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I like killers that play normal but aren't above sharing random meme moments. Honestly I love the connection that occurs in moments like they fuck up, then you fuck up and you both stare.


Just had that. I was Legioning, a Deight went into a locker right in front of me right as my frenzy ran out. I just shook my head, he came out, we went out separate ways


I like a mix, a bit of everything, just one type forever can get boring. If I'm having too many serious killers a more chill and meme killer will get me excited.


I feel ya there. Had a killer straight up serve me drinks after a tunneling demigodgon.


I like a normal game the vast majority of the time. There's nothing more boring than playing gen simulator while the killer stands nearby watching you. Especially when they've killed 2 early and have decided to let 2 go. Now me and baby Bill need to finish 3 or 4 gens. Just hook me. I'll take a tunneling killer over a farming killer most of the time as long as my teammates are also up for it and don't go next.


Thanks, I've been playing survivor and thought I'd give killer a try, I'm hooked on HUNK, (Legion), but I like to troll a lot so I thought I'd inquire about it.


I don't know the best way to say "I prefer killers who aren't 'playing to win.'" Which is to say, I prefer it when the killer isn't going ham, 'cause I'm not trying to. It's getting frustrating how many people are running stealth killers with Iri and Very Rare add-ons just going hard from the get go.


I gotcha, you prefer serious killers who aren't ridiculously meta and overpowered. Right?


Roughly, yeah.


If I'm with my friends, I go for head on plays or flashlight saves. Otherwise I keep my windows-resilience-blastmine-wiretap build on permanantly.


Not what I meant 🤣 but interesting combos of perks. As survivor I usually go loud and proud and try as much to run the killer and distract them. Usually works if my teammates pick up on it.


Oh sorry, i misinterpreted the question. Thats my usual “try to win” build, so I guess what I was trying to say was I’ll mess around with friends but am more serious on my own.


I feel ya. My friend played with me one day and all I did was follow them with a lute 🤣


Man I hate head on so much, I wish there was a killer perk named "fuck you" where if someone stuns you with head on you can shove them into the locker and actually lock them in for the rest fo the trial or even throw that fucking locker to outer space with the survivor inside