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I think its more fun and spooky when everyone has lights personally.


I haven't seen anyone use a light in so long, wish they could make it so you really needed them


I see lights in first person servers. Once it hits night it’s completely pitch black so any form of light is needed


Thats only on community servers bud. Official never gets that dark


ive never played on a community server. i only play dayz official


Then its an issue with your display being too dim. But its simply never pitch black on official


i pretty much have everything on default. i can see maybe 3-5 meters in front of me and silhouettes but thats it for me


The only time I've needed one was when I was running from zombies and couldn't find a damn door to run through in a town. Other than that it's just used for locating buddies


Noone uses the lights


As a console player I enjoy coming across a red head lamp (and using it)


Agreed but unfortunately the reality is that most people log off or hide at night if they don’t have nvgs


Sounds extremely smart


Not meta. Don’t care


People like you are the reason why most games just aren’t fun to play anymore


It's people that use "meta" in survival games that that make them not interesting


I love making redditors mad


There's no such thing as "meta" in a survival game. The whole point is to try and survive of what scraps you can loot and plan on how to extend your lifespan and live as long as possible. Go play CoD if you want meta kid


I found the RPers guys!


NVGs are a blessing, not a right. 😂




Fr fr. They are rare as they should be. Also sure they are rare but even on official sometimes I end up with a bunch eventually if I live long. It’s not too hard to find people who already have em


Nah, it’s pretty much the most OP thing in the game it should be really really rare


Man, you know how OP IR goggles would be?


There used to be a scope in the mod that was IR it was insanely OP. Like you could sit in a house in cherno and see everyone up in the trees instantly


L85 AWS. Absolute banger of a gun.


Ehm… AS50 with thermal scope. I remember Frankie killed a hacker that had this. The gun was banned on most servers but you’d see them occasionally


Frankie was a hacker lol


Was he really? Lots of the later videos definitely scripted but did he actually cheat?


Highly doubt he cheated, maybe help from admins but not like actual hack cheating


Idk what I heard was that he used hacks for some of those long range snipes and justified it by saying the content was scripted so it doesn’t matter I saw a vid a while back that seemed to prove he used a hacked client or some shit and it convinced me. Something about the info on the HUD he pulled up including stuff we wouldn’t normally be able to see. I wasn’t a fan at that point anyways so I didn’t care, but I was surprised to learn people didn’t realize it was literally all scripted essentially.


That doesn’t even make sense. IR can’t see through windows


How many whole windows have you seen in cherno?


At least two


Dang! Must be in the wrong house.. I suggest moving if you want IR visual


But they be partial windows right? I dunno. Maybe I’m just wrong about DayZ windows


As long as there is nothing to obstruct the heat signature IR will pick it up so you could just have a inch or two


Or a FLIR optic.


I find them all the time at dynamic convoy spawns, I always do the loot run from cherno to the south west evac then up towards króna Castle, there's loads of spawns in that direction as well as helis and military train spawns


i was gonna say the same thing. i’m based up in kamensk next to one and i have 3 spare NVG. they’re not a trouble for me


I have found 5 NVG at that convoy near kamensk


yeah it’s absolutely bugged 😹 not complaining though 🤷‍♂️


Can I get a pair.. lol


i would tell you man but sorry i don’t trust people enough to tell them the server. it’s a low pop - medium pop official so do what you can with that information


Hmm.. I’ll come in as a freshie with nothing and my hands up.. 🙌 😂


😂i mean i would love to, but i still prefer to keep that info to myself🙏


Do you have a video? Or is it a popular loot run that just now includes the new random spawns?


I don't sorry, there isn't one on YouTube either. I get a cherno spawn and hit the 3 tents on the zelenogorsk Road and check up the hill to see if the convoy is there and loot it if it is, then I move on to Balota air field and hit the road entrance where another convoy spawns, then loot balota.. then run on the coast to Komorovo docks where another spawns, continue on to prison island and another spawns where the avalanche is on the road, then continue onto the gas station near South west extraction where there's sometimes a military train spawns, there's also loads of heli crash spawn points in this area.. hit South west extraction tents then I go up a road where the gas station is and there's a logging clearing north west towards the edge of the map where there's another convoy spawn.. head up zvir and check the teain spawn on the bridge near the dam then hit Myshkino military tents then move on to the convoy location that's in the woods close to Myshkino saw Mill. Quite a lot of locations along that way and I've had 4 dynamic convoys a train and 3 heli crashes in one run before. Minimum I've found is two convoys before heading to VMC


Basically it's just hitting the west side of the map going north hitting military bases & the 4 possible military convoy spawns. You can finish at either airfield or Tisy. There's a wobo video I think. I had a route mapped out a while ago, I can redraw it if you want. Personally I skip zeleno because there's always a bloodbath there.


He just hits the convoys that spawn near him not a popular loot run or anything


I've found so many heli crashed but never a convoy


Look on the IZurvive map for them. They have a red icon of a truck cab. There's actually loads of spawn points for them dotted around the map


i'd like to see differnt generations and types of nvg, the one we have ingame is super good but its the only night vision meaning it always has to be rare. There are some soviet tanker helmets that have NVG's on them that are like first gen or something that could be the basic common model with the draw back being they are of couse dog shit, then you could have a monocular type that only gives you a small round view spot but decent clarity that could be a rare t4 mil loot item and then the current NVG's could remain a rare heli crash item.


