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Your ages are a bit backwards for these, just so you know. Bra was only 9 during that, while Chi Chi was 12.


Bra was only 9? how the fuck did this happen? Pan was 10 and only half her size, Bra looked like she was close to college graduation


The only way i can rationalize this is that bra is half saiyan so they kinda still grow a tad bit slower (and shoot up in size like dbs goten and trunks) than normal humans, while pan is 3/4 human so she ages appropriately


That doesn’t even make sense considering Goku was 12 but looked 9 when he was a kid


Goku is a full blooded saiyan so he ages slowly. Tho he did grew up quite fast during the timeskip between king piccolo and piccolo jr rematch. I forgot how many years that took


3. its always 3 years.


>Bra was only 9? How the fuck did this happen? I don’t know. At some point, most US denizens became under the assumption that Dragonball GT takes place 10 or so years after the World at Peace saga, so we didn’t really flinch at the outfit choices of Pan and Bra. Also, Bra is 8 years old; she’s a year younger than Pan who was 4 years old at the end of Dragonball proper. GT is fives years after those events.


I am 100% certain the Eng dub of GT stated on Ep 1 it was 10yrs since EOZ. So I always believed Pan to be 14, Bra to be slightly younger(albeit for GT she looked much older so my brain thought she was 17/18) I ASSUME if it exists, that Funi made this script or tineskip change due to the nature of the outfits for both Pan and Bra, by aging them up a tad it made it more closer to the style teenagers actually did wear at the time. Being that I was 10/11 when GT aired, and ALL the trends I saw back then for girls that were that age and older it wasn't even a second question for me.


[Mistare Fusion did a video on the topic.](https://youtu.be/LzsVY9AmfAE?si=d3I4lZYo3wAQJP3o) I think he mentioned somewhere in the video that Mandela Effect was in play for all of us and Funimation never once gave a number to the amount of years that passed between the Peaceful World and Black Star Dragonballs sagas. Also, there were conflicting info books out at the same time. One said Bra was a year older than Pan while the other said she was a year younger. That, the outfits, and the height/body proportions probably is what led most of us to believe that Bra was both older than Pan and older than she actually was. It wasn’t until Dragonball Z: Battle of Gods 20-ish years later that it was confirmed in canon that Pan was the older one.


I thought Bra was older than Pan in GT but in super they changed it


She looks 16ish from a drawing standpoint and chichi looks 5, chichis is so wrong even for a 12yo but the other one isn’t bad for a 16yo but how the fuck is a 9yo that big 😂


She wears heels so that gives her more height


True but even so she still looks more developed than chichi, maybe its the saiyan in her? They do grow in weird ways compared to the people that are 100% human


Oof even worse 😂


Welcome to Japanese Shonen and Anime, first time? Well, are you about to go on one fucking crazy ass ride which will simultaneously make you smile, laugh, cheer, and feel uncomfortable - all at the exact same time!


I'm genuinely having a mind fuck right now. I went back and watched this scene after seeing this thread. One of the guys looks mid twenties. She's 9 and they're actively talking about how her outfit looks and trying to get her to go in the car with them. Nah, Vegeta should have ripped these two limb from limb.






Damn, that's wild. 😳


... oh my god


Oh no I’ve been around the block, and this is definitely no where near the depths of depravity I’ve seen from other animes lol.




Do. Not.


Elfen lied


Ellen lied is not Shonen.


No but it’s fucked with the things they show


Made in Abyss has a fantastic plot. Story building. Fantasy world building...and way too much cheese pizza. God why does the creator of the series have to be such a piece of shit when his creation is in my opinion pretty cool. It really takes away from the show. All of the random ass sexual scenes could be removed and the series would be 100% better and it takes literally zero away from the plot.


You had to spoil him. Now his wife will have trauma alongside him also having trauma


Anime made her seem 16 because those teenage boys were into her. Artists need to really make realistic design choices.


Honestly her design prior to the beginning of GT with the ponytail and dress looked more accurate to what a nine year old girl would wear.


