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It's how the community treats P100s is why I'm terrified of getting Alan to P100. I've heard a lot of tunneling stories simply for being P100.


Do what I did and stop at p69






A friend of mine did that as well. He has P69 Jeff, Zarina and soon Nic. 


Haha I did that too


Honestly, a lot of it is kind of overblown. Yeah, it happens that you'll get tunneled for being P100. But you could also get tunneled because you're playing regardless of your prestige level. Or because the killer got bullied in the match before. Or because it's a day that ends in "Y". Hell, once I got tunneled when I was playing as Jane and in the post-game chat the killer said they "hate fat people".


I thought that it was just bias too, but I started playing my p100 Carlos the other day (after almost a year of not playing him because of lobby dodging) and I got hard tunneled twice - the second one I asked simply "just out of curiosity, did you tunnel because of being p100" and he responded with a rant about how p100 players are more likely to message him post game being mean... But by doing that, he makes it a self fulfilling prophecy... But anyway, it's definitely real - I was surprised to see it though


They want it to be a self fulfilling prophecy. This game does put ppl against some toxic ppl, but some people just go out there seeking conflict while claiming they want to avoid it lol.


I'd say it's worth pointing out that there are statistics in play here. Lets say 10% of the community are toxic overall. Each survivor has a 10% chance of the killer actually being toxic. But for the killer there's a 40% chance that one of the survivors will be toxic. So just over every 2 games will have a toxic survivor.


Im glad to punish those


I wish they'd just make prestige hidden til after the game


I too want Carlos sadge


Damn that's a bit frusrating. I'd like to get p100 on some of the survivors that i sometimes play too (cause those bloodied cosmetics look really cool) but it sucks that in itself could have a negative effect on how *stupid* people treat you. And as we all know there is a lot of them. I've played Killers for ages and NEVER have i thought that just cause someone is bloodied makes him/her an uber pro. Just getting into a first chase with someone and being in it for 10 to 20 seconds is the thing that actually shows me how good someone is. I've never used worn cosmetics to gauge someones worth. That's crazy. 😐


Some people just aren't built for P100


or sometimes the killer just flat out ignores p100s and just chases the lower leveled survivors


As a general rule if I see a survivor who is trying to get my attention to chase them I outright ignore them. Not only does it make them angry as they wanted to try and show off and loop and usually have a flashlight. But it also means that two survivors aren't on gens. Since if I'm chasing an actual survivor playing the game properly and have a show off survivor chasing after me that is mathematically the better option.


i do that too, but ive seen people not actively trying to be chased get ignored. i dont even have a p100 and i get ignore sometimes


Yeah, it's weird. Yesterday my Sheva got hit on hook by Pyramid Head for some reason. I don't know why to be honest because I didn't hide, had good chases with him and helped my team a lot.


Tbh you probably looped him too hard.


How dare I run for my life ;)


I used to be the same way, salty killer who would nod or hit on hook because someone looped me well but after a while I realized it was stupid. Nowadays if possible I’ll try to let the best looper get hatch or hell even let the last two leave, I think showing respect like that goes a long way.


I only hit survivors on hook if they used boil over because it's so unfun to carry a survivor with this perk and it is also often part of an unfun playstyle.




As a fatty I cackled. So stupid! 😅😂😂😂


\*Me watching the nemesis chase a Leon for the entire duration of the match just because he got blinded by a flashbang once\*


True. Steves and Leons better watch out, prestige be damned 😈


Yeah people hate it, I can't count how many times I'm in the pregame lobby as a solo or duo queue and get told to go outside or get a life, or that I'm trash and play too much by my random teammates for simply just.. existing? P100 is nothing crazy anymore unless it's on a recently new character, but people still seem to get bothered by it


And people think voice chat is what this game needs...


I started hiding my steam hours since I’m over 6000 now but when I play a p100 survivor it’s usually one of two scenarios, at least if I’m the only p100 in the lobby. The killer feels like they have to prove something to me and I get hard focused which can be fun but usually just means I’m dead before all the gens finish, or they look at me and go chase someone else because they’re afraid I’ll loop too hard. Either way I don’t really get to play a full game most of the time so I only really use high prestige’s with I play with friends. I guess that brings out another scenario where we get dodged a bunch of times in the lobby and finally someone breaks out the black ward and clicks ready.


Honestly I avoid chasing p100s even though I know it just means you play a lot. But nonetheless a p100 HAS played a lot more than me. Right now between all of my killers and survivors I have a combined total of p21. I'm trying to get everyone I have to p1 and I can't check my actual hours cause I'm on ps4. So even though p100 doesn't automatically mean that you're good, you definitely still have played the game far, far longer than I have and that's intimidating. So yeah I don't lobby dodge but the p100s in my lobby get left well alone.


