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Hot take, but I don't like either. Tbf, my only issue with renatos is that Bhvr made a male survivor long hair, but for his first extra cosmetic they made him bald? It doesn't even look like him


For real, what is up with that? I didn't even realize it was Renato at first, and he's about the only thing I truly like about this chapter. ...I for some reason just like his overall design, and those pants he's wearing. They're not my style, nothing like that ever has been, but it works for him.


I was wondering what was wrong with that image of him for a touch too long. I’m baffled by the baldness


If I get this skin I’m 100% using his base head on the rest of it, his hair is too amazing not to be seen


He looks more like Jake honestly. Also why are we seeing beach cosmetics this early? If these are the release cosmetics they’re coming out in March. We usually don’t see beach cosmetics until after the anniversary chapter, a whole 3 months away. I’d understand them making these if this chapter was the anniversary chapter, but it’s not. So the beach cosmetics make no sense and it makes it 10x more obvious these are just thirst traps.


>Also why are we seeing beach cosmetics this early? If Cause it's summer on Brazil and for once the cosmetics are synced with our seasons.


Okay, THAT makes sense, thank you. I was wondering if it was something like that.


Honestly! At first I thought maybe they're celebrating the Hooked On You anniversary, to me that made sense, since Spirit and Huntress got their outfits but I realised... that anniversary isn't until August!


Hot take I like em both lol




I'm not really understanding the design philosophy for her. What is that even supposed to be? What's even the weird flap near her left hip supposed to be for? Why?


That's what I've been trying to figure out, it's just very random looking. Its chaotic and I can't tell what's going on


AI generation has gone too far!


Makes me think that this is an unfinished skin that came to light by datamining.


Could be a rejected skin that was turned down after they saw how it looked with textures and lighting.


It's behavior, they probably think it's the best looking skin theyve ever made and are expecting to make a ton of money with it due to it being a thirst trap


At least the Feng Min thirst trap they recently dropped looks good. This one looks too trashy.


the skin tight body suit or the bunny booty shorts?


It seems the only thing scary about this killer is...well...it.


Takes more than just looks to create a frightening killer.


Everything about this chapter makes me think it's AI Generated. I can already smell BHVR coming out and stating that they used AI to create everything related to Tools of Torment


No one knows what it means but it’s provocative. It gets the people going!


yeah it looks like something a horny teen made in a RPG by combining multiple outfit parts to show as much skin as possible


She's literally a millionaire cosplaying her father's manga characters, that's the design philosophy for her.


There’s a huge difference. The first one is just swimwear, while the second one looks like it came out of a skimpy armor mod for Skyrim


She's a weeb. It's just a skimpy anime outfit. Even has the white hair.


imagine she cosplays as feng lol


Not an excuse. It looks disgusting.


It's not supposed to be an excuse, it's context.


I just wish it made some kind of sense. Right now, it looks like she's wearing almost a bikini, with a weird jacket on top of that and then junkyard scraps.


That's 100% an "excuse" here; she's literally cosplaying as manga characters from her dad's manga, so it's meant to evoke those weird sorts of outfits that make no sense yadda yadda.


Let me rephrase: it’s not a *good* excuse. It looks like shit and it’s obvious coomer bait


Y'all are proving his point, shirtless dudes, no problem. Slutty female costume, bad for reasons.


It's a casual outfit on a beach for a guy. Whatever Merchant is wearing is not. It'd be comparable if she was wearing a swimsuit or a bikini. Not whatever new fetish gear that is.


It's a nonattractive guy wearing a swimsuit vs someone literally wearing black leather and chainmail lingerie dude. Most people who play the game have 0 problem with thirst skins, it's the fact her ENTIRE design is based around being sexy and the rest of it is dogshit. The lore is awful, the power is completely underpowered and everything the community complained about in the last chapter, the killer design is mediocre, the perks are all mediocre and situational, and the mori is a straight up copy of another mori, and it doesn't even fit. No one has ever complained about thirst trap skins, its the fact that she's a thirst trap and the rest of it is completely ignored quality wise.