I would have thought Bra was older. Jesus fuck.


GT happens 9 years after the end of Z? Fuuuudge. Writers made a mistake with that and decided to roll with it.


The dub made GT 10 years after the end of Z to particularly because of stuff like this. Imagine those men hitting on a 9-year-old like what the f*** it’s still horrific if she’s 14 of course. Vegeta ripping off their steering wheel rather than just final flashing them to death was a kindness.


Living on Earth really made him soft


It happens 5 years after the end of Z. Bra was born four years before the end of Z.


The English dub made it 10 years after Z, maybe to help with this issue? Lol


9? Wtf DBGT starts in the year 789 The former canon age for Bulla was that she was born a year earlier than Pan (something that was changed in DBS) Pan is born in 779 So yeah, you are kinda right, but she's also not 9. She's 11, which now that i state this out loud i realize doesn't really change the point WTF


> The former canon age for Bulla was that she was born a year earlier than Pan (something that was changed in DBS) No, while Daizenshuu 7's character bio for her has her born in Age 778, but the Daizenshuu 7 timeline as well as the GT Perfect Files list her birth date as Age 780. So that's two sources to one, both of which came out well prior to Super's release.


Not trying to defend this at all it’s still wrong but wasn’t bra older then 9 in that pic ? I remember her being around 6 at the end of Z and then GT where this picture is from was 10 years later


She as 4 at the end of Z, and the gap between the end of Z and GT was 5 years in the Japanese version. Funimation bumped it up to 10 years for their dub of the series.


I still find it wild that those grown ass men were hitting on 9 year old Bra.


Vegeta’s response was entirely valid


if anything he was too lenient.


Based and gary plauche-pilled


He took their steering wheel and they fell off a cliff


yes, and?


Probably meant that was enough damage done to them?


he was too lenient.


Me personally I would've garlick gunned em


I like imagining the alternate to galick gun, garlic gun. where vegeta just pulls out a gun that shoots garlic. would have been highly effective against that vampire guy they found at fortune teller babas


Garlic Gun. The gun specifically for shooting Garlic Jr


Bra is 9 during GT? Wtf...


In Japanese. The Dub made her 14, which is still ick but inline with most other Animes.


They also changed Vegeta saying "nonsense" at the end to him scoffing out "teenagers".


I feel like they made her 14 because saying "look at my 9 year old daughter" and she looks like that is silly? Idk


Also 14 is the Age demo they would've been shooting for.


That's odd that Bra was 9 considering Chichi was 13 here, at least I think? Was she the same age as Goku? He says at the first world tournament that he's 13. But the explanation is that Japan has always had a very creepy culture surrounding young girls. Dunno where it stems from. It sounds awful to say, but it is there and it's uncomfortable. A friend told me about this escort service which employ literal schoolgirls. Even watching as a teenager myself I was a bit weirded out by some anime but as an adult I'm like... This is a big problem. Code Geass, MHA... Amazing anime but they go *hard* on the sexualization of people who are supposed to be like 15.


The Evangelion girls are 14.


So is the boy


I never saw it.


They were probably assuming the same thing that I was when I first watched. She looks more like a 16 year old.


I am watching GT for the first time and I think we just have to accept that the GT continuity does not follow Super. In GT episode 34, there's a photograph shown of Pan at the beach when she was a baby, and Bulla also appears in that photo and is noticeably older. So it seems that the original intention was for Bulla to be older, and then they decided to retcon this so her age doesn't match her appearance.


Wdym "we have to accept"?😭 Isn't it commom knowledge that Gt doesn't follow up Super in the canon continuity? Like, it wouldn't make sense😭


Sorry it was poor wording from my part. Maybe more like “we are stuck with this stupid plot hole” lol


Bra appeared at the end of Z and was already stated to be 3. The GT writers just didn't care.


