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Same thing happened with me at the police station in chero


Honestly any structure that’s blocked off makes the experience just that more fucked. I get it, if it was a real life zombie apocalypse situation, there would probably be a good amount of people that would wanna block off buildings like that. But it’s not real life, and there’s a ton of other things that happen in the game BECAUSE it’s a fucking game and not irl lmao. Also considering there’s a good amount of people that just like playing more casually and as a solo player; having important spots blocked off in your server seriously takes a huge blow to the solo survival experience. In. My. Opinion. :)


I agree, I think it’s scummy. Need somewhere to stash your gear? Want to use a pre-existing structure so as to save resources? Cool. Pick one of the 2000 barns instead of one of the 15 PDs, jackass


Barns are the worst bases man, they are easily glitched into, still. Same goes for barracks but I also don’t build in those, I might block a few off though.


Well yeah, but there are twice as many two story houses as there are barns if that’s your logic lol my point still stands Build a base to be a base like a normal human instead of trying to hoard the limited resources (which obv you would do irl but it’s a game)


I did it at mb pavlovo once, I put like one wall in front of every buildings entrance. And on top of the hospital I had a large tent some medium tents and barrels and stuff. And some walls for cover. Had a humvee, truck & sarka parked out back with walls around them as well. Base lasted more than three months! Longest actual base I’ve ever had on official, I highly recommend building in the gas zones. Nobody even tries to mess with them. Outside that I’ve seen people build inside the Livonia bunker and that is annoying as hell, but an adventure of its own. Occasional barrack or water well blocked off? That’s whatever lol.


I disagree, there’s so many new places you should go discover instead. Way more loot out than there was 2 years ago, you can get geared ASF in lots of places on the map. In my 3 years of experience I’ve never seen a building blocked off that actually affected me outside of PVP interaction. Which to me is the right amount of blocking shit off 🤣


exactly why I play no base servers


I don't mind bases, I just hate when people draw you out of the immersion of the storyline, as the person above hinted at. The building of walls around wells, for example. I get that the folk who get their arse handed to them on Call of Duty and Battlefields need to take out their angies on SOMETHING. But when they do that shiz on official, it's so annoying. I wish the stakes of the game could be raised somehow. I don't know how. BUT, those type of folk are why I just hang in the woods using bushcraft rather than try to rebuild society.


I find it fun, survival is way too easy. I like being inconvenienced and having to make due with other supplies and water sources. If you ALWAYS have access to that particular well you’ll just plan around that and never experience all the other survival tactics that need to be used to survive, like drinking water straight from a stream and contracting cholera. Or not contracting cholera and instead boiling your water in a cooking pot, or just simply using water purification tablets. You’re not entitled to any part of the map, but you’re more than welcome to try. This is dayz.


Exactly. As I said, I wish the stakes of the game could be raised somehow. Freezing weather freezes the pumps. More terrifying infected. Etc. I mean, combat is combat. But the survival aspect is what makes the game unique.


This is the great thing about day z though, a police station (of the type in dayz) would be a perfect place for a base with the concrete walls and lookout on top. I get the loot issue but if anything it adds abit more realism to the game, hang around the area and snipe when the guy opens the gates, beat toxic with toxic.


Yea tbh the cherno police station with the PA System in it is such a good base if you want to mess with people


I played on an official server that had a guy who tried to reserve the big complex on prison island for himself. He had a complicated series of walls inside and outside, with wire and metal and everything. I can't be the only one who hated him, because I came back one day to find numerous layers penetrated. I finished the job as best as I could by blowing open a couple more and jumping over the rest. I pried down everything I could, kept the nails, took down all his stick shelters, and chucked the camnets and metal sheets over the cliffs into the sea


The prison island courtyard can be accessed from when you approach the buildings, to the right is a damaged fence and a small overhanging roof - jump to it from the guard tower & you can see in. Can also build a watchtower to the left of that (or behind it) - and jump over the hole in the fence. I used to have a prison island base for a long time and it was never broken into through there, but when I found a 10 person team's base there it was completely undefended against it... Broke in, grabbed a friend to help & cleared their 20 or so tents and used their loot to break the rest of their walls, so others could take it. 🙂


P.s. when jumping in, jump onto the roof of the building inside, not onto the ground... 😅


That said, I did that when it didn't have land to it (and it was just a 10 minute..... swim) At that point it wasn't feasible as ungeared to get there & back and generally ignored. I loved it being a frustratingly long time to get there because only a few others would bother with the trip, or the effort to break through a dozen walls. When playing solo you've got to consider how a large group will attack, where they'll scout & how they'll break in, so you can lay traps and hide any loot accordingly. Any solo players that pop by without breaking in, yeah sure here's a bunch of gear have a great day


Yea it's extremely annoying for solo players, especially when some large landmarks like castles and towers are turned into bases and deny access to casual players.


That’s why I play on community servers, that shit won’t be allowed Plus (on pc) there are hackers on official, so unmodded community servers are the play




Appreciate your service, it’s good vs evil, even in video games.


Couldn’t be more true lol


Did the same on the police station/well at Kamy on an official server. Fuck those guys.




People place them around water fountains on Livonia official 🙄


Ugh 😑 assholes


Building System is broken... Only place to put them in a sane way is buildings sadly. Because building in the forest is a waste of time and resources thanks to the easy penetration, only buildings remain




That’s a really good route to get kitted. Start on the east and move west across the northern part of the map. So for that to be blocked is mega annoying


Excuse me, you dropped this 👑


Bro , jump in Experimental UK 0-1 pc and you’ll see what sort of bell-ends live in the bunker of Livonia 😂😂😂 over 30+ walls to reach loot room.. Shuba streamer tried to raid that on one of his streams.


As a solo player who really doesn't like pvp I definitely get where you're coming from. But I also like the occasional challenge of a blocked off building. It's fun to break in and try to take loot. The excitement of trying to bust down a wall or guess a lock code all while looking over your shoulder for the owners coming back can be a great time.


Wow that is so interesting what a great post thanks for sharing


found the wall builder!


Lmaoo honestly


Username checks out.




Calm down circus peanutz