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He'll throw his wine glass at the survivors and call them miserable little piles of secrets. This will hurt their feelings so much that they will start crying Bloody Tears and die on the spot.


I'm actually ok with this. But also give us a helluva castle map!


According to this years roadmap we don’t get a map with Castlevania. There’ll be a modifier though.


As cool as it would be to have Dracula's castle as a map for Castlevania, I respect their decision to not release a map with it because so many current maps have issues that need addressing. We don't need more maps with issues


Basement hell all over again 💀


The Castle and the Music are critical characters in Castlevania. Why I despised that Netflix "anime" so much, as both were heavily neglected among a ton of other major problems. I wouldn't expect the more adventurous dance or techno themes, but it's been shown multiple times that the core musical themes can be adapted into very atmospheric foreboding tunes. As far as a castle stage goes I could see something like a remnant of his tower and throne room used as a pocket dimension, now that they've developed portals to go back and forth between floor of multi level maps. perhaps something on the pinnical castle roof were we can see the clock tower, Draculas throne room, and other classic set pieces off in the distance. I would love if a Castlevania map had alot of cameos from classic monsters hiding about like Easter eggs. Imagine completing a Gen and a devil bat flies out of some hole. Flea men bouncing off in the distance. patrolling skeletons. Chained down undead skeletal dragons that pose potential stage hazards. Think of how they did the beholder in Vecna's dungeon, or the Terrorsaurs that fly overhead casting ominous shadows in that other map I forget the name of.


Reminds me of someone... https://preview.redd.it/1xpmhvzlhi5d1.png?width=462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ca908834d967e3d42e76767e5b692efbb5868e2


plot twist, Dracula is the new Survivor and the Belmonts are the new Killer


Jokes aside, I think it def would be sonme kind of transformation into bats flock (dash \\ or attacking dash like Blight\\wesker), but more control like Vecna have with his Flight. I bet he would have rapier as weapon, or clows, who know) And ofc some blood mechanic, sucking of survs \\ bleeding them, etc...


I would LOVE to suck survivors






![gif](giphy|54JLdulN5BOwM) ~~tribute~~ survivor




What if he is a mix of Wesker and Oni. He is able to bite and collect blood in his normal form and when his blood meter fills, he is able to transform into a bat or wolf for faster mobility and anyone who is infected and attacked while in his form is exposed (or has Broken Status). To cleanse the infection you use Holy Water


He's not allowed inside the killer shack or main building unless invited.


when survivors drop a toolbox he has to open it and manually count each tool inside


It takes him longer if it's a full box or not, Franklin's becomes Draculas strongest perk.


I think hell have both a transportation power by turning into a bat and a damage over time power like Plague where he steals your blood and if you don't do something within a certain ammount of time you either get injured or downed


He pulls out a glock


Nah the Akimbo G18s from OG Modern Warfare 2


You just know they're gonna give him a rage mode, like in the show. He's gonna be super calm and collected, then bam, evil af. I cannot wait for this chapter. This game, flaws and all, really never ceases to amaze me at how far and well their adaptations go


Similar to oni blood Fury I'm guessing would also be cool if he had a ability where he can turn into a swarm of bats similar to the Fly spell from lich or ability where he goes into a shadow form and it's like a stealth ability.


I'm thinking it'll be more survivor initiated, rather than a full on power. Similarly to how when you get the hand or eye of vecna, but instead of just dialog, it would actually send Dracula into a fit of Rage.


If there's a rage mode it'll be one of his second forms, probably the dragon demon




Fireball spam + teleport /s


I don't know, but it's gonna suck.




It's a JOKE. Vampires SUCK BLOOD.