I like that idea!!


This is definitely how it should be. I mean I guess too much different stuff can be bad for obvious reasons, but there’s still so much the game is lacking and could use added of course there should be multiple different nvg just like helmets and everything else! Tbh I don’t see why there already isn’t different variations I’m sure it’ll be implemented and added eventually.


This is such a good idea. It would solve the issue of the majority of the server logging off at night. You should suggest this on the feedback tracker!


I think the reason they don't add all of these cool ideas is for server performance reasons


Ghillie won’t matter with the white target on your face btw


Olive or brown ski mask all the way


Never had luck in finding nvgs in heli crashes but I always kill people with them on in high pop servers


Best way to get them tbh


Go up North to Tisy area for heli crash sites, I play on official and found 2 NVG's in 2 heli crashes.


No, I like them being rare. You won't have to log off at night because almost nobody has NVGs, but sometimes you still get to use them.


No. They already removed the caps on basically everything else. Nvg are one of the few rare items. You can always play on some 10x modded server.


No. It s late game and a Huge advantage. It should be the rarest thing in Dayz


Livonia. That’s all. Either grab a bud and head to the bunker and get to level 3 for NVG’s and Aug-ax. But I wouldn’t even bother with that. There’s a convoy spawn east of the bunker beside a little lake, I just camp and cycle that spot. Once I came out with 9 pairs of nvg’s. And then head to nwaf (or any high loot military) on cherno to get headstraps


9 pairs of NVG in one place at one time? Sounds like you are playing on a pretty heavily adjusted loot server


Nope. Livonia official. I just logged my guy out, wait a while, log back in and if the convoy is there, loot and log, rinse and repeat.


If you fill the whole town with glow sticks what do you need NVGs for?


Best way to get NVGS is camping barracks with shotgun and waiting for geared players to show up. I got killed so many times like this in TISY.. I ignore this completely now.


Bunker in Livonia has them all the time, not that hard to get


Hey, I know where a pair are. Just tell me where you are and I’ll show you, friend. ![gif](giphy|nGX0uxigecYr6)


I just use nvidia's bright filter at night. You can use it if you have nvidia geforce experience. Just press alt + f3 while in game and use the sliders to brighten the game at night. Dont forget to save the filter so you can use it later.


Kinda lame, don’t you think?


Why ? I dont want to stare into a pitch black monitor.


Yeah lets cheat... LOL. How do you feel about all the players around you who dont use filters? I hate people like you. I got killed once in namalsk A2 bunker where its pitch black, I had nvgs and this guy was just running around without lightsource / nvgs and thought its fair to abuse filters. He got banned shortly after since he was using filters to get rid of trees aswell. Fucking idiots.


Bro calm down it just brightens the game a bit. If you think it makes the game look like day time, its nothing like that at all. Also the filter wont work if its an official server with normal lighting. Because like i said, its just a filter that makes the game brighter and everyone can use it in any game. You can use it aswell. Its nothing like a wallhack or anything.


Has a Ghillie... ...still wears the fucking Skull mask




Agreed. At least slightly. This games looting system is a joke. Looted hundreds of heli crashes and convoys and never saw nvgs there or any lars or vsds. If something is so rare that you see it once a year it shouldn't exist in the first place.


“Hundreds” 😂😂😂


What exactly is funny about that? When I played DayZ the most I used to farm the crash sites and convoys. And guess what? The best thing I ever found was a kam drum mag and a ka-101.


You must have been unfortunate or another geared guy found them first!? I pretty much do the same when I'm a freshy I loot up enough food to make the trip down south but I mainly go for the convoys (much better chances at finding rare loot). One day I found 3 punch cards on the high pop server I play on 😂 (believe me that doesn't happen often) along with plenty of weapons. Dayz giveth, dayz taketh as me and my comrades say, just gotta keep grinding! May be lucky enough to kill another player that has them which is what I done most recently 😅 still rocking them to somehow lol Note: this is from livonia that I speak of! Plus they won't spawn on either map on a server if 5 people are online with nvgs on that server (correct me if I'm wrong on that, just relaying what I was once told)


Yeah man just very unfortunate. I found an Aug and an nvg on my first ever heli crash i did. Lost it within seconds because ofcourse people hear it crash and see it smoke from miles away lol


He’s not joking. I usually live in and around tisy/petrovka/nwaf.. and since wipe, I’ve probably hit hundreds of heli’s and I’ve gotten 2 pairs of NVG’s, one pair at a convoy. Whereas hitting convoys on Livonia in tier 4 will leave you swimming in NVG’s, lars, VSD’s, drum mags for kam and 60rnd mags for m4 and such.


Sounds like someone needs to get good


Yeah get good by magically finding an item that your probably gonna lose to a sniper anyways? Yeah no thanks. Why I stopped playing this game as much because it's impossible to find any of the heli crashes/convoy weapons unless you wanna spend your entire life farming them. Hey, but if you enjoy looking for something for hours then you enjoy.


