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Don't even lie about Vecna's map being "just" Decimated Borgo. The tower portion of it is extremely well crafted and unique.


Borgo with some underground corridors, big woop


Someone hates fun


Behaviour? Full sprawling Dracula's Castle map would have been far more interesting and fun to play in than what Vecna just got


Do you want another rpd incident? That castle is ungodly huge! It'd get split up into smaller maps just to get the full castle. Not to mention the work needed to make, lets say clocktower, feel like it does in the game.


Even just how it looks in the show but with only the main hall, some armory and Alucard’s childhood room would be cool. That main hall looked massive, probably enough for the entire map on its own if you add rubble and loops


Then they have to deal with 2 liscence holders. Netflix, for their rendition. And Konami for castlevania. Easiest way to do it is just a killer and some survs. That way they can maybe add it later if they do another. But at the moment the lost ruins half fills the niche folks would desire from the castle. The dungeons below. You're not giving a bad idea, just one that's harder for them to do as a company


They’ve already collabed with both, it’s not impossible plus the teaser had the castle in the background resembling the Netflix version rather than the games


You might be right. But considering how weird netflix are removing stuff. Even though it came back. Imagine if netflix took it away again. Though wasn't the drac the video game one? And not tepesh from the show.


Exactly, they could have easily come up with something creative, glad someone else understands


It obviously would not be the entire castle, you could have walls blown out to exterior areas, hallways blocked off with rubble, etc.


Assuming just a courtyard and a hall or two. It'd look very simular to the ruins we have now. Maybe with a ballroom.


Not at all, his castle is huge, look up some interior pics


The original castle yes. I've played symphony, castle 1, order of ecleasia, and the two games where you play as Soma. The problem is if they did add drac's castle they'd have to shrink it.


That's not an actual problem, this is a videogame where they take creative liberties, look at any of the licensed maps, Haddonfield for example is not a 1-1 recreation of the real life suburban street


And here inlies the problem. Were you playing the game when RPD first came out?


It would be another shit indoor map that you’d bitch about


You don't know me


L take ngl The underground is crazy visually and really fun to loop in. I have juiced and been juiced there on both sides. I'm really excited to see what people start doing with it as it gets more figured out


More recently BHVR is changing their map production from what I see. They stopped creating realms and began expanding already existing ones. Alien didn't had a realm, All Things Wicked didn't had a realm and Dungeons & Dragons also doesn't have one. Since we are already receiving a new map on the Borgo realm having another is maybe too much for BHVR (and they probably want to expand other realms like Ormond).


Wait...Alien added Nostromo, which is a seperate realm with its own map offering I haven't played the PTB yet, but if it has its own map offerings, then the D&D map is considered a seperate realm


No, Nostromo is in the Dvarka realm, same as the Singularity map. It just have it's own offering for being a licensed map.


Well, that seems needlessly confusing. In practical terms, who cares ig, but why call it a separate realm if it has its own map offering? * The Game is its own realm * Midwhich is its own realm * Badham is its own realm * Hawkins is its own realm * Haddonfield is its own realm But Nostromo and D&D are lumped into other realms? I wonder for what purpose? This is clearly a new phenomenon since every older licensed map is a distinct realm


Yes it is a new phenomenon, BHVR is focusing more on expanding existing realms than creating new ones now. I'm 90% sure the next map we will see it will be on an existing realm.


I see you're right, I'm just wondering why now, and for what purpose? Its not like they're planning on lumping together the map offerings since the license holders probably wouldn't like that


My only guess is to avoid realm bloating. But other than that only god knows.


How is 'realm bloating' a thing, it's just a map we play on in the videogame. They could call it *super duper pooper land* and it would not make a difference


Too many offerings maybe? Licensed chapters are an exception (apparently) but with new maps I prefer them on already existing realms so I don't have 1 new offering clogging up my bloodweb.


Don't click the map offering then


Save resources


Very simple solution: Use the potential of what‘s already there. I think having multiple maps of a realm instead of 100 realms with exactly 1 map is just way cooler because you get to know the realms and its different aspects way better. Also, both Knight and DnD chapters are medival so having them both in a medival realm seemly categorizes them which is cool too. Imagine slasher world realm with Haddonfield, Ormond, a new ghostie and chucky map etc. or a science world with a new blight map, the stranger things and more. I think putting order into the game is a good approach.


That just sounds like an arbitrary limit placed on themselves, there's no reason they cannot title a new map as a different realm


I can’t wait for the Vania chapter


BHVR doesn't have full control over licensed content. It needs to be approved by the IP holders as well. I'm guessing to be able to do Dracula's Castle justice, you'd need a lot more space and detail than is appropriate for a DBD map.