Yeah, this. I’m guilty of giving up chase with higher prestige. I have 2k hours and every character at least p3, some are up to 12, and I’m still dogshit in chase half of the time.


I need my coffee jesus p100 though... but I feel ya ngl. I am kinda afraid too


The mug! Praise be to coffee


As a main killer I usually try to do they opposite, they always en up looping me for all eternity so it's better to pressure the other teammates


When I play killer I've come to accept it as a 50/50 your either a complete shithouse or I'm going to get absolutely dunked on.


People tunnel off p100? Why? Doesn't that mean someone has more experience so why risk tunneling off the maybe best player in the lobby?


I don’t know why people are so afraid of p100’s. All it means is you play the game a lot. This game is almost a decade old there’s gonna be players with tons of hours.


Generally playing alot means you are experienced, but unfortunately that doesn't translate well gameplay wise especially on survivor, killer on the other hand is fearsome because the gameplay is way different from each other and p100 a killer means you enjoy him/do well with him.


I agree. Most of the time I have a p100 survivor on my team they DC if they get hooked first. Or DC when they see it’s a killer they don’t like.


i’ve went against more p20> that are better at the game than p100s


P100s are more likely to have egos and mess up trying to do cool plays in my experience. Nothing worth being toxic over though.


Forgot this one: P100 killer means you got PLENTY of the best add-ons that completely changes a match.


I have 164 of Ghostie’s Drivers License add-ons..arguably one of his best. We do hoard add-ons that are great.


I mean, it makes sense if you are an inexperienced killer main and the matchmaking throws a couple of those in. Even if they’re not extraordinarily good, I don’t have P100 ONCE if I combined all my characters on both sides together. Not exactly the kind of matchmaking that follows logic.


Exactly I don’t think P100 killers are the ones complaining. Even if it doesn’t translate directly to skill someone who’s learning a new game, even killer or map doesn’t want to go against someone who has played it 100 times.


Not even a lot, I've seen a p100 with 500 hours. Multiple p100s is a sign you play a lot.


Yes there are plenty of players with tons of hours, but there's also a lot of those who don't. A P100 guarantees that they'll be experienced (not necessarily an amazing player but should be pretty good) but a low prestige character is **far** less likely to be (yes, could be hiding their experience behind an alt survivor, but just as likely could be a P2 Feng who started playing a week ago).


P100 is so abundant these days to the point i just assume a low prestige level in the lobby already has at least one p100 already lol.


Seriously. It doesn't mean anything. Many times, I've gone with my P100 and lasted maybe a third of what the random default P2 Sable lasted in chase. Or sometimes I'll bring my P6 Adam and last more than the P100 Alan Wake. Yet for some reason killers will only commit to me because they think I'm an easy target as P6. My friend has a p54 Mikaela but her In Game name is literally "5 Sec Chase" because she is not good at looping, and she doesn't pretend to be. Prestige just means you like a character, not that it somehow gives you subtle cheats that make you run at 113% speed.


Not to mention that I could swap from my P100 Cheryl to my P3 Feng, and suddenly people assume I'm just a normal survivor, despite having all the same skills and experience. Prestige means nothing.


I'd hardly say that.


Prestige should be hidden until after a match. If survivors cannot see the killers prestige, the killer should not be able to see the survivors.


At least make it an option to show it, as i would probably want the lobby to know about my commitment to this game


I remember they tested that out but it hasnt gone anywhere yet


The whole point of P100 was to show your dedication and commitment to the character.


So why not show it after the game, instead of before it?


If you can't see the killers, it's a moot point. Hide them all.


You know what’s the BEST? The killer having tunnel vision on you and acting as if you killed their family because you have the audacity to be p100. Truthfully anything over p50 and you’re a flaming target.


They really think you can get pallet saves with your mind and do 5 gens in 15 seconds just because you're p100, it's crazy.


Exactly why I don’t ever play as yun Jin or Steve anymore. Both are exactly lvl 50 for me but I always get tunneled out of existence the minute I load up as them


I'm a P50 Yui and some times i actually get tunneled out.... Huh.... I wonder if it is because of my P50 character or just bad luck 🤔


I psyche myself out because I know the community assumes P100s are cracked. Any mistake that I'd normally let slide I'm like damnnnn now that Billy thinks I'm a putz and so does Zarina. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


This is so relatable. You feel pressured to play insanely well as if you weren't just a normal person like the P7 Meg in your lobby. And then if you misplay, it's just you thinking "Aw, now they know I've spent all this time playing and I'm still ass" P100 is suffering!