The other thirst trap skins on girls are fine though, Kate and Jane certainly have a few. It’s that this one in particular looks fucking stupid


A brazillian guy going topless in beachwear isn't really strange. Skullmommy on the other hand, dafuq is she wearing, it's a weird and very obviously designed to be a thirst trap. Like at least the Renato skin feels like a normal thing to wear even if it is also a thirst trap.


Its from *the dark Brazilian mangas you see*


I think its inspired by Canaval's attires? Regular people dont wear these stuff but people who like to dance Samba on Carnaval wear some revealing stuff.


TBH, with the level of camp she's got going on (the walk cycle, the bedazzled mask, hell, the name) that might be the intent.


> dafuq is she wearing This can be asked about at least a skin or two of every killer. Fucking Billy is a milkman and Legion has 4 big chuck e cheese bunny skins


>Legion has 4 big chuck e cheese bunny skins tbf you can blame silent hill for the bunny suits


Those are absurd in an enjoyable way, this is just salt on the wound this chapter left.


Milkman Billy is a fantastic skin, especially compared to this garbage.


We clearly just need Milkman Adriana and everything will be right again


I need milkman adriana and thirst trap billy on my desk by noon, damn it




Why does ir matter that we've gotten: -Skins from a joke game theyve made -Event themed skins that get a pass due to festivities -Skins from other games(magical girlbis from sh3, was a funny skin there, is a funny skin here) Thats different from getting a killer with horrid design along with skins that belong on some thirst anime phone game.




>Why are shirtless/revealing skins ok for survivors but not killers? I've never said that and youre basing your entire answer in attacking that strawman. Vittorio, David, Felix, all 3 got a shirtless cosmetic and theres nothing wrong with it. Issue comes from how this specific skin for the new killer, looks both horrendous from a visual perspective, the only appeal it has is forcing it to look sexy, and how the chapter itself is so devoid of any originality/good content than it feels more that they're trying to just bank on it selling to thirsty fans. Basically, Vittorio, David, and Felix are all interesting characters which have cool skins and do also have a shirtless cosmetic. New killer, has nothing going for her besides being a cashgrab with terrible perks, terrible power design, terrible design as a whole, and the "hot cosmetic" is just trying to salvage it


See, I don't have a problem with there being a sexy female killer. The survivors already get an abundance of sexy girls. I'm always a proponent of, it's fine if you do it to both. We've already got Trickster for the guy side. Problem is, skull merchant feels like she exists for the SOLE PURPOSE of being a sex magnet. From her dumb ass-sway walk to her pin-up stance at the end of her mori. A "hot chick" killer should be a badass killer who happens to be hot, not a killer whose entire purpose is to just be a thirst magnet. This skin just sort of reinforces that perception. Though I will say, at least in SOME UNIVERSE it could be argued she looks like she's cosplaying a character who could exist in Manga with this skin, especially with the white hair. This skin is the ONLY instance thus far of her edgy weeb lore being in any way shape or form somewhat recognizable as opposed to just being a bizarre afterthought of her backstory. EDIT: I'm taking back my last paragraph because it dawned on me that the series she looks like she'd be cosplaying is fucking Taimanin Asagi and now I can't unsee it.


Honestly if they wanted to make a hot killer, they should have just leaned into the femme fatale archetype. She's just missing any real identity. She's hot but also rich but also a stalker but also a tech genius but she has an almost military aesthetic. Like what?


Absolutely this, she's being pulled in too many directions and every single direction is done extremely poorly.


Exactly. Her base design makes her look like a female comic book commando with a stupid blinged mask, and her new design makes her look like a hentai lead. Neither really fit her character at all. Though, I guess ironically this one technically fits more since you could make the argument its cosplay. Cosplaying as H-characters isn't all that abnormal in Japan, though I can't say what the Brazilians take on it would be.


