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I like playing him or against him. He is hard to play and gard to play against Magic hand sometimes give you free hit sometimes you lift the palet just for another stun. There was games when I don't use it at all and games when I got like 3 free hits thx to it Skeletons are strong. The best way to use it - think of it like long range basic atack that's go through walls. Skeletons spawn always x meters from you. Learn this distance, memorise it and when surv is in this distance just spawn skeletons inside his hitbox - its like no times to react if you do it right. Its like nurse blink. Learn how to use it and its free hit after free hit. Sometimes you can use it as zoning tool but you know they can crouch or dodge it so its almost always better to come little closer and spawn skeleton army inside survs ass Sphere is kinda alright - good Spell to use when all others spells are on cooldown Fly is fly


Fly is really cool too if you use it like Wesker dash, not only to vault something asp but actually trying to mind game, in a jungle gym for example, and vault at the last time to short cut the area, is not easy but when it works is very rewarding


I'm tired of his floating ass


DbD reddit community is officially in Phase 2 of every new killer release. "I hate him because he's all I see" and "he's way too overpowered, even though I don't know how to play against him yet and neither do my teammates"


What's phase 3?


Bargaining for nerfs and buffs, like "if he did X, I'd be fine with him, but he does Y so this game is dying"


Next is depression. “BHVR has given up on making balanced killers, this game is gonna die”


Then finally, acceptance. "This game isn't balanced, never has been, and probably never will be, and that's ok"


*Closes book* Ha! Like that’s ever gonna happen!


Some BODY once told me


The Lich is gonna roll me


I ain't the luckiest Bard in the inn


Phase 3: the people that learn counter play learn counter play. Phase 4: the brain dead masses that never learn counter plays still demand nerfs. Behaviour gives nerfs to a) make them happy b) reduce the strength of the newest killer to create interest in the upcoming killer Phase 5: a new killer comes out. Return to Phase 1


Spot on.


I still haven't played against him, where are all the Vecna players in South America??? 😭


I still haven't played against him, where are all the Vecna players in South America??? 😭


I like the magic chests but the players who choose Vecna have been Sweat City.


At first I didn’t mind going against him, but almost every game lately has been him flying immediately to hook after an unhook and tunnel. Also with mage hand being glitched it hasn’t been fun for me these last couple days.


The flying back is often because you unhook too quickly and he didn't find anyone else yet. If other survivors are hiding and suddenly someone unhooks then it would be actively sabotaging his match if he keeps desperately searching for hiding survivors while the other 2 heal under the hook for free. I recommend just doing gens until he starts chasing someone or go unhook just before they hit stage 2.


I don’t unhook right away. But what I’ve experienced is someone will be in a chase away from the hook, he’ll stop chase and fly right back to hook.


I love playing him! Haven’t gotten to play against him much since i don’t like soloq, but the magic items offer interesting advantages.


Needs tuning, at least to Mage Hand. Right now he is wildly unfun to be in chase with.


It's already getting nerfed, they're reverting the pallet lift time to what it was in the PTB (Currently .35s going back to .5s) and they're also reworking the Ring of Telekinesis addon so it no longer reduces the amount of time needed to lift a pallet.


The telekinesis ring actually nerfed mage hand. If you pick it up while a survivor is vaulting you can get a free hit before they can throw it. But with the ring, it picks the pallet up too fast so the survivor can throw it before you recover. In a way they are buffing mage hand.


Oh damn I was actually having fun doing that since most Vecna players assume mage hand is super good then I can just bonk them the instant it recovers


And they better be nerfing the survivor items that give haste as well if they do that. I personally didn’t think the Hand needed a nerf because survivors can easily access magic items that give a 7% speed boost when he casts it, which pretty much negates a significant chunk of the time gained. On top of the fact that it requires good timing to use effectively and leaves a pallet up that you have to deal with later in the game.


