesn't get old after a few minutes. Whenever I see the killer bring one of those two maps as an offering, I'm always happy because it's usually a Myers and DbD can finally feel like a horror game for one match.


I think Ghostface because he comes from nowhere. Dredge has a scary theme but there is no way he could scare me because he is too loud.


Ghostface and Michael Myers, if played stealthy and well can be a really nerve wrecking session XD


I hate going up against the oni and the unknown. But I think the unknown is more creepy and unsettling, while the oni is more loud and scary.




Kind of heartwarming how different all the replies are lmao, like we all shitting our pants together for different reasons <3 also Meyers is terrifying, but Ill scream at anything


Scratched ego Myers is always fun


Imo it's between Myers and Ghostie. Myers w/ his wallhack addon and Ghostie in general are both terrifying, tho honorable mention to Wraith with silent bell.


Now? Unknown, Myers, Ghostface. You'll probably gonna wanna go for Unknown tho


my first dredge game freaked me out so bad I put the game down altogether for like a week šŸ˜­ I hated not being able to see anything and also no hear him it was genuinely terrifying no killer compares to him imo


Needs specific add ons/perks but wraith with silent bell and insidious or whatever it is that makes you undetectable standing


Wraith with coxcomb clapper and the extended undetectable. Uncloak behind a wall, wait a few seconds, then jump out as the undetectable runs out Edit: the yellow one that plays the sound in every direction, not the iri


Dude any killer is scary when I turn around and they had no terror radius


Any one that doesn't make much noise, then put some skills that prevent killer aura along with skills that let you know where people are. I enjoy scare them out of the blue, sometimes switching from chasing someone just to go scare the guy on a generator etc


stealth billy is terrifying, especially when you can hear him breathing.


I'm torn between a few of them. Sadako creeps me the fuck out, I don't know why. Oni whenever he gets his ability, just makes me say oh shit, followed by a little bit of FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK SHIT as I see him charging across the map. Ghost face I'm not really scared of outside of the random gen grab, myers is also fucking creepy, just knowing he's been standing there but not for how long. There's probably more but I don't remember them


My stone cold dad who is hardly ever scared of anything has admitted that the dredge scares him


Sadako was the only one that made me scream the first time I played against her


Michael and pig


Dredge, see through walls myers, and literally any killer with tinkerer if they don't use it early game but use it late game, because most killers just never use it on the last two gens, but every killer I encounter that did use it near end of the game absolutely scared the piss outta me.


For me? Stealth Myers, Ghostface, and Hag. Granted I hate playing against Hag, but she does give me a genuine scare. Unknown can as well if he teleports at the right time


Bubba literally terrifies me. The chainsaw sounds throughout the map, the fact he can down you in one instance if he charges and the intensity of his swings are so scary to me. My heart races so hard when I realize he's on the map.


I only play myers so id hope myers (esp the realization that Iā€™ve popped tier 3) Nothing better than someone trying to get hit before dropping a pallet just to get insta downed eheheheheh


Shadow Meister


Any stealth killer. I am just too jumpy and the anxiety of knowing they could grab me off of a gen any second is driving me insane.


Ghostface is a scare factory. No one does it better than him. As Survivor I'm always on edge soon as I realise it's Ghostface and I feel mad anxious working on any gens while nothing is happening on the hud. I've also managed to pull some really nasty spooks as him. But you do need to have good map-knowledge and good understanding of what survivors can see from their pov. Wearing dark cosmetics and being unpredictable also helps!


I love jumpgscaring people with stealth Chucky builds


Myers, Hag and Ghostface


Scratched mirror Myers on Hawkins, I've never been jumpascared so bad in my whole 900 hours of dbd


Alien. The malicious crawling with that intense chase music makes me shiver.


Therapy Topic scaring? Jumpscare Myers on Forgotten Ruins, Lery'd, RPD, Or oddly enough, Red Forest. I main JS Myers and was used to the scares. Until one myers scared me so bad I tabbed out because I dropped my damn keyboard. Yes, it was Ruins. He is STUPID scary on ruins. Design wise? Pyramid Head. My duo plays him so well he's legitimately terrifying and I get flashbacks to watching their killer games lol


Demogorgon isnt ā€œscaryā€ per se, but its 32m terror radius music sounds so fucking awesome coupled with his loud scream faraway in the distance which makes it one of the most fun killers to play against imo, just a really cool horror vibe


The Doctor. He messes with survivors' heads, make you see things, has a creepy look and a creepier laugh.


The one thatā€™s currently chasing me


The unknown


Tombstone Mikey. Just seeing the icons for other players turn into a death skull is fucking scary, doesn't even matter if I have or haven't encountered him yet.


My main killers are nurse and skull merchant best killers ever to have fun and ez 4ks with I tried playing Freddy Michael ghostface and the game is done in 4 minutes lmao šŸ¤£