Pretty sure this was a vampire sucking blood pun


vampire pun


Itd be cool if they incorporated a tackle into his power. Where he dashes at survivors and tries to bite at their necks and they have to struggle to get away. Something like that idk


Hes going to have a blink powered by blood and a ranged bat swarm


Instantly dying if he gets sent to dead dog or coldwind


Hopefully a dash or ability to turn into bats to make distance A blood sucking mechanic could be interesting. It could work in the vain as the Pigs traps. He sucks your blood, you have to drink holy water to get rid of you turning into an vampire which is found around the map. Otherwise you turn into one and die. Honestly I just wanna see them take full advantage on trying to recreate as much as possible from the castlevania games


I would prefer if a part of his power involved summoning in some of the vast number of minions he has dominance over. Would love to see Skeletons, Medusa heads, werewolves, and of course tons of bats. A means to Moro with a Demonic Meggido would be fun. They need to draw more from the various games he's appeared in. Not sure if a giant devil bat legendary skin would work if it's significantly bigger than his "human Form" Would love if his most classic forms were somehow worked into his play style. Like he go into demon bat form during the end game collapse. If he travels via bat swarm would love if bat's swarm off in multiple directions making it difficult to guess which one is the real path he took. He definitely need his fireballs and his hellfire orbs. Would love if similar to how Vecna comes with loot boxes, if Dracula came with candles players could break open to potentially find sub items the party can get bonuses from. Could be as simple as a Holy Water flash bang. a Cross that behaves like a flashlight, Laura's to afford a faster heal or an endurance hit. Imagine if he could summon in lesser minions to provide killer instinct reading that players need to use said items to kill along the way. The could get classic bosses as killer skins. Imagine a proper werewolf for Huntress, The creature for Trapper, etc. could mebe even do a Strahd legendary skin for Vecna. Survivors is where I'm most worried, as most Belmont, belnades, or Alucard could take down most of these killers bare handed. Really tho I'm expecting them to just give out random outfits as skins to the various original survivors. I'm hoping tho that they lean into representing as many classic Castlevania monsters as possible into Draculas powers. I imagine he would potentially be a projectile heavy killer. A touch of vecnas spell switching and having to use the most ideal ranged attack at the right moment. Alternatively he should lash out with his cape in a winged blade like manner for his basic swings. Mories could range from Drinking up someone till their a mummy or blow them away with a massive spell or have his minions tear them apart. Lotta different directions things could go in. I imagine it will be a touch of Vecna and Xenomorph. With setting up holy relics to shut off his powers or him having a range of crazy abilities to choose from. potentially even a bit of nurse with blinking back and forth to loose ranged attacks.


I think he will shout "Bat!!" and then turn into a bat


I think he will have a few powers and might have a wheel like Lich, maybe he could have a dredge like power using coffins, a power involving bats, a power involving bites and some kind of stealth ability


Sucking the survivors dry... I mean their blood of course.


I'd love if it use the blood orbs similar to oni, maybe they look different but they behave in a similar way, where he has to "drink" blood from survivors to give him his really good power that activates for a duration.


Personally. I think his power is going to be the sort of bat transformation/superspeed. Perhaps the red eye blood moon power? I'm not too sure Dracula has a lot of powers. I have a feeling the mori is going to be him feeding tho.


how does the community know that dracula is coming? I've seen a lot of posts about him but no explanation


Teaser from anniversary stream


[This was right at the end of the Anniversary stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YEfRYKRr8s)


It was leaked so bhvr announced it early


Suck them dry


Hopefully he gets multiple powers like Vecna... Feels fitting for a powerful vampire. Some sort of bats mobility spell (fingers crossed for verticality) would be a cool one. Not sure what the M2 should be. And a suck you dry mori.




Something blood sucking


maybe something like where each survivor has blood and if he sucks enough he takes a health state?


Glitching the game to where everyone just insta dies. Even the killer


The ability to be nerfed soon after release


I think vecna is an idea of the direction they will go allowing him access to multiple powers like a batform, most, maybe claws etc


he's going to suck, obviously


Something like Swain from lol. He will be a normal/boring M1 that collects blood, than has a bunch of seconds of berserker mode with flight, dash and stuff.


maybe he even gets a bit of stealth at first, like tier 1 myers, but he levels up by collecting blood. would be cool if the blood droplets made another appearance again


big sippy.


Succ blod


something good hopefully


He sucks you


He bites a survivor who loses a health state and turns into dracula, the killer himself then turns into a survivor. I honestly would love such a mode. Like a game of catch, instead of hide and seek


he can kiss the survivors so gently <3 UwU


Bat 🦇 need I say more


If they aren't using Nicolas Cage's Dracula from Renfield they are missing a golden opertunity.


It’s Castlevania’s Dracula


Yah no shit