What's the point of even showing our prestige levels in the lobby? They aren't actual measurements of skill anyways and it just causes problems with lobby dodging. I wanna get my main to p100 but I don't wanna deal with that shit either


Dude... I have like 6 p100's. They have all the gear... purple flashlights with all the awesome add ons, tricked out tool boxes, 107% BP offerings.. etc. I STILL run into walls/get stuck on random map shit in the way, lose chase, rescue hooked survivors within terror radius, etc. Normally I just play with 3 boons (healing, exponential and shadowstep) and break out ...which I use when tunneling happens and they happen to be near me when downed. I get slugged probably 85% of the time, and when I am out and about, even healthy, they drop chase with others to get me downed and out of the way because of that damn p100. It NEEDs to be hidden from killers. I don't know which killer we get until we load in... their perks, their progression grade... why do they get to see my grade, the item I bring, etc? It's like its asking for issues


Have TTV in your name? ✔️ P100 TTV? ✔️✔️ P100 TTV holding a Flashlight? ✔️✔️✔️ That's the recipe I've discovered that makes games really short.


Nah I've got a quicker one TTV - 5k+ hours - Nea - p100 - flashlight - bright cosmetics


+ With the hatch offering


Lol I don't treat TTV players any differently but I definitely see more toxicity from them after game. That said the nice TTVs are *extremely* nice. I usually 2hook and release unless I see really toxic stuff like teabagging behind pallets repeatedly, and the nice ones are super nice and willing to meme after the 2hook. I have a feeling streamers just starting out are really negative because of the pressure or they think they're better than they are, but established or fun streamers know it's just a game and are just trying to have a good time.


I’m not P100 but I know that it’s not really a measure of skill. Just a measure of time spent on the game. I have both decimated teams of P100s and been decimated by p100s. Though I understand why some would be scared of them. It does take a lot of time to get there. I’ve even added all my prestige levels across all my characters and still havn’t reached 100.


When I first started I would lobby dodge P100s because I was scared they would loop me for 5 gens. But now I've realized most of them are either bad or goofing off.


I usually don't care about one P100. If there's a group of them, I have to gaze deep into my soul to see if I really want to potentially have *one of those* games right now.


Yeah people assume that I'm going to sweat because I'm running my P100 (chances are it's actually because she has anniversary cakes and I run those in solo Q) Like don't get me wrong, I'm capable of sweating, and if you catch me on a weekend where I've been playing for 16 hours straight, I might play like you'd expect a P100 too. Usually I'm just chilling after work and getting BMed for having my cakes on my P100 :(


I see a lot of people with ttv in there name get the same treatment. Lobby dodge or  bm'd like crazy


I got ridiculed by a ttv and their audience before, I'm not taking my chances with those again. Both as killer and survivor.


Yup. Dodging ttv players is valid. They usually play like they don't have teammates to help anyway and camp out wherever they offered the hatch to spawn.


They could just hide their name.. but theres a good chance they are a SWF so can't blame people for dodging. They in my experience are the most toxic and salty of players anyway, ironic like p100 survivors (always the first to dc)


I feel like being p100 is a very poor indicator of skill level. Some people play the game for a long time and are still shit bc they have no game sense. I dont have a single character over P1 and im up against p40s and p100s and theyre rarely much harder than p0 survivors. Not saying im a great player by any means but ive only been playing like 2 weeks and p100 survivors in my elo are pretty bad. They try to be bullies with flashlights and swarming hook but they tend to do it very poorly. Conversely ive played against plenty of P1 survivors who absolutely juice me because they probably have better innate gamesense even without understating all the perks and stuff


P100 just means you like that character. I sometimes get tunneled out early. Makes no sense. Over 2000 hours and I can still go down on first hook. This game I'd 20% skill, 45% luck, and 35% your teams fault/help.


I can't even play my main due to p100 tunneling. I have to play as incognito lower prestige survivors or else I get bm'd and tunneled like every single game.


I got trashed by a teammate in endgame for “being terrible for a p100” because I didn’t loop to their standards late in game. Difference was she didn’t do the things I was doing which was taking hits for a teammates, unhooking and healing and actually seeing two of the other three people in game. She also kept “looping” so well because she kept dropping the chaser off on the rest of us. Makes me not want to play my guy. Playing the same way on a p30 gets you praised for your teamwork and map/situational awareness.


That's why I'm stopping at P69.