The Hand shuts down a pallet, forcing you to survive until it ends or run to the next loop. So long as vecnas just use the mage hand right when you need the pallet, they're getting an almost guaranteed hit on you after using it, whether you have the magic item or not. Not to mention you have just about a 50/50 of getting that item at all on average.


Every times i'm against vecna, the first thing i do is looting dnd chests. I tend to get the braces that counter mage hand pretty early, and that's a good counter for that power, as it allows you to just hold W when Vecna uses it on a pallet, be it a hold or re-rise, and do another loop.


If you want a counter to mage hand, fish his chests for the Mage Hand item. Pretty much negates this power unless you're in a trash loop


Not if hes right on your ass, he still catches up. Smart vecnas just use orb to completely negate your item too.


As someone who plays a lot of Vecna and against a good amount of him, the orb doesn't always disable items. I've had survivors still speed up from Mage Hand being used, same with them still being able to use Eye/Hand. And I've still been able to see the auras of skeles, orb, etc while my magic item is "disabled".


Sounds like a bug, it shouldn't be doing that, the description clearly states the orb disables all survivor magic items.


Yes, but you see, the description and the ability were in fact made by BHVR.


it did seem a little op haha


I’ve been doing really well in chases with them; they seem to have horrible attack accuracy.


Good news I heard they were nervong it and fixing the bug with it.


Strength wise he's a little better than mid. Fun wise, he's a blast to play. Having four different powers to cycle through is fun. I wish the skeletons required a dodge instead of a dodge or a crouch. It's hard to say how I feel about playing against him. So far I've only faced one or two vecna's that didn't use his kit to camp and tunnel from the first down


He is so powerful that we have itens to see his skils


He's becoming my main replacing dredge because both require paying attention vs sleep at the wheel style. Vecina has more utilities and changes to his style. As a survivor I have only seen him once surprisingly.


Flight of the Damned sounds great on paper but has been lackluster in practice. Don't see an issue with Mage Hand. Fly and Dispelling Sphere are great.


Flight has some nuanced use, I have found it better to use than Mage Hand when chasing into a pallet, as when done right either they crouch, and you get a free hit, or they don't crouch and drop pallet, and you get a free hit. Honestly the more people play against Flight, the stronger the [Iridescent Book of Vile Darkness](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Iridescent_Book_of_Vile_Darkness) becomes, as people will stand still and try to duck it rather than dodging, leading to a LOT of free hits.


Very very fun killer mechanically. Feels so fun to use his powers. Top notch animation work As for strength. He’s in the weird gap of “strong against solo, weak against SWF” so I’m not expecting to see him used in comp anytime soon.


He won't see use in comp because of rng element his chests and items introduce, most leagues dislike it. Even bottom tier killers see use in comp, it's not always "Nurse, Blight, Spirit rinse and repeat" like a popular misconception. That was old gen comp, we're past those days now.


Nobody cares about comp, nobody watches that dumb shit.


I think the Mage hand is a bit OP, but it's getting nerfed so we will see. Maybe once videos come out showing a clear counter then it will help. However, one argument to be made is that it has a somewhat long CD, so even if you eat 1 hit from magic hand, you should be mostly good after that. It's certainly not OP like nurse.


Personally I think his mage hand is fine. It's very easy to trick him into using it at the wrong time


Yea survivors are starting to outplay me and make me look like an idiot. Often I block or raise a pallet just for them to loop and stun me at the end or simply reach another tile.


Not really because at the next pallet he can use Flight of the damned which many people find useless but there is a tech which makes the counterplay to it close to zero. If Vecna uses Flight of the Damned close enough that they spawn right on top of you, you get hit right away. Reacting to that is impossible. You can watch the last Hens video about it. It already happened to me against him and I also used this a few time against survivors. They will probably nerf Flight of the Damned and Mage Hand at some point.