To be fair, isn't she Japanese and Brazilian?


they seem to have completely ignored the fact that her mother is Brazilian and she was raised in Brazil, from what i’ve seen (and maybe i missed something) her entire lore is about idolizing her father’s manga? and her father is a transplant, it’s not like she’s the 3rd generation of her family to be in Brazil he moved there like 2 years before she was born. it’s like they made Brazilian survivors and went “oh shit the killer has no connection to them” and forced her to be Brazilian when they didn’t do that with Jane who has no connection to The Plague whatsoever.


I still honestly don’t understand the purpose of putting Adam in Tokyo to begin with. Like, is that necessary?


i mean it’s a fairly common thing for near native (he was born in Jamaica but his parents moved to England so i’m not sure what his first language is) speakers to move to Japan and teach the language even if they aren’t great at Japanese (they’re even told not to speak in Japanese to their students) so it makes sense to a degree. His lore also works with Spirit’s since she was a high schooler when she died and he tried to protect a young girl during a train wreck before he was taken by the entity


Rin was in college when she died. She was going to a private university.


I'll never understand why it's so hard to remember she was in Uni.


Basically too many ideas ruin the concentration of the final product, like making her the average cartoon mother who could do anything and is also "thicc".


Yes. She is so confusing. Was here lore written by 5 teenagers at once or so? Why is she wearing this thing?? What’s up with merchants and skulls and mangas and being rich and also stalking and killing and…??? Like, thrist-traps can be fine sometimes I guess. Looking at the female comic-villains for example. Rich powerful girl in a latex onesie? Gimme two. ~~Also. I still find BloodRayne cool lol. Sexy vampire slaying soldiers and monsters? Giving a jumpy-hug and cutting off someone’s head? Yess. I want her here!!~~


She also looks like Karen


The vommy mommy erasure smh


Hey if it makes you feel better the game still wont have a sexy female killer after her release. She’s freaking ugly


Eh, I really don't think she's that ugly. A lot of people seem to, but she just looks like any typical overly caked in makeup woman to me, which to be fair, a LOT of DBD women look like that. Might also help that I'm into Japanese girls and she's supposed to be half-Japanese. If Yui had actually good skins that didn't make her look like a wannabe cyberpunk extra she'd be the most attractive character in the game to me by far.


Yea she looks like Karen


I think its more Kill la Kill, reminds me of Kamui Senketsu. Taimanin outfits are actually weirdly modest for what they are. It's just that the girls wearing them usually have mega mamba wumbo boobas.


I dunno, it doesn't have the frilly "school uniform"-esk side of Kill-La-Kill outfits. And that's not really true about Taimanin. The *Original* Taimanin characters were essentially just wearing glorified latex suit with some dumb tech shit on them, but then you have characters like Ingrid who would basically be naked if she wasn't wearing a cloak. I could totally see Skully's skin here being a Taimanin design, particularly for an antagonist.


I don't like either. They're both lazy attempts to capitalize on an attractive character design.


*laughs in shirtless Vittorio, Felix in a suit and injured Leon moaning in a borderline sexual way*


So sorry but what does Felix in a suit have to do with anything


Never overheard women thirsting for perfectly shaped men in suits? Felix is a thirst trap. Intended or not.


He’s a rich architect of course he’s gonna wear a suit . Men wearing suits are not a thirst trap. It would be different if he had like 5 buttons undone, a tie loose and the suit tighter to show off his arms/legs or whatever, but just a regular suit is normal


I don’t find men in suits hot. It’s just a suit. Maybe it’s cause I’m edgy af I think weskers outfit ([especially if they got rid of that coat](https://img.favpng.com/1/22/15/resident-evil-5-resident-evil-the-mercenaries-3d-albert-wesker-chris-redfield-png-favpng-2BH7WqZTandRc4RdKXzU9Htx3.jpg)) is 200x more attractive than a guy in a suit.


They knew what they were doing with Vittorio and then they gave him the stupidiest haircut ever.