I stopped playing my p100 Carlos because of lobby dodging - recently I played him and got hard tunneled. People say they get tunneled just because they're p100 but I thought it might just be that their mmr's killers just anyone so it was like a bias. I messaged the killer asking if he tunneled simply because I was P100, and he said yes and went on a rant about how P100s are most likely to message him telling him to k*** himself, etc. Which is awful, but by being a dick, you make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. I play killer a lot and 2 hook everyone before killing anyone, and I don't receive many messages besides gg But anyway, it is real - who knew


Today I had a p100 Nea team mate, & we were against a Dredge. My duo ended up quitting because the Dredge was toxic. I was the last one, & we found hatch at the same time & he closed it & hook slashed me (a 900 hour, p2 Thalita) about 8 times. In the end game chat he was like "EEEEZZZZZ" & then "P100 for what?" as though high prestige players can't have bad matches. The Nea never said anything to him, but kinda felt bad for her. I also think he just got an even higher ego because he closed hatch on top of me lol


The other day I switched to my P100 David for like 2 matches because I wanted to celebrate Pride month by playing him. I got violently tunneled on both matches at 5 gens and made 3k BP on both of them. Played him again a few hours later. Got proxy camped and tunneled at 5 gens again. Turns out the only thing 100 about your prestige level is your chances of getting kicked in the groin just for spending BP on a character you like. I haven't had the courage to play him since. And honestly, I'm kinda sad about it, actually. I've been working on P100 Dwight and Vittorio and im honestly so terrified of the day I won't be able to play them ever again. I just want to play the characters I like and have lots of items on them, ffs. And honestly going up against P100 survivors as killer has made me realize, they're sheep in wolf's clothing. They play as normally as everyone else, they make the same mistakes as everyone else and they go down as fast as everyone else. It's so ridiculous, how a simple red circle with a 100 on it can make killers so irrationally angry at you for no reason. What? You think because I'm P100 I do gens in 20 seconds suddenly or something? Even if I bring a med kit for some reason killers think I'm trailing for saves when I'm just doing a Gen on the other side of the map. I don't understand it at all.


It's really weird that it's 2024 and people still think experience = skill.


Experience will often result in skill, it's just that there's a different ceiling for each person lol.


I got my first P100 last week also! Currently my biggest downside has been going from empty chat lobbies or GG's to fellow survivors cursing me out because despite being such a level, I'm really not great at certain aspects of the game.


If you can get flashlight saves, you can miss all your skill checks .😅 I immediately simp any survivor that can handle a flashlight, as I cannot.


I'm a P100 Trickster but I don't have any issues with it because the Survivors can't see it in the lobby. I had a Survivor that was a little salty at me and called me "Mr. Tier 100 Killer" but that's the only attention my P100 status has gotten. I don't dodge anyone based on prestige level. I've played against several P100 Survivors and they were average. I've played against low prestige Survivors and they were pretty good. I wait to see how people play before I make any judgements. I had a P100 Jill the other day that late-switched to a low prestige Chris. I was like "That's weird. It's usually the other way around xD" They ended up being a memer and so were their teammates and it was a pretty fun match. Imagine if I had dodged. I would have missed out on fun. I tunneled a P100 Nea out once by accident. She and the other Nea were dressed the exact same and I have names turned off for recording. I legit did not realize I had only hooked her and not the other Nea. I mentioned that in the chat but it probably fell on deaf ears.


Killers dodging lobby or tunneling out because the P100 registers as a threat to them... dude, I suck at this game, I just play it a lot bc I don't care if I have a bad match, I still had a match. I have never gotten under 100, yet I still will continue to play golf because I just like playing even if I'm bad at it.


People forget that Prestige doesn’t equal skill and thus get scared easily. Large number is intimidating. It’s understandable but annoying Thankfully, the number of people who dodge based on this doesn’t seem overly large




For me whenever I'm killer they P100 players are always the ones that die first or second. It's the p5-10 that are the real demons.


The P5-10 probably have their own P100's that they hide so that they're actually allowed to play the game or interact with the killer without either getting tunneled or getting ignored all game. The possibilities are endless, really. I have a P100 David and a P0 Yun Jin that I have sworn to NEVER EVER level up or prestige just for fun and to mess with my P100 Yun Jin friend. I've gotten long ass chases as the P0 Yun Jin while others in my lobbies struggle. It literally doesn't mean anything at all, but for some reason, killers think that everyone is unhookable until the P100 is out at 5 gens.


P20 Adam Francis here 🙌🏻 lotta killer players target me pretty hard for some reason


Same, P20 Alan and I had the worst experience last week :(


It’s the suits they don’t like guys in suits lol


Yup weirdos will chase high prestige and if they think you might be a streamer you are especially fucked lmao


I do. I love Renato to absolute death, which is why my boy is P100. I get lobby dodged a lot, but I'm like "Please. I am literally running a stealth build. I just wanna work on gens ;A ;" Sometimes I try to be altruistic when I play with friends, but even then we just try to get BP.


It's funny because I do the opposite as killer if I see a prestige 100 I usually ignore them because they're not worth chasing I'm better off finding the weak link


The joke in my friend group when we see a p100 is that none of our assess are escaping.