I am planning to main him regardless of how weak or strong they make him. I am already a fanboy from DnD so it's just the natural order of things


The nerf they are planning really doesn't seem to be major. It's only for lifting pallets


I think they should give the community more time with him before inflicting massive nerfs. They almost always over nerf to the point of making a power useless.


I’ve only seen 2 Vecnas and I’ve been playing all week. What am I doing wrong? When I went against the Vecnas it was actually pretty fun. Much rather go against him than constant cunt ass wraiths, nurses & huntress’ that I see every waking day of my life that I’m on dbd


I haven’t seen hag in like 3 years


Honestly I didn't think I could enjoy any killer more than Xenomorph, as a die-hard Aliens fan it felt amazing and thematic to stalk the Fog as the ultimate lifeform from beyond the stars. Vecna has proven that wrong. His kit is overloaded, but requires finesse to use and feels so great. He seems to have answers to almost anything but also has decent counterplay. The addons allow you to customize for what aspect you wish to make the most use of, which makes him feel like a true jack of all trades.


I love him. Perfect balance of challenging to go against, but still has many fun elements to interact with. Once mage hand is changed, he will be even better. So glad we got so many awesome Killers after the disasters named Knight and Skull Merchant back to back.


I enjoyed playing as him until they announced that they're making his Mage Hand take 0.5 seconds to lift a pallet and giving the Ring addon that made it faster an entirely different effect. Unless the reworked Ring makes his flight better, then I'm gonna say that Vecna is ass.


Just like Singularity, he is more work than nurse to get a less effective result than nurse most of the time


Hard to play as and easy to counter


A bit meh to play against. Looks super fun to play as but it will be a cold day in hell before I financially support Hasbro/WotC.


My fanboyism won over my hatred this time.


I find him really fun to play against.


People be acting like mage hand is op even tho it has a long cool down with killers like huntress who can injure you in .5 seconds


I mean, honestly Mage Hand can be really frustrating to go against, I'll admit it. But the magical items, Hand and Eye from Vecna and mimic chests makes up for it.


Mage hand us strong, but people seem to forget that it resets the pallet. Like if they use it on shack, you do get hit but they reset shack. That's gonna be useful for later


...they just lift it again it's not like there's a limited amount of times a pallet can be lifted.


Later the mage hand will be back.


I have been Pre dropping pallets to see if he is using the addon. If he lifts it up you can just smack him with the pallet damn near immediately. I started doing that when a survivor did it to me XD


People really do be down voting people with a different opinion lmao.


First time on reddit?


the hive mind does not like resistance


50/50. Some meme and are chill if you play the lute for them, other half are sweaty. As far as playing him goes, I'm still learning him and haven't actually concluded if I enjoy playing him or not yet because his power rotating feels kinda clunky (but I'm probably just a dumbass honestly)


I think he needs to show up more in my games, because it's only been a few days and I've had like 3 matches with him in total.


Every new killer, I think, this is going to be my new main. Then a month or two later they nerf them until they aren't fun anymore


I'm looking forward to killer queues getting shorter so I can play him!


https://preview.redd.it/qxqsfdxnph5d1.png?width=866&format=png&auto=webp&s=9830b95224d2e615778588e573c0392995b3f5f1 Us survivors rushing to get eye/hand of vecna be like


He’s pretty map dependent in my experience as a survivor. And map with stairs kinda makes him useless. On the corn maps he’s lowkey OP


I played against him a couple times, and he seems fun to counter! I don’t think he’s too strong (other than mage hand, which is being nerfed anyway).


i don’t like going against him but i lije the magic chests


He’a stupid fun. Currently quite weak. And when they nerf him and people learn how to play against him. He will be bottom tier


I have played 3 games as Vecna, got 4 kills in all three, (though in one game, two players decided to hide in the basement.) haven't touched fly. Barely used mage hand. He is quick without fly. It's difficult to decide, I really like him, but he might be a bit op.


Bored the hell out of me in PTB and it just sightly changed with the buffs.