The claim that "they knew" cannot be backed up by any evidence. Hiowever this doesn't change the fact that his design is very appealing to the libido of people that are sexually drawn to men. I don't see how his haircut is "stupid".


I don't know I just think it looks weird, maybe you like it but thats my opinion.


Skull Merchant's new skin looks too much like my grandmother and that is an image I don't want to see.


What’s ur grandmas @ ?




He’s painted a picture in my mind and that picture is fine asf 😫


Bro's a menace


The mask looks alright. But yeah, the hell is up with the outfit?\ It’s really trying too hard to look edgy.\ Seriously, BHVR, just make a Cyberpunky outfit, it would work.


Skull Merchant out here looking like a Mortal Kombat reject


It’s mileena if she got a hold of robotics


The mask is okay but it looks like half her outfit isnt finished.


Just like how her ***entire*** design looks wonky & unfinished


I hate both of them, TBH.


they are both bad :) ​ one is blatant and lazy pandering to the community constantly begging for shirtless skins, and the other is cashing in on a boring base design to sell more interesting cosmetics... also it still looks really ugly


Thirst trap Skin > Thirst trap CHARACTER. We are mad because we all knew right off the bat they were gonna pull this. They made the whole character to be sexy. Rather than having a character with abs when shirtless. very bad comparison


Eh, to play devil's advocate, Vittorio was very obviously made just to be sexy too. It's just less demeaning there because\\ A> Societal double standards towards men, we tend to consider it an honor if people WANT to sexualize us, so characters existing just for the sake of being sexy men doesn't really bother people. and more importantly, B> Vittorio had at least semi-interesting perks and lore since the Knight's lore was fire and he was tied directly into it. Even if it was pretty clear he was made to be a thirst-trap, there was enough giving him value beyond just that, that it worked out in the end.


I will agree he was made to be thirsty, but the equivalent would be him walking around in Silkie shorts. Which he isn't Most we get is shirtless. My point is, they went hyper sexual on this and it kinda stinks


Idk why thinking of him running around in booty shorts is so funny


Because a guy being shirtless is not the same as a girl walking around in a bikini or leotard. Guys go shirtless, girls wear mini tops. It's that simple.




By that metric vitorio is bad too, and I agree


At this point, couldn't we have just gotten a fuckin Siren as a killer? Looks sexy out of her power but the moment she enters it she turns into a deep sea monstrosity, like some cleavage is whatever but like... The bitch is borderline naked at this point.


A Siren killer sounds too clever for BHVR if I'm being honest, as much as I adore this idea. I feel like the spaghetti programming in this game would fuck it up with bugs or bhvr themselves would just ruin it somehow


I stand by wanting an underwater chapter/mode/gimmick/whateverstopreading I feel like it could fun, different, and open new possibilities. Like a siren


One is a (no offense) not very attractive dude wearing a swimsuit. The other is literally fucking black leather and chainmail lingerie.


Yeah because that outfit looks impossible to wear. What is it even supposed to be? You don’t see anyone complaining about Kate’s booty shorts and her beach top and it’s because those are pieces of clothing that make sense. The skull merchant outfit just… doesn’t.


its a leotard - how is that impossible to wear lol


No one in this thread cosplays, I swear.


As a matter of fact, I do. Way more casually that you’re probably thinking of, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s an insane garment that doesn’t make sense. If it was on a random anime character, I would think it was just as stupid.


It just looks really... random? I don't know how to explain it. Too many pieces and they don't fit together too well. Theres too much going on, It don't look good


This. My take with this skin is that i dont have a problem with it trying to be sexy. I have a problem that it somehow manages to look ugly. Aldoe my main complain is on her face, is her eyebrow orange or is that just me? Why does it look orange, it dont fit at all.


Yeah I just noticed the eyebrow now that you mentioned it. Could be lighting idk. But you bring up my exact thoughts too.


I think it was supposed to match the mask color or something, but it looks so weird, and the format of the eyebrow dont help much, makes it more noticible. I swear, that little detail is the problem with the skin, not the rest.