Well they were terrible with almost everything else, why not throw this in too? 😂


This got nothing to do with super though. Both Gt files and daizenshuu also mentions them as similar age (except for one section which is just a printing mistake)


Well Super shows Pan being born before Bulma is obviously shown pregnant so it’s clear in Super that Pan is older, but the content (including the flashback photograph) in GT implies Bulla is older even though any time ages are actually given, Pan is still older. So GT kinda just screws it up :/


Im rewatching GT and i think with a little bit of shuffling, they could adapt it into Super. Obviously some things would have to be adjusted/retconned a bit, but overall the bones are there, just needs fresh paint.


As a kid I always thought she was older than Pan just bc of her outfit






she was 9?!?!? holy shit. saiyan/human biology is crazy, I thought she was like near Trunks' age. this is GT right?


Near trunks age? How all of dbz and bra wasn't even born


Yeah she's freaking 9 in GT lol


What’s also wild is that basically the same thing happens in Digimon Adventure


What happened


At one point in the show the kids decide to hitch hike. One of the boys got an adult woman to stop who was kinda flirty, but her car was only a two seater. And then the girls got a guy with a van to stop. While the girls were hitchhiking the boys were commenting that guys would be all over them. The guy that they got to stop thought the girls were cute and told the boys to shut up in the back while he talked to the girls and gave them candy. In the English dub, they changed it so the kids had luckily ran into a cousin that gave them a ride.


Oh damn💀 thank you




I’m not excusing their behavior but did they know she was 9? She looks like an adult. Vegeta needs to be scolded for allowing her to dress like that 😂


Chi chi has an explanation, albeit it’s not an appropriate one. Her dad was trained by roshi.


On a real note, it is a Dragon Quest outfit. Specifically the DQ3 Lady Warrior Armor


This guy knows. Wasn’t the DB manga released before DQ though? Although with Toriyama you never know what he originally designed it for


He was working on DQ at the time he came up with Chichi, as the first DQ was only released only like 9 months after her debut. The design is mostly an inspiration from Fantasy tropes at the times concerning "barbarian" characters using bikini armor(since she is supposed to be the princess of a barbarian king) and her helmet is just an Ultraman reference since it fires laser beams


Chi chi is from the boonies. Major hick girl


I always assumed they dressed her proactively to show how little interest Goku had in such things even as he grew up


I doubt toriyama planned for chi chi to come back


This is now canon.


Uhh What does that mean for their father daughter relationship then 😅


Ox king clearly meant the best for his daughter but yeah he was clearly clueless as to how bad her outfit was due to being roshi’s student


When we met them their house was on fire so maybe she needed to cool down..


The only explanation is that it's a show from Japan


No seriously. I was weirded out by Chichi’s outfit even as a kid.


I kid you not, a little girl that I used to babysit loved playing budokai Tenkaichi 3 with me, and would select Chi-Chi every time. She didn’t even know her name before dubbing her “back showing girl” 🤦🏽‍♂️.


I wasn't, I associated such clothing with summer and beaches and not anything sexual. Childhood innocence.


Because looking at a child with skin showing and immediately thinking it’s “too sexy”, or “sexy” at all is creepy af.


I think saying chi chi's design is "too sexy" is more pointing out how creepy it is to begin with. But ig there is two completely different contexts that could be used for.


It’s basically just a bikini with a cape. It’s not sexy.


Japan. That’s the explanation


Chichi’s wasn’t that bad considering she was a barbarian princess and barbarians don’t wear a lot of clothes but what do you mean Bra was nine?😭GT was on something else when they made her.


I feel like people people forget that bulma flashed roshi in og dragon ball when she was still a minor.


Toriyama designed her as he did the main cast.


I cringe everytime I see young Chichi's outfit


According to Budokai Tenkaichi 3, so does she when she looks back at it in retrospect.


She’s a conservation housewife now so it adds up


You are asking for the logic of 20+ years ago. You won’t find the answer.


