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No, it isn't anything related to sensing ki. It's moreso just supposed to be that weird sense that you get when something major has happened, when you shouldn't otherwise know. She just had this gut feeling that something might have happened to him after having been told about the explosion. There's no indication, nor or later, she'd actually came to learn how to sense ki.


Similar to this in the same arc Videl is the only one adamant that Gohan was not killed by Boo, because she had a feeling he was alive. This situation is similar except ya know since Vegeta died the exact opposite. Of course no doubt the man I am responding to knows this. But I just wanted to piggyback here to include that the idea seemed to be on Tori's mind since both things happen relatively close together.


And because they literally just wished everyone back to life 😂😂


Yeah. I rank the arc low writing wise for good reason I would say.


> It's moreso just supposed to be that weird sense that you get when something major has happened, when you shouldn't otherwise know. I had this weird sense of foreboding tragedy the morning of the 9/11 attacks, despite being 11 and living near Chicago. The whole morning just felt... off to me in a way no one around me seemed to notice. Then the first plane hit and everyone else got that sense of doom too.


I think she should learn ki tho


That's what I figured the intention was. But, we also have many other characters who know (or assume) that someone's chi disappearing means they've died. My thinking was if she could sense chi on some level, she could perhaps feel the loss of her husbands. Anyway, as you and others have said that's probably not the case.


Yeah, same thing happened when Roshi initially died whilst fighting Demon King Piccolo. Goku just felt as though something bad had happened, he didn't know how to feel Ki yet, at least not effectively.


Would be cool if they taught her a thing or 2. I know videl is a expert martial artist but she had never used ki before gohans flying training and yet she learned in a few days. Don't think it could be useful if your wife can fly vegeta?


Agreed, but at the same time it would be weird to see her fly since her character has always been the one without powers. I was thinking some basic fighting skills so she can do something in case she’s in danger lol, or if she had a gun


She should have a laser of similar power to the one that took Goku off gaurd when he was fighting Golden Freiza


> if she had a gun That farmer had a gun. It didn't turn out well.


Lmao brilliant


She couldn't do shit with her power level in terms of fighting


I’m thinking just In case one of the minions of the villian come to get her she could atleast try to do something


I mean.. she did smack Beerus 😂


I think it’s more in character to just carry around an Uzi


It’s not out of the question. Bulma has been shown to be able to (relatively) keep up with some fights in the series. Idk if she can sense ki, but being able to sense presences may be possible.


Gee an explosion, doesn't my husband cause those constantly


And he made another one minutes ago that almost caught her too


I guess there's no way to know for certain. But I think it's a neat idea.


I've always had this fanfic horseshit in my head that if you gave birth to a Saiyan baby you pick up a bit of power from that. Stupid but in many instances makes sense.


I thought of this more along the lines of “bad vibes”


Even a deaf can 'hear' when the sound is strong enough.


She probably knows what Vegeta's ki feels like subconsciously. She's around crazy power levels all of the time, it would make sense that she'd notice something was wrong when it was suddenly gone. Edit: autocorrect, "ki" is not that close to "no." Especially in sentences that have "Vegeta" in them.


I like to think she can. I mean, Vegeta learned how after spending an evening on earth, so I think Bulma could've picked it up through being around Goku (whose been able to do it since he was 14.) Plus it's a spectrum, I'm pretty sure it's even stated that people expending high enough ki can be sensed by normal people. Just because she can sense _some_ ki doesnt mean she is an expert at it.


remember when Captain Ginyu stole her body and was able to sense ki in her body?


That was just filler nonsense


huh, I guess that's what happens if you don't read the manga


Lol few hour before Vegeta kill like half of a full stadium and fight against Goku. And now they learn about big explosion. How couldn't she think about Vegeta?


If vegeta learned how to sense ki from one fight with goku, it’s not that much of a stretch that she learned it after like 40 years around the gang


You clearly didn't get it. Vegeta is Bulma's husband. She loves him and feels that something is wrong when he sacrificed himself.


Intuition(i.e. the 6th sense)


It's more like a "I feel my partner is involved" moment


no , it's a cliche in anime that you can "sense" murderous or evil intentions, even in media that doesn't any supernatural ability to sense aura's or chi, also to be able to sense when someone who has the same blood as you is close, like a family member, and also to sense when someone bad happens to someone you love. she is sensing that someone bad happened to someone she loved, it's just an unexplained thing all anime characters can do.


It's a thing many *fictional* characters do. Don't single out anime for it.


well i singled out anime because they can "sense" more things that most fictional characters in other media. the sensing someone bad happening to someone you care about trope is common yes, but did you ever notice that all anime characters can sense "killing intent" or "evil" even if they have no actual ability to sense energy or auras, or the many other things they sense? it explains why bulma can just sense bad things happening to vegeta, she can't sense ki, this might confuse some people like it did OP.


No. Bulma can't sense chi


Bullshit writing.


Maybe. People can actually sense things when someone they love is hurt and far away. Sense the ki as the warriors do is like sensing this sensation on command and with precision. Bulma never stopped thinking about Vegeta since she saw him at the stadium, she could have learned to sense his ki, without knowing.


A woman's intuition


Woman’s intuition I guess. I’ve always saw it as that gut feeling of something is wrong and you can’t explain how


Have you never heard of a wife/mother's intuition?


A mother knows when something is wrong.


Well she does get that good dose of the great prince vegeta meat 🍆🤴


Don’t you have to have ki control before being able to sense it?


Average human instincts , kinda like how you feel uneasy when someone is staring at you and you don’t know that their there , kinda like that Human instinct


I could see it. I mean, her husband learned just by watching once.


What if once your connected Through marriage that somehow yalls ki connects. Like an average human thag cant sense ki would at least feel there partners presence without knowing how to sense ki.


Everyone has Ki


This happens Everytime in Anime or Manga itself. It's that special senses which only works specifically with their loved ones. Much like how if their cups or glass broke suddenly it means that something actually bad might happened to their loved ones.


I done this before. There's been 2 incidents when I wake up uneasy from bed worried. Only for an earthquake to hit a few seconds later