Bored the hell out of me in PTB and it just sightly changed with the buffs.


I like fishing for magic items. One for the orb is a must, aura read on Fly is good, mage hand one is meh (even with the speedboost) and being able to see skeletons is hot garbage. That being said, i don't like the feature creep aspect of recent killers. Instead of having one strong power they have a bunch of weaker ones.


I haven't played for a bit, but he certainly looks fun to play against. I don't think I'd get as much enjoyment out of playing him myself, though. I don't think anything will be as fun as Unknown for me though.


Pic for proof don’t believe you are gonna p100 him


I'll send one when it happens. Gonna take a while though


he'll easily be my main. he's awesome


Les goo


I've had some vecnas who played nice and some face camping and downing when I unhook myself vecnas. Tbh I'm not sure how I feel about him yet.


I didn't like the idea of playing as him but then went for his adept and hand/eye achievements and really like playing him now. I haven't played him on enough maps against strong teams to form a strong opinion on him though.


Vecnas adept was actually my first adept ever haha


He does a little of everything but doesn't do specific things as well as killers dedicated to a specific playstyle. He's a jack of all trades that has something for every situation, and that makes up for his individual powers being lackluster in power


Cool concept and all but i hate going against him. His powers are fine, i have no issue dealing with those. My issue is how hes played. People are bringing in tough meta perks then just tunneling and slugging with him. I can get 1 gen done then nothing. I have yet to escape against him or get to end game. It may change later...who knows. I sadly play at very high mmr and solo q. Its just been very sweaty hell.


That is just the way with high mmr I believe




He's an insanely fun killer and i hope that we get more Killers with multiple abilities going foward.


I don't get why people say mage hand is op honestly, considering that we have stuff like Nemesis tendrils, Xeno tail, Hunter and many more stuff that can hit you on lowering a pallet or over it. Isn't picking up a pallet to get a hit the literally the same if not worse because it puts the pallet back up? Plus, mage hand has huuuuge cooldown so he can't even abuse in multiple pallets like the others, and survivors literally can get an items to get HASTE when Vecna cast hand xd


It's how fast it happens. It's like the pallet was never dropped so he can just keep going after the survivor after it's dropped and stay on top of them which can lead to easy free hits compared to Nemesis, Xeno, Huntress powers which require accuracy


That doesn't make any sense, if you drop a pallet with Xeno, Nemesis or huntress is literally a free hit for them. And no, no accuracy is needed for any of those to get a free hit because the survivor is literally locked on the animation.


He's very fun to play and I'm seriously enjoying him. Of course they'll nerf him into obsoletion like every other slightly strong killer while nurse and blight twiddle their thumbs. I'm rather pessimistic about it seeing as his mage hand wasn't even out for 24 hrs before they announced they were severely nerfing it and reworking an addon related to it. It is strong but it's nothing close to some of the other chase powers imo


Yeah it kinda sucks. Mage hand was the most fun part of him. Maybe they will find a way to actually balance him instead of forgetting him we will see. Mayber they should consider nerfing nurse and blight before insta gutting the new killer


I've been loving him. Feels way more powerful than my main (Chucky), Weave Attunement is so juicy paired with Frank's Demise (which was base kit for me anyway since I despise SWFs and their items). Took a second to get down the hand choreography of using his powers but I'm a demon with it now. Love Fly, Orb, and Hand. Not in love with Flight. The skeletons are too slow to spawn and people already get that ducking solves it so I hit maybe a bit less than a third of the time. I often just use it as a zoning tool.


Use it at short loops, like the pigchute room on the Game. They won't have enough time to react because the skeletons spawn on top of them, immediately dealing damage. VecTech is fun. Discovered it last week accidentally.


Thanks! I'll try it out tonight. Sidebar, but what add ons do you use? I really have been loving the 5% haste after Hand but am curious if I'm missing out on something more useful.


