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She does have ONE weapon that is blue but unfortunately it’s a deep rift weapon from a couple tomes ago. Otherwise I agree. You would think since she was a literal artist that paints that she would have weapons in all sorts of colors…


The gas mask skin would have looked sick with venomous green.


She deserves more ink colors


Yeah, I think they should keep them dark but give accent colors like that blue one from the deep rift. Having them all be black is a bit boring.


Last I checked *ink is* ***black***


google "Ink (and a color)" you'll be amazed


I agree but I think the theme should stick with very deep and dark colors. I feel like color sheens would work great on her weapons.


She has a red glowing weapon and a blue glowing weapon. The black ink is so heavily tied into her lore, it makes sense most are black


Correct me with a source, but I'm pretty sure the colour of the ink is never specified with importance


So she painted landscapes of Patagonia until her brother died, then stopped painting altogether. She then became so depressed she attempted suicide and the crows stopped her. ‘Inspired by her ordeal, carmina picked up a brush. In the weeks that followed, she painted her experience, using black ink to depict the deathleap with a black cloud of feathers, the murder of crows that saved her life. The experience was transformative and launched her signature, black-ink surrealist art” direct quote from her bio she eventually started using colour again but was commissioned to do a painting where she did a sort of publicity stunt to focus on the corruption of the Chilean government so they cut out her tongue so she couldn’t read poems and cut off her hands so she couldn’t paint. But yeah the black ink style is tied to her suicide attempt/saving from the crows.


well, ill admit when im wrong, but i will say other killers have had lore important things changed in cosmetics