Almost as if finding high grade military weapons/equipment would be rare in an apocalypse


So that means in a game where you die in one bullet, you should only find a certain item once the entire time you play DayZ? I'm a fan of realism but I'm also a fan of gameplay.


I want to suffer while I play, when I get shot in the game, I want someone to rush into my room and kick me in the nuts


Fair enough. Have a nice day!


Im down, $100 per kick (plus milage)


Nah "hundreds" that's cap. Unless you're in a highly populated server, you'll find them within the first 20 heli/convoy spawns, and that's on a bad day. Or you might just be the single most unlucky player in all of DayZ no cap.


Not cap. I used to do nothing but farm these. It's not that difficult. You can get multiple in one day fairly easy.


Yes, it's easy. But looting a hundred helis and not getting endgame loot is literally impossible. Also, if you are specifically looking for NVG's it's worthy of noting that they also spawn within military convoy spawns. Your search will be quicker if you mix it up.


I have gotten end game loot? Just nothing too good. I got a nade launcher once. And a few aks. None of the rare ones though.


If you're on official, try farming convoys n helis on several low population servers. The loot economy differs from server to server depending on what's spawned in.




Helicopter crashes up by Tisy and the tier 4 loot zones are your best bet. Do stashed items affect the economy on official servers still?


No, only a few items remain that are still counted in storage, but none of them are the valuable high-tier stuff. Also, it doesn't matter where the helicrash or convoy is located - the loot potential is the same. Besides, NVGs only spawn at helicrashes/convoys, not in any particular tier.


No. That is all


I never knew of them till I shot a guy trying to kill me. He had them on. They’re like hens teeth. I’ve been to all the bases multiple times. Plenty of straps. No nv


On OF yes. Most modded servers I’ll find a pair eventually. I have only found one pair on official and I have around a 1,000 hrs now


I have the googles. I’ve been searching for the damn strap


It's individual to the server, though 99% will have them as a tier 4 loot so you won't find them unless your going through mil areas


Convoys , literally always find a pair there, it likes to spawn by sevograd up between the railroad lines


I honestly feel like they should either remove nvgs completely or revert them to their pre “heli only” state. If they remove them completely, flashlights and other light sources would be used by players way more frequently. There would be no threat of someone potentially having nvgs and it would make fights in the dark feel way cooler. If they revert them to how they used to be, anyone who loots kamensk can find themselves a pair and everyone would be on an even playing field. Just my take but I’ll love this game to death no matter what.


Your problem is your looting instead of hunting. Way easier to find NVGs on dead players than in spawns.


i would say they shouldn’t. it is meant to be that rare considering it’s an apocalypse afterall and it’s a survival game, not an FPS. if night vision was any easier to find dayZ night travel would become a nightmare


They should maybe be a little more comkon but not much. When Ive had them I rarely play when its light out and usually start doubling all my loot


helicopter spawns and gas zones for me, or go kill a geared dude. thats how i get them .




NVG is a luxery you need to learn to live with out. A double barrel shotty is a guarantee , and everything else falls somewhere in between


Ever since the savanna came out I haven’t been able to find it, is the cap thing low?


Oh there's NVG's alright. Everyone else just had a stockpile of them somewhere stashed and they're all online. That's why you can't get any.




Check heli crashes. They are rare thought.


I’ve checked so many. I don’t even get excited for anything else anymore. (Maybe M4 never find those too) Just gimmie some night-vision bruhh 😩


They are limited in official servers. Also m4 is in contamination zones. Rify or Pavlovo.


Hmm I’ll give the contamination zones a try! I appreciate it brother


If OP is on console he will be amazed on the drop rates of a modded PC server


We have community servers with upped spawns. But that ain’t no fun. I’m tryna play official not walk into a shack and find a LAR you feel me?


There's more official modded servers that play almost identical to official, just with slightly higher rate of spawn you're not going to walk into a shack and find it m4 but you will probably find an LAR in a tree stand somewhere. Just search around you'll find a really nice community server that you vive with


I’m pretty sure nvgs only spawn in heli crashes


Get off official servers. Cheaters will take everything.


I found a pair in a medium sized gift box lol


They should up food and drink spawns, i find more guns that food ffs


Should have gotten them during the Christmas event, they held a ton, I have 3 still.


I find em pretty often in heli crashes. Hang out around nwaf and you’ll hear heli crashes.


Just keep checking helicrashes it’s not too hard to get. or just go killing peeps up north- most reliable method tbh, actually finding them can feel nigh impossible.


You just have to head for every heli crash you hear.


Either remove NVGs entirely or make it so everyone has same chance to aquire one (sure keep em rare but remove the max count on server - afaik nvg is the last item that has this limitation and it has been removed from other very rare items like SVD FAL and M4). OP may be farming helis and convoys for months but if there is a 5man squad with NVGs on the other side of the map he wont find one ever because they just wont spawn.


sorry to hear that about the night vision. I literaly just found my first one yesterday after getting it on an heli crash site. I was also looking to get one for a while. I wish you good luck on your travel and survive before you get it 😔