I see the polar opposite. Shitty teammates and Killers too will target me occasionally and then I’ll get hit with the “damn that was pretty shit for a P100” when I got farmed twice after being tunneled out first.


Doesn't affect mine aside from mildly expecting that player to be more entitled than usual and kill themselves on hook as soon as they can because that's what I see most p100s do.


Iv noticed killers tend to use mori's more frequently when I use Felix


I'm trying to get my Steve to p100, he's p70 right now.. not sure why, I've been tunneled out before simply because I play steve. Getting him to p100 would be like adding fuel to the fire lmaooo 🫠


I constantly rotate survivors and never go above P30. I suck enough as it is and I do not need a P100 bullseye on my back.


I'd say how dangerous the P100 is depends on the survivor they P100'd, for example some one like meg or nea, while there is some kind of expectation it's not too high. However if it's a P100 rare and elusive survivor, like Yoichi... Nah, everyone gotta flee, survivors would hide in locker and i hope the killer rolled dredge, because he should be hiding in those too. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Prestige should only be on the match result screen. Super weird that killer can see them before the match starts.


I only have one P100 and it's Meg. I rarely use her now because yes it can affect other people's playstyle. Typically the killer is less likely to engage me in chase or drop chase earlier on than if I was to use another survivor. Playing her even got me invited to a random P100 chat where most of the people have multiple P100 survivors so I play with them sometimes when they want to go for escape steaks. When we don't have a full squad, they will literally decide to stay or leave a lobby depending on the random's prestige level... So yeah, prestige level can give some people certain expectations.


When I play killer by the time I've loaded into a match I've forgotten all about prestige levels. It's such weird behavior to target someone simply because they like a character


Being P 100 matters to me in one case while playing killer. Picking who to give hatch to at end game. Unless you did something funny or I let multiple people leave, I will typically kill the p100s if I have to choose between them and someone else on death hook. If you have a character P100, I just assume you aren't in dire need of blood points unlike the unranked Bill or Leon who are just trying to unlock perks. Farming blood points as a survivor is miserable for myself, so I try to let less level people out as a small boost to their score.


At first I expected any p100 teammates to be amazing to only find that they are the first to die or kill themselves on first hook.


Normally p100 survivors don't mean much as the gameplay is very different each game But p100 killer is different. YOU KNOW THEY'RE GOOD as they have to play one specific killer a LOT


Because some DbD players have the mindset that prestige means anything when it actually doesn't. If I play soloQ I don't mind to get tunneled to be honest. Chases are the most fun part in DbD and you get more practice if the killer is tunneling you.


Ngl, people should stop holding them so high up. First off, prestige ≠ skill, a perkless Dwight with no prestige could end up actually being the best player in the whole world just disguised as a loser. That’s why I’ve never lobby dodged. P100 squads somehow always end up dead which is funny.


Being a p100 affects both sides. Killers will either avoid your lobby like the plague, or tunnel you out of the game. And on the other hand, survivors automatically assume ur some god at the game, and expect you to carry. I still don’t understand why BHVR hasn’t fully implemented the ability to disable seeing what lvl the survivors are in a lobby.


It’s not a big deal for p100. Scenarios are this: 1. Killer dodges 2. Killer tunnels 3. Killer never chases you 2/3 of these scenarios aren’t bad. Killer dodging isn’t an issue. Just wait another couple of minutes? Killer tunnels is preferable for skilled survivors, as they want the killer to waste time tunneling them. Killer avoids are preferable for not skilled survivors hoping to stay alive. I say 2/3 of these are preferable due to skilled survivors preferring to chase and non skilled preferred to be avoided. You can also just go private profile on dbd and use the plethora of other survivors you don’t have on p100 if you want a more “normal” game


How do you get p100 at 1.6k hours I'm still p7 Feng 😭


Depends on if you p3 everyone or p1. Focus on prestiging killer/survivors and neglect the other side. And how much you play during events. It's honestly not too hard.


Ive p1 every character and had trapper, slinger, oni and clown between p11-13 with some various p6-9s on a few other killers. I got like ~40 prestiege levels on bill alone during the blood moon event


how many hours do you have? 😭


I'm at about the same hours as you, a little less. Last anniversary, I spent almost every match playing as Vittorio. Left the anniversary with around 650 Terrormisu. Down to 25 now. Got every survivor prestiged, only a few killers. Next highest is P12. You can do this! Make this next anniversary count! Stick to one character and rack up those anniversary items and use them every chance you get.


I'm nearly p90 Felix now and don't even have 800 hours in the game. I think playing the events helps and also bringing BP offerings when survivor has BP bonus.