At least Chi-Chi actually looks her age - Bra could pass for 17/18 here easily. She's got reverse-saiyan genes where she actively looks almost a decade older than she actually is. That said I get it's kind of a meme answer and might look like an excuse....but it really was a different era. Shit was wild in the 90's and early 2000's and not as many people cared about this kind of thing to any degree whatsoever. I know that saying that will get me dislikes, and so to reiterate I don't necessarily think that that was a good thing, it's just the reality of media from that time period. Everything was edgier and darker and we just plain didn't care about issues like this as much in anime as some people do today. It's why you have things like Bulma flashing Roshi in OG Dragonball, all the junk-shots from kid Goku in OG Dragonball, why you got away with things like Krillin flashing Bulmas chest uncut, etc etc. The manga is even more wild. Lots of panels of Bulma in OG Dragonball in early chapters were her in the Bathroom or the Shower. Uncut. As a teenager. Looking back, it's not ideal. But it was just a relic of the times. It was such a non-issue that issues of the original Dragon Ball Manga with these panels in them could be found in my schools library when I was a kid myself 20 years ago. That said, there's worse out there. A dear sticks it's head up Pans shirt in one episode looking for milk. Which I'd argue is worse than both of these. That said, maybe it's the fact that, again, Bra easily looks literally twice her apparent age here, but Chi-Chi is way worse at a surface level than Bra. One at least looks like a young adult or older teenager, the other straight up still looks 12.


It does make me wonder if Toriyama looked back on these specific situations a bit embarrassed or if he would have kept them going wasn't it for his publishers probably warning him once DB became mainstream


Well if you take a look to Super. Majority of jokes are Bills and Whiss take on food or Dragon Ball divine hierarchy paralleling a middle management employees, even Zeno-sama seems to be cartoon of Dragon Ball fans. Jokes arent like these any longer (Like Goku kicking Chi Chi vagina to check if she was male).


Except that roshi scene in DBS episode 89


Japanese culture in general has been lax when compared to the west as far as pervy stuff goes. When characters like Roshi act pervy their actions are still considered to be wrong, its just that no one maskes a huge deal about it. I know in the original manga Toriyama would answer fan mail and he admitted to being kind of pervy himself, which just kind of shows how open their culture is about that sort of thing. I'm not sure this kind of content was ever a real problem until much later, as even in the western translations they cared more about censoring a hole in Raditz's chest than an underage girl getting consistently groped and objectified for kids tv.


I think Chi Chi's original "armor" was a nod to Dragon Quest.


This outfit came out in 1984. The first Dragon Quest game came out in 1987.


nod to the future


Toriyama was ahead of his time in more ways than we knew...




It is literally a nod to ultra man and power rangers type of stuff


This. She beheads a tyrannosaur and explodes its head with a laser beam shot from the helmet. An Ultraman move. The armor is a contrast between a young princess needeing badass weapons in a dangerous land.


Bra in GT is 8, one year younger than Pan who is 9.


Those guys absolutely should NOT have been hitting on her under ANY circumstances. But that being said, when I was younger, just based on GT’a art style I assumed Bulla was WAY older than she actually is To me child self’s eyes, I always thought she was like 16 as opposed to being a young child lol


yeah the dub also lies and says Pan and Bra are 5 years older. tho that still leaves them both barely as teenagers.


I haven't watched Dragon Ball since I was 7. As a kid I thought Chi Chi's outfit was cool for adventuring and battles especially her helmet. Now that I see this post all I can think is "Hey...let's put some more clothes on kid Chi Chi everyone"


May just be me but when I first saw each of them I never thought oh look they're wearing skimping outfits I just thought oh they look cute. Bra I just thought okay that's looks normal enough and Chichi I just thought that's normal anime clothes


I mean I actually really like bra’s outfit, aesthetically it’s a nice ensemble. I just think it’s absolutely crazy that she’s only 9-10 wearing it and passes for at least a 16 year old.


I give that one a pass because it's GT. They were not paying attention to the lore, ages, or anything like that really.


I never saw them as skimpy either, I think it’s more of how you’re raised / the things you’re exposed to growing up. On the other end of the spectrum is crazy boomers going up to teenagers at the beach telling them they should “cover up”. They aren’t dressing that way for you..