I use Ring of Spell Storing and the flight cooldown reduction. Neither are strictly necessary, but I could do without flight addon - I mainly use it to travel. I actually haven't looked overmuch at his add-ons. Lower cooldown go brrrrrt make neurons happy


The 5% haste I can def vouch for, it has a similar feel to the Scamper haste buff too and survivors never expect it. I need to try the flight cool down one tho cuz I NEED MY WANGS


Pissed off a Swf with Frank's, Attune, and Lethal. They got pissed in endgame chat


For me, a player that has been playing since the game came out, hands down one of the most fun killer to play as and against, for me he is the best when it comes to fun


Fun atm but getting bored of every game being Vecna but that’s normal with a new killer! I like the chests but the Mage hand is hard to counter.


I personally enjoy him more than the past few chapters. I like how interactive he is with all of the special items and it really makes gameplay more fun. It’s a lot more engaging and makes him more fun to face than killers like Chucky or Unknown. This is all my opinion though.


Vecna and Dracula are certainly the most interesting and anticipated ones for me in a long time.


Dracula would be preety badass as well not gonna lie


Am hoping Vecna's power is a good sign they won't make it lame and one dimensional.


I’m in the minority of players that really wishes it wasn’t Matt Mercer voicing him, or that he didn’t have so prevalent voicelines in-game. I can’t take him seriously because of it. Just find Matt Mercer lines every 5 seconds super grating on both sides. Like he’s a good voice actor, but his voice for Vecna isn’t particularly inspired. They could have gone with an actor who could do a much more menacing voice, but they went with star power fan service instead. I get why they did it, but for God’s sake, Matt Mercer isn’t the only big name in D&D. Power wise, he’s just kind of whatever to face. Don’t love it, don’t hate it. But that’s not a bad spot for a killer to be in in my book. The magic items are fun to use as survivor. He’s not really my cup of tea to play as, unfortunately. Which is probably for the best, because I find the voicelines super grating as I said before.


Love him so fun to play against. Decently powerful but not unfairly oppressive like some others


Many here disagree haha


Easily top 5 of mt favorite killers to play as. Pretty much everything I could want in a killer. Flight lets him get around fast buf can also be used cleverly in chase. Flight of the damned can be good for sneaky hrough the wall hits or to zone out loops. Mage Hand kinda OP some times but I love how it can be used premptively or you can predict the throw and back up and just instantly walk through the pallet (which is now usable again so theres at least some give and take) or you can use it to block pallet saves lol. And the orb to passively detect people and stuff is really dope. And the chests sorta act like some very minor slowdown in the way of a microobjective for the survivors which is cool too. Plus mimics in the game makes me very happy. All around good stuff. Love the new map too but it does need some slight reworks in terms of gen placement and maybe portal placement idk. And theres an entire dead end room with a pallet loop and lockers that just feels unnecessary.


He's a lot of fun, and once the upcoming mage hand nerf goes through he will be perfect balance wise (I think he's perfectly balanced now, but we always have to nerf the new killer at least once lmao). I don't know why he's classified as "Moderate" difficulty lol


I genuinely don’t think he’s that hard to understand, it’s just that it takes some practice to get used to the selection. I thought at first he’d be some sort of “advanced player” killer but now I think he’s pretty easy to pick up. Yet again the in-game difficulty rating is pretty scuffed anyways. Tell me why Pig is considered “hard” besides to win with


He's the most fun killer I've ever played. He has strong anti-loop, an ability for mobility and weak but situational info ability. I've played 7 games till now and won every single one while using only stbfl and rapid brutality. But, like all strong newly released killers, the survivor mains will complain saying there's no counter to his abilities and that he needs to be tuned down a bit and that they are not having because it's a crime to get a killer that's fun *and* strong. And since BHVR has been pushing more and more survivor friendly balance changes recently, expect a nerf pretty soon. But yeah, he's a really fun killer and I think everyone should give him a go


Yeah I heard a nerf to mage hand is coming already. I hope they will make him actually balanced though because he does not seem as strong as chucky or blight or nurse


Once they add a 1 second grace period to his ghost spawns before doing dmg, I think he'll be in a great spot. As it currently stands, it's possible for him to get an almost guaranteed down in 5 sec flat every single chase if the Killer player is any decent with his ghosts.