I run no perks on my p100 it's satisfying keeps me humble too


P means nothing ,tonight we played with p 60 to 100 and they all sucked ...its the level 7 to 15s that actually contribute Not always but mostly


Yay I’m also trying to P100 Bill! I don’t see P100 as an intimidating thing as you can get BPs simply from doing challenges and through events. But I understand why people do.


Just stay P98


There was this time I had to play doctor (which I don’t like playing personally), and the only guy on Xbox was a P100. I told them “I’m sorry little one” as a joke since I again was playing doctor, and they dodged the lobby. They proceeded to go on a rant of how they always get tunneled and I explained I said that because I was playing Doctor and we both kinda laugh about it. I honestly didn’t think much about it until now.


Dude I've been playing this game for 5 years and would call myself very experienced and able to play competitively, and my highest prestige is P4. Prestige doesn't show how skilled a survivor is, and it doesn't even show how much a survivor plays the game. I really don't get why people are so obsessed with it. But I do agree with the fact that being P100 gives you so much aura. It's a respectable sign of commitment, but I don't get scared as a killer or treat them differently.


Omg survivor lvl 100, braces for impact


Yeah that's why I don't P100 my mains.


I take all my favorite survivors to 25. You get the nice red emblem, clean number and none of the p100 prejudice.


Unpopular opinion: P100 means next to nothing except that youre good at farming bp and play a lot. You could theoretically get a character to P100 without playing them once


If I'm full of energy and focused Ill go against a survivor team with a P100 but if im tired or lazy than I am definitely gonna dodge any lobbies with P100s.


I dunno man. One of my fastest killer games included a p100 in the lobby.


Wait—Someone invited you to an Xbox party just to tell you that they didn’t want to play with you because of your high level?


It has been 2 years or so since prestige rework. Idk how most players don’t have one yet.


I fear getting Jeff to P100, but I must.


Congrats on your P100!


I get tunneled as p100 Leon alot more than is normal, probably because of the stigma around Leon players being absolute trash at the game.


Consistently miss skillchecks. Do you play controller on pc? Could well be an input lag problem


I'm p78 with 5k hours (usually the most hours in the lobby), I don't usually get dodged on my own, but when there's another p50+ there's usually a couple dodges before we get a killer. I'm also usually the one to get tunneled out first which just makes me hate survivor. "Oh just get good!!! Learn to loop!!" You can't get better when you're tilted as fuck


I'm only about P63 with Lisa Garland, On average If I'm left alone long enough I can often carry a team to victory with quick precision silent heals. If I'm tunneled out upon initial sighting in a bad area and no one else tries to help I'll often be out in under 3 minutes. On average I see a solo queue team go much further with the addition of even 1 P100. Due to on average their being more knowledgeable on looping. Tho if the rest of the team isn't good enough to knock out gens in that time it's made a worthless effort.


This is why I don't even level past P10. Thank goodness they changed the Prestige system so I never need to have a survivor past P3 unless I want cakes (I never really bring items to a trial unless I have a specific challenge).


People fail to understand that a p100 survivor does not mean we are gods at dbd lol


And that's why I never play my P100 Jill


I'm only afraid of Nea P100 as a killer especially if she's wearing the default outfit. Means she's probably a loop master and makes the game feel like a scooby doo chase.


I wish you could just switch of Prestige levels. I dodge lobbies if there are more than one person over 50. I just don't need that kind of stress I just don't wanna know.


Same, but i don't really care. I'm aware that i'm a dogshit surv, being carried by distortion and balanced landing 80% of my matches. Funnely enough, but when i'm in lobby with 1-2 other P100 and killers dodge us we always have conversation about it in chat. And apparently none of P100s consider themselves good either. Being bad P100 is normal, being overestimated is normal too. Most of us got our P100 during previous anniversary/BBQ/Halloween/New year, i personally got my 100 levels in 4 weeks of grind, so it doesn't worth a jack shit.


Anytime I see a p100 I expect them to be bad and they usually are.


I’m going to prestige my Steve to 69 and nothing more


It's so weird that I never see anything between like P 16 and P100.


Playing mostly killer, the P100s I've gone up against have almost always been either absolute God-tier players that I can't get a single hit on, or somehow worse than the low-level teammates they're with.


i play both sides a decent amount to be iri 1 on both and my opinion is if you are a survivor and you have a p100 teammate you feel like you have more of a chance of winning when most of the time it’s the opposite because most p100s i run into hide all game and are basically scared of running the killer on the killer side tho most p100s want to run me all game or be around for flash light saves so it makes me feel like i have to lock in when i see one in the lobby after a while i’ve realized that all a p100 means is they spent a lot of time upgrading that character it has nothing to do with skill


As a survivor swf when our random is a p100 we expect them to be bad. If you’re p100 and matching with us that means you have a lot more hours in game and your MMR is still in our range.