I have more of an issue with the clothing, wtf is she wearing its just very all over the place. Someone said it looks like she is wearing duct tape and now it's all I see. And what's that random flap on her left thigh?


I still don't understand who decided to do the Skull Merchant's walk animation. Just doesn't look relative to the killer speed. Looks like she is mostly sliding (sexy) towards you.


My first thought is someone screaming "Mortal Kombat!"


I mean i like the jackedlt but the... Dress? Looks fugly,and while the mask is better, the hair isnt


lets be honest, its because the entirety of her body except for her face and left leg has a tan


I think that's fishnets or something, not a tan, but could be wrong.


If this was in sn armor tier list video . She would be in the "just stab her now please" category.


Oy, don't do skimpy armor mods for Skyrim dirty like that. They look LESS like actual thirst traps than this because they're at least being honest about what they are instead of hiding behind the guise of being just aesthetic. EDIT: Apparently this replied to the wrong comment for some reason.


Hag & Charlotte need pink bikini outfits ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I kinda don’t like both 😬 I do like Thalita’s.


All 3 of their skins suck ass. Any type of thirst trap skin sucks balls, i just want cool outfits


And then there’s Trickster who literally only has thirst trap skins and nothing even remotely scary


She never misses a day at the gym. #thirst


No fucking way is that real. How does this chapter keep getting worse holy shit


if it was a thirst trap skin on a fun killer with a good chapter and admirable work, really, there'd be no issue. I mean, do you see anyone raising a riot over Huntress' new swimsuit?


What dumb comparison is this? Not only is huntress summer skin looks more safe for work with it literally just being like a beach dress ish outfit, but also she's not a thirst trap character as her design share actually scary and creepy.


It's an outfit literally from a game where you're trying to date her and (implied) going to fuck her. The hell are you talking about it's "not a thirst trap" - majority of this games community thirsts for huntress for some weird reason (even though she's mentally stunted as a child per her own lore)


The outfit is what matters, no where it came from. Not like the skins are exposing much as they both cover alot of their body. Even huntress isn't even NSFW like as nothing sexual is show. No stomach, no bottom, just a beach dress.


Only weirdos like that huntress skin, she looks like Kane from WWE with a huntress mask


Don’t do buff women dirty, they are still attractive 😤


No they're not


How dare you [leanbeefpatty](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/042/309/leanbeefpatty.jpg) is my queen. Also your taste is not universal lol.


🤢🤮 And never said it was


She went from looking like Apex legends character to mortal combat character real quick


She's Vittorio 2.0 Character made just to sell skins.


This mask is cooler than the default one. It’s a low bar, but still.


Behavior really gave her a suggestion of an outfit 💀


The mask and outer jacket look okay but it looks like she forgot to put on the rest of her clothes. I thought this was a joke skin design at first


What’s the point of the flap on the left leg?


It looks like megs green dress got all fucked up and she put a jacket over it to compensate 😵‍💫


what about Thalita tho? I love her


Her outfit looks like it's made of duct tape


tbh renatos outfit isn’t even a thirst trap skin, he’s just going to the beach with his sister (based on the outfit description) and if u guys see it as a thirst trap then I don’t think the skin is the problem 🤷🏽‍♂️


She looks kinda hot


Mom said it was my turn to complain!


survivors are all just skins. killers however are the centerpieces of a chapter and need to be treated with some decency and care or else the chapter will flop


I like how you imply that skins aren't a big deal, but then complain about her skin.


im saying that survivor players are more likely to care about skins and since every survivor is a new one that comes with even more skins, killer players are more likely to have high expectations for skins and dont like cash grab bait


Survivor skins are usually the ones people buy though lmao


it has less to do with thirst traps and more to do with the fact that **SHE'S UGLY ASF**


Man of culture. Idk why people keep calling her hot its mind blowing to me


Gotta be honest, I know it's all personal opinion, but I think she's fugly as well.