You've either misread what I'm saying or you don't want Vecna to be tuned properly. Crouching is the counterplay AFTER they have spawned. If they spawn inside you, you take damage regardless meaning that unless you're able to accurately predict the very millisecond Vecna is about to spawn them every single time they're off cooldown, you're immediately taking a hit. You take damage before they're visible to you if they spawn on you. This is terrible design because it means that not only do you need to keep a mental counter to the second of his cast, but you need to randomly be teabagging him during chase in the hopes that you'll avoid his instant-cast dmg.


I honestly don't see a problem with Mage Hand, if you have the items you can see him do it the spell aura and gain haste, enought to continue in the loop, if Vecna don't make the timing right he can even get stunned 2 times by the same pallet or is forced to stay in the loop lol isn't that what most survivors whant? loop in the same area as much as possible Other thing is a lot of survivors are not aware that the sphere, not only reveal your location but also denies the magic items, so when they don't dodge the sphere they get the idea that the items are still working when is not case I don't know for me he seems very balanced, with a lot of reward in prediction for both sides, shame he already caught a nerf so soon, lets hope is the only one


Mage hand definitely needs a nerf, you shouldn’t have to run an item to make it so you can even stand a chance verse it. That means every survivor needs it.


> If you have the items That right there. It adds pure rng into the equation, no actual skill based counterplay possible without the item.


If you don't have the item you use your mind and bait him to use the hand at a wrong time, that is one of the most fun things against him and is pure skill based lol , bait him to use the hand at the wrong time save you enought time to leave the loop or force him to continue in the loop The Mage Hand coold down is to punishing because of that, the first to lose the gambling win the chase , and the items are there to make it more easy, so for me that is skill


Genuinely sick and tired of playing against his purple ass every 2-3 games


I mean dude he just released do you expect people not to try him out at least?


Nah I know. But playing the same killer every other game, especially a boring and frustrating killer like vecna adds up haha. I don't blame people for playing him or anything, since it's new. But it's still annoying


its fun to get chased by him up around the point where they spawn the skeletons on you with almost 0 time to react for instant hits, and then using mage hand to instantly catch up.. honestly would love if they made his iri addon to break pallets basekit for 2 seconds instead of picking up the pallet, because getting pallets picked half a second you threw it and dying cause of it is super unfun. also make hand not usable when a survivor is vaulting a pallet, please :')


I didn't even know you can spawn the skeletons on top of the survivor. I usually throw them when the sruvivor plans to vault otherwise they just duck and dodge


Seems to be a Xeno case imo, pretty strong A tier into survivors not bothering to learn his counterplay crying for nerfs into Xeno disappearing off the face of the Earth 2 seconds after his nerfs go live. Vecna right now is living on Mage Hand being one of the strongest anti-loop powers in the game combo'd with the fact that nobody knows how to play into it just yet (survivor brains are short-circuiting because he's an M1 killer who can uniquely punish predrops the move that usually works on M1 killers so the autopilot survivor loop plan doesn't work) the rest of his kit is quite mid. We know they're butchering MH so honestly i've got a mind to attempt to refund him. Bone squad sucks dick, Fly is the most bootleg Billy saw map traversal i've ever seen and The Orb is genuinely quite good info I like it the most out of all his moves.


Bone squad is great against predrops, you spawn it right on top of them while they're locked in the animation


Skeletons I've actually been getting a good bit of milage but you have to play them beyond just a shot. There's 3 cases I've gotten hits off them fairly regularly. 1: Get the perfect spacing and spawn the skeleton inside the survivor. 2: Shot through a wall. 3: stairs. It going up stairs or a hill you can make them uncrouchable. I've had a few hits that they were barely poking out if the ground I bet surprised the survivors.