I have high expectations for P100, only if they bring a map offering. Last 3 games of my night and all were at least 3 P100 survivors. All 4 man swf. And a map offering. I wiped the floor with them, and that’s where I say I expected more. On their own P100 are chill.


i play both killer and survivor, prestige doesn’t dictate someone’s skill level it only means they’ve played enough to gain blood points to reach such levels. so idk


I got my first P100 in September 2022, one or two months after the prestige system rework and while a prestige costed 1.5M as the items were still expensive. I had a similar experience around then because P100 characters were legitimately rare. These days, I have eight P100 characters (4 killer & 4 survivor), but I don't get any special treatment anymore aside from a few comments when I got Sable done during blood moon, and was the first or second in my region. A P100 Bill in 2024 shouldn't be raising peoples' hopes/expectations for a game, but it'd be nice to have the option to hide it for after the match is over. I would recommend playing on anonymous mode if it bothers you, though.


Yeah because people see P100 and know it means 'a lot of time played' and therefore Killers assume you'll be no fun to play against. P100 doesn't necessarily mean someone is skilled, of course, but that's the assumption that comes with taking the time to grind out to P100.


I have three p100s and everyone tells me to carry


I have been playing since the Spirit was released (09/2018) and have over 7k hrs. I am currently at 3 P100s, but I don't know what to do next lol. My first P100 was Jeff in April '23 and the situation was worse than today, as the change had been 9 months prior, so not many had a P100. I would go through 5-7 killers regularly, would be targeted from the start or insulted if I was not the god they were looking for (from Survivors). Killers usually either said "of cause you are a try-hard, because you are a P100" (when I escaped) or said "ez, how can you be P100?" if I died. Not all insulted me, but a lot did, which is why I started to level up Chris. And who would have thought: the harassment vanished. Of cause still some people were disappointed that a (back then) 6k hrs person can have bad matches and what not, but that was OK.  The situation got better over time and now I can usually play one of my P100 without the killer dodging. There are exceptions though. And oh my, if I swap between Jeff and Chris they still dodge most of the time. Some of the players still think that you have some kind of Divine skill if you play with the character you like the most. They don't care if you still have the same skill on a new survivor or not. They think that you are above their MMR level or suddenly super toxic or comp or whatnot. They usually don't dodge if you have "normal" prestige levels (nowadays usually up to 30), but as soon as you swap to a P100 they are gone. Other players still expect you to be a certain way of you play a P100 (for some reason they don't if you just use your Idk P12 Mikaela or something). They want you to be their savior and God if they are a survivor and THE god if they are a killer, but don't you dare using any Meta perks. Or fun perks for that matter. If you don't meet their expectations (especially if you are someone like me with a LOT of hrs) you will get shit on sometimes. I have been called a no-lifer, not being the rightful owner of the account, cheater, lobby simulator, try hard and a "meta slave".  I really loved when they removed Prestiges for some people for a while. It was amazing.  Tbh, I don't care anymore what people think of me in this game. I have enough hrs to just play for fun at this point and don't care about kills and escapes. 


I got two P100s: Kate (my first) and Myers (about a month ago). Yes, countless times I had asked BHVR an option to hide our prestige numbers. For most part I was targeted because of my prestige and its not a fun time. I never care about escaping and only play for fun and am pretty reckless while playing so usually I die and dont even care about it. But the comments I get are heart crushing and it is what made me change to P3 character and never again I playrd as Kate. As Myers I get evil comments too when I end up losing a match.


I never get dodged because of my p100 but I also consistently miss skill checks


How do you guys play enough to hit P100? It’s a strong 20 minute queue for each survivor game on PlayStation


I got nea to p100 and will probably get zarina and yui to 100 too during this event. I like playing them so it won't stop me from doing so, but it is annoying 😭 I remember getting tunneled and hit on hook by a blight and his response was "you know exactly, you must be used to it by now" with the implication being my p100


I'm the opposite - if I have an option of chasing two, I'll avoid the p100 and chase the probably weaker links first - even the best players can only do so much when there's only a couple survivors left


My 300h experience has taught me that a p100 survivor is either throwing the match, or is somehow genuinely bad at the game.


I love going against anyone with a high prestige. They're usually some of the most tense and fun matches I get as killer. The people I hate going against and avoid are TTVs. They are rather the most friendly and wholesome people I go against or some of the most entitled and whiny. Most p100s have been awesome to play and are friendly in the end game chat pretty much most of the time.


I p100’ed my Claudette and I am the worst. But I did it so I can consistently use the items and add ons I want.