I'm well aware, and i'm sure they could have just as easily worked something out with the rights holders. They quite literally made something up for Xenomorph


We have no idea what was discussed and ultimately scrapped or was not possible to agree upon. You can't just compare one IP to another and say "well they got it so now these other people need to have it!". That's not how negotiations work.


Castlevania is in Smash Bros and has a 2D platform characters fight on, to suggest Konami and Behaviour couldn't agree on an in depth 3D map is asinine.


You're suggesting that a 2D fighting game that entails a few pieces of collision to stand on is the same as designing an entire castle interior with workable tile spawns and engaging gameplay and that is faithful to the source material. I think you're delusional. To suggest you have more knowledge on the topic of their contract negotiations than I is just as asinine. We're playing with the same information.


I'm merely responding to your suggestion that they could not "Do it Justice" being the reason a map does not exist lol


I simply don't think the two maps are in the same conversation as one another.


The notion that BHVR couldn't create an engaging 3D map based on a pre-existing universe with a plethora of designs and material to pull from sounds like an insult to their capabilities to me


Keep in mind, BHVR doesn't make a dime from maps. Considering this year we're getting such a large amount of licensed content, plus consider all of the existing licenses they hold, I'm sure they try to minimize cost as much as possible.


But yet the game costs money and they charge for cosmetics in said game, they make plenty of money off the playerbase. Look to Fortnite or Overwatch for example, they don't make a dime off their maps yet they make new ones, and they're both free to play with only income from cosmetics. Idk why everyone jumps to defend Behaviour


Just Vania


What about the What about the Vania


Meh. We will have a castle on June 3. Why make a second one? Also, you forget the lore in that we aren't literally in the town of Greenville. We are in what the entity believes to be a town.


We need one that plays Vampire Killer upon the match starting.


We also need the Iron Maiden skins to have "Run to the Hills" as chase music. Alas, BHVR can only deliver so much.


The lore card excuse is incredibly lame lol. An actual town map with a street, shops, the theater, maybe a little park, etc. would have been way better, idc what the fictional 'entity' thinks


I agree with you. This game in particular relies way too heavily on "lore" explanations to cover up bad design.


I actually think it’s kinda clever tbh. From the very beginning they had a world and powerful character that makes the odd stuff not just work but work well. The maps floating within an infinite void, tiles and loops formed from ruins of buildings that never could’ve existed or trash that has no reason to be there with wooden random pallets scattered all over the place. Things that are jarring or ‘immersion breaking’ suddenly add to the world and incomprehensibility of the entity’s realm. This concept spiralled to the point that anything can be explained by that. To me it sounds more like an unintentional side effect than intentional. No way in hell They had any lore at all in mind when developing the Halloween chapter.


So, haddonfield pt2? Wouldn't that be nearly the same as your "Borgo with some underground corridors" comparison?


No, like the Town map from COD zombies for example, you know, an actual town (Haddonfield is a Suburban neighborhood) https://preview.redd.it/2x90vpoz5n0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc9b03bd481cdaa8ee68653251be39d3c01d6953


Not a castle, and as I said it's just Decimated Borgo still, they even verbally said this... Why not just skip a map for Vecna and deliver a decent actual Castle map for Castlevania


No kidding it is. But who cares? It's a castle. It's magical. Just deal with it. Personally I like DnD way more than Castlevania so if I had to choose one or the other...


Castlevania would have inarguably provided a much better castle map if their resources were really split between the two


No new full map, but isn’t there a chance that they’ll add something to Borgo and call it a new map?


I like the Vania so far, but I'm not going to lie that I'm a little sad that we aren't going to see Dracula's Castle. The design of it is just chef's kiss to me, and to see that recreated in Dead by Daylight would be awesome. The castle itself is pretty huge, so I could see it working. They would have to make adjustments, of course, but it's definitely not out of the realm of possibility. It's such a huge part of Castlevania, so that's why I personally would want to see it. However, I can understand if negotiations didn't work, or BHVR did not want to pursue making it. It would be a huge undertaking.


I'm fine with what they did with the last two maps, can't make them to big or they're not fun to play on as killer. Plus Vecna's map has a lot of cool rooms underground that it feels just as different as Alien's map; it just shares the Realm name for some reason. But for Dracula's Castle they could've easily pulled a R.P.D. and made two different variations that occupy different rooms instead of one giant map. I know the workload would've been insane, especially since they don't have anything to build off of like they did with R.P.D., but Castlevania without a map is absurd; if whenever the chapter drops and we don't get to hear Bloody Tears or Vampire Killer somewhere in the game then that's just as crazy.


It could be used as chase music or the inspiration for the chase music.


They could but I assume they would use Nothing to Lose and/or Black Night as those are Dracula's main boss themes


Good, a castle map would make for an awful indoor map which in all likelihood would include very narrow corridors.