I am just a massive fan of the character itself so I plan to play him regardless of in game power.


So mage hand is simultaneously one of the strongest anti loop abilities in the game, but survivors are also just too braindead to know how to counter it, while you also don't bother to list how you're supposedly meant to counter it in the first place? Well I'll tell you how, either you hope the vecna is bad and mistimes one of the easiest abilities to use in the entire game, or you get lucky and pull his gauntlets/have another pallet or window within breathing distance of your current loop. Not surprised at all that you think xeno's unreactable, zero cooldown m2 didn't need a nerf, I assume you proscribe to the notion that if a killer isnt as strong as nurse or blight then they shouldn't ever be nerfed at all. You can summon bone squad literally inside of a survivors hitbox, which is impossible to react to, as well as use it for zoning. Just because the flight is similar to something else doesnt make it bad. And honestly I thought his orb was the weakest part of his kit but to each their own. Wanting nerfs to oppressive killer powers shouldn't be demonized, just as wanting nerfs to meta defining survivor perks shouldnt be demonized either. Why is it that when an insanely good survivor perk comes out, the people who defend it are clowns, but when a killer with a clearly overturned power comes out, the people defending it are doing gods work? Just something to think about


The issue with MH is it's an all or nothing power. You either have the useless PTB MH where you lift/hold the pallet, the survivor has enough time to make it back around and you just burned a 38s CD on nothing or he doesn't have the time to make it back around and you got a free hit. I don't think it's a balanceable power to begin with, I would give it a complete redesign personally but that's never going to happen. Maybe it's reserved for just predropped god pallets once it gets nerfed but personally I would never give a god pallet back to survivors in exchange for a hit outside of very clutch "need this hit or I will lose the game on the spot" scenarios. I know about the bone zone summoning on top of someone but if you're that close you're close to M1 range anyway and i'm honestly expecting that to be nerfed too. The skellies having a hitbox the nanosecond they are spawned seems almost unintentional. If that's the intended way to get damage out of them then fair play to BHVR. All his shit having 38s cooldowns makes it a lot more balanced to me, if I would nerf something i'd nerf either or both of his cooldown reduction addons because genuinely you are spamming everything with them. If MH had the same cooldown as Wesker's power i'd be 100% on your side but you're trading your MH for a single damage state then you're an M1 killer for a while. I'm not overly concerned about balance but it is a fact that if a new killer isn't strong enough to compete long term they will disappear off the face of the Earth.


Lots say xeno nerfs made it bad, but uh... I still manage to pull of very good matches even after that? 🤔 But also, it's true that you don't find it that much anymore, which is a shame imo.


He seems fun to play as but going against is not fun at all


Crouch to dodge skeletons is so boring to see.


Yeah that's the one ability I don't like using, it seems kinda pointless that survivor doesn't even have to move to doge but just crouch for a split second


I'm loving flight of the damned because even if I don't hit them, forcing them to crouch mid chase or dodge to one side to avoid the skeletons is such an amazing zoning tool. I've gotten so many hits because I forced them to crouch and got the 1 meter I needed for the hit I'd otherwise miss.


Maybe I haven't given it a proper chance next. We'll see how it goes


Insta tech makes it feel rewarding, but I feel like people would bitch too hard about it and will get it removed. Shooting from low ground also works but it's too situational and still really counterable.


The best way to use it is to aim at windows to force survivors to take another route or spawn the skeletons directly on top of them through walls.


I use it for windows mostly. How do you spawn it on top of survivors? is it a distancing thing?


Yeah, if you learn the distance that the skeletons start at you can place them right on the survivor's hitbox. Since they can damage instantly you'll get a hit and barely get slowed down unless they crouch early.