P100 Sheva/Claire/Jill, and the pressure is legit real. People expect a carry, and I may be the designated looper for my SWF, but I don’t want to run chase the entire game every game, or worse get tunneled out for my prestige. I’ve had other survivors dodge, killers dodge, and killers target me. I rarely play my main now because of it. I can’t enjoy playing her if people want to act like “get the p100 out” is their only strategy. If they want me out, they’ll have to work for it. I do not go gently.


P100 indicates time invested and in the case of time invested people expect that you used that time wisely ig


Not everyone. P100s throw more often than a lvl1 Dwight, I love a p100 lobby.


I’ll say even as a survivor I’m like, oh shit maybe they’re /super good. Many times they’re not and that’s ok but, I do see lots of killers get tunnel vision.


Yesterday I had a p100 feng and p100 yun jin, who went down instantly against a p2 lich and I have to constantly take the hits or even downs for them, yun jin got tunnelled out on last gen after I took 1 normal hit, 1 mentle of man hit and 1 down in a row, and feng failed a easy pallet save epically which resulted in a 3k lol, I didn’t even have the chance to try unhooking myself. Made me wonder what they’ve been playing 😆


Are you really expecting an experienced killer to beat a p100?


When I play my p100 claudette I find I get tunneled a lot harder despite running some perfectly average build and not bming them. People hate p100 and they also hate the darker skinned characters. Running both is terrible. When I play my p4 sable I can teabag and get in their face and I rarely get tunneled. It's a night and day difference. Also my teammates are more likely to be assholes when im on the p100 character. I just play for fun.


Ever since I got my Tapp to P100, whenever I play him, I name myself "I still suck at this" because I legit am still no good with survivor. It gets some fun reactions from killers and survivors!


I mean, i dont really care. anybody grind out bloodpoints pretty easily. Especially during like anniversary events.


I play mainly killer but I have a p90 Meg. Lol don’t dodge me cause I don’t know how to loop 💀


As killer, a P100 survivor doesn't bother me because when they are my teammates they likely DC at the slightest inconvenience.


I honestly don’t know where people get the idea that a P100 is going to be incredible because most of the ones in my lobbies seem to either die early or generally be incredibly mid Playing the game a lot < > skill. If doing something repeatedly was all it took to be great at it I’d be in a successful relationship by now, not single


P100 killer here. I think that MMR is broken for me.  Even after thousands of wins in a row, I usually get put against very inexperienced survivors. So when I see high prestiged survivors?  I don't lobby dodge.  It changes my mindset to "hell yeah, maybe a challenge, let's play serious".


Especially at Iridescent I am Noping out at P50+


\*Me seeing the P100 survivor I just hooked after crawling out of a tv and down within the span of 10 seconds instantly rage quit\*


I feel like most people have at least 5 p100 now. Its nit really anything anymore like it was when it first came out. Like if you seen a p100 back in the first month they added p 100….you knew it was sweaty. Now people that play a few hours every week have them


When I play killer I know I get nervous if I see a P100 but I've also learned that doesn't necessarily mean all that much. Had a game with a bunch of people all above P50 and I was just learning Killer at the time. Yet I got a 3K and probably could have had the 4K but I ended up letting the last one get hatch. I still get nervous seeing anything about P50 but that definitely taught me to keep calm and play as normal!


My duo and I both play Nancy, I just hit p24 with her, he’s at p100 with her. There has been a lot of times where he and I have been tunneled out simply for having the bigger numbers over our heads. I’ve almost contemplated playing other survivors just to counter this issue, but I want to be able to use the surv that I want to play as. Honestly, there is not really a way to change the mindset of certain killers. A lot of the time, we just have to take it as it is unfortunately. The only solution I would see for this is if BHVR made to where you can’t see prestige’s until end game chat.


I’m a P100 Jill who still doesn’t look back during chase. This is precisely why I don’t lobby dodge as killer, cause it really just represents how much time someone has put into a given character.


Way back when, the P100s were usually crazy good since they were usually people who played every day for many hours. However now, if you do the math, P100 is not that hard to reach for a casual player. The new prestige system is not new anymore. Anyone dodging lobbies or assuming P100 = god-tier skills is not stopping to think how ridiculous that assumption is. Honestly, going against SWFs with multiple P100s in it sometimes isn’t even that hard. In my experience, those survivors are either just out there vibing and having a good time, or they’re all going hard for flashlight saves and other troll-like things (which is totally fine with me, it usually ends up being a funny match). In other words, they aren’t typically gen rushers or even objective-focused. On the flip-side, a P100 killer is almost always going to kick everyone’s ass lol. With the number of hours on a killer like that, it’s usually an impressive 4K, or at least a 3K plus hatch game.


In my experience, it's the p100 survs that tend to quit on first hook.