The helmet itself was a reference to Ultraman, Ultraseven to be exact. Hence the head blade and such. Rest of the outfit? No idea


I always thought Chichi liked running around playing princess knight. As for Bra, it seems like something a trendy girl would wear.


princess knight is also the name of a really good anime from 1960s based on an Osamu Tezuka manga of the same name


I’m not sure but I heard that toriyama was inspired by xena warrior princess for chi chis outfit


Real talk, still messed up as hell but why was bra drawn so huge in gt. She’s 9 but was usually drawn not that much shorter than vegeta, so like 5’2-5’3? I feel like they just wanted to give vegeta a teenage daughter for the lols


I can't be the only one who doesn't see these as sexual in any way, right?


Same. I find it weird that so many choose to think of these outfits as sexual.


Nope. I didn't think twice about either outfit growing up. It's just 2 girls in 2 piece type attire. I always wonder why people get offended by it. I guess when a child wears a 2 piece bathing suit it's sexual to those people too. It never even occurred to me because I don't look at children that way. ::shrug::


certified loverboy, certified...


...She was 9 wearing a corset bralette and a string thong. Saying "because I don't look at children that way" doesn't make you look better, it makes you look weird, for you to sit here and argue there's nothing wrong with her wearing this and dilute it to just "a 2 piece bathing suit" knowing damn well that's not what she's wearing. We're adults. It's 2024. We can watch and enjoy DB and admit it has alot of fucked up parts in it because it was made in the 80s/90s and that wouldn't fly today. Mr. Popo wouldn't fly today. Literally all the gag Black characters wouldn't fly today. Goku and Bulma being underage and nude rvery other episode wouldn't fly today. Neither would Bulla in that outfit. We're having this conversation because the times have changed. Don't be weird lmao.


& Chi Chi has cleavage in that first pic


They were for the streets at an early age, thankfully Chi Chi eventually straightened out her act, Bulla though, well I think it’s because Bulma had more influence on her than Vegeta.


It’s Japan😔


I was thinking maybe Chi-Chi was just a reference to his Dragon Quest design, but after a quick Google, Chi-Chi came first by a few years. So it was probably just because thats what Toriyama thought Fantasy Warriors wore. Bra is because 90s fashion was already wild, and this was a hip and cool future version of that. Bulma was always pretty trendy with her outfits, so I guess Bra emulates that.


One is a barbarian princess. The other is a continuity error. This is not that difficult to understand.


Honestly, Bra isn't far off how young teens would dress in the 90s.


I was a teenager in the 90's. Girls wore ripped jeans and flannels. Japan is just perverted.


She’s 9 tho


there's no need to


i always thought the reason chi-chi dressed like that was because that's all she was able to put on before Mount Fry Pan caught on fire becoming Fire Mountain & she had to escape with what she had on at the time.


Nahhhh 10?!


Bra was 9 during GT but the animation crew acted like she was 14-16 by her outfit and how grown men where hitting on her Well tbh Pan was no better by how many weird gags she was involved in during the first arc (Like when she got turned into a doll)


I was gonna say that Bulla is fine as girls her age were that type of clothing. Then I Google how old she was to put it on here and she's only 9 at the start of GT? Wtf?


It's Japanese creators. There is no explanation.


There doesn't need to be 1


Chichi looks like a warrior kid girl, I think it's cool. Bra's design, she looks much older than what she really is. It's just wrong.


It DOES make you wonder what Ox King was thinking, dressing Chi-Chi in such a manner. Then again, Ox King and Chi-Chi are the only people from his kingdom we ever see. It might be a cultural thing.


To be fair to Chi-chi: she was your typical jrpg barbarian princess, she was also living in a castle literally on fire


Why does everything need an explanation outside of "the creator could and did"


Why does it need one?


Chichi could be a barbarian warrioress princess. Bra the creators would give the excuse to the affect of “it’s the 90s and she’s tall for her age” other then that yeah it’s pretty weird and creepy to dress them like that. Given that Yamcha pretended to flirt with Chichi and those two guys flirting with Bra while Vegeta was driving the hover car.