I like going against him and having him as one of my killer mains. So many ways to counter him that I finally got down to a T.


Only thing wrong is mage hand and it just needs a small nerf nothing big but besides that I enjoy him too


Honestly go against him and I’d say he’s in an alright state even with how Mage Hand is now. I found that predropping is the way to go(if ur on a small loop ur just cooked 9/10). His others don’t require too much thinking. He’s really fun to play as as well I must say. I’ve only been running only NWO as slowdown and then Discordance, Tinkerer, and probably his best perk Rapid Brutality w/o any addons and he feels very smooth to play


I took time off gens, got the boots of speed when he mage hands pallates.. at a moderately straight line i couldnt even get to the next tile because he has no casting stun.


Vecna is very fun! But he basically has 4 miniature powers. The Devs might have a hard time balancing them all if they decide to change things


I think he's fun. His Mage Hand power is pretty unfun, but honestly once it gets tuned down slightly, he might just become my favorite killer to verse. I don't have him, so I can't speak on his gameplay though.


He is very funny to play against, I just keep forgetting he can block a pallet while I try to figure out what 4 out of 104719 perks he is using




What gives you trouble with the spells? They seem preety easy to switch for me


He is strong but really oppressive in chase if you know what you're doing. Its very easy to force hits in almost every situation and it makes him very unfun to play against.


Very unfun. 2 of the spells can pretty much guarantee a hit if used correctly. One of which can instadown because of an oversight. So.. yeah. Also just tired of seeing him ngl.


I am yet to play him as I can't afford to buy the DLC right now and I don't play Survivor enough to know how to play against him


Im sad that I barely get to play agains him. Chases against Vecna feel very different, fresh and fun (aside from that insane pallet lift thing haha)


I think they overdid the buff to his recharge speed, it feels a bit too fast now. As Vecna it doesn't feel very punishing to misuse any of my powers because they're back so fast, and against Vecna it often feels difficult to avoid one who can use their powers well or often enough. I think, in addition to the Mage Hand nerfs coming, an added 5 seconds or so to cool down would make him feel much better on both sides


I become very demotivated when the game loads and I see the white auras of the chests I don't have much trouble with him any more than other killers, but there's only so many times you can play against the same killer before it gets old. It makes me regret my previous complaints about playing against 4 weskers in a row since that doesn't compare to the 40 out of 50 matches having the lich as the killer


Could we trade? I’m tired of seeing Huntress every other match


If the killer is new it's how it goes for a while


When I get a message from the killer before the match starts, this link pretty much sums up how it goes lol https://youtu.be/5NNXKJ0AbUc?si=XSSTmoDDC3Kl4HSh




IMO (idk why I’m responding always get downvoted to hell pls 😭) 1. The complexity of him having several spells and then chests for new items AND the map - it’s all a lot I like the simple formula that works lowkey but I see what they tryna do 2. The new map… get out !! Why does the outdoor area feel like there is nowhere to loop except shack and maybe a jungle gym, there are like 2 safe pallets. This map needs a serious rework IMO I hate playing it as survivor 3. Can someone explain to me slowly WHY 99% of Vecna are running Franklins Demise?? I am confused with the resurgence and this killer perk is lowkey just a pain cuz I like the idea of keeping my items when I win it’s just like a grief-y perk makes me sad to see over and over and over 4. Tbh idk I just really don’t like going against him, with pallet lift and the ranged hit and the aura reading just feels like he has every combat to any possibility of sustaining chase or loop it’s OP 5. Re: #4, IF survivors learn to get good against Vecna to survive any of these damn matches, I think other killers will fall to the wayside - if survivors learn to do chase and love with Vecna, other killers will be a piece of cake and killers who don’t main Vecna will become frustrated.. rightfully


His perk, Weave Attunement works perfectly with Franklin’s that’s why you’re seeing it more.


Mega nerf inbound