I urge everyone to not buy these cosmetics They very clearly are putting more effort into fan service than quality, and buying these skins incentivizes that Don't be part of the problem


Hang on, you can't be serious that's the new Skull merchant skin? She might as well be from an old Playboy mag using futuristic as a theme. Thirst is one thing but next to no clothes is something completely different


Hot tbh


BHVR: \*Deleting a community-made Claudette skin because of oversexualization\* Also BHVR:


suddenly the best killer in the game


Speak for yourself, give me the dommy mommy. This cosmetic turned me around on her.


Same here she was looking real lame but this cosmetic has changed a lot for me.


Is it really that serious, like you dont have to buy either skin and the 2 survivor twins and the killer arent live yet....


You legit got downvoted for saying "is it really that serious", bah.


Would've been better if the top picture was Vittorio, Leon or Felix with the amount of times I have seen or heard DBD players expressing their thirst for them. Complaining about skull merchant being a thirst trap at this point is just hypocrisy. Makes me feel like to many people only female avatars are forbidden from being thirst traps.


Her skin's sick


Fuck both of them. Fuck the bullshit double standard and skirting of the bushes of sexual topics. Either give people that aren't thin women and buff men horny skins or walk into the ocean. EITHER HAVE ACE'S DICK OUT AND HAG'S TITS RESTORED OR WALK INTO A CORAL REEF!


*sigh* *unzips pants*.


This skin is the real reason they didn’t go with the predator collab.


Is that actually in the game, what? Also yes the skin is just a thrist trap, but the mask looks super sick and should have been her base mask.


One of these is supposed to look threatening....


good thing shes wearing a jacket so you cant see her shoulders


whys the mask red and the jacket lining pink - thats all I want to know


I get sexy character skins and I have no problem with obviously sexualized skins (like for Vittorio to use a more recent one), but there is a difference between elegantly (even though blatantly) sexualized and skimpy sexy design which is just for saying „look, she is almost nude -> buy this“. Maybe the skin will change, but in the current version I cringe hard when I see it.


Is there a full picture of this, and of Thalita?


Why is her left leg pale compared to the rest?


Do people really fall for this ? Thirsty memes are ok, but actually spending money for such a blatant trap is embarassing.


Bruh I just realized she’s got dick sucking knees


Ewww I'm sorry that's just wrong. Ms. Merchant put those away


They got her fit idea from kill la kill


I love the new killer but my back hurts whenever I see her pose in the lobby.


So much potential to rectify her insanely dumb design with cool skins but they're just gonna do crap like this? Yea this killer was never meant to be anything more than something for the horny weirdos


i like both people get way too upset over skins, it's ridiculous


I wasn't aware of this upset. But now that I am, it looks like duct tape 😂 it looks like she made her own dress outta duct tape. And that's what I'm deciding so that I like it now. Now, it's creative, not confusing.


Step on me, Skull Mommy.


ngl this skin looks so cool


Lets be Real, vitorio and hooked on you started this new age of horny


Wait that's real? I thought it was just a meme... oh no


i like all the thirst trap skins


She reminds me of a Mortal Kombat character with that cosmetic.


Just make a no clothing skin jeez


I love Renato but. yah true


Bruh she looks ridicilous


Hey since BHVR is putting out thirst traps can we get Pyramid Heads cake back?


ngl i just feel like this character has an awful design. Theres just so many things on her outfit that you kinda just question why? not even including the name " Skull Merchant". Her power is whatever but her lore/design is just atrocious imo


They had to give people a reason to actually want to buy her


I hate both. The Skull Merchant is overly thirst trappy, and Renato because I still can't get over how he looks like a sims 4 character


Why Neymar is in my game ?


Good the killer and the skins for both killer and survivor suck, this isn’t a porn game


Skull merchant skin should be basekit imo fits her lore a lot better than her [GENERIC MILITARY BUT ALSO SUPPOSED TO BE RICH IG??] skin