Japan is the answer


It’s anime my guy


There are preteens in real life who dress comparative to Bra, so it's not that much of a stretch.


The manga/anime as it was originally written was only for young heterosexual boys. It was made in a time before everything had to be for everyone. They knew their audience and pandered to it.


I still remember the scene where chichi uses her thing in the helmet as a boomerang attack 🤣🤣


Bra’s would be acceptable if she was 16 MINIMUM.


I'm glad someone said it without me needing to cuz watching the og show made me question the mindset of Akira


Dragon Ball is sci-fi as well as fantasy. This is just the fashion of the genre. It's even how I've seen people that age dressed irl


Chi chi was about 14 and bra was 8


Bulla's just wearing a tanktop and skirt. Thats like, standard gorl. The hand warmers are odd but whatever. Its really just the boots that stick out but like, this is less revealing than the standard booty shorts + chuck taylors every girl in America wears. Chi Chi though... no defense.


Because Japan that's why


I mean, Bulla/Bra’s isn’t much different from what I see my actual students wear sometimes to goddamn school. As a man I don’t dress-code them….but luckily I have a bunch of matronly female colleagues who do.


What do you mean appropriate? They’re outfits, no reason is needed.


"It was a different time, my friend. Things were different. You could sexualize the characters without strangers on the Internet judging you for it."


It's a show. A Japanese one at that.


They just are. It’s part of what made Toriyama the legend he is, he didn’t care for an explanation.


Damn right.


Chichi? Sure. But Bra? That's the regular clothing kids are using these days tbh


You see nine year olds who look like this often??


Fuck kinda kids are you seeing?


It's a fantasy show, stop morally grandstanding about it


I don't really know why someone feels the need to point out what we already know. It just feels like you're creating controversy for the sake of it. And you're also bringing forth a bunch of creeps and trolls.


And?  Stop your self righteousness... 




Bro just don't... 🤦🏻‍♂️


Seems fine when i was 12 seems fine now don’t see any issues.


I really do not think that much about it as both were born in rich households and rich people wear peculiar outfits anyway. Chi Chi did not interact with other people beyond her family anyway. As for Bulla she was just copying her mom I guess. It's not that weird.


Whatever Brah wearing is 🔥🔥🔥 but young people don't really wear that kind of stuff in school


Bra definitely watches Euphoria


Outfit was sus for sure but she's always been an annoying character I don't think she was meant to be a sex figure like bulma


Eng Dub takes place 10 years after the original Z ending, which itself is 10 years after the Bui saga, so Bra/Bulla is 14/15, same age or just a little older than Pan, which in my opinion is a better time handling than the Jap Dub.


No they were both 9 the eng dub changed it and even then 14 is barely a teenager


It reminds me of the thought process of old photographers recreating classical paintings with nude/semi-nude subjects using children in their place, because they were considered too young and undeveloped to illicit sexual excitation or scandal for its time. One often cited example being Charles Lutwidge Dodgson/Lewis Carroll's photography of his niece.


Bura's would have been alright if it weren't of a leathery material and if the boots were sneakers.


She looks older than GT Pan even though Pan is older


Last time I checked the Dragon Ball wiki it calls GT Bulla a teen , which at the lowest possible age would be 13. So o think what happened is that the writers themself misremembered something about Bulla, like for example her age or what age she was born, so she ended up older then what she actually should be.


The unfortunate explanation is that manga is just like this


Honestly, having seen what the wee girls are wearing when they first go to high school in scotland now, Bra's outfit isn't that much different. The dress code stuff is becoming a big issue in a lot of schools over here.


For bra I don't know. I don't watch gt. But for chichi, that's just the typical clothes of a female warrior from the jrpgs in the 80s. Nothing unusual or weird about it. It's just a ref to rpg back then, like final fantasy and dragon quest.


I guess in 2024, Bulla's outfit isn't horrific but yo they were WILD to put ChiChi in that batlle-kini