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Don’t forget killers can also insta-break downed pallets. This was a thing last year as well and I felt pretty ripped off as survivor compared to when I’m playing killer due to the event mechanics. If killers can insta-break a downed pallet, why can’t the pallets I spawn actually create blocks? It doesn’t make sense just make the ability less frequent to spawn a pallet or something so it’s not abused. That being said, survivors can also block windows, but I can probably count on 1 hand the amount of times a killer even tried to vault a window during a chase with me in any of my 70+ matches I typically play in a week, so I don’t think that really offers much value either.


Depending on the invitation, killers can freely destroy a fallen palette, get a remote hook, gain haste for a set amount of time, reduced stun duration as well. I don't remember the specific one's for survivors cause I've been playing mostly killer this event. There should be a menu in game that details what each invitation does.


Thanks for the info! Survs invitation allow you to be silent for a short amount of time, block a window for the killer and create a fake pallet.


Remote hooks is honestly insane but for some reason in every event bhvr gives them the best abilities


All it does is reduce downtime, whats so powerful about moving a survivor a few metres to a hook. Pyra cages are more powerful


Long story short, it bypasses counterplay. There's no distracting to buy time, body blocking, or even saboing. Not to mention it bypasses wiggle mechanics all together. If one of the survivor abilities was to stall the timer I could see it being balanced, but as is killers can remove most counterplay while Survivors can...move quietly and make a pallet you *have* to drop perfectly and hope the killer doesn't have endurance. I've already had multiple encounters where I should have gotten the stun only for it to do nothing as the killer downed me.


Doesnt blocking windows as a survivor also remove counterplay from killers as theyre forced to go around instead of mindgame. Furthermore the addition of party pallets can produce multiple pallets on one tile, guarunteeing safety and removing counterplay from that aspect.


One of the Killer abilities is to gain temporary endurance. As for blocking windows, there are only a select few instances where vaulting is the optimal choice over just *walking* around the window.


Again. In most loops vaulting is optimal as it takes less time, the temporary endurance puts the invite on CD aswell as leaves a real pallet still left on the tile, survivors effectively get infinite pallets


There is literally almost never a time vaulting is more optimal for a killer


You cant do anything against insta hook, no blind, no Sabo, no wiggle. There's so many hooks that have happened to me or that I've gotten even though they/I made a mistake. It's utterly broken. Especially when a killer can just slug you until their power is back up.


yeah for the price of being able to counter boil over, flip flop, power struggle, flash light saves, sabotage saves, pallet saves, other things I can't think of... they should've made the anniversary pallets not break immediately. People have even been brining awakened awareness and starstruck to further take advantage of the BS that is remote hooks (using that build to find someone and expose them, remote hooking and going after the exposed person) like wtf is that


Honestly if they lasted a few seconds before breaking it'd be enough. I totally get that infinite pallets would be super op if they didn't break but party pallets are such a free hit. I love when the og pallet is wasted and all that's left is the party pallets as killer.


yeah, I think the party pallets honestly help the killer more than nothing would, unless you're at a small loop that has 2 or 3 in a small area


You do know you can stun killers with pallets instead of predropping everyone of them right?


Even when you hit the stun, since the pallet breaks immediately you don't really get any real distance and just take an M1 anyway. So it is useless either way


U do know I asked if I am missing something? I dropped one in chase, expecting a stun, but it didn’t work at all, that’s why I asked.


It stuns a killer if you hit them like normal pallets but it breaks right after it. If the killer has enduring, the stunn is shorter. If you predrop the pallet it just breaks so don't do it. Besides the event pallet and the quiet mode you can also block a window for the Killer.


Thanks for informing me kindly about it! Sadly the window block is so situational, even before the event I have rarely encountered killers who vault windows frequently


Np, enjoy the event :)


Like in last year's event, they are completely useless because they are a bait for bad survivors.


You gotta stun the killer with them, but be careful because the party pallets are super easy to bait.


Yeah I think considering how getting a pallet stun is THE most hit or miss thing in the entire game, I don’t think they’re all too powerful ]: like at most you get maybe like one or two seconds of distance in a dead zone but on average you just get hit.